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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (05-01-2015 01:40 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2015 08:16 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Are we truly developing alpha or just coaxing it out? We are who we are from birth. Nature vs nurture.

With all those guys who claim that most men cannot become Alpha they are forgetting something or using different definitions of it. That does not mean that they most men are going to be sexual super-stars and will be able to attract the majority of hot girls.

It just means that they can become always the ones with a dominant Frame with female relations - either as stubborn Sigmas (the majority) or charismatic Alphas.

We are forgetting something: If it is natural for women to become submissive at least with her man, then it is natural for at least that man to become dominant. If it turns women on to be that way, then it is the NATURAL STATE FOR MEN TO BE ALPHA. His Alpha state may not reach beyond that one girl and he may have it only with her and his close family - unable to attract many more cute girl. But this will be his dominion and if you look at history this was often the case in the past.

That said - the plutocracy tried it's best to steer men away from that state and create the woman as the dominating force knowing full well that it would emasculate men as they tried to be "sensitive", "understanding", - even only provider. That is also a trap - only provider is not enough. Personally I don't find the 1950s as the ideal state, because even then you had already the seeds of hypergamous dissatisfaction sown through the media and the men were becoming more "boy-ish". The marriages were stable even in deep Beta-state due to strict laws and social constraints.

A more fitting example would be the US Wild West where practically all men had to be at least tough and stubborn:

[Image: heroes-page-166.jpg?w=1000]

[Image: heroes-page-71.jpg?w=1000]

TL;DR Alpha is our natural male state just as Beta-submission is the natural state for females. That Alpha state may be limited to this one woman and family, but at least there he should be the Alpha of his castle. That turns women on and makes both partners happy.

Zel, this is juicy material. Let's start a thread on it! Fortis or Zel, lead the way and repeat this material!



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