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Unfortunate Outcomes

Unfortunate Outcomes

So, seeing as this is a huge collection of hunters, I have to imagine that we all have had a moment when we said the absolute worst thing possible.

Here's mine: At a small club and I'm with my buddy. We start chatting up some older girls, about 27 or 28 (I was 22). The one I wrangle is in neuroscience. I make a quip. "Oh, why'd you get into that? Did you smash someone over the head with a bat?"

Her mouth drops and she starts freaking out. Turns out her little brother got hit by a car when they were young and has permanent brain damage. I was very new to the game at this point and felt so bad. It was also her birthday. I can't help but laugh at it now though.

So, any others?

Unfortunate Outcomes

I had a phase in which I knew a bunch of jokes about Jews and was into every single conspiracy theory about them. Got hit on by a girl from very influential Jewish family and fucked things up in 5 minutes. She was a solid 8.5/10 and wanted me more than anything but I was too retarded to check her background and not fuck up.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Was talking to a self entitled pain in the ass in a bar with all of her friends. She was really annoying and just as I was about to leave she said "I bet you have a tiny dick too". All her friends laughed.
I walked back and said "I came over here because I though you looked cute and a couple of your friends look cuter so I thought I would give it a shot. You know? Why not? But after talking to you I can see that you are a really nasty person, unlike your cute friends and to make things worse now that I can see you up close I can see that you you look like you look like the back of a bus"

She started roaring crying

Turns out her father was killed by a bus two weeks prior while getting out of his car on the hard shoulder of a Motorway. Oooops.

Unfortunate Outcomes

lol ^

Couple of girls started talking to me, they were nice and cute and we got onto the subject of women in Rugby. I called women who play rugby as closet lesbians and their faces were priceless...because they did play rugby, hence my drunken-self not noticing the uniform as it was a bar crawl fancy dress.

Funnily enough I got two of their team mates, including the captain later on in the year.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Quote: (05-12-2014 04:04 AM)Cccc Wrote:  

Was talking to a self entitled pain in the ass in a bar with all of her friends. She was really annoying and just as I was about to leave she said "I bet you have a tiny dick too". All her friends laughed.
I walked back and said "I came over here because I though you looked cute and a couple of your friends look cuter so I thought I would give it a shot. You know? Why not? But after talking to you I can see that you are a really nasty person, unlike your cute friends and to make things worse now that I can see you up close I can see that you you look like you look like the back of a bus"

She started roaring crying

Turns out her father was killed by a bus two weeks prior while getting out of his car on the hard shoulder of a Motorway. Oooops.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Unfortunate Outcomes

I was in a bar with a buddy. He walked over to me having bought a drink. I said "how much?" As I said it a wall victim walked past me and turned around in fury thinking I was referring to her. I didn't even try to explain it was too hilarious.

Also I was at this event:

[Image: block_wide_packages.jpg]

Its a rugby sevens tournament in NZ where everyone parties in the stadium - I recommend it if you're ever in NZ in February. Scotland were playing against Samoa (all the Scottish players were white, the Samoan players were all dark.) The girl I'm with asks which team is which - anyone who has common sense and has spent a week in NZ would immediately know which team is which.

I'm like "what, just look out there? It's obvious!" She starts crying and saying she has terrible eyesight but is insecure about wearing glasses.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Quote: (05-12-2014 02:28 AM)mauds Wrote:  

So, seeing as this is a huge collection of hunters, I have to imagine that we all have had a moment when we said the absolute worst thing possible.

Here's mine: At a small club and I'm with my buddy. We start chatting up some older girls, about 27 or 28 (I was 22). The one I wrangle is in neuroscience. I make a quip. "Oh, why'd you get into that? Did you smash someone over the head with a bat?"

Her mouth drops and she starts freaking out. Turns out her little brother got hit by a car when they were young and has permanent brain damage. I was very new to the game at this point and felt so bad. It was also her birthday. I can't help but laugh at it now though.

So, any others?

I've come to the realization and also read from other playas that it's usually best to try to make women smile instead of "trying " to make them laugh....unless you're sure it's a somewhat classy joke. Nothing wrong with making them's just easier to offend with sarcastic jokes, etc. before you know more about them.

I try to make girls feel good about themselves...check out some of soul's daygame shit. eg...I meet a girl who does ballet and I'll say something like...."I've always enjoyed watching's so graceful and I have a lot of respect for dancers who can have such balance.....does that take years to perfect?" or some such. You don't want to kiss ass or over compliment but just make them feel good.

I told this girl recently she was obviously a smart person because she was studying for medical school. Another girl who was talking about interviewing with jobs I mentioned I think she would do well in interviews because "you have a good personality". Later when I'd see her everytime she would give me approach signals.

So...the low risk way to win over a girl is make them feel good and make them smile without kissing ass and while maintaining your frame. I guess this would be called "charming" or "be charming"

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Unfortunate Outcomes

While I was studying geology, I used to work my summers in northern Canada in diamond exploration. Everything was serviced out of this frontier type town called Yellowknife. A couple good bars, lots of rough people etc. I was chatting up this girl in the bar who was quite decent looking for up there. Things were going well, her friends told me that she was into me etc. She asks me what I think of Yellowknife and I answered fairly rudely about how I thought it was a shithole but a lot of fun. Turns out, she was a local and full of pride for her hometown. She immediately turned against me, got her friends against me, got the wait staff against me etc. Nothing bad came out of it except I didn't make any friends that night and went home alone.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Quote: (05-12-2014 04:52 PM)robreke Wrote:  

I've come to the realization and also read from other playas that it's usually best to try to make women smile instead of "trying " to make them laugh....unless you're sure it's a somewhat classy joke. Nothing wrong with making them's just easier to offend with sarcastic jokes, etc. before you know more about them.

I try to make girls feel good about themselves...check out some of soul's daygame shit. eg...I meet a girl who does ballet and I'll say something like...."I've always enjoyed watching's so graceful and I have a lot of respect for dancers who can have such balance.....does that take years to perfect?" or some such. You don't want to kiss ass or over compliment but just make them feel good.

I told this girl recently she was obviously a smart person because she was studying for medical school. Another girl who was talking about interviewing with jobs I mentioned I think she would do well in interviews because "you have a good personality". Later when I'd see her everytime she would give me approach signals.

So...the low risk way to win over a girl is make them feel good and make them smile without kissing ass and while maintaining your frame. I guess this would be called "charming" or "be charming"

I agree with all of this. I have definitely refined my approach and am usually far less drunk than I was that night. It really is amazing what you learn when you fall flat on your face.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Quote: (05-12-2014 03:55 PM)draguer Wrote:  

I was in a bar with a buddy. He walked over to me having bought a drink. I said "how much?" As I said it a wall victim walked past me and turned around in fury thinking I was referring to her. I didn't even try to explain it was too hilarious.


Unfortunate Outcomes

Got invited to this party once at a loft. Decided I'd check it out. Couple of friends came along.
Party was grooving, people were dancing, and the boose was flowing.

I'm standing with my circle of amigos (guys and girls) and spot this cutie leaning against the bar, watching everyone dance. I say, "Hey guys I gotta dance. I'll catch ya around."

I dance through the crowd. Slowly. Provocatively. She makes eye contact and so I dance in her direction. Waltz right up to her and say, "You're too pretty to be standing here alone. You should dance with me."

Immediately, she bursts in to tears and slides down on her butt. Back still against the bar. Sobbing.

Startled, I say, "Alright cool I'll see ya around." And begin to dance back to my friends, who were all watching this go down. When I get back to the circle they ask, "Why'd you have to make her cry man?"

I'll never know.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Quote: (05-12-2014 03:55 PM)draguer Wrote:  

Its a rugby sevens tournament in NZ where everyone parties in the stadium - I recommend it if you're ever in NZ in February.

I live in NZ. How much fun is it, and what do you do there? Is it still worth going if your neutral about rugby?

Unfortunate Outcomes


[Image: laugh2.gif]

It's a good two days out - everyone dresses up in crazy costumes and gets hammered in the sun. It's easy to meet new people there and the nightlife in Wellington is crazy all weekend. You'd really want to go in a decent sized group though. It's really not about the rugby, it's just a back drop to the party.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Quote: (05-12-2014 07:43 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

lol ^

Couple of girls started talking to me, they were nice and cute and we got onto the subject of women in Rugby. I called women who play rugby as closet lesbians and their faces were priceless...because they did play rugby, hence my drunken-self not noticing the uniform as it was a bar crawl fancy dress.

Funnily enough I got two of their team mates, including the captain later on in the year.

I talked to a chubby girl who played rugby and i was like: "Oh you play rugby, are you a hooker?"

Unfortunate Outcomes

Quote: (05-12-2014 05:48 PM)draguer Wrote:  

It's a good two days out - everyone dresses up in crazy costumes and gets hammered in the sun. It's easy to meet new people there and the nightlife in Wellington is crazy all weekend. You'd really want to go in a decent sized group though. It's really not about the rugby, it's just a back drop to the party.

I might consider going next year. Ill be 18 then, so Itll be exciting.

Unfortunate Outcomes

Was carpooling to a bball tourney with my buddy & his girlfriend. Started cracking jokes to pass the time.

"What's better than winning first place at the Special Olympics?"
"Not being retarded."

Usually get a few laughs from that one, but it was all crickets that day.
"You know Coleen teaches mentally handicapped kids, right?"

I live for moments like these.

"The whole point of being alpha, is doing what the fuck you want.
That's why you see real life alphas without chicks. He's doing him.

Real alphas don't tend to have game. They don't tend to care about the emotional lives of the people around them."


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