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Is 40 the "magic" number?

Is 40 the "magic" number?

It all depends on the person and how you feel.
I am in my 40's, I am in the best shape of my life after years of lifting weights. Most guys I work with are in there 20's and 30's, they ALL have bellies and most are losing there hair. I laugh at most of them because they feel by a certain age they will have certain things (management job, house, wife and kids). Life does not always work out that way, so my advice is to enjoy each day. It seems common now to hear about men in there 30's having heart attacks and dying of cancer which is sad.

30 is a great age, you can deal with almost any girl you want of any age group. I will say the 30's went very quick for me but why get hung up on your age.

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