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Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

You should come down to Cali for sure. I'll be there for two months, Many other guys from the forum will be there in May.

Here is a photo of Bogota for you, that I took a few months ago. Notice how grey and depressing the photo looks. That's Bogota. It's a lot of smog.


Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-23-2015 10:47 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Also whats the deal for best online resource in Colombia/Ecuador? Tinder? Colombiancupid?

I don't want to be one of these spoon fed dudes but I'm kind of on a time sensitive thing here.

Don't even waste your time with Colombiancupid. You'll fucking crush it with Tinder alone. Trust me.

Edited to add: If you've never been there, be prepared. I'm not sure where you live, or are now, but in Bogotá, you're going to be at altitude, in a heavily polluted city, with cold and extra-shitty rainy weather. Your first trip up a flight of stairs in Bogotá will come as quite a surprise. It takes a while to get used to.

The girls are second to none. The people, in general, are cool as hell, but be careful. No more careful that you would be in DC or Detroit or anything like that, but it's a huge fucking city, you know what that brings. Get your change from the cab driver BEFORE you step out of the cab....

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

@ Linux - Hahahaha. That is like the most depressing picture ever. A single guy walking head down outside an old building? come on...

Bogota is not that bad. In fact I will take some pics this week to even that out.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-24-2015 04:13 PM)Atlantic Wrote:  

@ Linux - Hahahaha. That is like the most depressing picture ever. A single guy walking head down outside an old building? come on...

Bogota is not that bad. In fact I will take some pics this week to even that out.

I thought the same thing and ended up living there for a few months, I still like going back for 2-5 days as the nightlife there is the best in the country and have some cool friends there, but after a few days in Bogota I get the itch to fuck off somewhere else. Atlantic, we'll see how much you love in it July or August......

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

More Bogota pics...

[Image: 2007800.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nlkx4nHN5F1tp7a9jo1_500.gif]

[Image: crying-child.jpg]

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

^^^Well, that escalated quickly!

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

I predict you'll have an awesome trip. Bogota is definitely a different beast, but in its own way I like it almost as much as Medellin. That said, Bogota takes some getting used to, so on a short trip I wouldn't make it my base. If you do, just make sure you're in a good neighborhood, since large swaths of the city are pretty bleak like that picture above. I lived in La Candelaria, right in front of the Universidad Autónoma De Colombia, and highly recommend the area. Cops on the corner keeping the peace, and more sexy college girls than you'll have time to hit on.

I spent some years bouncing between Bogota and Medellin, and had some pretty crazy ayahuasca experiences in the latter. Any questions let me know.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

This is going to be one hell of a trip.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-23-2015 10:10 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

The water you currently drink kills off your microbiome (fluoride).

A friend showed me a "water store" in town here that purifies the shit out of their product. I'm using it exclusively to see if there's a difference without fluoride and all those minerals.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-24-2015 05:37 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2015 10:10 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

The water you currently drink kills off your microbiome (fluoride).

A friend showed me a "water store" in town here that purifies the shit out of their product. I'm using it exclusively to see if there's a difference without fluoride and all those minerals.

Depending on the state of your microbiome you may not notice any change for a while.

In modern society we are polluting everything.

Even the deodorant we use is loaded with heavy metals.

The diet, the air, the antibacterial soaps, on and on we are attacking our microbiomes and it's a testament to miracle that is the human body (as well as these species living on and in us) that we don't have more problems than we do.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Deodorant other than baking soda is mostly all poison. Aluminum poisoning anyone?

Im also very interested to hear about this, and hope you can make it as verifiably scientific as possible.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Since we are talking about water and stomach health in Colombia:

Many areas outside of Bogota have water that is "drinkable". However, I just recently learned that many Colombians take yearly anti-parasite medicines... I was never told this WHILE I was in Colombia, because I guess Colombians just thought this was normal and who wouldn't know this?

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-24-2015 06:15 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Since we are talking about water and stomach health in Colombia:

Many areas outside of Bogota have water that is "drinkable". However, I just recently learned that many Colombians take yearly anti-parasite medicines... I was never told this WHILE I was in Colombia, because I guess Colombians just thought this was normal and who wouldn't know this?

I drink tap water in most Colombian cities (except the coasts) and have never had a problem, apparently the city of Manizales has some of the best water in the entire world.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

I also drink the tap water except on the coasts and haven't had a problem. I'll have to ask my Colombian friends about the anti-parasite medicines; I haven't heard anything about them being used here.

Quote: (03-24-2015 06:38 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Quote: (03-24-2015 06:15 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Since we are talking about water and stomach health in Colombia:

Many areas outside of Bogota have water that is "drinkable". However, I just recently learned that many Colombians take yearly anti-parasite medicines... I was never told this WHILE I was in Colombia, because I guess Colombians just thought this was normal and who wouldn't know this?

I drink tap water in most Colombian cities (except the coasts) and have never had a problem, apparently the city of Manizales has some of the best water in the entire world.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

I'm very interested in this connection between the gut flora and chronic fatigue. I suffer from extremely low energy. I've checked thyroid, and I already take testosterone. I still can barely stay awake during the day, and hardly have the energy to get up and do anything.

I've been especially bad the past few weeks, and sure enough I just finished a round of antibiotics. I knew when I took them I was going to be hurting my gut flora, but I had a severe cold with a sore throat that ached badly even with taking 4 ibuprofen at a time, so I wasn't willing to just wait for my body to beat the bacteria illness on its own. Now I need to rebuild. I'm interested in Fisto's experience of testing his fecal matter, and finding it deficient even after taking all the recommended steps to restore it. I'd be willing to bet mine is the same.

Besides the gut flora issue, I believe I have sleep apnea, and this is a primary cause of my lack of energy and sleepiness during the day. I have not wanted to use the continuous pressure mask they prescribe for apnea, but I am now ready to give it a try.

I was reflecting the other day on how some people are just bursting with energy, always pinging off the walls, and always bursting with motivation to get up and do something, like play basketball or remodel their basement. Why don't I have this kind of energy? I consider it a malfunction of my body that I don't.

Medical science simply doesn't know how to solve this yet, but it is starting to get a few clues into the matter. I look forward to reading Fisto's book on the subject.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Cool trip, keep us posted. I recommend you check out Medellin at some point if that's not on your mind already--great city.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-24-2015 03:27 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Fisto if you're looking to be in a healthy city then I'd recommend limiting your time in Bogota, its probably the best city for notches, especially for a guy with limited Spanish but the pollution in that city is a bit much, I was just there for five days and had to leave for the coffee zone because the traffic, pollution, cold and overcast rainy weather (everyday) was depressing me. Its worth it to spend a few days there, just like any capital city, but I would much rather be in a city with better weather and cleaner air, also the women of Bogota (Rolas) aren't as attractive as the Paisas of Medellin and the coffee zone (Manizales, Pereira, Armenia). Cali is a good bet too, see Linux's datasheet on the city, I'm sure you would have similar success with the women there as you too are very similar people. Either way you'll probably have to go back to Bogota anyway if you're flying to the Amazonas department.

What makes you think we are similar?

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Well, my uncle was just informed that he should expect to live several more years with chemo therapy.

In other words, I am no longer on a time sensitive mission.

Shit is falling into place! (that's a fecal matter transplant joke).

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-24-2015 07:42 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Well, my uncle was just informed that he should expect to live several more years with chemo therapy.

In other words, I am no longer on a time sensitive mission.

Shit is falling into place! (that's a fecal matter transplant joke).
You can still go and help cure my diverticuli and give some jungle love to the female recipients down there.

Go there it's calling you.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-24-2015 07:38 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-24-2015 03:27 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Fisto if you're looking to be in a healthy city then I'd recommend limiting your time in Bogota, its probably the best city for notches, especially for a guy with limited Spanish but the pollution in that city is a bit much, I was just there for five days and had to leave for the coffee zone because the traffic, pollution, cold and overcast rainy weather (everyday) was depressing me. Its worth it to spend a few days there, just like any capital city, but I would much rather be in a city with better weather and cleaner air, also the women of Bogota (Rolas) aren't as attractive as the Paisas of Medellin and the coffee zone (Manizales, Pereira, Armenia). Cali is a good bet too, see Linux's datasheet on the city, I'm sure you would have similar success with the women there as you too are very similar people. Either way you'll probably have to go back to Bogota anyway if you're flying to the Amazonas department.

What makes you think we are similar?

Met both of you, you have similar backgrounds from what I can tell, type of guys who attract attention in a place like Colombia, the guy fucking killed it down here and you will too, I used to think that Colombia wasn't a great place for non-Spanish speakers until Linux blew that theory out of the water.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Ah Roger that.

Well I did my first Pimsleur lesson today after dropping 400 bucks on the whole 1-5 set and I wish I had done this a lot sooner.

I could be well advanced if I did this at the beginning of the year. Oh well.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Quote: (03-24-2015 09:27 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Ah Roger that.

Well I did my first Pimsleur lesson today after dropping 400 bucks on the whole 1-5 set and I wish I had done this a lot sooner.

I could be well advanced if I did this at the beginning of the year. Oh well.

Did you look into Fluenz Spanish off amazon?

Fisto, Pimsleur can be found here for free:

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

The microbiome discussion is interesting to me as a guy that hasn't had any problems. I just finished a round of antibiotics when I got my tooth implant, no issues and had three ham and cheese omelets with bacon during the week. I have only had one bout of diarrhea from antibiotics and it was a damn strong one for a really bad sinus infection.

I'm a dedicated carnivore, usually only a couple of salads a week, few veggies, but grapes and other fruit. Vegan is native american for "lousy hunter".... Paleo would hint that we used to scrape the green off the meat and eat it, there were no refrigerators... I do that with cheese if I don't eat the block fast enough.

This article is very interesting:

"The types of bacteria in your gut today may be different tomorrow, depending on what kinds of food you eat, a new study suggests.

In the study, participants who switched from their normal diet to eating only animal products, including meat, cheese and eggs, saw their gut bacteria change rapidly — within one day.

While the participants were on the animal-based diet, there was an increase within their guts in the types of bacteria that can tolerate bile (a fluid produced by the liver that helps break down fat), and a decrease in bacteria called Firmicutes, which break down plant carbohydrates.

The differences between the gut bacteria of the people on the plant-only and animal-only diets "mirrored the differences between herbivorous and carnivorous mammals," the researchers wrote in the study published today (Dec. 11) in the journal Nature.

Researchers knew that a person's diet affects his or her gut bacteria, but it wasn't clear just how quickly this happens.

The researchers said they were surprised by their results. "We weren’t at all sure it was going to happen this quickly in humans," said study researcher Lawrence David, an assistant professor at Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy.

The findings suggest "the choices that people make on relatively short time scales … could be affecting the massive bacterial communities that live inside of us," David said.

The study also adds evidence to the idea that human diets — acting through the gut bacteria — influence the risk of certain diseases. People on the animal-based diet had higher levels of a bacterium called Bilophila wadsworthia, which grows in response to bile acids and has been linked with inflammatory bowel disease in mice, according to the study."

GrThe differences between the gut bacteria of the people on the plant-only and animal-only diets "mirrored the differences between herbivorous and carnivorous mammals," the researchers wrote in the study published today (Dec. 11) in the journal Nature.

Researchers knew that a person's diet affects his or her gut bacteria, but it wasn't clear just how quickly this happens.

The researchers said they were surprised by their results. "We weren’t at all sure it was going to happen this quickly in humans," said study researcher Lawrence David, an assistant professor at Duke University's Institute for Genome Sciences and Policy.

The findings suggest "the choices that people make on relatively short time scales … could be affecting the massive bacterial communities that live inside of us," David said.

The study also adds evidence to the idea that human diets — acting through the gut bacteria — influence the risk of certain diseases. People on the animal-based diet had higher levels of a bacterium called Bilophila wadsworthia, which grows in response to bile acids and has been linked with inflammatory bowel disease in mice, according to the study.

Because the study was small, the researchers are cautious about generalizing their results to the population as a whole. But "the changes we saw appeared to be uniform across these subjects, suggesting that if we were to recruit more people, we would see similar results," David said.

The study was a collaboration between researchers at Duke, Harvard University, Boston Children’s Hospital and the University of California, San Francisco.

I'm not too concerned with mice having issues when eating meat since they are grain eaters and may not have the stock to "turn on" to deal with the change.

I do get my cholesterol checked often and eat mostly chicken or lean ham with occasional steak and snack on almonds. I do take fish oil daily and drop logs on schedule every morning.

It might be worth a shot to meat binge and then switch off to see what happens, what you are doing now doesn't seem to be working and they did report a bloom in a couple of days. YMMV

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

Buster, you don't seem to get it.

When you've had a certain number of antibiotics, strains of bacteria become completely WIPED OUT. There's no "meat binging" to clear things up. If it were that simple this wouldn't be an issue.

Fisto Invades South America (Starting in Bogata)

You are right, I don't get it, I can see how you could loose a colony through antibiotic usage, but I can't wrap my head around the inability to re-establish. I read a lot about the shaman knowledge, not only of the mind, but the stomach as well. Your answer may be in the jungle. I do really hope you can find the cure.

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