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Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Well I think like some have said it's twofold - the economy now sucks and many are leaving to find jobs elsewhere. But also guys can only have blue balls so long before they need to bust a nut. A lot of girls here in the south are looking for boyfriends - something stable. They are not looking to go out and fuck some random dude. On vacation - whole diff story. That's why I have always done well with Spanish girls on holiday. I almost feel like I am meeting a whole different person than what I meet in Spain. Add to the fact that a lot of Spanish guys are players and like fucking around, and it's pretty normal for them to get the fuck outta dodge. I have friends in Spain who are married and still go off and travel and cheat on their wives. Meanwhile to the outside world they present the image of the Spanish family, with kids, etc...and it's great. The guys are still guys at the core, and this is not going to change. And if Spanish girls are not giving it up, well it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you simply need to travel to get your dick wet and solve your problem. Why do you also think Spanish guys put the full court press on foreign girls when they come to Spain? They view them as easy targets vs. the stuck up Spanish princesses.

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