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Tinder App

Tinder App

Quote: (01-02-2015 05:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Girl's expect way too much from these openers. It's like they expect to be blown away on the first line. Thing is, the dude doesn't know you. Like most girls she probably has nothing interesting written on her profile, if anything at all. Her pictures are probably just her standing in a club taking iphone shots on girl's night out. Some cliche photo of her at a rock climbing gym or something and that's about it. But we're expected to craft this perfect opener that makes her laugh out out loud, makes her 'gina tingle, shows confidence, creativity etc and we don't know a thing about the bitch.

Good openers are necessary BUT it doesn't have to as good as you make it out to be. It just has to be fun and chill.

Tinder App

I don't think openers matter on Tinder. The only thing you need to worry about is if the girl fins you attractive. Just use something other than 'hi' or 'how's it going'.

You gotta set yourself apart via pictures and what you write in your profile description

It's also a under 30 man's game. In addition to that, probably half the girls are on it to get more followers on Instagram or just attention whore.

If you can get a few bangs a year from it then call it a win

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Tinder App

I'm assuming this has been covered at some point but how do you proceed when the girl messages you first?

I haven't been using Tinder for very long and just curious as to how I should play this. I'm guessing it's a good sign and I should just run don't fuck it up game and proceed as usual.

Not trying to be lazy but I don't have the time to trawl through 100+ pages so if anyone can give me some tips or link me to a page where it's been discussed that would be much appreciated.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:19 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

I don't think openers matter on Tinder. The only thing you need to worry about is if the girl fins you attractive. Just use something other than 'hi' or 'how's it going'.

You gotta set yourself apart via pictures and what you write in your profile description

It's also a under 30 man's game. In addition to that, probably half the girls are on it to get more followers on Instagram or just attention whore.

If you can get a few bangs a year from it then call it a win

Please don't take this too strongly, but if you are only getting a few bangs a year from tinder I don't think you are in a good position to advise on what works on tinder.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 03:32 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:19 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

I don't think openers matter on Tinder. The only thing you need to worry about is if the girl fins you attractive. Just use something other than 'hi' or 'how's it going'.

You gotta set yourself apart via pictures and what you write in your profile description

It's also a under 30 man's game. In addition to that, probably half the girls are on it to get more followers on Instagram or just attention whore.

If you can get a few bangs a year from it then call it a win

Please don't take this too strongly, but if you are only getting a few bangs a year from tinder I don't think you are in a good position to advise on what works on tinder.

It's seems that you are being a bit harsh, BigBait.

Guys can relay a large variety of their experiences, whether those are experiences and tactics are successful or not.

I doubt that any guy can necessarily advise another guy anyhow, unless a guy is specifically asking for advice.... and really? are we advising or merely sharing experiences?

In the end, each guy is going to attempt to apply the various experiences and strategies of others to his own circumstances to attempt to use information to his best advantage and to his own time and situational constraints. No?

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 03:46 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 03:32 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:19 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

I don't think openers matter on Tinder. The only thing you need to worry about is if the girl fins you attractive. Just use something other than 'hi' or 'how's it going'.

You gotta set yourself apart via pictures and what you write in your profile description

It's also a under 30 man's game. In addition to that, probably half the girls are on it to get more followers on Instagram or just attention whore.

If you can get a few bangs a year from it then call it a win

Please don't take this too strongly, but if you are only getting a few bangs a year from tinder I don't think you are in a good position to advise on what works on tinder.

It's seems that you are being a bit harsh, BigBait.

Guys can relay a large variety of their experiences, whether those are experiences and tactics are successful or not.

I doubt that any guy can necessarily advise another guy anyhow, unless a guy is specifically asking for advice.... and really? are we advising or merely sharing experiences?

In the end, each guy is going to attempt to apply the various experiences and strategies of others to his own circumstances to attempt to use information to his best advantage and to his own time and situational constraints. No?

Oops, I didn't mean it that harshly. I just mean that if a strategy only results in a few bangs a year I would recommend considering changing that strategy. Maybe I should just shut up before I did myself deeper but I think that unless a strategy is producing 5-10 high quality bangs a month it is not optimized. It's true that everyone's situation is different. When I am 90 I will probably be praying for 1 good bang a year hahaha. That said every strategy should be considered in terms of return on investment and opportunity cost not just on bangs/month.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:17 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Oops, I didn't mean it that harshly. I just mean that if a strategy only results in a few bangs a year I would recommend considering changing that strategy. Maybe I should just shut up before I did myself deeper but I think that unless a strategy is producing 5-10 high quality bangs a month it is not optimized. It's true that everyone's situation is different. When I am 90 I will probably be praying for 1 good bang a year hahaha. That said every strategy should be considered in terms of return on investment and opportunity cost not just on bangs/month.

High quality bangs? Tinder? 5-10 high quality bangs a month?

Is anyone here doing that?

Seems most of the guys finding success on tinder have sacrificed quality in favor of quantity.

Then again I guess it depends on the person's subjective view on what constitutes quality.

But taking a gander at the just had sex thread, the overwhelming majority of "tinder bang" stories can largely be summed up in one word. "Meh."

Not to mention the attention whores, flakes, and general dead leads you constantly have to weed through.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:40 PM)Mister X Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:17 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Oops, I didn't mean it that harshly. I just mean that if a strategy only results in a few bangs a year I would recommend considering changing that strategy. Maybe I should just shut up before I did myself deeper but I think that unless a strategy is producing 5-10 high quality bangs a month it is not optimized. It's true that everyone's situation is different. When I am 90 I will probably be praying for 1 good bang a year hahaha. That said every strategy should be considered in terms of return on investment and opportunity cost not just on bangs/month.

High quality bangs? Tinder? 5-10 high quality bangs a month?

Is anyone here doing that?

Seems most of the guys finding success on tinder have sacrificed quality in favor of quantity.

I don't want to be one of those guys who says looks are everything but if guys out there are getting 5-10 high quality bangs a month on tinder they should look into becoming a male model.

Then again I guess it depends on the person's subjective view on what constitutes quality.

But taking a gander at the just had sex thread, the overwhelming majority of "tinder bang" stories can largely be summed up in one word. "Meh."

It's true there's rarely any adventure in tinder bangs, but there's also rarely any adventure in any online game in my experience. It is very rinse and repeat. I have just been doing tinder because I wanted to figure out how to beat the game.

I personally think that the reason guys are not getting much out of tinder on this thread is that they have bought into the tinder=looks mindset. I had to pull myself through a couple of creative hoops to get past that.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:48 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:40 PM)Mister X Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 08:17 PM)bigbait Wrote:  

Oops, I didn't mean it that harshly. I just mean that if a strategy only results in a few bangs a year I would recommend considering changing that strategy. Maybe I should just shut up before I did myself deeper but I think that unless a strategy is producing 5-10 high quality bangs a month it is not optimized. It's true that everyone's situation is different. When I am 90 I will probably be praying for 1 good bang a year hahaha. That said every strategy should be considered in terms of return on investment and opportunity cost not just on bangs/month.

High quality bangs? Tinder? 5-10 high quality bangs a month?

Is anyone here doing that?

Seems most of the guys finding success on tinder have sacrificed quality in favor of quantity.

I don't want to be one of those guys who says looks are everything but if guys out there are getting 5-10 high quality bangs a month on tinder they should look into becoming a male model.

Then again I guess it depends on the person's subjective view on what constitutes quality.

But taking a gander at the just had sex thread, the overwhelming majority of "tinder bang" stories can largely be summed up in one word. "Meh."

It's true there's rarely any adventure in tinder bangs, but there's also rarely any adventure in any online game in my experience. It is very rinse and repeat. I have just been doing tinder because I wanted to figure out how to beat the game.

I personally think that the reason guys are not getting much out of tinder on this thread is that they have bought into the tinder=looks mindset. I had to pull myself through a couple of creative hoops to get past that.

(Edited my initial post)

There are a variety of reasons why some guys struggle on tinder. From September to Early November I had 189 matches (I'm a selective swiper). I was content with that match rate and was feeling pretty good. Got objectively better pictures thinking I would do even better. After deleting my profile more than a dozen times due to bugs, I'm currently at 10 total matches from Mid-November to now. I would get one match in like 3-4 days, get frustrated, delete profile, repeat. I realized when I went to the city, that was the only time I would get matches. So there is something wrong with my gps when I'm home. Aside from that, I've encountered numerous other bug related problems that Tinder doesn't seem to give a fuck about. So personally, I'm not getting matches because I'm not being seen, or I'm rarely being seen. Shit, even when I delete and make a new profile, it won't even accept my phone number to send me the token, I have to use a friend's.

But aside from my personal dilemma, as I mentioned before -- way too many obstacles to have a consistent stream of quality women. A lot of it is location based, but then of course you have competition, you have as I mentioned before - dead leads of a wide variety.

And yes, Tinder is looks based. All online dating is. Tinder more so because a person's profile only pops up if you click on them. Well why bother clicking on them if you aren't physically attracted to them? How many chicks are saying "well this guy is ugly but let me see if his profile can win me over." I'm not complaining, that's just the nature of the beast, and we should all be doing everything in our power to maximize our appearance online and off. But facts are facts. Only a small percentage of dudes are going to get both the quality and quantity they feel satisfied with on Tinder.

I've mentioned before, any tinder bang I get is a plus. It's house money. It can't get much easier than tinder in terms of gaming. I don't have to leave my house. All I do is swipe right, exchange numbers, and take it from there. I think every single man who lives in a big city should be using tinder, but not because he'll have any consistent success (he most likely won't) but he'll get something, and anything he gets is better than nothing.

But we have a lot of big time gamers here, and I haven't seen any of them get both quality AND quantity on tinder. They may hit it out of the park every now and again, but not consistently. Sometimes for factors beyond their control.

Tinder App

I've been doing a lot of online game and working tinder heavily as of late. I seem to be getting a good amount of women who are double booking in that they have somewhere they need to be after we meet. They're not bringing this up at the end of the date when I ask them over but towards the beginning when things seem to be going well so I doubt it's an excuse to bail, though it's possible.

Does anyone have a way to screen for this while setting up the date? I would rather go for another time when I at least have the chance to close things out rather than run up against a hard stop since we all know second dates are far from in the bag regardless of how well things go on the first.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 10:18 PM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

I've been doing a lot of online game and working tinder heavily as of late. I seem to be getting a good amount of women who are double booking in that they have somewhere they need to be after we meet. They're not bringing this up at the end of the date when I ask them over but towards the beginning when things seem to be going well so I doubt it's an excuse to bail, though it's possible.

Does anyone have a way to screen for this while setting up the date? I would rather go for another time when I at least have the chance to close things out rather than run up against a hard stop since we all know second dates are far from in the bag regardless of how well things go on the first.

My personal experience is that girls used to double book for the same time slot, and now they seem to book back to back dates. I used to try to go for the late date to deal with this, but my recent MO is to go for the earlier date. Often the girl will cancel her second date. I also realized that I like it is she does do her late night plans. It means that I can also do a second date that night. The other thing I like about it is that a 1.5 or 2 hour first date counts just as much as a 3 or 4 hour first date when it comes time to put it in the bag on a later date. It reduces my time investment.

Tinder App

My conversion rate on Tinder "dates" is 50%. I've banged 1/2 of the women I've gone on dates (6) with from Tinder. Matches are another story. Sometimes, I'll be lucky to even get a response from a match.

Tinder App

I've always seen Tinder as a ''spur of the moment" thing. I would swipe during the day and only message girls at night around 9-11pm with a direct opener pushing for an instadate. I've had several girls just be like "Yeah why not?" so we would just meet them at a nearby bar with airtight logistics.

Tinder App

How are guys over 35 fairing on this?

Is it still viable?

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 01:12 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

How are guys over 35 fairing on this?

Is it still viable?

You had asked me this prior. I quit Tinder by last summer. Just wasn't doing too well on it and wasn't worth my time anymore. I lied about my age and put 29. Many girls think I look like I'm still 20-something even though I'm nearing 40.

At first I did use my real age on Tinder and my results were shit. I then set up a fake FB profile with a lowered age, then had to add a bunch of fake "friends" by randomly friending people. Back then you had to have a certain amount of FB friends to even set up a Tinder profile. I'm not sure if they still do this.

Lowering my age helped, but overall, my results still sucked. I'll use it to pipeline though next time I'm overseas.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:19 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

It's also a under 30 man's game. In addition to that, probably half the girls are on it to get more followers on Instagram or just attention whore.

I've noticed that. I have never got a follow back from anyone I added on instagram. they are looking for a high follower to follow ratio.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 01:12 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

How are guys over 35 fairing on this?

Is it still viable?

Yes. Tinder is presently free with very little time involvement.

I set my age range from 18-40 and my two lays have been 22 and 32.

I get more matches from women in their 30s and I suspect that many younger women use the '18-30' range which is ingrained into a pop-culture demographic.

Tinder App

Saw this shit on Tinder last month, meant to post it up sooner.

The first image is a screenshot she posted as her "moment."

The second is a picture of her.

The thirst is real, gentleman:

[Image: XXv5njXl.png]

[Image: 7rd1mfdl.png]

[Image: facepalm.png]

Tinder App

^^^^yup. Now imagine those who are decent looking.

The quality of girls just took a dump now that college students are back on campus.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Tinder App

Damn. That means she swiped right/yes 20,000 times.

That's hours of phone time.

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 11:31 AM)Nemausus Wrote:  

Damn. That means she swiped right/yes 20,000 times.

That's hours of phone time.
Or, she could've used a Tinder liker app..

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 02:45 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-04-2015 01:12 AM)The_CEO Wrote:  

How are guys over 35 fairing on this?

Is it still viable?

You had asked me this prior. I quit Tinder by last summer. Just wasn't doing too well on it and wasn't worth my time anymore. I lied about my age and put 29. Many girls think I look like I'm still 20-something even though I'm nearing 40.

At first I did use my real age on Tinder and my results were shit. I then set up a fake FB profile with a lowered age, then had to add a bunch of fake "friends" by randomly friending people. Back then you had to have a certain amount of FB friends to even set up a Tinder profile. I'm not sure if they still do this.

Lowering my age helped, but overall, my results still sucked. I'll use it to pipeline though next time I'm overseas.

Too bad... I will go in w/ low expectations.
I'm hoping at least to be able to "swoop" some milfy yoga types that are around here.

Tinder App

Tinder is still supplying pussy for me, however, I've noticed the quality is a bit less than usual, ALOT more girls are putting the standard OKC line of "not here for hook ups" blah blah blah.

Of course I've still banged some of them.

I'm trying to better my game on under 21 specifically 18/19 year olds.

Lotta talent is leaving my area headed back to college unfortunately.

Tinder App

Is there anyway to keep my location spoofed on tools for tinder? It only allows for 10 minutes and after it resets automatically to your current location, which is pretty annoying if I am chatting to a few chicks then suddenly it changes back and they are all asking about it and also I don't want to be removed from the girls I already swiped lists after it resets my location (not sure if it does that?).

I would like to lock it until I choose to change it myself. I know there is a premium feature that says you can remove the 10 minute wait for location but I read reviews saying it doesn't work and so on, anyone got the premium version of tools for tinder?

Tinder App

Quote: (01-04-2015 09:48 PM)_Samo_ Wrote:  

Is there anyway to keep my location spoofed on tools for tinder? It only allows for 10 minutes and after it resets automatically to your current location, which is pretty annoying if I am chatting to a few chicks then suddenly it changes back and they are all asking about it and also I don't want to be removed from the girls I already swiped lists after it resets my location (not sure if it does that?).

I would like to lock it until I choose to change it myself. I know there is a premium feature that says you can remove the 10 minute wait for location but I read reviews saying it doesn't work and so on, anyone got the premium version of tools for tinder?

I got it and it does not work

Anyone find a gf spoofing app for an iPhone? One that doesn't require jail breaking?

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

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