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The Skyrim Appreciation Thread

The Skyrim Appreciation Thread

With summer coming on, for some reason I like to play video games more (I tend to read much more in the winter). Hand-in-hand with this, I also enjoy longer games in the summer months -- the sort of game that can take a couple months to wrap up.

Skryim fits the bill perfectly. It certainly isn't a game you can just play for a half hour, but it is one that you can play a couple hours a night and keep chugging for a couple months. Also, its a great game to blitz on lazy Saturday or Sunday mornings.

The game was initially released on 11/11/11 and lived up to all the hype. The open-ended world and game play was and is absolutely spectacular. Outside of GTA 5, I don't think there is a game that comes close to matching this sort of open-ended gameplay and world.

I've played through twice, once with a Stealth Archer:

[Image: 5811864_f496.jpg]

And once with a female Assassin (my favorite character, backstabbing with dual-wielded knives was boss as fuck):

[Image: Female-Human-Archer.jpg]

Anyways, some pictures for your viewing pleasure:

[Image: skyrim-lead.jpg]

[Image: skyrim-dragon-battle.jpg]

[Image: LL]

[Image: 326]

[Image: sky181.jpg]

Funny shit is afoot in Faerun:

Feel free to share any stories, pictures or video clips about the game! Since I'm going to fire up a new character, suggestions on a character type would be cool.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

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