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How to Stay Young

How to Stay Young

I think most of you guys already touched on the most important points, this is something that I've also started to become very concious about, and I'll recap what I think are the most crucial:

Healthy diet: (balanced, natural, organic, no junk food, processed food, fruits, vegies)

Sleep: (For me sleep is huge, I need at least 7 hours min, but like 10, not getting enough sleep will wear you down, stress you out... aging)

Exercise: (cardio and weights, you want to work your lungs/heart/muscles)

Personal care products: (Like with your diet, I feel it's better to use natural organic, soaps, shampoos, moisturizers are key to younger skin for guys who are late 20's +)

Stress free lifestyle

Limiting exposure to extreme sun/ wearing sun screen

Not smoking ciggerettes, drinking alcohol excessively, or using hard drugs

Advanced tips:

Get omega-3's (salmon, halibut)

Antioxidants (goji berry, acai berry, green tea)

Drink spring/mineral/filtered water, tap water is no good.

Strive to find spiritual, psychological, emotional balance and well-being

Live in an area with clean air and low pollution

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