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Anyone earned 150K + / year?

Anyone earned 150K + / year?

Quote: (05-05-2015 07:58 AM)loki Wrote:  

I cleared 44k in March based on 149k in invoicing for sales an services , that's after all costs, wages and suppliers etc...but EBIT (earnings before interest and tax). It was a very profitable month based on low (ish) numbers because it was a lot of services which are high margin.

No matter how much i make in profit i still pay myself very little because I have taken the long play view and look forward to selling for 10M + (clear) and walking the fuck away to retire somewhere in SEA by the time i turn 45.

Big lump sums of cash are worth far FAR more then dribs and drabs!!! Always remember that because its critical.

No idea what the April numbers are yet, after all costs etc.. but we did $225,388 in invoicing for the month. 160k of which was sales done by your truly @20% margin. Services margins are much higher.

I expect to do 400k + for May and June in invoicing , each month that is because of End Of Financial Year (EOFY) sprees customers undertake at this time of year. This is invoicing numbers not EBIT.

its taken me a long time and lot of shit to get my show to where it is and no one will ever give it to you unless your some trust fund mofo. If you want it, you got to work for it, work harder and smarter than the next person because every one else out there wants the same and when you start to make real bank, they will try and take it off you if you are not careful.

That's how I am making bank and you can too if you're willing to make the effort, build a business and stick with it.

Also I have no degree, did not finish school and had a very rough life growing up, all of which I have used to help me sustain the pace, power through the bad times and make me even more fucking determined to succeed in life as well as prove all the haters wrong.

I really hope these words help to inspire you to break the shackles of oppression society forces on some of us, as long as you don't work for me haha [Image: whip.gif].

You can do just about anything in life if you set your mind to it, I am proof this is true and I am now reaping the rewards, driving a 200k car, wanting for nothing in life accept better quality pussy on tap and maybe a little more sleep would also be nice.

Note: I also had 3 months of this year (FY15) where i lost a combined 45k for various business reasons so don't think the road is paved with gold because there is good and bad to running your own show.

Hey man, congrats on your success - sounds amazing.

Can I ask you what kind of service you provide to your clients?

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