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Testosterone injections

Testosterone injections

Here's the most reliable information you're going to find:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone injections

Quote: (11-12-2013 12:19 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Here's the most reliable information you're going to find:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

This is the best article I have read on TRT.

Testosterone injections

Nice post Mike. Thanks.

Testosterone injections

Quote: (11-12-2013 12:45 PM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2013 12:19 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Here's the most reliable information you're going to find:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

This is the best article I have read on TRT.

Thank you sir.

Testosterone injections

I noticed one mistake in your article.

"How much does it cost?
Costco is selling 10 mg vials of testosterone cypionate for around $75."

I think you meant 10ml.

Testosterone injections

Quote: (11-12-2013 12:45 PM)Every10GivesMeA10 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-12-2013 12:19 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Here's the most reliable information you're going to find:

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

This is the best article I have read on TRT.

Second this.

Great info Mike. Really appreciate it.

Testosterone injections

I think my arm pits stink since I started taking my Test injections. My girl friend says its just me smelling like a man.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

Quote: (11-25-2013 04:23 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I think my arm pits stink since I started taking my Test injections. My girl friend says its just me smelling like a man.

It's pheromones.

Every guy takes T notices the change.

Then some dorks who have never take T say, "Oh, well maybe you're just walking with more confidence."

No. Clueless. Dorks.

We are animals. Fucking apes.

We have a scent and women have evolved for thousands of years to smell out the fittest men.

Most T = more female attraction.

Testosterone injections

you know when I was in mexicali(Mexico) they told me i can just pick stuff up from the pharmacy. If I have a prescription its not illegal. Whats the deal, with comming through customs. I have other meds i travel with, would it be viewed the same?

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Testosterone injections

Sostenon 250 and test cyp is readily available at almost any pharmacy in Mexico, without a script, and much cheaper than in the USA.

Testosterone injections

Sustanon 250 is my test of choice.

How much is it in Mexico?

Our New Blog:

Testosterone injections

If I remember right it was about $15-18ish a box. 250mg in redi-jects.

Testosterone injections

Does anyone have any experience with the implants? I kind of like the idea since it is for a longer period of time. I imagine it wouldn't regulate your t-levels as well as the injections but would like to get feedback from those that may know. My main concern would still be traveling, with your supply, to other countries.

Testosterone injections

Bill - what part of Mexico was this? How many vials in the box?

Our New Blog:

Testosterone injections

Quote: (11-25-2013 09:55 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Bill - what part of Mexico was this? How many vials in the box?

One Ready-ject per box, they're not in vials. The test cyp comes in vials or readi-jects depending on the brand. I was hitting up any convenient walmart along the way when I drove down to central america last summer.

Testosterone injections

Might be time to check out Cancun again.

Our New Blog:

Testosterone injections

Im looking for Test and HGH. would that be available in a pharmacy?

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Testosterone injections

I couldn't find HCG or HGH anywhere in Mexico, I suspect it's too high end $$$ to stock outside of a hospital pharmacy.

Testosterone injections

what about test?

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Testosterone injections

Elabayarde - why do you want to take hgh/test? How old are you and how long have you been working out?

I take Test because I am in my 40s.

Others can give a better answer but I wouldn't screw around with bringing that stuff into the USA, unless you are alright with smuggling it.

Our New Blog:

Testosterone injections

Quote: (11-25-2013 11:03 PM)elabayarde Wrote:  

what about test?

I get my test cyp refilled when I'm in Nicaragua, there they have 200mg / 2ml glass ampules with a syringe for less than $5 for the more reputable national brand in any pharmacy (even some gas stations). Clen is also available OTC if you're into that.

Testosterone injections

Brief update on my progress.
Hoping to get some more feedback...

-Brief bkgrnd: early 30s, 6'0", 175lbs, lifting for past few yrs on & off (initially SS on my own; got a personal trainer about 6 months ago and have been @ gym 3-5x/week since; heavy compound lifts)
-Had my initial labs drawn about 2-3 months ago. Total Test ~500 (scale: 350-1200)
-Made some dietary and supp changes based on advice from the guys here and on other forums/sites (T Nation, anti-aging, art of manliness, etc.). [diet: high prot, high fat, low carb // Vit D, E, K, B12, Selenium, ZMA, ACV, whey] [held off on Iodine based on earlier advice in this thread]
-Note: my supps are almost all based on my actual blood levels of my Vits/minerals/etc. (I was super thorough ... for reference, I had ~20 vials of blood drawn checking things like blood counts, vit levels, various hormones, etc.)
-[As an aside, I would highly recc those that have the means to get bloodwork done to actually do so ... it gives you hard evidence to base your decision to purchase and use certain supplements and how to titrate dosage. Find a friendly PCP or MikeCF posted about privateMD labs, which is available in some states of the US & has coupons available]
-Improved sleep hygiene (tonsillectomy to improve breathing obstruction, got blackout blinds, bought a Phillips 10,000lux light for light therapy, flux.exe, better scheduled consistent sleep, limited minimal etOH intake)
-Decided to hold off on starting TRT initially based on advice; and instead see if the above changes could make a diff

Current Update
-Dropped weight from 188 to 173. Will have trainer check BF% with calipers next week. (Was ~22-23% 4-6 wks prior)
-Had another ~20 vials of blood drawn again this morning to see where my levels of everything (esp T) are at [should have results in the next few days]
-Have continued to do a lot of research on TRT. Would endorse MikeCF's article linked above as a good recently published resource. (I've personally done so much research at this point including reviewing medical articles; reviewing conference proceedings from medical conferences; scouring forums such as A4M, T nation, BB, GLL, others; reading blogs like D&P, Art of Man, gh15, thumotic, tons of others ... if I had the skill/time I'd like to maybe put up an e-book or something to pass along all the knowledge in a consolidated manner)
-Have continued conversation with anti-aging doc re: TRT and am leaning towards possibly starting. My reasons being is that I want the edge to be in the top 5-10% of what I can be. If my levels are still ~500, that is below average for my age demographic... and I'd rather be among the best; I want the edge.

Future direction
-awaiting new blood test results
-would love feedback on an optimal regimen to start with (I have some flexibility in designing my regimen given my doctor's understanding of my level of knowledge on the subject)

Here is what was initially proposed to me:

10 weeks on:
+Test cypionate 200mg intramusc injection once weekly
+Anastrozole 1mg 3x per week
+no hCG

2 weeks off:

My thoughts:
-I am thinking to push to have hCG added to the regimen because I want to keep some of my endogenous production going, want to keep sperm levels high, and don't want to deal with testicular atrophy (even though I know MikeCF has purported that this shouldn't be a huge concern b/c 'balls get in the way anyway') Should I forget this though and just see what happens to the balls and go from there? I saw others posted about some bloat from hCG (wondering if that was estradiol related perhaps? ... and if on a good aromatase inhibitor regimen, maybe this won't be an issue?)
-I am thinking hCG 250units subcutaneous injection 3x per week. But unsure about this... thoughts?
-I think the proposed anastrozole dosage (1mg 3x per week) is too high. (Note: my initial estradiol level was near the upper limit of normal on my initial labs ... I def don't want to suffer from any estrogenic side effects, therefore I think adding an aromatase inhibitor makes sense ... but I don't want to crash my E levels either, as that is not good. I was thinking of instead pushing for anastrozole 0.25mg 3x per week. Thoughts? Also what days should this be taken? Same as hCG or day before/after??
-Would it be better to divide the 200mg of Testosterone dosage to 100mg every 3 days instead of a once weekly injection to allow for better steady state levels or does at a dosage of 200mg this not really matter?
Maybe 2 injections per week? (I lift Mon/Tue/Thu/Fri ... so maybe a 100mg injection on Sunday and another 100mg on Wednesday?)
-Thoughts about injecting the testosterone subcutaneously instead of intramuscularly? (I watched some of the vids suggested earlier by Mike, which were helpful) Does subQ injection require a different injection schedule than IM injection because of pharmacodynamics/uptake/etc??

I've personally learned a lot by reading other people's experiences, which is part of the reason why I am posting mine (in addition to hoping for some feedback). If there is interest, I can post again when I get some of my updated test results back as well.

I'd be interested to hear updates from guys that posted earlier in the thread on their experience over the last 2 months since the OP as well.

Testosterone injections

Anyone every try dim as an anti estrogen while on test?

Going to pick up some today. Will let y'all know.

Testosterone injections

So my TESTOSTERONE ran out in January. I didn't get around to getting a new prescription as my doctor was in another state since I had moved and he wanted to run some more test before he would refill my script. I had a lot going on at the time and just wasn't real worried about it. Fast forward to March I move back to my hometown to get some business situated with my rental properties. Things in that aspect have went better then I could imagine. Made some awesome moves to really help set myself up for being able to travel and live where ever I want. Problem is I am feeling DOWN and I'm not even really excited my traveling prospects. I'm not sure if its cause I am back in suck town and its cold winter here or the fact that I only worked out once last month and been eating shit food. Obviously I'm sure that is playing a role. I also wonder if my TESTOSTERONE levels are depleted... My libido is pretty much gone, and when I do have sex its lame and my wood is at like 70% tops. I'm pretty hell bent on heading to Peru in late May/early June but I can't seem to motivation to work on my Spanish. I bought a new kindle and some books but even tho I have nothing but free time haven't started reading any of them. I stopped by my Doctors office last week an asked the lady up front if she would have him call in my TRT but he never did. For some reason I kind of feel on the fence about getting back on it. My main excuse I tell myself for that is cause I don't know how its gonna work with my traveling. Like trying to get it in different countries and making sure its legit stuff if I am getting it in some third world country. There are times when I get all pumped up sitting on the computer and tell myself I am gonna do all the things I should be doing yet I somehow seem to fail to do them every time.

This is not a cry for help haha. I am gonna be ok and I am still doing the business things I need to do to set myself up and follow through with my goals. I am seriously slacking on the health type issues tho I won't deny that. I feel like maybe I am just thinking once I travel I will get all my shit together. However in reality I should be doing this shit now so when I do travel I am already where I need to be physically and mentally.

If I do get back on my TRT I will update this thread and continue reporting about my TRT experience.

(Don't take this as a warning that once you get off TRT you will feel like shit, there are a lot of factors in play here. I tried to be as honest as possible with everything going on that could be relevant to my current state of mind)

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Testosterone injections

Did you take anything to kick start your natural t levels, or just stopped taking your injections and said fuck it?

It sounds like you need to get to the doctor and get back on t. You're having all of these sexual and motivational problems, yet you don't want to go back on trt? That's exactly what it is meant to treat, and isn't that why you got on it to begin with?

Doesn't make any sense to me man.

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