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Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 07:19 AM)PainPositive Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 04:25 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 03:55 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?

I suppose it gives you the opportunity to be a tough guy in the real world, rather than just on the internet.

Well, you let others use you as a tool to kill. And of course you take all the risks.
Even if they don't get hit directly or poisened they will have a good chance to get mental problems.

But of course you get a nice uniform and lots of propaganda movies which glorify you.

I'd tell you to tread carefully with how you to express your opinions but this is the internet... No accountability here.

Cool threat for a guy that promotes a 'PUA' service in EE, why not address the points if you disagree so passionately?

Quote: (05-27-2015 09:14 AM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 09:07 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 08:10 AM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?
Is it more or less stupid than to marry?

The point of being a soldier is you belief in sacrifice. You believe it's not your body or your own life that matters most, but principals and ideals that can only exist if we take action to bring them into the world.

Thank God there are men in this country who subscribe to this.

So what are the principles and ideals behind the Iraq War?
Or the use of poisend ammunition?
film about the ammunition

Defending your homeland and people ist one thing, fighting all over the world in order to give a small group of people more power and more money is totally different. If you sacrifice yourself for this, this is a really sad story.

My response is about why someone would be a soldier. You aren't differentiating that concept from your own personal, political beliefs.

Sacrificing your body and life is something men have been doing since the beginning of time. For example, being a father is a sacrifice of the body and a man's ability to pursue his interests since he must now permanently be a provider. That is the greatest sacrifice. And all this rage about guys "stealing valor" is strange to me because in every clip the 'thieves' are being told "you didn't serve! you didn't earn that uniform!" but what's to earn? You sign up and they hand it to you. Developing your logic and thinking for yourself, then following through with your beliefs (based on the first two) are what makes men great.

There's a lot more going on in this photo than what appears. Instead of a picture showing a happy couple staring into each other's eyes and smiling while holding each other close, it's the complete opposite. The two look absolutely terrified to be getting married as if its some kind of punishment. What does their body language say? Neither is smiling or looking up, both are looking down and the girl is crying. Doesn't seem like a happy event to me. It looks like two innocent kids doing what they have been told is right, but in their gut something is wrong. Neither is able to articulate it, but the body doesn't lie.

The picture represents the psychological suffering of young people today. Neither male nor female knows how to think for themselves and neither is willing to put in the work to do so.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

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