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The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Meet girl from Tinder last weekend. We share some drinks, shes asks for appetizers I straight up ignore what she says. We have about 3 drinks, laugh and talk and have a great night. We make out a little bit, nothing big, good kisser, attractive, nice body, 27 Bajan. After the date she texts immediately, tells me how great it was to meet me, etc etc. Texts me all weekend, excessive but girls like this usually do this when they are into me. Thats why this one was confusing. I try to play it cool but she texts all the time, my massage therapist told me to text her back and say goodnight. So I did, and asked her out again, she says come over to my place and cook for me. At 6pm I shoot her a confirm text, no answer, no answer. Flake.

This went from 2nd date bang to a complete flake. Who knows why, probably because I texted her when I should have held off for a few days, listened to my well intentioned masso who's a chick herself and sentimental. I blocked her on Tinder after the date to try and build a sliver of mystery, didnt seem to work. Who cares, next.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

You guys ever turn the tables on these girls? Like a girl flakes on you, next time you purposedly flake on her? What are the reactions?

Another thing ive been thinking about is flaking on very hot girls on first date. Its a balsy move because they might not give you a second chance, but it also shows value and that you prob have other high end options. Anyone who can give some expert advise on these tactics?

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (03-22-2014 02:14 PM)Vaun Wrote:  

Meet girl from Tinder last weekend. We share some drinks, shes asks for appetizers I straight up ignore what she says. We have about 3 drinks, laugh and talk and have a great night. We make out a little bit, nothing big, good kisser, attractive, nice body, 27 Bajan. After the date she texts immediately, tells me how great it was to meet me, etc etc. Texts me all weekend, excessive but girls like this usually do this when they are into me. Thats why this one was confusing. I try to play it cool but she texts all the time, my massage therapist told me to text her back and say goodnight. So I did, and asked her out again, she says come over to my place and cook for me. At 6pm I shoot her a confirm text, no answer, no answer. Flake.

This went from 2nd date bang to a complete flake. Who knows why, probably because I texted her when I should have held off for a few days, listened to my well intentioned masso who's a chick herself and sentimental. I blocked her on Tinder after the date to try and build a sliver of mystery, didnt seem to work. Who cares, next.

EXACT same experience here.

I suspect the sheer volume of Tinder attention renders the price of male attention lower than ever, tending towards zero.

I have no idea how to circumvent this problem: I'm hopelessly busy right now and behind schedule, so I don't have time for much at the moment, but my battle plan is to cut my own costs to a minimum, ie. avoid bars or public meet-ups entirely and just invite her straight to my place. All I need to do is stock up on the bar, buy some quality ingredients, get some good speakers, work my magic, see what happens.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Met a chick on Tinder last Thursday asked to meet Saturday and got flaked. She lives in Long Island so I asked again and this time we'll meet on Wednesday. Flaked 2 hours before meetup.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Yesterday a girl should've come over to eat. She was very enthousiastic before, gave me her number, messaged me, etc.. But she flaked. Weird thing is, she hasn't said anything, and hasn't been on whatsapp since tuesday.

DGAF, all part of
[Image: dd86639aede1f27401cf9cb1d8622b54_large.png]

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (04-10-2014 03:10 PM)casio Wrote:  

Yesterday a girl should've come over to eat. She was very enthousiastic before, gave me her number, messaged me, etc.. But she flaked. Weird thing is, she hasn't said anything, and hasn't been on whatsapp since tuesday.

DGAF, all part of
[Image: dd86639aede1f27401cf9cb1d8622b54_large.png]

For me personally this is still very annoying. Sometimes I just think these chicks are so experienced at texting / wasting time that they can put up an illusion of you having a chance to bang them except you never will.

I also think that if they ask you to "meet next week" you're pretty much guaranteed that she'll never text back.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

I've been noticing alot of tinder stories here so I'll share flake from mine:

I know exactly where I fucked up (I think)

Matched a 38 year old who looks 28, visiting here for a week. The convo made it well known we would be banging when we hungout, she was pretty forward about it.

Got the number did a compliancy test told her to send a pic, I sent one back, she digged my arms and beardstache.

We started talking about sports and exercising. Turns out her pic was her fresh out of the gym (surprisingly cute). She played volleyball told me she was 5'9" i said perfect I like my women tall. **THIS is where I fucked myself** I said i was 5'9" ish (I am almost 5'9) and I like my women tall. Fall asleep...text her did you die or what ? "no i fell asleep early, good morning, how's yours going" blah blah blah. Then I ask her hey are we still or for tonight -no response- then go for the classic "good to know you're reliable" line. No response delete number.

I'm pretty sure when I interjected height I created a vulnerability in my game. Lesson learned.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

This Girl promised she wasn't going to flake..
She reached out to ME to pick the time/day of the plans

And hasn't responded to my text today since two hours ago. We planned to meet in 2 hrs from now

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Gave her a call 30 min before we said we'd meet

No answer..

Get a call back a few min later.. She was asleep..

False alarm, game on!

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Annnddd that sex was amazing.. Best of 2014.sorry for trolling the flake thread.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Booked a hotel room yesterday and as the clock ticked past the no refund time I was game on still. 4pm rolls round and I was just checking the hotel room.

I get a text saying "sorry I'm not coming"

Her response to my query as to why;

- You could be setting up cameras
- I dont know you (we already met and got some heavy kissing going on) literally no resistance
- You're a player
- You might have all sorts

These were all given in one text and I was just pissed. Moreso because money went down the drain unless I can get to use it tonight with someone else.

I believe she is a bi-polar/BPD woman. She has 3 cats aswell....[Image: dodgy.gif]

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

^^^Never cop the room before the slut is in your presence and warmed up. Gives them too much time to 'think' and hamsterize. Needs to be one smooth bounce/transition, Need to 'microwave' her ass back to the point of how you left her.

It's like putting the cart before the horse...


The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

I've called girls out for flaking and ended up getting them. It's important though that you know this when calling girls out for flaking, that you are COMPLETELY WILLING TO LOSE THE GIRL when you call her out for it. Because I genuinely did not care at that point so I called them out for it. I've also lost girls from doing it as well, but like I said, I was no longer attached to the possibility of getting with them.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (04-14-2014 11:51 AM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

^^^Never cop the room before the slut is in your presence and warmed up. Gives them too much time to 'think' and hamsterize. Needs to be one smooth bounce/transition, Need to 'microwave' her ass back to the point of how you left her.

It's like putting the cart before the horse...

Well the thing is, she had a room booked the last week but things fell through. She lost her booking too so I no longer will take the "plans for next week" excuse for dates.

Its either now or never and I am going to run with it.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (04-14-2014 03:21 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2014 11:51 AM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

^^^Never cop the room before the slut is in your presence and warmed up. Gives them too much time to 'think' and hamsterize. Needs to be one smooth bounce/transition, Need to 'microwave' her ass back to the point of how you left her.

It's like putting the cart before the horse...

Well the thing is, she had a room booked the last week but things fell through. She lost her booking too so I no longer will take the "plans for next week" excuse for dates.

Its either now or never and I am going to run with it.



The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Flaked on last night.

Tinder meet up, she was coming to my house then we go bowling (sober game).

Texts me 1.5 hours before saying she forgot she needed to go with her friend, so her friend could serve her ex with papers. blah blah blah, said she could be there around 9:30, then i get this text (see attached photo):

Did i handle this well? Still awaiting a response, if not, will reengage later this week.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

It's not a flake as such but fits in with the theme of the thread so hope it's ok to post here. And it's a curiously direct response in contrast to most of the BS women come up with.

In fact, I think we should be friends.. I'm not sure whether we would be a good match in the long run. I'm very sorry.
I've decided that I am looking for something serious (sort of) but I want it to be crazy love too. We don't have that.

I'm not sure why but I laughed out loud when I got this. Maybe because I was just trying to bang the slvt, not have some epic romance.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

I would have just left it at "Good to know you're reliable." - no need to push the boundaries. Or, you could have used some common banters(e.g. I'll have to think of a fitting punishment then [Image: wink.gif]).

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (04-15-2014 12:54 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Flaked on last night.

Tinder meet up, she was coming to my house then we go bowling (sober game).

Texts me 1.5 hours before saying she forgot she needed to go with her friend, so her friend could serve her ex with papers. blah blah blah, said she could be there around 9:30, then i get this text (see attached photo):

Did i handle this well? Still awaiting a response, if not, will reengage later this week.

I would have just left it at "Good to know you're reliable." - no need to push the boundaries. Or, you could have used some common banters(e.g. I'll have to think of a fitting punishment then Wink).

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

why is there an entire thread dedicated to being flaked on? in my experience you should minimize any focus on any negative aspects of your game. simply analyze it once, see where you could improve, adjust your course, and forget about it completely...

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Quote: (04-15-2014 10:27 PM)Earth Wrote:  

why is there an entire thread dedicated to being flaked on? in my experience you should minimize any focus on any negative aspects of your game. simply analyze it once, see where you could improve, adjust your course, and forget about it completely...

Because it's amusing and interesting to see the kind of BS women come out with. Don't like it, don't read it.

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Yeah got no response, and said so when are you making it up to response.

Did i mention she's a recovering heroine addict ? I thought this would be an easy bang, guess not. Number deleted on to the next one !

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

What's great is when they message you a few weeks later and you have no idea who they are because you deleted their contact info. I love asking "Who's this?" or even calling them by another girl's name.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Tinder MAtch was gonna come over for sex.
Instead she smoked to much weed..and sent me pictures of her butt.

I am the cock carousel

The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread

Not getting off to a very good start. Just said goodbye to my ex live-in girlfriend yesterday. Freedom is in the air. I spent all day yesterday cleaning the shit out of the house and getting presentable for new pussy to come through. I've had a cute little Russian chick on the back burner for several months. Never fucked, only made out because of logistics. She has like 5 roomates and until recently I had a live in girlfriend.

Anxious to exercise my new found freedom and seal the deal on this chick, I invited her over for dinner. She agreed and even seemed excited to come through. Fast forward to today and I text her to confirm. She responds by saying she's at work and is hoping she will be able to get off early. WTF? I end up making dinner for myself and told her she should come over and watch a movie after she gets off. She ends up not getting off until 10 (or so she says) and texts me that she just got home and it's too late to do anything because she has work again at 6AM tomorrow. Fuck!

About to head to the club after I type this. I need new leads. It seems like pussy was more plentiful when I was in a LTR. Lol.

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