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Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-23-2015 12:34 AM)swadeshi Wrote:  

I am probably the man with most Spanish notches on this forum (you can challenge me to that of course) and that came after living for 7 years there (5 in Madrid, 2 in Barcelona) and putting lots of work on it. So obviously this thread got my attention, with its click-baitish title lol...Is Spain the poosy paradise of Western Europe? yes and no. For me it personally was, but that's only because I don't do well with anglo-saxon girls and, to my disappointment, French girls (i spent 3 months in France and only banged one French girl, I find them cold, boring, strange and mega unfriendly). For me though that's a fair trade off because to begin with I find Spanish girls to be one of the most atractive in the world and definitelly the best looking in Western Europe, I've always had asoft spot for their look. I guess I have specialised in Spanish girls and generally mediterranean ones so over 7 years I managed to collect quite a decent amount of notches but that didn't come easy...and that's why Spain isn't a poosy paradise at all. Spain isn't Latin America at all, it's Western Europe after all- high unemployment or not it's still one of the countries with highest standard of living in the world, and it's the most touristic country in the world, in other words you are not that special...yet if you persistent, live and work there for some time, and most importantly speak good Spanish (which I do) then you can find your niche and get lucky.
I think VolandoVengoVolandoVoy (though becuase of his pic I just wanna call him Manu Chao) is the other expert on Spain here because from his post I gather has also spent some years living and working there and speaks fluent Spanish so I agree with his posts.
So what helped me was: living in the 2 largest cities, the smaller the cities more conservative the girls will be (though generally Spanish girls are conservative), speaking fluent Spanish, not bothering with night clubs, I actually hit the Internet hard, and used some websites which were a gem back in the day but don't really exist anymore (I miss you tuenti, the defunct spanish facebook, and it wasn't a dating site)...That said, the only longer relationship I had (the one that I should have married I guess, but I was younger and I still wanted to enjoy life, but was definitely the best girl) I met her in a rock club, an Andalucian girl from Cordoba. 95% of the girls though were just short flings or ONS (and yes those do exist in Spain, as a matter of fact the times when they happened it was always initiated by the girls, you may find it blasphemic but I actually don't really like sex on first date or ONS that much, if a girl is cute I do wanna see her more times, however in general if they banged on first night then more often than not I ended up not seeing them again)...Spanish girls (like all girls) at the end of the day are looking for a relationship, the trick, however, is that they prefer to find boyfriends/husbands thru social circle and beta game..That's where Spanish guys get to shine and win because they are used to this long term low level playing-the-amigo-in-a-group-of-amigos-first plus they do have the cultural background, social circles, the pedigree (important for posh girls), the street slang and Spanish humor (sometimes very funny, sometimes not) that Spanish girls feel comfortable with.
Madrid is better than Barcelona. I get weird looks everywhere I go with this statement of mine, Barcelona for me is an overrated city. Catalan girls are a lot more like French, and therefore I enjoyed them less than the other Spanish girls, that said for year and a half I still managed to get a number of Catalan notches and even dated one for 3 months (though she was half Andalucian, maybe that helped lol), however in general Catalan people are closed and not very accepting of foreigners...Basques are even worse, I finally managed to get my Basque flag virtually in my last month in Spain (I had given up on the idea previously) and then funny enough I watched that 7 apellidos vascos movie with her haha (those who have lived in Spain in 2014 know what i'm talking about)..

I see I wasnt the only one who fell hard for the charms of a Cordobesa. I did 4 years ago who I met when I was in high school. When I think of her, I always smile. I suppose it's the same with you no?

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