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Testosterone injections

Testosterone injections

Quote: (07-01-2014 03:50 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

One of the issues that has worried--and prevented--me from embarking on testosterone cycling or continuous TRT is what happens if you can't get access to it for a prolonged period of time.

Just off the top of my head I can imagine if you happen to get arrested, and sitting in a jail cell without access to your testosterone injections. A hellish nightmare where the hormonal re-balance causes all kinds of horrible effects that you can't treat.

What if you go on TRT and lose your job, go bankrupt etc and can't afford the treatment anymore? Detained abroad? World War III?

These are the things that I fret about.


Hey man you might visit a new country and get caught in a sharknado, better not travel!

You might take a girl from the bar home and she might shit in the toilet and not flush, better leave them hoes at the bar!

You might buy a Lamborghini and get a reckless driving ticket for going a 150 mph while getting road head from a 10, better just use roller skates for your daily commuting.

"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live." - Dorothy Thompson

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

Quote: (07-03-2014 06:10 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 03:50 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

One of the issues that has worried--and prevented--me from embarking on testosterone cycling or continuous TRT is what happens if you can't get access to it for a prolonged period of time.

Just off the top of my head I can imagine if you happen to get arrested, and sitting in a jail cell without access to your testosterone injections. A hellish nightmare where the hormonal re-balance causes all kinds of horrible effects that you can't treat.

What if you go on TRT and lose your job, go bankrupt etc and can't afford the treatment anymore? Detained abroad? World War III?

These are the things that I fret about.


Hey man you might visit a new country and get caught in a sharknado, better not travel!

You might take a girl from the bar home and she might shit in the toilet and not flush, better leave them hoes at the bar!

You might buy a Lamborghini and get a reckless driving ticket for going a 150 mph while getting road head from a 10, better just use roller skates for your daily commuting.

"Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live." - Dorothy Thompson

You wrote before you came off TRT and didn't specify any negative outcome.

I came off a non-professionally managed cycle of turinabol and it was hell. Suicidal thoughts, gyno symptoms...That's where my hesitation to try testosterone comes from. The hormonal rebound can be a fucking bitch and just because you've had a smooth experience doesn't mean it's YOLO time.

Testosterone injections

Quote: (07-03-2014 07:09 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

You wrote before you came off TRT and didn't specify any negative outcome.

I came off a non-professionally managed cycle of turinabol and it was hell. Suicidal thoughts, gyno symptoms...That's where my hesitation to try testosterone comes from. The hormonal rebound can be a fucking bitch and just because you've had a smooth experience doesn't mean it's YOLO time.

I was just busting your chops a little, hope you didn't take it person.

I have no doubt that having your hormones way out of wack can be a very dangerous and shitty experience. I think the way I view it though is how many times have you been locked up for extended periods in your life? I have went to jail twice in my life and never for more then a few hours. So I see it as I am willing to risk getting on TRT and reaping the life long benefits of it, rather then not getting on it in case I happen to get locked up for a extended period sometime in my life. Don't get me wrong I see where you are coming from and your point. However its like your worried about something that may never happen... kind of like your living in fear. Again I mean no disrespect, everyone is different and has their own opinions and personal experiences that lead them to do what they do or don't.

I don't know much about your background, age, or the symptoms you are having that have you thinking in a perfect world you would like to try TRT. But as someone who has made the leap I would never stop taking it for the sole reason of maybe some day I might be in a jail or some other crazy circumstance that would cause my TRT to not be available to me for a extended period of time.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

Quote: (07-03-2014 07:30 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2014 07:09 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

You wrote before you came off TRT and didn't specify any negative outcome.

I came off a non-professionally managed cycle of turinabol and it was hell. Suicidal thoughts, gyno symptoms...That's where my hesitation to try testosterone comes from. The hormonal rebound can be a fucking bitch and just because you've had a smooth experience doesn't mean it's YOLO time.

I was just busting your chops a little, hope you didn't take it person.

I have no doubt that having your hormones way out of wack can be a very dangerous and shitty experience. I think the way I view it though is how many times have you been locked up for extended periods in your life? I have went to jail twice in my life and never for more then a few hours. So I see it as I am willing to risk getting on TRT and reaping the life long benefits of it, rather then not getting on it in case I happen to get locked up for a extended period sometime in my life. Don't get me wrong I see where you are coming from and your point. However its like your worried about something that may never happen... kind of like your living in fear. Again I mean no disrespect, everyone is different and has their own opinions and personal experiences that lead them to do what they do or don't.

I don't know much about your background, age, or the symptoms you are having that have you thinking in a perfect world you would like to try TRT. But as someone who has made the leap I would never stop taking it for the sole reason of maybe some day I might be in a jail or some other crazy circumstance that would cause my TRT to not be available to me for a extended period of time.

I feel you and nothing taken personally. Can you expand more on your experience coming off of it? The PA that I consulted with basically was like "Yeah you'd be on shots for life".

Testosterone injections

Quote: (07-03-2014 09:05 PM)Checkmat Wrote:  

I feel you and nothing taken personally. Can you expand more on your experience coming off of it? The PA that I consulted with basically was like "Yeah you'd be on shots for life".

After my first cycle of around 3 months I was off TRT for about 4 months. I didn't notice any big changes in my mood such as depression or anxiety. The biggest thing I was having problems with was motivation. I mustered up the will to do just enough to function but thats about it. I don't think I hardly worked out at all, or worked on my spanish, or read a book or anything. My libido was kind of suffering to, I could still get erections and bang but it was just never very exciting, its like I was just doing it for the sake of doing it. The worst of the lack of motivation and libido came when I moved back to my hometown and it was dreary cold winter here and I pretty much hate it here. Again even with that going on I didn't feel depressed or anything, just very unmotivated.

Fast forward to now I have been back on TRT for over two months and I am feeling better and better as time passes. I'm working out again, motivated, handling business, working on my spanish, reading books, very happy and positive. I feel kind of like I have that spark for life back. I'm always more motivated and feel better about life during summer but the combo of summer and TRT has me feeling like I am in the prime of my life.

If you are in your mid 30's or older and are having some symptoms of low T I highly recommend you at least go to the doc and get the blood work done and see where your test levels stand. I know what you are saying about it being a life long thing to. That was the main thing that made me hesitate when I was considering getting on TRT. I was real close to just saying fuck it I'm not ready to make a lifelong commitment with TRT. Then I did more research and talked to more people on it an decided to take the leap. An now just like everyone that was on it told me: once you get on it you won't be worried about the commitment cause you will never wanna go back to having low testosterone again. Its really not that bad of a commitment. Now that I have been doing it awhile it just comes pretty natural like brushing my teeth or shaving my head. Its just something I do every 5 days and it doesn't take but 5 minutes if that, less if you pre load syringes (which I dont) I kind of look forward to taking the injections now cause I know they play a big role in how I feel these days.

I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice, this is simply my take on TRT and how it has effected me and my experiences with it. You have to decide for yourself if its something you really need or want.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

^ Legit, good info. Thanks!

Testosterone injections

TRT is a game changer. I had it when I was 31. Motivation. Speed. Strength. I recommend Bayer Schering Testoviron if you don't like to inject every day. I inject every week.

Testosterone injections

Quote: (07-04-2014 11:06 PM)roid Wrote:  

TRT is a game changer. I had it when I was 31. Motivation. Speed. Strength. I recommend Bayer Schering Testoviron if you don't like to inject every day. I inject every week.

How's an average Joe in America get TRT?

Legally? Gray market?

If you get it legally, is it even strong enough to be worth it? Is it too expensive?

If I get my own T test from online, will a doctor base a prescription on that? Or require his own test?

I'm 6'0", 158 pounds, skinny - always have been. I had my T tested years again the "free" component was quite low.

Testosterone injections

Guys, MikeCF has written everything there is to know about TRT. The links have been posted countless times. Yet the same questions get asked over and over and over again.

Provided your T is actually low, you can get TRT by prescription from a doctor. This is what I did. It is all legal and pharma grade.

You can get your T level checked for $50.

Cost is trivial. Each time I get my vial of T it's about $25 with my insurance.

Testosterone injections

Got some blood work back today and my total Testosterone serum is at 919. They didn't even check my free levels of T.

I injected .50ml about 24 hours before I got my blood taken.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

Quote: (07-11-2014 04:30 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Got some blood work back today and my total Testosterone serum is at 919. They didn't even check my free levels of T.

I injected .50ml about 24 hours before I got my blood taken.

Testosterone injections

I’m having my bloodwork done and I am arming myself with as much credible information as I can, to take with me when I get the results. This thread and a few others have supplied quite a bit of useful information and first hand accounts. What I am looking for now is information from web sites that quote information and statistics. When I take my results in tony Dr. I may have to present a case for why I know more than he does on this subject if he disagrees. As a business professional I can relate to someone thinking they can do your job based on a few internet clicks. I can also relate to how smoothly things go when someone presents me with well researched information I didn’t have before in order to educate me and bring me over to their way of thinking. Here is what I have pulled together so far. Take what you can use, and add to the list if you can.

Quote: (11-12-2013 12:19 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Here's the most reliable information you're going to find:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Check out Pimp Game, Picking Up Strippers, The Fun Way!, Weaponized: Add Cold Reading to your arsenal! and Tarot Game.

Game isn’t what I use to get what I want out of women.
Game is what I use to get what I want out of life.

Testosterone injections

I’m having my bloodwork done and I am arming myself with as much credible information as I can, to take with me when I get the results.

This thread and a few others have supplied quite a bit of useful information and first hand accounts. What I am looking for now is information from web sites that quote information and statistics. When I take my results in tony Dr. I may have to present a case for why I know more than he does on this subject if he disagrees.

As a business professional I can relate to someone thinking they can do your job based on a few internet clicks. I can also relate to how smoothly things go when someone presents me with well researched information I didn’t have before in order to educate me and bring me over to their way of thinking.

Here is what I have pulled together so far. Take what you can use, and add to the list if you can.

Free & Bioavailable Testosterone calculator

Quote: (11-12-2013 12:19 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Here's the most reliable information you're going to find:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Check out Pimp Game, Picking Up Strippers, The Fun Way!, Weaponized: Add Cold Reading to your arsenal! and Tarot Game.

Game isn’t what I use to get what I want out of women.
Game is what I use to get what I want out of life.

Testosterone injections

This is a email I sent a forum user asking me about my TRT. Thought I would post it here in the thread as well, as its kind of like a update.

TRT is going well for me. I have been taking a smaller dosage then a lot of guys who administer their own TRT. I'm not really looking to abuse it or try out for a Mr Olympia contest so I didn't feel the need for super high doses. Plus I wanted to see how my body reacted and my blood work came back after being on it for awhile before I upped the dosage. A few days ago I gave myself a .8ml injection instead of the usual .5ml every 5 days... gonna do this for a few weeks and see if it makes a difference. As far as my personal journey I feel like TRT on top of my lifestyle changes (eating healthy, working out, staying active, ect) has been a game changer. My body builds muscle and burns fat better then it ever did with just working out and dieting. I feel more comfortable mentally about making choices and living the life I want to live. Being on TRT is a lot of small things that add up to big changes for me. Its not really some magical pill, you wont get on it and feel like superman and have to hire body guards to keep the women from trying to bang you on the street because of your testosterone fueled pheromones. How ever if you use it along with changes to a better/healthier lifestyle... then it snowballs into you being the best you have ever been as a man. I wish you the best of luck on your TRT journey please keep me updated on how everything goes for your either by private message or feel free to post your experiences on my thread.

I'm not a doctor and this is not medical advice I'm just simply stating how my TRT experience has been.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

What is your protocol for flying intra-US with gear/syringes? I'm going to Lake Tahoe for vacation for 7 days so that means at least one injection while I'm there. I'm only on HCG at the moment; my anti-aging clinic told me to backfill syringes and just put them in my luggage, but I should check it. They said if you take it in on carry-on, that TSA will need to see the actual prescription? Is that legit? I hate checking luggage so I'd like to avoid doing it if I can, so just wanted to see if anyone here had a different take. I'm not doing anything illegal - I'm just trying to avoid hassles.

Testosterone injections

I have flown within the US and internationally with pre filled syringes. Carry on. No one has ever said anything. It is not an issue in my experience.

Testosterone injections

Taking extra testosterone would be great, were it not for the raisin-balls and baldness.

The day someone says 'this is like testosterone, but your balls actually get bigger and your hair stays put', will be the day I start taking drugs.

Testosterone injections

Phoenix, none of what you said is true (at least in my experience). I have not experienced any hair loss, hell my hair looks better than ever. Also, the ball thing is really overblown. I'm not sure I have even noticed a difference.

Testosterone injections

Quote: (08-26-2014 07:16 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Taking extra testosterone would be great, were it not for the raisin-balls and baldness.

The day someone says 'this is like testosterone, but your balls actually get bigger and your hair stays put', will be the day I start taking drugs.

Thats like saying you would never smoke Marijuana because you will turn into a devilish insane addict and go on a murderous rampage before killing yourself.... I mean the movie reefer madness says thats what will happen if you smoke pot, an I assume you believe anything someone tells you.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

Quote: (08-26-2014 07:16 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Taking extra testosterone would be great, were it not for the raisin-balls and baldness.

The day someone says 'this is like testosterone, but your balls actually get bigger and your hair stays put', will be the day I start taking drugs.

Ask me how I know you watch too much television and read sites like Buzzfeed.

Testosterone injections

I don't know why testosterone threads are in the weight lifting section. Like only guys who lift weights need to know about TRT, or that TRT is only good for building muscle.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

So, it's been two months I am on 2gr a day of 5% cream.

What can I say? This shit is a fucking miracle. And it's not even a needle. Just cream. 5%, not even 10%.

Brain fog - gone. Productivity at work is up 300%.

I sleep through the night without waking up.

After about a month I started to get extremely hungry. Upped my food intake a little. I didn't put or gained weight but according to my impedance scales body recomposition is happening. I didn't change my workout routines or diet.

Morning boner is a norm.

Life is good.

Do it.

Testosterone injections

Quote: (08-26-2014 10:22 AM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (08-26-2014 07:16 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Taking extra testosterone would be great, were it not for the raisin-balls and baldness.

The day someone says 'this is like testosterone, but your balls actually get bigger and your hair stays put', will be the day I start taking drugs.

Ask me how I know you watch too much television and read sites like Buzzfeed.


Exogenous testosterone downregulates the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis. An aspect of this downregulation is testicular shrinkage (hypogonadism). This is well known and disputed nowhere. The only individual differences would be the extent to which the testes shrink versus how much exogenous testosterone is administered.

Testosterone is also an androgen. More testosterone in the system means more androgenic action on the scalp, which for men with male-pattern-baldness means a speed-up thereof. Google 'TRT baldness' and I'm sure you'll find plenty of men complaining 'I'm on TRT now my hair is flying off my head'. Again, the only individual differences would be MPB susceptibility and the amount of exogenous testosterone administered.

Testosterone injections

^ I don't have to Google TRT. I was on it for 18 months.

My hair looks great. (My pics are all over the Internet.)

Many men don't realize that we lose 50-100 hairs a day. Men only notice hair loss when on TRT because they've been trained to notice it. But the hair loss was happening long before TRT.

Anyhow, hair loss is an individual side effect.

My hair is actually thicker when on TRT. I'd actually be shocked if you have a better head of hair as I do. I'm 37 and don't see many men my age with hair like mine....TRT and all.

Ball shrinkage was 25% tops.

This is a serious thread for men who actually understand TRT to discuss our findings and our experiences.

We can read idiots post Buzzfeed and mainstream media articles all over the Internet. There's no need for you in this thread.

Testosterone injections

Quote: (08-26-2014 07:55 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Phoenix, none of what you said is true (at least in my experience). I have not experienced any hair loss, hell my hair looks better than ever. Also, the ball thing is really overblown. I'm not sure I have even noticed a difference.

lucky you.

i'm about to get back on hcg to reinflate.

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