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How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 11:42 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

I really hate how POF works. 0 profile views 0 responses and half a dozen messages sent out. I wonder if there's some trial period that secretly keeps people from seeing your profile and messages. It's been up 3 days now though without deletion so I guess that's good but yeah...

I'm getting that from okc, tons of views, I think?, showing about 112 for the 3 days ive joined but not 1 message, havent sent any out but im being spoiled by pof im getting meet mes and messages without doing anything so I want the same on okc lol. Plus the girls on okc, I dont know if its this first level that you guys mentioned but its HARD to find a good looking girl in the bunch so im barely inspired to try and write somebody.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:23 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 11:42 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

I really hate how POF works. 0 profile views 0 responses and half a dozen messages sent out. I wonder if there's some trial period that secretly keeps people from seeing your profile and messages. It's been up 3 days now though without deletion so I guess that's good but yeah...

I'm getting that from okc, tons of views, I think?, showing about 112 for the 3 days ive joined but not 1 message, havent sent any out but im being spoiled by pof im getting meet mes and messages without doing anything so I want the same on okc lol. Plus the girls on okc, I dont know if its this first level that you guys mentioned but its HARD to find a good looking girl in the bunch so im barely inspired to try and write somebody.

Geez I wonder if I am being IP tracked or something. I feel they got me on lockdown, no views no responses, can't even get a chick into chat.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

you guys finding that the swamp beasts send you guys tons of messages or am I just particularily lucky? 20% of my messages are from chicks that are 7+ but the rest man, seeing some real bottom feeders.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:27 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Geez I wonder if I am being IP tracked or something. I feel they got me on lockdown, no views no responses, can't even get a chick into chat.

yeah that sounds fishy, at the very least you'd have views. Even if some of the chicks are hiding their views a majority prolly dont even know thats an option and others are gonna want you to know that theyre looking so you can make the first move. Sites gotta be blocking you

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:30 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

you guys finding that the swamp beasts send you guys tons of messages or am I just particularily lucky? 20% of my messages are from chicks that are 7+ but the rest man, seeing some real bottom feeders.

Definitely. Almost every time I've been contacted directly its by a girl that weighs more then me and has a much more rugged beard

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Trying to start an OKC profile, is the photo uploader a piece of shit or is it just me? I cant get it to work at all

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 11:47 AM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Well POF has that stupid option that most girls take that makes it so if they view your profile, you dont know. Its so counter productive because most girls will refuse to make the first move yet they dont want you to know that they're interested enough to look at your profile.

Its also Easter weekend, I'm sure thats having at least some impact on it
How do I make my profile like that?

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 01:57 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 11:47 AM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Well POF has that stupid option that most girls take that makes it so if they view your profile, you dont know. Its so counter productive because most girls will refuse to make the first move yet they dont want you to know that they're interested enough to look at your profile.

Its also Easter weekend, I'm sure thats having at least some impact on it
How do I make my profile like that?

On POF just click on delete account then a page will come up and one of the options is hide your profile. On ok cupid go to edit profile and there will be a box you have to unclick to hide your profile.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I'm not sure if I'd recommend it. There's been a couple times where I looked at a girls profile, couldn't think of a good line and said fuck it, but after that she ended up viewing me and then hit the "wants to meet me" button and after that its easy riding

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 02:58 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

I'm not sure if I'd recommend it. There's been a couple times where I looked at a girls profile, couldn't think of a good line and said fuck it, but after that she ended up viewing me and then hit the "wants to meet me" button and after that its easy riding
Thats why you make two profiles. Keep one on hide and one not.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:27 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:23 PM)mikeymike Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 11:42 AM)Gmac Wrote:  

I really hate how POF works. 0 profile views 0 responses and half a dozen messages sent out. I wonder if there's some trial period that secretly keeps people from seeing your profile and messages. It's been up 3 days now though without deletion so I guess that's good but yeah...

I'm getting that from okc, tons of views, I think?, showing about 112 for the 3 days ive joined but not 1 message, havent sent any out but im being spoiled by pof im getting meet mes and messages without doing anything so I want the same on okc lol. Plus the girls on okc, I dont know if its this first level that you guys mentioned but its HARD to find a good looking girl in the bunch so im barely inspired to try and write somebody.

Geez I wonder if I am being IP tracked or something. I feel they got me on lockdown, no views no responses, can't even get a chick into chat.

Did you try going on a friends computer with an account and doing a guy search?Send yourself a message, If you dont get it ,open a gmail account on another computer then use that email address for your next profile. Set that up from somebody elses wireless signal using a different computer. then I think you will be able to log in from your computer without problems.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I'm getting messages from cute girls now but they don't message me back. I must not be saying the right thing.

For example: hey cutie, I'm oli [Image: smile.gif]
Me: hey oli I'm chad what are you up to

No response.

Another example: why hellloo there [Image: smile.gif]
Me: what's going on chica

No reply [Image: huh.gif]

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Try asking specific questions in the beginning of the process. If she says "hey whats up, I'm (blank)" Give your name then ask a question about something on her profile. As her dogs name, or if she likes a type of music ask if she likes (insert band)

Girls want to think they're special, if you give a generic answer even if they initiated you're not making them "feel" special

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 03:54 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

I'm getting messages from cute girls now but they don't message me back. I must not be saying the right thing.

For example: hey cutie, I'm oli [Image: smile.gif]
Me: hey oli I'm chad what are you up to

No response.

Another example: why hellloo there [Image: smile.gif]
Me: what's going on chica

No reply [Image: huh.gif]

I usally throw chicks a pasta who msg me just for shits and giggles [Image: angel.gif] They eat that shit up .

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 04:46 PM)NeVerGymLess Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 03:54 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

I'm getting messages from cute girls now but they don't message me back. I must not be saying the right thing.

For example: hey cutie, I'm oli [Image: smile.gif]
Me: hey oli I'm chad what are you up to

No response.

Another example: why hellloo there [Image: smile.gif]
Me: what's going on chica

No reply [Image: huh.gif]

I usally throw chicks a pasta who msg me just for shits and giggles [Image: angel.gif] They eat that shit up .

Exactly. Online messaging is a lot like talking in person or texting. You don't want to be boring or answer questions directly. Treat anything she says as half serious and be witty, cocky, and funny. You can't just be like hey what's up, boring - deleted.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Anyone know whats up with OKCs photo upload? I've got a profile all setup but the photo uploader doesnt work. Tried it with Opera and with Internet Exploder

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Lol you use opera? Anyways it was very simple with FireFox. Do you get an error message

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 02:51 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 01:57 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 11:47 AM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Well POF has that stupid option that most girls take that makes it so if they view your profile, you dont know. Its so counter productive because most girls will refuse to make the first move yet they dont want you to know that they're interested enough to look at your profile.

Its also Easter weekend, I'm sure thats having at least some impact on it
How do I make my profile like that?

On POF just click on delete account then a page will come up and one of the options is hide your profile. On ok cupid go to edit profile and there will be a box you have to unclick to hide your profile.
I already have my profile hidden so nobody can see when I'm online. Does this also hide me when I view someones profile?

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Yes but you can not see if others looked at your profile

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I can still see when people look at my profile

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 05:53 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

Lol you use opera? Anyways it was very simple with FireFox. Do you get an error message

I tried again with IE and it worked, not sure whats up with it.

And yes, I use Opera Firefox is for commoners [Image: wink.gif]

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I used OKCupid several months ago, to marginal effect. I got one bang, with a girl who was a complete mess. I had a few dates otherwise, and were either fat, boring or both.

But, I recently got back into it, and I'm having much better success. Some things I've noticed:

IM: 95%+ turn it off, but a few don't. Come up with an original, funny line and say it to them. If it's any good, and they're legitimately looking to meet people, you're now talking to them. IM conversations resemble their real personality a lot more than their inevitably contrived profile.

Common Background: I'm Jewish, and went to a prestigious university. My response rate among college grads and Jews especially is higher. Upper middle class girls respond to me better overall.

Education & Intelligence: I find that college-educated girls and girls who specifically request good conversationalists are more amenable to clever verbal game, i.e. easier for me to get; When talking to them, the conversations are much more vibrant. That's been true in real life for me too, so maybe the low-brow guys just do better with low-brow chicks. I get bored easily with always trying to pick up the conversation.

Pickup line: Usually I ignore their profile and come up with something based on a photo. It seems kinda try-hard to say stuff like "OMG I Read Eat, Pray Love too [Image: wink.gif]" but sometimes the photos will have nothing. My first messages are never longer than one or two sentences. Is this optimal? Maybe not, but it acts as a hook. The girls I would end up meeting would write back an entire paragraph.

Sluts: You can answer the questions so that slutty chicks show up as your matches, but I don't recommend it. I did this initially, and it didn't help much. The sluts get more messages, and they seem harder to pick up. Screen out the girls who are against premarital sex, but anything more is probably counterproductive. You can change your answers to questions.

Fatties: Hitting on a chubby chick because she'll put out quicker is a bad move, because you'll still need to talk to her, appear in public with her, etc. Generally speaking, average = fat. Also, if the girl doesn't mention anything fitness related in her profile, and doesn't look thin, there's a good chance she's fat, at least around here.

Precision and Volume: Your search needs to resemble one you'd do for a girlfriend, not a fling at last call. You can't rely on body language and aggressive kino to make sex happen, because you need to arrange a meet first. I'm sure I could hook up with many of the girls if they went on a date with me, but for most it won't get to that point. Target the girls who you'd have little trouble dating.

The Close: You shouldn't need to write more than three to five messages back and forth. I say something like "I have this thing for meeting people face to face" then sign my first name and my phone number. They get the hint or whine about not knowing you well enough. The latter group are not worth your time, they are attention whores. Girls who give out their number early are not desperate, but emotionally secure. Then text them something funny, and next say "can you take a call," they say yes, and now you're on the phone with them, chatting 'em up, and then scheduling a date. In sum: Icebreaker message --> 1-3 followup messages --> number close --> brief SMS conversation --> phone conversation: flirt and arrange date.

Bonus: Smart unemployed girls are the best, because their job status has lowered their bitch shield. Other venues for meeting men are more closed to them, because they lack money. They will appreciate your attention that much more.

I started using it a week or two ago, and I've had two first dates from OKC, one upcoming and one to be set soon. One date was a disaster, chick was incredibly fatter than pictured, the other was great. I also had a date from the site HowAboutWe, which has a great setup, but not many users, in my city at least; friends in other cities speak highly of it. It costs money, but the coupon code "YELP" should give you a month's access. FWIW, I had two dates from that site, and both girls were fat.

I like online dating because I can sift through tons of girls and find the ones who are most compatible. I'm not nerdy, but my tastes and conversations are a little high-brow, so girls of average intelligence bore me. The bad thing about online dating is that girls are bombarded by bad game from hordes of men, so they close themselves off. It's like being at really crowded bar. Plus there are lots of fat chicks.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:06 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Living out in the burbs a huge portion of the girls I find are religious. I'll see a hotty in the pics, profile is acceptable, then the last line will be "I'm looking for a man that has let the light of Christ into his life"

It doesn't matter what she wrote in her profile. Try not to read them at all, just look on the pictures and message her. If there is something which is a deal-breaker for her, she'll let you know it immediately. Everything else is fair game.

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

Quote: (04-24-2011 06:54 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-24-2011 12:06 PM)Chad Daring Wrote:  

Living out in the burbs a huge portion of the girls I find are religious. I'll see a hotty in the pics, profile is acceptable, then the last line will be "I'm looking for a man that has let the light of Christ into his life"

It doesn't matter what she wrote in her profile. Try not to read them at all, just look on the pictures and message her. If there is something which is a deal-breaker for her, she'll let you know it immediately. Everything else is fair game.

It definitely matters what she writes in the profile. The line Chad just quoted is a deal breaker, you aren't getting into that girl's pants. Waste of time.

It's fine to message girls simply based on their pictures and sift through the profiles of those who respond, but either way you'll have to get to the profile at some point. Oftentimes there is disqualifying information (either to you or her) within.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

How to get laid on okcupid like a boss

I think you're both right. 95% of the profile is moot, but the really big stuff like being uber religious or a die hard want for kids in the next year or two, those you have to take into account.

It should be noted that in most of these cases I just subtract one point from her score and re-evaluate attractiveness, 99% of the time I dont bother after that

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

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