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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 08:36 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Tinder is still supplying pussy for me, however, I've noticed the quality is a bit less than usual, ALOT more girls are putting the standard OKC line of "not here for hook ups" blah blah blah.

Of course I've still banged some of them.

I'm trying to better my game on under 21 specifically 18/19 year olds.

Lotta talent is leaving my area headed back to college unfortunately.

That'd be funny if you also put on yours: "Not on on here for hookups"

Tinder App

Quite a few of my matches are with "people" who try to direct you to tingirls(dot)com asking $125 hr for the gfe and other stupid shit like that. My question to you gentlemen is how are these people actually making money? Are there guys who are actually swiping through tinder who get a scam message from a fake profile like that and actually click through to pay for webcam sessions or what? It's very hard to believe that works, but there sure seem to be plenty of people trying it.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 11:17 PM)thirty-six Wrote:  

Quite a few of my matches are with "people" who try to direct you to tingirls(dot)com asking $125 hr for the gfe and other stupid shit like that. My question to you gentlemen is how are these people actually making money? Are there guys who are actually swiping through tinder who get a scam message from a fake profile like that and actually click through to pay for webcam sessions or what? It's very hard to believe that works, but there sure seem to be plenty of people trying it.

I'm sure most guys aren't that stupid and ignore it.

I wouldn't put it past some stupid people to follow the link and pay for it.

At least they click the link which generates revenue.

Tinder App

It's just like the viagra pill spam or "anastasia looking for handsome man to suck big balls" spam. The vast majority of men will ignore but i'm sure there's always the <1% who will for whatever reason (in addition to being functionally retarded) visit the link and send money.

They do it because it works. Plus America is as thirsty and dry as the saharah desert when it comes to female attention. I imagine it doesn't take much to hook guys on a romance/dating/escort scam.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:48 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:40 PM)Mister X Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:17 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Oops, I didn't mean it that harshly. I just mean that if a strategy only results in a few bangs a year I would recommend considering changing that strategy. Maybe I should just shut up before I did myself deeper but I think that unless a strategy is producing 5-10 high quality bangs a month it is not optimized. It's true that everyone's situation is different. When I am 90 I will probably be praying for 1 good bang a year hahaha. That said every strategy should be considered in terms of return on investment and opportunity cost not just on bangs/month.

High quality bangs? Tinder? 5-10 high quality bangs a month?

Is anyone here doing that?

Seems most of the guys finding success on tinder have sacrificed quality in favor of quantity.

I don't want to be one of those guys who says looks are everything but if guys out there are getting 5-10 high quality bangs a month on tinder they should look into becoming a male model.

Then again I guess it depends on the person's subjective view on what constitutes quality.

But taking a gander at the just had sex thread, the overwhelming majority of "tinder bang" stories can largely be summed up in one word. "Meh."

It's true there's rarely any adventure in tinder bangs, but there's also rarely any adventure in any online game in my experience. It is very rinse and repeat. I have just been doing tinder because I wanted to figure out how to beat the game.

I personally think that the reason guys are not getting much out of tinder on this thread is that they have bought into the tinder=looks mindset. I had to pull myself through a couple of creative hoops to get past that.

I won't argue that point (bolded) but I would say the substantial majority of guys getting "5-10 quality bangs per month" are doing so due to superior genetics/looks rather than superior game. The mediocre looking men with game doing this are probably 1%, or more likely, a fraction of 1% of the male tinder users. This isn't because game doesn't work, but because it works a fuck of a lot better live than over text.

And it isn't just a text factor. On sites like OKC, your "words" can go a longer way because the site caters more to text and messages. There is a full site as opposed to only a mobile app. Tinder really caters to photos and to truncated interactions.

Tinder App

I feel like I've gone backwards in my Tinder text game. They just keep dropping off lately but for no reason that I can tell.
Conversations seem to be going well and when I'm getting to the point of going for the number they just stop replying. It's weird.

I'm keeping things light and fun but they keep dropping off. I was having better conversions with boring convo's like what you did for the weekend.

Tinder App

Past 7 girls I've met off Tinder at their place always stated without a single doubt in their face; "Never done this before". oh my oh my.

Unfortunately this has eroded my game for Tinder because in my head I know they're on it for dick and will have sex so when they throw some bullshit my way I tend to just troll them and ask all sorts of questions out of the blue. It kills my vibe and the conversation.

It doesn't help that 3 of my last dates who I was turned off from had a history of being beat by their partners. I opted to watch Iron Man and Thor instead for a girl this past saturday. [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Tinder App

How many of your bangs do you guys estimate is coming from Tinder?

25%? 40%? 60%? Less/More?

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 07:44 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

How many of your bangs do you guys estimate is coming from Tinder?

25%? 40%? 60%? Less/More?

Over 60%-70% for sure, it's my niche since my time is limited to lunch to approach during the day- while 30%-40% is bangs from night game/friends of friends/parties.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 11:17 PM)thirty-six Wrote:  

Quite a few of my matches are with "people" who try to direct you to tingirls(dot)com asking $125 hr for the gfe and other stupid shit like that. My question to you gentlemen is how are these people actually making money? Are there guys who are actually swiping through tinder who get a scam message from a fake profile like that and actually click through to pay for webcam sessions or what? It's very hard to believe that works, but there sure seem to be plenty of people trying it.
These spammers are usually not actually selling GFE. They are intentionally planning to downsell because they think that if is guy is wiling to pay $125 for a gfe then he is also willing to pay a lot less to join a site that helps you mean girls who will fuck you for free. Also, if a guy is clueless enough to go to tinder for a prostitute he is gullible enough to believe those hookup websites are real.

Quote: (01-05-2015 02:13 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

I'm sure most guys aren't that stupid and ignore it.
It's incredibly cheap to create a spam on tinder if you're the coder doing it and you don't value the cost of your time. For the small number of people doing this whatever money they make is gravy. Of course it is now a lot more expensive to do this spam since tinders "Antispam" measures pushed a lot of the spammers to use SMS.

Quote: (01-05-2015 02:13 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

At least they click the link which generates revenue.
Actually these spammers don't get paid unless the tinder user converts to a paying member of the site.

You guys can read more at these sites if you're interested.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 07:44 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

How many of your bangs do you guys estimate is coming from Tinder?

25%? 40%? 60%? Less/More?

Tinder 10% but if you include OKC, Couchsurfing, and Airbnb, then it's easily 70%.

I recently took a new night job, so my days/nights to go out and approach are very limited.

Tinder App


SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 02:45 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

You had asked me this prior. I quit Tinder by last summer. Just wasn't doing too well on it and wasn't worth my time anymore. I lied about my age and put 29. Many girls think I look like I'm still 20-something even though I'm nearing 40.

At first I did use my real age on Tinder and my results were shit. I then set up a fake FB profile with a lowered age, then had to add a bunch of fake "friends" by randomly friending people. Back then you had to have a certain amount of FB friends to even set up a Tinder profile. I'm not sure if they still do this.

Lowering my age helped, but overall, my results still sucked. I'll use it to pipeline though next time I'm overseas.

Considering your earlier posts in this thread I'm not surprised you didn't have any results from tinder.

From my ten last bangs five off them were from Tinder. Been doing much better lately, had the app for more than a year now.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 02:21 PM)Stun Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2015 07:44 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

How many of your bangs do you guys estimate is coming from Tinder?

25%? 40%? 60%? Less/More?

Tinder 10% but if you include OKC, Couchsurfing, and Airbnb, then it's easily 70%.

I recently took a new night job, so my days/nights to go out and approach are very limited.

You banging airbnb host??

Drop a datasheet if so

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Tinder App

This is actually a great video on why you need to be original as fuck as have good pictures.

I am the cock carousel

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 05:59 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2015 02:21 PM)Stun Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2015 07:44 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

How many of your bangs do you guys estimate is coming from Tinder?

25%? 40%? 60%? Less/More?

Tinder 10% but if you include OKC, Couchsurfing, and Airbnb, then it's easily 70%.

I recently took a new night job, so my days/nights to go out and approach are very limited.

You banging airbnb host??

Drop a datasheet if so

I agree I'd love a datasheet on couch surfing and Airbnb !

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 06:22 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

This is actually a great video on why you need to be original as fuck as have good pictures.

Those were OK, but I've used better lines.

Saying Hi or OMG you're beautiful is just truly pathetic.

Relating to them bio or pics, should be text game 101 on tinder alone.

I can't believe what some dudes write to girls, I don't get it.

They don't think before they send it ?

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 06:41 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2015 06:22 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

This is actually a great video on why you need to be original as fuck as have good pictures.

Those were OK, but I've used better lines.

Saying Hi or OMG you're beautiful is just truly pathetic.

Relating to them bio or pics, should be text game 101 on tinder alone.

I can't believe what some dudes write to girls, I don't get it.

They don't think before they send it ?

I must be getting stupid, but I still laughed when he said "it gives new meaning to the term flashbang" hahaha

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 07:45 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2015 06:41 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2015 06:22 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

This is actually a great video on why you need to be original as fuck as have good pictures.

Those were OK, but I've used better lines.

Saying Hi or OMG you're beautiful is just truly pathetic.

Relating to them bio or pics, should be text game 101 on tinder alone.

I can't believe what some dudes write to girls, I don't get it.

They don't think before they send it ?

I must be getting stupid, but I still laughed when he said "it gives new meaning to the term flashbang" hahaha

That was actually the best line I read from off that besides black cocks aka black hawks.

Tinder App

Any good stories here about using moment pictures?
Are you doing it?

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 08:53 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

Any good stories here about using moment pictures?
Are you doing it?

I have been doing it, taking some pics of me at work and posting something like "working hard." i get 10-15 likes mostly for the same unfuckable girls thinking liking me photos will make my dick hard for them. the ones that are are fuckable and do like my "moment" are looking for instagram followers.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 08:53 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

Any good stories here about using moment pictures?
Are you doing it?

Made moments of some nice pictures in good settings looking good and what not and got like 4-5 likes.

Posted bad selfie where I'd just used the pen and wrote "selfie" and got 16 likes. Will send picture to you in the chat.

Tinder App

was overhearing a convo between my plate and her friend's friend who has a tinder. I was in another room.

her friend apparently increased her number by 15 guys the first month she got this a tinder.

what ever you're doing girls are doing 10x more lowkey and with less effort. Disgusting.


Tinder App

Quote: (01-06-2015 10:19 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2015 08:53 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

Any good stories here about using moment pictures?
Are you doing it?

I have been doing it, taking some pics of me at work and posting something like "working hard." i get 10-15 likes mostly for the same unfuckable girls thinking liking me photos will make my dick hard for them. the ones that are are fuckable and do like my "moment" are looking for instagram followers.

I never use moments, it actually helps me screen out thirsty and annoying girls that just want validation.

Most moments I see are "HMU let's chill" or "Follow me: IG" "KiK me" "Snapchat: Name"

If I message a girl, she doesn't respond, I'll wait, send one more follow up ping, if she doesn't respond to either AND she posts moments I'll unmatch her or start calling her thirsty (then she unmatches me). Win/Win.

Tinder App

Got two new numbers off Tinder last night and looking good for a third, back on the horse!

Lost one girl who was looking good because when I suggested switching to whatsapp she said she didn't have it but wanted to add me on Facebook and use Facebook chat instead. I said I don't have it, then she called me a weirdo and she unmatched me. But I figure she would have been a dead end anyway.

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