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Learned about gold diggers today

Learned about gold diggers today

Evening everyone,
Today I had the chance to go out with a friend who is pretty well off and decently good looking. He's in his twenties and is extremely successful, from a mix of good business decisions and inheritance. He owns a Ferrari 458, and he took me out in it today. Early in the morning, we went to a car meet. Afterwards, him and I went to a coffee shop. About a minute after we rolled up, a girl came up to us and started talking to him. She had seen him driving it, and she complimented the car. They began to small talk, and he bought her a coffee. Blah blah blah, and he got her number. I kept my thoughts ot myself. After this, we drove to the mall, and 4 girls came up to us, and he got numbers from all of them. My jaw was on the floor- does money really attract women that easily? I know they're probably gold diggers, but damn they smell money like drug dogs smell weed! At least he's smart enough not to pursue that kind of girl. He told me that he usually takes a girl out in an affordable car for the first date, to filter out the gold diggers. Seems to me that wealthy people should be more interested in hiding their wealth than showing it off if it attracts this sort of attention!


Learned about gold diggers today

I assume girls between 18-24? older women don't usually care about cars...they care about dinner [Image: smile.gif]

Learned about gold diggers today

Haha, interesting post.

It seems like you just woke up to reality though, and I don't mean this in a bad way. It is indeed different seeing one thing objectively instead of being told. I suppose I was naive too before. I hope this has been a valuable lesson now that you've seen it first hand.

As 2Pac said: "Money over bitchez!"

Notoriously right, women should never be a "priority", but instead, peripheral, focus on money, women will come, you just need to play your cards well and not fuck up.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Learned about gold diggers today

This is just evolutionary science. Men seek the most attractive mate for breeding, women seek the most capable mate for breeding.

Learned about gold diggers today

All the girls were relatively young, oldest was probably late 20s or early 30s. Most were somewhat good looking, and didn't dress "gold-diggerish" either. I was very surprised to say the least.

Learned about gold diggers today


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Learned about gold diggers today

You've got it backward.

Gold diggers are like opening a whole new market for free pussy. Just don't knock them up, don't bang them at your pad.

If you're on a biz trip for example, exude money and just try to bang them ASAP and never talk to them again. Win win.

Also you should spend more time trying to learn from that guy on how to make money, who cares about the ride in his Ferrari. Connections are everything in life, if you have him see if there is anything you can do for him so you can make $$ and accelerate your future.

Learned about gold diggers today

HotWheels will like this one:

As to the "I take them on affordable first dates" reminded me of a story i once heard from an older woman. She was in her late 30s and had once gone on a date with the guy who owns all of the Kohls department stores...I'm pretty sure he is in his 60s.

He took her to Ella's Deli in Madison WI, which is like a mcdonald's playland madhouse (the have a full size, staffed carousel out front), combined with well portioned but cheap good food, and alot of NY Kosher deli type dishes.

This lady was so pissed that he would take her somewhere so crazy and cheap and of course never had a 2nd date, but he apparently does this with women all the time.

Game. Recognized.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Learned about gold diggers today

^ that's just stupid.

You want to bang them and leave. So he is literally wastng both his time and money.

You take them to a nice appetizer place, oysters and drinks.

Then you try to bang that night, if they don't put out (you know they are golddiggers) then you never contact again.

How is it "game recognized" if he is taking a chick out not fucking her and spending his time in a mcdonalds lol! Please explain

The high end guys who are actually players, they don't give a fuck if the girl knows he has some dough. He isn't looking for a soul mate. #player4life.

That's the difference

Learned about gold diggers today

Yeah I don't get the gold digger hate. That label implies you think she liked you for you but she only wanted your money. The label itself is beta. Gold diggers are great if you're a player. Do as WC does. All they need is a taste of wealth....sell them a dream and a future, then close up shop.

Learned about gold diggers today

Quote: (12-14-2013 09:46 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Yeah I don't get the gold digger hate. That label implies you think she liked you for you but she only wanted your money. The label itself is beta. Gold diggers are great if you're a player. Do as WC does. All they need is a taste of wealth....sell them a dream and a future, then close up shop.

Gold Diggers are the reason it's better to be a man. Once a woman hits a certain age, there is literally NOTHING she can do to up her value in the sexual marketplace.

But a man of almost any age can earn more money, and suddenly he's outgaming 21 year old meatheads for their pedestalized girlfriends.

Learned about gold diggers today

Throw back

"You either build or destroy,where you come from?"

Learned about gold diggers today

Quote: (12-14-2013 09:24 PM)wiscanada Wrote:  

HotWheels will like this one:

As to the "I take them on affordable first dates" reminded me of a story i once heard from an older woman. She was in her late 30s and had once gone on a date with the guy who owns all of the Kohls department stores...I'm pretty sure he is in his 60s.

He took her to Ella's Deli in Madison WI, which is like a mcdonald's playland madhouse (the have a full size, staffed carousel out front), combined with well portioned but cheap good food, and alot of NY Kosher deli type dishes.

This lady was so pissed that he would take her somewhere so crazy and cheap and of course never had a 2nd date, but he apparently does this with women all the time.

Game. Recognized.

Herb Kohl.

He's also a Senator and owns the Milwaukee Bucks.

As far as game goes, it depends on what the guy wants. I'd say he was screening for a LTR versus just a bang and she failed.

Her reaction shows he was correct in that instance.

Being a high profile guy I'm sure he has to play things a bit differently as well.

Learned about gold diggers today

I see a lot of naked golddiggers in my future

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Learned about gold diggers today

Quote: (12-14-2013 10:54 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

I see a lot of naked golddiggers in my future


I know you have to have a few in the past....

*Yeah. Kohl liked one of my ex's... My already outsized ego took a bump

You'll have that....

Learned about gold diggers today

Quote: (12-14-2013 10:45 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (12-14-2013 09:24 PM)wiscanada Wrote:  

HotWheels will like this one:

As to the "I take them on affordable first dates" reminded me of a story i once heard from an older woman. She was in her late 30s and had once gone on a date with the guy who owns all of the Kohls department stores...I'm pretty sure he is in his 60s.

He took her to Ella's Deli in Madison WI, which is like a mcdonald's playland madhouse (the have a full size, staffed carousel out front), combined with well portioned but cheap good food, and alot of NY Kosher deli type dishes.

This lady was so pissed that he would take her somewhere so crazy and cheap and of course never had a 2nd date, but he apparently does this with women all the time.

Game. Recognized.

Herb Kohl.

He's also a Senator and owns the Milwaukee Bucks.

As far as game goes, it depends on what the guy wants. I'd say he was screening for a LTR versus just a bang and she failed.

Her reaction shows he was correct in that instance.

Being a high profile guy I'm sure he has to play things a bit differently as well.

Yep, I think being an older high profile guy he's not just on a ONS mission and its LTR screening. That is how to play the game vs. a state assembly person (the name escapes me so I can't google the story) who was totally gamed by a gold digging whore.

She was his assistant, he got her some sweet government job where her starting salary was 20 grand higher than the person who just retired from the position. His wife found out, divorced him, he was later arrested for DUI with the assistant in the car and she just let him take the fall. He later lost his seat in a recall election and guess who still has their sweet ass job?

That is gold digger game, of which Herb Kohl is screening against.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Learned about gold diggers today

money vs game, it's that time of the week!

Older guy in his 50's goes to my gym.
The area I live in is fairly affluent, but it's not longer growing.

This dude is balding, but in decent shape.
I can't really speak on how handsome he is, but he's not disfigured.
Gym gear wise, he's rocking stuff you expect an older guy to wear to the gym. Old sneakers, sleeveless shirts.

Unremarkable. Looks like all the other guys at the end of middle age.

He rolls up in a brand new Audi R8.

Overweight id checker girl likes his car, and other girls like it too, and she asks him about it.

That's the extent of his wealth game.

Can he convert the fatty at the counter?
Any of the 18-23 year olds that work out there?
Is any chick gonna chat him up cause they saw an old ass man come out of dope ass super car?

Flashing wealth is like being tall. It attracts attention, but it doesn't necessarily convert to attraction.

Now you didn't mention if your boy was
- good looking
- dressed well
- knew how to handle the hollers

And if a girl is attracted to you, you still have to do something for it to work out in your benefit.

As for "hiding your wealth', if you've got that much $, the people who can take it from you, know about it.

You've got a few milli from your business, you need to worry about your vendors, business partners, clients, and the bank.

You've got a trust fund? You need to worry about the lawyers and accountants and the market.

The server for your e-commerce business located in Florida gets hit by a hurricane, and you lose a bunch of sales during your heavy period - that's a real concern.

Getting robbed cause you flashing some gold, or you got nice rims or something - those really are poor people problems.


Learned about gold diggers today

I have found that most women (in LA) just want a free meal ticket. That is why I only take them to a coffee shop (and go dutch) or pick them up at their place and take them to a bar for 1-2 drinks for a first date. No food under any circumstances.

[Image: women-lol_o_227470.webp]

He has often been called the "Last of the Romans"

"We have prostitutes for our pleasure, concubines for our health, and wives to bear us lawful offspring."--Demosthenes (384–322 BC), Red Pill Greek Statesman

Learned about gold diggers today

My uncle's a rich old dude living in Ukraine. I visit every now and again. Every time him and his average-looking 40-something buddies go out, they get flocked by hot 20-year-olds. We're at a club and I'm sitting in our booth alone drinking and smoking hookah. And I'm like 17 and my Russian wasn't great at the time, so I'm like fuck it, I'm gonna get drunk and watch ladies shake their butts right over here and not talk to anyone.

And hot girls in their 20s are coming up to me and starting conversations. And on that day, I was like... damn, I need to get my money situation right in the future.

Learned about gold diggers today

What you've witnessed at that time is pretty natural. However, there are two important caveats:

A) He still needs game to close, they won't strip naked just by themselves
B) If he has game, he can bang them without giving them a penny, even a dinner. They are attracted to the power his money provides, not the money itself.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Learned about gold diggers today

Quote: (12-15-2013 02:58 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

money vs game, it's that time of the week!

Older guy in his 50's goes to my gym.
The area I live in is fairly affluent, but it's not longer growing.

This dude is balding, but in decent shape.
I can't really speak on how handsome he is, but he's not disfigured.
Gym gear wise, he's rocking stuff you expect an older guy to wear to the gym. Old sneakers, sleeveless shirts.

Unremarkable. Looks like all the other guys at the end of middle age.

He rolls up in a brand new Audi R8.

Overweight id checker girl likes his car, and other girls like it too, and she asks him about it.

That's the extent of his wealth game.

Can he convert the fatty at the counter?
Any of the 18-23 year olds that work out there?
Is any chick gonna chat him up cause they saw an old ass man come out of dope ass super car?

Flashing wealth is like being tall. It attracts attention, but it doesn't necessarily convert to attraction.

Now you didn't mention if your boy was
- good looking
- dressed well
- knew how to handle the hollers

And if a girl is attracted to you, you still have to do something for it to work out in your benefit.

As for "hiding your wealth', if you've got that much $, the people who can take it from you, know about it.

You've got a few milli from your business, you need to worry about your vendors, business partners, clients, and the bank.

You've got a trust fund? You need to worry about the lawyers and accountants and the market.

The server for your e-commerce business located in Florida gets hit by a hurricane, and you lose a bunch of sales during your heavy period - that's a real concern.

Getting robbed cause you flashing some gold, or you got nice rims or something - those really are poor people problems.


Money game is not just about having it or showing it, it's about leveraging it to get pussy. I knew a guy in LA who used to invest small amounts of money into indie film projects so that he could get an "executive producer" credit. That made him a movie producer, and he could prove it because his name would be in both the opening and closing credits.

The nice car and clothes just added to the image of hot-shot producer. The guy was a financial adviser to a dental group, for fucks sake, but the pussy he got from introducing himself to stunners as a movie producer was amazing. That's leveraging your money.

Another one that was awesome was a guy I read about in Miami. He had a "kept woman" who's "job" was model scout. What she really did was socialize with hotties, figure out which ones were actually broke, then casually introduce them to this rich guy she knew who "is just too busy to meet nice girls like you". Leverage.

In both cases the guys were thousandaires, not millionaires. Mid 6 figure a year guys. A nice car, pad, and some nice clothes only served as window dressing for the self bestowed title which women saw as an opportunity for themselves.

People are inherently self interested. The fake producer guy told me, and I was a gameless pup then, that the most amazing part is that it only worked on good looking women who were trying to get into the business. Regular chicks saw the bullshit coming a mile away, but an ambitious hottie blinded herself to the obvious because she thought she was winning.

Learned about gold diggers today

Quote: (12-14-2013 09:10 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

You've got it backward.

Gold diggers are like opening a whole new market for free pussy. Just don't knock them up, don't bang them at your pad.

If you're on a biz trip for example, exude money and just try to bang them ASAP and never talk to them again. Win win.

Also you should spend more time trying to learn from that guy on how to make money, who cares about the ride in his Ferrari. Connections are everything in life, if you have him see if there is anything you can do for him so you can make $$ and accelerate your future.

We were just going to the auto meet, chilling. I've discussed how to make $$$ with him before, he gave me some ideas which I'm attempting to put in motion.

However, my mind's still blown on how easily money attracts women. Great input everyone xD
Love that Kanye song by the way. Would be hilarious to play it in the car when taking a gold digger out lol.

Learned about gold diggers today

@ weatcoast: +1 on the biz trip strategy. -1 on oysters before hooking up or you might end up moving your stories into the fishy snatch thread lol

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