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Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

I wanted to share this little story, because it had such juicy bits demonstrating clearly our major Game concepts like Alpha Fucks Beta Bucks, Alpha widow, skittles guy & hypergamy written in such a hamster-poetic version that it is amazing to read.

I copied the text in full wtih the only pic there (probably not her) so you don't have to visit the site - my comments are extra.


I CHEATED: The Year I Cheated on My Husband With My Ex (My Brutally Honest Story)
All I know is, from the moment that text hit my phone, I’ve made the worst decisions that led to some of the best moments of my life.

[Image: MTI3MDI5NzE5ODU3MTQyMjM4.jpg]
[She hopefully does not look like that or the Alpha she describes in her story is someone for whom she is number 18 in his 20-member-soft-harem.]


“Congratulations on your engagement,” the text flashed across my phone.

It was the first I had heard from him in years, besides the countless scenarios in my head where he’d speak to me and beg me to come back. I wish it was an exaggeration to tell you that I thought about him every day. I wish it weren't true that the moment my fiancé, *Paul, slipped that diamond on my finger, I immediately started mourning the loss of the only true love I’d known: *Bryce.


“Who’s that, babe?” Paul asked as he cut into his steak.

We were out to dinner to celebrate something. It may have even been to acknowledge the fact that in less than a year, we’d be bound together by marriage. We would take an oath in front my father, a pastor, and before God to never abandon one another or forsake our vows until death would part us forever.

I looked across the table at the face I promised to love for the rest of my days and immediately regretted giving up on our no-phone policy at dinner.


“It’s just an old friend who must have heard about our engagement and wants to wish us well,” I managed to muffle through a voice so shaken with shock, I could barely make out the words.

Why was Bryce contacting me? Why now? Was he seriously happy for the life I had chosen with Paul that would forever keep me out of his?

As confused about the motive as I was, inside I was beaming. As long as there was contact being made, I didn’t care about anything but the fact that if he was making the effort, I was in his thoughts at least some of the time.

This is where everything started to spiral. Up or down? I’m still not sure. All I know is, from the moment that text hit my phone, I made the worst decisions that led to some of the best moments of my life.

I met Paul at my friend Melissa’s wedding. He was conveniently assigned to the chair next to mine. I found out later that “we” were planned all along. Conversation flowed, and so did the wine. Before we knew it, we were involved in a kind of sliding that could easily be considered electric.

A year and a half passed. He was everything my parents wanted for me with his clean-cut looks and dedicated nature. Paul’s the exact opposite of everything I am, which is the exact reason I married him. He gave my life the security I was in desperate need of.

The day we got married, there were 40-mile-an-hour winds, a monsoon rainstorm, and all I could think about was Bryce. It was the 13th of March and all the unlucky omens associated with that number seemed to conspire against me making me second-guess my disbelief in superstitions. Paul looked so handsome and happy despite the one-hour drive in the downpour he traveled in to get to me. I was the love of his life and it showed.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered through the air as I walked down the aisle toward him and married the greatest man I’d never love.

Six months later, I became the liar and cheater and everything in between that I loathed in a person. It became hard to look in the mirror. All the lies consumed me. I cringed at the globs of hair I’d comb out of my scalp every day in the shower.

“Stress can do a lot to you,” my primary care physician noted as she prescribed my first anti-anxiety pills.

The first time I cheated was in early September. I was at my friend’s Stephanie’s wedding that happened to be at the same place Paul and I said our I do’s less than a year prior. She even had her guests reserve rooms at the same hotel we chose, which placed me within a couple short miles of Bryce.

“I’m in your neck of the woods,” I sent in a text. “Come meet me.”

I even told Paul that an ex-coworker was coming to see me and he would be here soon. He left like he knew. It was like my infidelity was hiding in plain site. Neither of us wanted to confront the elephant in the room.

“Wow, you guys must have some kind of trust,” a new friend acquired by alcohol and dancing said through inebriated words. “I’d never allow that.”

[Hubby loves without any expectation of reward and in total faith and unlimited love. He sounds like a perfectly indoctrinated White Knight where women are always special princesses and can do no wrong - ever.]

Not even 20 minutes had passed when Bryce drove up.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked.

I lifted my dress in acceptance and consummated the long-lost love I had thought was gone forever, while my husband traveled up to our hotel room alone.

[The Alpha received enthusiastic consent and would have passed the YESMEANSYES test with flying colors - proves again that most of those laws will just fuck up Beta & Mangina experiences.]

Bryce left almost as soon as he came and I fell asleep in the hallway sick with too much wine or too much truth, I wasn’t sure. I told Paul the next morning when he found me on the floor outside our door that I couldn’t find my key and I didn’t want to wake him. I hated myself. But I kept going.

It became an obsession to see Bryce. We had “our motel” where we’d meet halfway in between our homes. I would dress in the best lingerie and make myself up like I’d never done for my husband. Bryce made me feel so beautiful and so ugly all at the same time. I was addicted and in love. Blinded by lust, it seemed clear what I had to do.

One night after work, I walked in to mine and Paul’s brand-new three-bedroom townhouse in suburban Pennsylvania and mumbled the words that fell out of my mouth and broke his heart.

“I don’t love you. I want a divorce. Sorry.”

[Image: hamster2.gif][Image: ohshit.gif]

The look on his face when I closed the door on our marriage and our home for the last time will stay with me forever. He thought I was coming back. I knew I wasn’t.

[Oh for fuck's sake man! Grow some balls - she fucked another, said she does not love you and you are still leaving the door open to her!]

For the first time in my life, I was alone and supporting myself. I leased an apartment in Philly and bought a second pillow for Bryce. He never even showed up.

[I severely doubt that as hubby likely paid her or she "supperted herself" from the divorce settlement. At least he was lucky to have no children and could keep the house.]

“Why did you do this to me? I gave up everything,” I texted.

“Because you have a good pussy?” he replied.

[Image: ohshit.gif][Image: ohshit.gif][Image: laugh2.gif]

[This is the end goal of feminism. She craved the Alpha, was consumed by sheer desire for the Alpha, fucked the Alpha, divorced for the Alpha, but all he cared for was her "good" pussy. This is what feminism is in a nutshell.]

For the next two days, I sobbed alone on my bathroom floor. Every teardrop represented a lie my body needed to purge in order to move on from the monster I had become.

Then, just like that, it was over. I woke up, looked in the mirror and applied cover up to the puffy, red lumps that occupied my eye sockets, and promised myself to never be so dumb again. I called my landlord and told her I wouldn’t be renewing my lease, sold everything I owned and moved to New York City, my first love that wasn’t Bryce, with nothing but four bags of belongings to my name. To many, I had nothing. To me, I finally had it all.

[No - you still have nothing except your delusions.]

Bryce contacted me one more time after my move. I looked down at my phone at his cowardly attempt to hook me yet again, and ignored him. He was back, but he didn’t get to get me back.

[At least she learnt not to fall for that Alpha again. Another Player Alpha maybe, but not that one.]

Paul has since moved on. It’s quite evident by the pictures I see plastered in my Facebook newsfeed. Him and his girlfriend in her slinky black dress are happily posed beside the front door of our first home. I’ve seen every bouquet of flowers he’s surprised her with since I’ve moved on and she moved in. I remember when he used to do that for me. I wonder if he writes the same messages on sticky notes telling her to have a good day and that no matter what would happen, she will always have his love.

[What a surprise - even the Beta Paul - the good-looking, stable, intelligent man with a good job - he did better than you. As the years go by the market value of Paul rises ever higher, while yours is already past it's prime - another 'sphere golden rule revealed.]

The night before I moved to New York, Paul took me out to dinner and cried. That was over a year ago and the last time I saw his face. I wish I could say I’m sorry for breaking his heart. I wish I could tell him I’m sure I’ll never find anyone that will treat me as well as he did because history proves I’ve never loved the nice ones.

[That should have been a warning to Paul, but Blue Pill is a powerful poison. If a woman has a strong taste for Bad Boy meat, then she will always be lusting after Bad Boy meat - she is like the mythical man-eating tiger who has tasted human meat once.]

But what history also tries to prove is that I’m more likely to cheat in the future because of my past. But in my case, all of the betrayals that gave life to the monster inside me are dead and gone. I’ll never do it again.

[Maybe you are right - you are probably already well past 29 and approaching the Wall - highly attractive Alpha won't come knocking that often.]

* indicates a name change because…duh

The Red Pill and Game gives a greater understanding about women than all conventional psychology ever did.

Sigmund Freud would have learnt more about women learning from Rollo Tomassi's blog than by his accumulated life's works:

[Image: attachment.jpg24162]   

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

It's quite mundane, honestly, to hear that after you've been here long enough.

But fuck it's a bitter pill to swallow when you're introduced to the red pill for the first time.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 06:59 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

It's quite mundane, honestly, to hear that after you've been here long enough.

But fuck it's a bitter pill to swallow when you're introduced to the red pill for the first time.

That kind of story happened all the time, but this kind of public hypergamy and open AlphaFucksBetaBucks admission - the utter frank publication of female psychology and mating patterns make this story so outrageous.

They put it even on a feminist site sort of as a "I learnt it the hard way" story after which the bitch has supposedly done something wrong and vows to never do it again.

This utter complete and total openness is what makes the story especially brutal for the Beta man

- thinking about her Bad Boy Alpha as fiance proposed to her
- leaving husband out of love for her Alpha who just saw her as a nice piece of ass and nothing more

You have to realize that many many bloggers, media outlets and even the bloody feminists deny that women do anything of that - they just "get it out of their system" and then they happily settle for a "good man". That is their plan that White Knights have to swallow and men are being sold.

But now they get stories like those here, which shatter those preconceived notions.

It is nothing new, but the drastic graphic brutality of it is still amazing to me.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

I always love stories like this. I get a sick twisted (vindication?) pleasure out of seeing these women destroy these men who refuse to wake up to the reality of the world. This bloke will still be posturing on his Facebook and/or twitter feeds about how incredible his new girlfriend is. I'll put money that his new one's cheating on him too.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Mind-blown. That headline picture of the chick in the wedding dress? That's her.

It takes some special brand of narcissism to a) post an article about how you remorselessly cheated on your husband under your real name b) post your own wedding photos along with it.

[Image: 6hOVGAI.png]

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 09:31 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

They put it even on a feminist site sort of as a "I learnt it the hard way" story after which the bitch has supposedly done something wrong and vows to never do it again.

Easy trolling would be to ask the author, "Now that you've learned how horrible your actions were, what recompense will you pay Paul?"

And to the women in the comments section who provide emotional support to the author: "Now that you've vocalized how horrible the author's actions were, what recompense will you pay to the 'Paul' in your life, presuming such a man exists?"

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

LOL, thanks for posting this. It gave me a good chuckle to read this to start off a Sunday.

The whole nature of women -- their sexual rapacity, amorality, their hunger to abandon the masculine (and utterly meaningless to them) ideals of honor and loyalty in one instant if that is what their instinct dictates, their ability to lie as they breathe -- it's all there in that choice little narrative for those with eyes to see and ears to hear... which is apparently almost no one, LOL!!

And yes, interestingly enough, all these by now hoary manosphere concepts and ideas -- alpha fucks beta bucks, alpha widows, hypergamy, the whole lot -- guess what: they are all utterly, completely true. They are as true as anything could possibly be.

And I, for one, do not find this depressing or demoralizing. I like it; I like to see the world as it is, I love and savor reality, in all its comedy and interest and profundity. This little taste of red pill of a Sunday morning pleases me, it is as flavorful and as edifying as ever. The world is good if you accept, relish and love the truth; it's good to see things as they are. It's good to see.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 09:46 AM)dog Wrote:  

Mind-blown. That headline picture of the chick in the wedding dress? That's her.

It takes some special brand of narcissism to a) post an article about how you remorselessly cheated on your husband under your real name b) post your own wedding photos along with it.

Fuck - that's really her - why did she change the names of the guys if she puts everything online? I did not check out her name and pics because I never thought that girls could be that far removed from reality as to write such a story with her real name or real pics and pen-name.

Her best days are clearly behind her and she has a lot of pics with alcohol online - her main solace I guess:

[Image: BQ9gV0VCYAAqEe1.jpg:large]

Is that Paul as she says that it's her ex?

[Image: BG9NmINCAAI62x9.jpg:large]

The phase of lusting after the bad Boy is not over:
[Image: BLxCCI_CYAA22Ip.jpg:large]


What would you like for b'fast? #pancakes? #eggs? What's that? Me?? Oh, Jon, you're always so silly. ? @JonsHamm

To be honest that kind of open admission of hypergamy is truly amazing. And that Paul guy is fine with it. The current generation is truly nuts.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Zel, please tweet a link of this discussion to her.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 10:32 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Zel, please tweet a link of this discussion to her.

Nah - I am against animal cruelty. For her it's sad - she is mostly clueless and not some raging harpy like those tumblr-feminists who attack any sane men and try to ruin them. It's possible that she will find out anyway if she googles herself - I wish her no ill - she is a product of our deluded times. She only hurts those guys who make the mistake of being in a LTR with her.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 10:39 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2015 10:32 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Zel, please tweet a link of this discussion to her.

Nah - I am against animal cruelty. For her it's sad - she is mostly clueless and not some raging harpy like those tumblr-feminists who attack any sane men and try to ruin them. It's possible that she will find out anyway if she googles herself - I wish her no ill - she is a product of our deluded times. She only hurts those guys who make the mistake of being in a LTR with her.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

The Last Psychiatrist had a wonderful quote in a paragraph: "Narcissists love to talk about their beliefs but hate talking about their actions. This is because one's beliefs are all about them, while their actions are all about everyone else."

That quote explains why her article only expresses "What kind of person she is, and what she's learned from the escapade" and eliminates considerations of "What I should do to re-pay Paul" or "What I should suffer in my future, as a result of my bad actions".

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth


I havent stopped laughing in the past 5 minutes. This article is pure gold

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

I kind of want to tweet her, "So, I've heard you have a good pussy!"

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Every guy in this story failed. Why? She’s unattractive and obnoxious. Real men worth their salt won’t be competing for women like this. Her photos scream “I’m an attention whore who needs validation”. Reminds me of the girl in this thread:

If Paul was indeed successful and making money, there is absolutely no reason he should be involved with a woman like this. If Bryce were truly alpha, he wouldn’t give women like this the time of day.

It sounds like the blue pill got the best of Paul. He was set up by friends, he felt it was time to get married, so he married a dumpy, obnoxious, narcissistic whore.

Men need to know they should never just accept what comes their way. By this I mean, step outside your comfort zone, your social circle. Don’t fall into the “she’s age appropriate” or some other feminist propagated nonsense.

As I’ve mentioned, I’ve been set up with or encountered many women like this. They think they’re hot shit because of any number of ridiculous reasons. It could be their family has money. It could be because they believe men like ‘confident’ women. It could be because they think their job is so important.

But in reality, they’re not ‘hot shit’. Why? Because they are physically unattractive and are ageing rapidly (she looks like she’s in her 40s in that beer photo). Because their attitude sucks. And no man who has held up their end of the bargain (stayed in shape, kept their finances in order, etc.) should EVER even consider a woman like this.

It sucks Paul had to learn the hard way, but perhaps he learned his lesson with the girl in the ‘slinky black dress’, so long as it is attached to a younger, slim body that knows how to be pleasant.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

By posting this with her real name and photos, her ex and all their mutual acquaintances get to find out how she did her ex wrong. The guy will be a laughing stock. Disgraceful.

If civilization had been left in female hands we would still be living in grass huts. - Camille Paglia

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Even knowing all I do at this point, it's still difficult for me to wrap my head around the fact that women are capable of this kind of behavior. I don't just refer to cheating on her husband, but the utterly incomprehensible level of shamelessness required to publish an account like this accompanied by her real name and pictures. It speaks to a complete lack of moral agency: this woman literally doesn't even realize what she's done. She doesn't realize that she, and she alone, completely nuked her life and bears full responsibility for everything that transpired. In her mind it's obvious that the situation "just happened", because she "wasn't attracted" to Paul and was "still in love" with Bryce. In her mind, she never made any choices - everything just played out while she went along for the ride.

This really is the perfect example of unrestrained female sexuality, and tells you everything you need to know about why historically female sexuality has been strictly kept in check by patriarchy. It's a complete disaster when you allow women to follow their tingles. Why? Because like this woman, they simply do not view themselves as moral agents, as actually deciding to do these things - they are able to hamster away their choices as "just happening" and thereby absolve themselves of responsibility. Unrestrained female sexuality quickly runs roughshod over society. Alpha widowhood destroys the ability for women to pair bond, which in turns destroys marriages. Destroyed marriages destroy families, which results in broken homes that produce broken children. Broken children grow up to be broken adults, who then produce more broken families, and very quickly society itself becomes broken. It's the most obvious thing in the world to see, which is why our ancestors from every culture and corner of the earth perfectly understood the necessity of keeping female sexuality in check.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Will a real good fucking keep a woman from straying? I know we talk a lot about techniques, shit tests and being alpha. But maybe Paul sucked balls between the sheets and Bryce was fucking her through the mattress. Get viagra and literally fuck the shit out of your wife.

Don't debate me.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 12:48 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Will a real good fucking keep a woman from straying? I know we talk a lot about techniques, shit tests and being alpha. But maybe Paul sucked balls between the sheets and Bryce was fucking her through the mattress. Get viagra and literally fuck the shit out of your wife.

Theoretically a big dose of oxytocin would help, but modern women have so many partners that I think they develop a tolerance. In any case it doesn't matter, the incentives are set up so that women benefit monetarily in broken marriages and socially among their friends. These incentives are reinforced with media propaganda on a daily basis. I don't think oxytocin can override the social momentum.

There is no mainstream cultural pushback against unrestrained female sexuality. Women are governed primarily by what they view as social consequences of their actions, not moral or idealistic ones. Do you really think that fucking the shit out of her will stop her from getting curious about the next alpha cock that enters her vision when there are no consequences for doing so?

I'll defer to Zelcorpion's Nietzsche quote: Women don't know what they want, they just know they want more of it.

I'm not religious at all, but I think they only way to restrain female sexuality may be through religious or quasi-religious indoctrination. Most men are capable of acting morally through entirely rational reasons. Since women's capacity for rational thought isn't as developed as men and they rarely think beyond the present moment, they are only capable of acting morally by giving them mysticism backed up by strong social consequences.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

^^Or a chastity belt.

Don't debate me.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 12:48 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Will a real good fucking keep a woman from straying? I know we talk a lot about techniques, shit tests and being alpha. But maybe Paul sucked balls between the sheets and Bryce was fucking her through the mattress. Get viagra and literally fuck the shit out of your wife.

No, it won't. I've posted about this before: the fallacy that porn star sex inspires loyalty in women and that it's therefore desirable to always rock a woman's world in bed.

The reality is that this chick was not in love with Bryce because he was a sex god, she was in love with him because he was the kind of guy who would fuck a married woman, leave immediately after busting his nut then justify his behavior by simply saying the chick had a good pussy. In other words, he is Dark Triad as fuck. His behavior is what makes him attractive, unforgettable and irresistible to her, not what he does with his penis when he's with her.

This is difficult and counter-intuitive for us to understand as men, because we are so focused on the act of sex itself. So when we read about this woman's obsession with Bryce, we are immediately attempted to project our own bias to make sense of her obsession. That is to say, we assume that she must be obsessed with the sex itself, so Bryce must have a 9 inch dick and fuck her tirelessly to multiple orgasms each time they're together. But this is wrong. She's isn't obsessed with having sex with Bryce, she's obsessed with Bryce the man. She's obsessed with the way he acts: his casual indifference, his dark triad traits, his untamed nature, etc...

It is the way you behave outside of bed that will drive women crazy and inspire loyalty, not what you do in bed. A woman would rather get fucked in a gas station bathroom for 30 seconds by a dark triad alpha like Bryce than engage in an hour-long fuckfest in a penthouse suite with a beta husband type like Paul. The former would be thrilling for her, the latter would feel like a chore. Why? Because female sexual arousal is primarily mental and emotional rather than physical. The woman is not primarily aroused by sex itself, but by the desirability of the man she is having sex with. If she perceives the man as alpha, she will tend to be satisfied by the sexual experience regardless of how physically stimulating it actually is to her (i.e. whether or not she has an orgasm or how long the sex lasts). The primary erotic attraction of sex for women is the mental and emotional satisfaction of having sex with an alpha male. That's it. The sex itself is secondary, the alpha male presence is the primary factor.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

The only thing I'm interested in about these stories is the AF.

I wish we could get more details about him. What kind of man he is. What sort of game he ran. Is he the stereotypical alpha? Or is the woman hamster an average guy with some game. We could learn a lot from these sort natural AF guys.


Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 12:48 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Will a real good fucking keep a woman from straying? I know we talk a lot about techniques, shit tests and being alpha. But maybe Paul sucked balls between the sheets and Bryce was fucking her through the mattress. Get viagra and literally fuck the shit out of your wife.

It helps, but I doubt it does. Of course Paul was a complete Beta and her tingles were not satisfied. Also what appeared as "Alpha" to her may not be what most women or we here would call Alpha - but it was Alpha to her and that was enough. Also judging by the phrases the guy used she was just a side-dish to him and he never had any LTR intentions with her. It was all in her mind.

I talked with girls about some of the hottest sex they had and about the most intense love interests they had. The two sometimes did not align - a guy made her come 10 times orally, but she still dumped him for a masculine Bad Boy who fucked her without any regard to her orgasm. In fact I sometimes heard from girls who claimed that this Bad Boy was not an exciting Alpha, because the sex was not good. I just laughed at her claims as clearly she came back for more despite the sex not being "good". The sex made her feel like a submissive woman - female porn is in the head mostly.

Of course it is helpful if you fuck her like it is the last time on earth and leave her in a quivering heap, but without the more Alpha imprint you are still a Beta to her who doesn't make her tingle.

This example here also has nothing mentioned about sex really - it's all in her head experiencing one man as emotionally superior to the next one - obviously one who treated her like shit vs. the one who loved and cherished her. The sad part here is that if her ex-husband Paul started learning Game 2 years before meeting her, became more dominant with women, would be more Alpha - it's a chance she would not have divorced him. On the other hand - who knows - Alpha widows are delusional - if she had been a virgin with Paul we would not be having the discussion here.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Quote: (01-18-2015 01:15 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2015 12:48 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Will a real good fucking keep a woman from straying? I know we talk a lot about techniques, shit tests and being alpha. But maybe Paul sucked balls between the sheets and Bryce was fucking her through the mattress. Get viagra and literally fuck the shit out of your wife.

No, it won't. I've posted about this before: the fallacy that porn star sex inspires loyalty in women and that it's therefore desirable to always rock a woman's world in bed.

The reality is that this chick was not in love with Bryce because he was a sex god, she was in love with him because he was the kind of guy who would fuck a married woman, leave immediately after busting his nut then justify his behavior by simply saying the chick had a good pussy. In other words, he is Dark Triad as fuck. His behavior is what makes him attractive, unforgettable and irresistible to her, not what he does with his penis when he's with her.

This is difficult and counter-intuitive for us to understand as men, because we are so focused on the act of sex itself. So when we read about this woman's obsession with Bryce, we are immediately attempted to project our own bias to make sense of her obsession. That is to say, we assume that she must be obsessed with the sex itself, so Bryce must have a 9 inch dick and fuck her tirelessly to multiple orgasms each time they're together. But this is wrong. She's isn't obsessed with having sex with Bryce, she's obsessed with Bryce the man. She's obsessed with the way he acts: his casual indifference, his dark triad traits, his untamed nature, etc...

It is the way you behave outside of bed that will drive women crazy and inspire loyalty, not what you do in bed. A woman would rather get fucked in a gas station bathroom for 30 seconds by a dark triad alpha like Bryce than engage in an hour-long fuckfest in a penthouse suite with a beta husband type like Paul. The former would be thrilling for her, the latter would feel like a chore. Why? Because female sexual arousal is primarily mental and emotional rather than physical. The woman is not primarily aroused by sex itself, but by the desirability of the man she is having sex with. If she perceives the man as alpha, she will tend to be satisfied by the sexual experience regardless of how physically stimulating it actually is to her (i.e. whether or not she has an orgasm or how long the sex lasts). The primary erotic attraction of sex for women is the mental and emotional satisfaction of having sex with an alpha male. That's it. The sex itself is secondary, the alpha male presence is the primary factor.

[Image: 563.gif]
Awesome post.

There's so much casual wisdom here on RVF that its easy to take for granted.
That post is required reading for every living male.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

^^You are right. I remember reading the White Masai, the story of an European woman leaving the comforts of civilisation to go stay in the forest with a Kenyan tribesmen. Dude didnt not what foreplay was and thought kissing was disgusting. He just bent her over and thrust. She still 'loved him deeply'.

Don't debate me.

Feminist story proves major Game concepts to be nothing but the full truth

Scorpion dropping serious knowledge up there. Excellent stuff.

"As wolves among sheep we have wandered"

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