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Moving to China vs moving to USA

Moving to China vs moving to USA

Exciting position to be in, can't you do both ?

Go to the U.S for a couple of years, get the commecial experience over there and then make a move to China.
China is essentially a different world, and I think you could potentially go over there in your 30s/40s to conduct business and be at an advantage. You can also bank money from America, and use it to 'hustle' in China, or blow it on a high lifestyle if thats what you want.

I have traveled and lived in both countries, personally I would choose China but thats because I have just become fed up of American culture. As you mentioned the political correctness/liberalism, I generally can't stand, its almost puritanical and effects most spheres of life, even if you try to avoid it.

However there are many cool aspects to America, and you probably will be respected for gaining experience there. In the end of the day there is no right decision, so I just say go for it.


Oh actually edit that, if you are starting on the bottom of the period in America, I say fuck that. I thought you would be entering a professional job. With four months of being in China, you can move onto getting private clients and finding your own niche, go for that. Big cities in China, will be great for making contacts and having a good time. Holidays in Thailand and the rest of the SEA as well.

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