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Living in Manila...

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-15-2014 11:50 AM)YardDog Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2014 08:51 AM)Irishman Wrote:  

Great thread guys. I think I might make a trip later this year.

Don't want to derail this thread but have any of ye checked out the local surf conditions?

I know its mostly classic typhoon swells and is flat from May till September but the rest of the year should be good.


Yes, PI has epic surf when it's on. The thing is it's not as consistent as say a Central Mex or Central America. Ideal seasons are short.

PM me for details as I've taken a couple trips here so far. I absolutely scored back in Oct in Siargao. That place is epic when it's on. Heavy reefs and hollow waves all up and down the coast of the island. Got my ass handed to me, in a good way. lol.

But the season for ideal winds plus swell is short in Siargao. Right now it has swell, but bad wind/weather for instance. Still some windows to be had but you could also go there and get skunked and sit in rain for 2 weeks.

I also did some surfing in West Coast Luzon but it wasn't anything compared to the Pacific Islands. Samar also has epic surf in season but a number of the surf towns there were wiped out from Yolanda. Amazingly Siargao came out unscathed. East coast Luzon is supposed to be pretty good too.

Best season for Pacific surfing is Mid August to Dec for weather, but has swell until Mar (but bad weather dec-mar). Summer is flat over there. West coasts get nov-apr north swells but it's weaker.

Search for Philippine surfing and you'll find sites with lots of details. Yeoooow..hahaha

very rarely do I post here but I can cosign all of this

I lived in Siargao for 6 months last year.

I'm very jealous that you had the chance to be there last october as my local friends have rated this last surf season as one of the best they've ever witnessed. Hope you scored some bombs !

If the wind condition is unfavorable in around the cloud 9 area, try heading up north. The northern tip of the island gives you decent options depending on onshore/offshore winds.

I love this place and plan on buying a piece of land there in the future.

Might I ask what resort you stayed at YardDog ?

Irishman feel free to PM me for more informations. You should DEFINITELY give Siargao a shot. Place is a fucking paradise.

Living in Manila...

Today is a happy day in RVF brotherhood!

[Image: grouphug.gif]

I get a message from Fox McCloud...

Fox McCloud - "Hey have you fucked this girl? (facebook profile link)"
DirectDanger - "Yes I fucked that girl. Feel free to have at it"
Fox McCloud - "Ok, I'm going to try to fuck her this week"
DirectDanger - "Soon we will be eskimo brothers!"
Fox McCloud - "She's down tonight. But I'm seeing somebody already"
DirectDanger - "What a tough life. hmmmm... which girl should I fuck? You are living the good life bro!"

I get a text last night from Fox McCloud...
8pm - "Hey I am seeing her tonight"
10pm - "Done!"

[Image: cqegO1tl.png]

Just to be a little bit of a dick I send her a text around 11pm.

DirectDanger - "Hey... What are you doing tonight?"

I had a girl over and I don't look at my phone until the next morning.

Girl -
"So?? I know what youre thinking"
"can we at least talk?"
"can we at least talk?"
"DirectDanger come on???"
"Look, anway this is going nowhere I know. Might at least tell you now. I really like you. I really really really do. I'm sorry. I really am."

Not exactly sure if her response means she knows she fucked one of my buddies or not. Girls often ask me if I have friends here and I tell them about my buddy Fox McCloud but fuck if I can remember what my conversation was with that girl. I can't remember which girl I tell what.

It could also be her realization that the two times I ever text her is at 11pm to come hang out straight to my condo to fuck and then make her leave. Then every time she ask me to go do something outside my condo I just ignore her.

But don't worry - she really really likes me!
These bitches be crazy.

Just to clarify - My guess is I am Eskimo Brothers with several other RVF guys at this point. But this is the first girl I can confirm!

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-18-2014 10:55 PM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

I get a text last night from Fox McCloud...
8pm - "Hey I am seeing her tonight"
10pm - "Done!"

Just to be a little bit of a dick I send her a text around 11pm.

DirectDanger - "Hey... What are you doing tonight?"

I had a girl over and I don't look at my phone until the next morning.

Girl -
"So?? I know what youre thinking"
"can we at least talk?"
"can we at least talk?"
"DirectDanger come on???"
"Look, anway this is going nowhere I know. Might at least tell you now. I really like you. I really really really do. I'm sorry. I really am."

Not exactly sure if her response means she knows she fucked one of my buddies or not. Girls often ask me if I have friends here and I tell them about my buddy Fox McCloud but fuck if I can remember what my conversation was with that girl. I can't remember which girl I tell what.

Yeah it does because I told her, the whole date I was giving her hints and clues, playing with fire, to see if she would figure it out. Honestly she had a weird tooth and that really bothers me but knowing what I knew it was a deed that had to be done. She was super easy, I pretty much just walked her around and moved her into a cab. We stopped by a 711 to grab a bottle and some soda, but we didn't drink. I knew she was going to be easy so I pretty much just picked her up and started making out with her, then threw her on my bed.

DirectDanger definitely stretched her out before I got there which sucked. Sex was ok I tried to just kiss her cheek not her mouth. The 10pm text I sent was when she was in the shower. When she gets out I lay on the bad and say "So, who was better, me or DirectDanger?" Her pupils shrink really small but I can kind of see what's going on in the back of her mind.

[Image: family-guy-buff-hamster-o.gif]

but there was nothing to rationalize, so she jumped on me and grabbed my throat with both hands, trying to strangle me. I seriously think she wanted to get rid of the evidence (me.) She yelled, "Its not OK!!!!" Luckily she is tiny and Filipina, anyways, eskimo brothers.

Living in Manila...

How many Roosh V Forum members can you get on the bike?

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 07:15 AM)Fox McCloud Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2014 10:55 PM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

I get a text last night from Fox McCloud...
8pm - "Hey I am seeing her tonight"
10pm - "Done!"

Just to be a little bit of a dick I send her a text around 11pm.

DirectDanger - "Hey... What are you doing tonight?"

I had a girl over and I don't look at my phone until the next morning.

Girl -
"So?? I know what youre thinking"
"can we at least talk?"
"can we at least talk?"
"DirectDanger come on???"
"Look, anway this is going nowhere I know. Might at least tell you now. I really like you. I really really really do. I'm sorry. I really am."

Not exactly sure if her response means she knows she fucked one of my buddies or not. Girls often ask me if I have friends here and I tell them about my buddy Fox McCloud but fuck if I can remember what my conversation was with that girl. I can't remember which girl I tell what.

Yeah it does because I told her, the whole date I was giving her hints and clues, playing with fire, to see if she would figure it out. Honestly she had a weird tooth and that really bothers me but knowing what I knew it was a deed that had to be done. She was super easy, I pretty much just walked her around and moved her into a cab. We stopped by a 711 to grab a bottle and some soda, but we didn't drink. I knew she was going to be easy so I pretty much just picked her up and started making out with her, then threw her on my bed.

DirectDanger definitely stretched her out before I got there which sucked. Sex was ok I tried to just kiss her cheek not her mouth. The 10pm text I sent was when she was in the shower. When she gets out I lay on the bad and say "So, who was better, me or DirectDanger?" Her pupils shrink really small but I can kind of see what's going on in the back of her mind.

[Image: family-guy-buff-hamster-o.gif]

but there was nothing to rationalize, so she jumped on me and grabbed my throat with both hands, trying to strangle me. I seriously think she wanted to get rid of the evidence (me.) She yelled, "Its not OK!!!!" Luckily she is tiny and Filipina, anyways, eskimo brothers.

This is hilarious! I wonder what she had in her mind..

Living in Manila...

Next Meetup in Manila

Check the meetup thread for details!

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-01-2014 01:50 AM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

As always the rules have changed again. Back to the old rules.

21 day visa on arrival. Can extend for 39 days after that. Extend 2 months after that. And so on.

No more 6 month extensions from my experience.

Can someone break down exactly what the process is for getting an extension? I've been Googling this for an hour but the information is really conflicting. I don't really care about the length or fees.

Some sites don't even mention the requirements, while others say I need an onward ticket, bank statements, and a letter from a sponsor? Why would I be extending my stay if I have a flight out? [Image: huh.gif] Also, how long before the expiration of the first stay do I need to apply?

Living in Manila...

Any hotel suggestions for a first timer in Manila.

It sounds like staying in Makati near the square is the best area for picking up girls but I was wondering if anyone had any good hotel suggestions. Anywhere in the $30 to $40 range is what I'm looking at.

Living in Manila...

Check agoda they have a great selection in Manila. If you are staying for more than a week check also airbnb. Get a place for the first 3-4 days on Agoda and depending on how long you are staying, talk to the guys already there and ask for a good real estate agent for a nice place for 1-3 months if you are staying that long.

Living in Manila...


Do not take my word as 100% the truth. I will just tell you what I think I know.

Assuming you are American/Canadian/Euro you will get a 30 day visa on arrival. After 30 days you can apply for a 39 day extension. After that you can apply for your ACR card if you want one. You will be able to choose if you want a 1 or 2 month visa extension from then on. You can do this for a long time... maybe 16 months but I am not sure. Then you have to leave the country for a day and you can start all over again.

It is possible for you to go and take care of all of this your self if you want. I have no desire to spend my day dealing with this shit so I pay a service to take care of it for me. I used a company called They come directly to my condo and pick up my passport and money and then a day or two later they bring it back with everything done.

I paid 4,700 pesos for the first 39 day extension. I think it cost 3,000 for the visa and 1,700 for the service I was using.

I paid 10,000 pesos for the 2 month visa extension and the ACR card. I think it was around 7,500 visa extension and ACR card so I paid 2,500 for the service.

Visa extensions become cheaper after that. Paying for the ACR card is why it was so expensive the second time.

You will need an ACR card if you want to open a bank account, get a drivers license, etc... You don't have to get one.

If you plan on doing this stuff yourself be sure you wear long sleeve shirt, jeans, and shoes. You need to look nice to get into the government buildings or they won't let you in.

I am no expert on this subject so anyone else who knows what is going on please speak up.

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 08:56 PM)murrb Wrote:  

Any hotel suggestions for a first timer in Manila.

It sounds like staying in Makati near the square is the best area for picking up girls but I was wondering if anyone had any good hotel suggestions. Anywhere in the $30 to $40 range is what I'm looking at.

Makati Square? You do not want to stay next to that. You want to stay next to GreenBelt.

I have no hotel recommendations but I do know $30 to $40 is going to be difficult. Hotels are not as cheap in Makati as you can find in BKK.

How long do you plan on staying?

Being within walking distance to greenbelt is crucial. You will probably go there every day to eat or meet dates. If you are taking a taxi each way that can add up. Better just to pay more and be next to greenbelt.

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 09:10 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Check agoda they have a great selection in Manila. If you are staying for more than a week check also airbnb. Get a place for the first 3-4 days on Agoda and depending on how long you are staying, talk to the guys already there and ask for a good real estate agent for a nice place for 1-3 months if you are staying that long.

From what I've seen, Airbnb seems to provide a pretty poor value for Manila compared to other places. It's usually always going to be a little higher than what you'd find on the ground but even in BKK there are listings for much nicer places for the same price.

Edit: Perhaps I stand corrected:

Quote: (01-19-2014 10:01 PM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

Hotels are not as cheap in Makati as you can find in BKK..

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 08:56 PM)murrb Wrote:  

Any hotel suggestions for a first timer in Manila.

It sounds like staying in Makati near the square is the best area for picking up girls but I was wondering if anyone had any good hotel suggestions. Anywhere in the $30 to $40 range is what I'm looking at.

Hotels in Manila are expensive......Cheapest will be $50 USD for anything remotely decent.

Use Agoda....The issue with AirBnB is that almost all of the places have a
1 meg internet connection...which is a no go for me because of my online

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 09:52 PM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

It is possible for you to go and take care of all of this your self if you want. I have no desire to spend my day dealing with this shit so I pay a service to take care of it for me. I used a company called They come directly to my condo and pick up my passport and money and then a day or two later they bring it back with everything done.

So you just send your passport and money?

I read a few places mentioning other requirements like bank statements, onward flights, and an invitation letter, but now that I'm looking through it again, I think that is only if you're applying for a tourist visa before you arrive.

Living in Manila...

I've got 3 weeks in the Philippines total. So maybe 10 to 12 days in Manila and the other 10 days or so in a different city possibly near the water.

If I have to spend $60 or more a night it's not a huge deal I was just used to finding decent places in BKK last year for about $40 a night and I thought the Phils was even cheaper but I guess not for accomadations

Just found a place for $45 a night on airbnb

"few minutes walk to Ayala and MRT (Ayala Station)"

He put in that in the description and I think that is where I want to stay?

He doesn't have any reviews yet on his airbnb place. Should that be a red flag or should I give it shots?

Living in Manila...


Send me a PM of the places you are thinking about and I will tell you if it is a good location.

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 10:14 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

So you just send your passport and money?

I read a few places mentioning other requirements like bank statements, onward flights, and an invitation letter, but now that I'm looking through it again, I think that is only if you're applying for a tourist visa before you arrive.

If you are just getting a tourist Visa which is what I was talking about then Passport and Money is all you need.

All those other things are required for other types of visas I think. Don't quote me on that.

Living in Manila...

If you want a hotel within walking distance to greenbelt here is a map. This map is from Agoda showing all the hotels.

Red box is ideal. Green part is ok. Outside of that is to far.

[Image: AC8YcLo.png]

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 08:57 AM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

Next Meetup in Manila

Check the meetup thread for details!

Hey DD

I won't make for this one, but will be back in Manila end of Feb till late March.

Look forward to another meet up then.

Living in Manila...

Re location in Makati, I've stayed in 7 different places in Manila in the last 2 years.

DD's map is spot on.

In the red box, East side of Makati Ave is mostly premium hotels.

Be wary of Air BnB offers that say "a few minutes walk to Greenbelt", when they really mean 20+ minutes in the heat, and taxi drivers won't turn the meter on because they say you are not going far enough.

BTW, when you fly in to Manila Airport, after clearing immigration, take the elevator up to the departures level and get in a taxi that has just dropped someone off, and make sure he turns the meter on.
Will cost less than half the price of the airport monopoly taxis down at the arrivals level.

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-19-2014 11:48 PM)Antipodean Wrote:  

Quote: (01-19-2014 08:57 AM)DirectDanger Wrote:  

Next Meetup in Manila

Check the meetup thread for details!

Hey DD

I won't make for this one, but will be back in Manila end of Feb till late March.

Look forward to another meet up then.

I arrive Feb 15 for 3 weeks so a late Feb meet up would work well for me as well or maybe early March on my way back home.

Living in Manila...

Yeah... We will have another meet up sometime when @murrb and @Antipodean are here in late February.

Seems like having a meet up about once a month is going to work best.

Living in Manila...

Alright, I was chilling with DirectDanger sharing some stories, decided this was another good one, this one actually from last night. I log into DIA to check my messages and I see a cutie:

me: Hi *name removed*, where in Manila is *location removed*?
her:its *name removed*. why
me:Oh just curious, I never hear anybody call it by that. How are you still single?
her:yes im single . are you in manila?
me:Yes I am, I live in *location removed*, by *name removed*. Very close to you.
me: why do you ask?
her: ok because im alone tonight
me: I can keep you company

she then asks if I'm kind, I assure her I'm a good person.

She adds me on fb, calls me, and I head over with a bottle of captain morgan in hand. I get there and am super lost and a little sketched out not having any idea where the fuck I am. On the phone she says "over here" "no," "over here!" over and over with no specific direction, typical dumbass filipina whatever. Finally, I see her in an orange dress. She waves and then runs away, I chase after turning a few corners until I see and open door with the light on.

Holyshit she is fucking drunk, so I pick up her shitsu and throw it into the closet. She poors me a very large glass of straight rum, she starts sucking my dick as I drink and then 10 minutes in tells me, "I'm engaged but we had a fight earlier" and flashes her diamond ring. I look to the door which isn't totally closed so I hop over from the couch and lock all 4 locks. She's fucking sexy though, beautiful face, big curves, big firm tits, big firm ass, and age inappropriate (she's 29, 10 years older than me.)

The sex was fucking amazing, she talked dirtier than any girl I've ever had, she wanted me to spit in her face, fucked her against the mirror, the tits both ways. Some real pornstar shit. She was tight, and she was actually really sensitive so even the titty fucking she was moaning and getting off on which was crazy [Image: whip.gif]

Later I rode her scooter, my first time driving one and of course I drive with her holding on to me because I'm a man. One of the best nights I've had in a while which is saying something because I'm living in the Phil.

Living in Manila...

Enjoy it while it lasts. Online dating in the Philippines is getting harder and harder every month...

Living in Manila...

Quote: (01-20-2014 09:51 AM)Paul B Wrote:  

Enjoy it while it lasts. Online dating in the Philippines is getting harder and harder every month...

How so?

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