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Tinder App

Tinder App

Fuck it, I'm buying an iPhone.

Tinder App

Fuck this dating shit.

I'm going to push for all girls to come right to my house instead of meeting at a bar for drinks, regardless of whether or not I've met them online or in the street. Tinder is showing me the way.

If they balk I can tell them I don't play by normal ppl rules.

I've got enough numbers in my phone and Tinder giving me new girls to do push this far.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-03-2013 01:14 PM)TheMan Wrote:  

Fuck it, I'm buying an iPhone.

You don't have to drop money to buy an Iphone. There's also Iphone emulators you can get for your computer.

I was looking for one recently but I lost interest. Let us know if you find a good one.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-03-2013 12:32 PM)RCron Wrote:  

Brilliant @BlurredSevens! So what's your plan if the girl comes over and she's either a troll or batshit crazy? I'm always hesitant about someone knowing where I live until I can at least meet them in public first. I've met some truly psycho women from POF and OKC. Do you think your game would work as well if you met at a bar for a drink first and then bounced to your place once you have a better feel for her?

I vet these girls hard once I have their number: many iPhone apps allow you to search your phonebook against their database. I do this until I find the girls last name or social media handle, then look her up on facebook/instagram/twitter/google to see what I can find out about her.

I bailed on a chick recently that was going to come directly to my place, because I found too many red flags on her facebook page. Something about her just gave me a bad feeling, and I trusted my instinct. So you've got to be willing to pull the plug if necessary.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-03-2013 01:16 PM)soup Wrote:  

Fuck this dating shit.

I'm going to push for all girls to come right to my house instead of meeting at a bar for drinks, regardless of whether or not I've met them online or in the street. Tinder is showing me the way.

If they balk I can tell them I don't play by normal ppl rules.

I've got enough numbers in my phone and Tinder giving me new girls to do push this far.

I'm with you. Dating is old school now.

It's interesting looking at the evolution of the OKC thread and threads like this one. They've been trimmed down into a simple and elegant solution: don't go on dates.

How do you solve girls flaking before dates? Don't go on dates.

How do you bang a girl on the first date? Don't take her on a date.

How do you get the girl back to your place? She's already there.

I think we're on to something.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-03-2013 01:52 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2013 01:16 PM)soup Wrote:  

Fuck this dating shit.

I'm going to push for all girls to come right to my house instead of meeting at a bar for drinks, regardless of whether or not I've met them online or in the street. Tinder is showing me the way.

If they balk I can tell them I don't play by normal ppl rules.

I've got enough numbers in my phone and Tinder giving me new girls to do push this far.

I'm with you. Dating is old school now.

It's interesting looking at the evolution of the OKC thread and threads like this one. They've been trimmed down into a simple and elegant solution: don't go on dates.

How do you solve girls flaking before dates? Don't go on dates.

How do you bang a girl on the first date? Don't take her on a date.

How do you get the girl back to your place? She's already there.

I think we're on to something.

I've been been getting a lot more screen to door service in the last year. I don't know if it's because my game is getting better or they girls attitudes are changing or if it's because online dating is so prevalent.

I didn't notice this trend until you pointed it out.

Tinder App

Women have already preselected men who they will sleep with through online dating. Once they gave you their number, a date is almost guaranteed, unless you fuck up ridiculously. Text and message exchanges are just the intermediary to hooking up.

Most of my lays from online dating came when I escalated heavily on the first 'date.' Go for the kiss in the first 30 mins and throw out some bait to end up at either your place or hers. Once you get the lay, more often than not, she will feel obligated to hang out with you again to not feel like a slut.

The future seems bright.

Tinder App

I've noticed that the word "chillin" gets used a lot on this app.

I first started using it on my own to reduce formality, but a few girls have been using it to:

me: What you up tp
her: chillin

Tinder App

Quote: (07-03-2013 02:34 PM)soup Wrote:  

I've been been getting a lot more screen to door service in the last year. I don't know if it's because my game is getting better or they girls attitudes are changing or if it's because online dating is so prevalent.

I didn't notice this trend until you pointed it out.

Well here is the really interesting thing:

You're an expert player in a top-tier city. I'm an intermediate player in a 2nd-tier city. Yet we are both experiencing this very same trend.

So, that leads me to believe it must be a cultural shift in the way girls are starting to approach sex/online dating.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-04-2013 01:45 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2013 02:34 PM)soup Wrote:  

I've been been getting a lot more screen to door service in the last year. I don't know if it's because my game is getting better or they girls attitudes are changing or if it's because online dating is so prevalent.

I didn't notice this trend until you pointed it out.

Well here is the really interesting thing:

You're an expert player in a top-tier city. I'm an intermediate player in a 2nd-tier city. Yet we are both experiencing this very same trend.

So, that leads me to believe it must be a cultural shift in the way girls are starting to approach sex/online dating.

I don't consider myself and expert player. There are guys out there with much better game.

But, yes, I think there is definitely a shift.

I remember back in 2006 using and it was kind of strange. Now everybody is on OKcupid and Tinder is the trending.

Tinder App

Watch out everybody there are bots now on Tinder. Not sure if this is a Toronto thing but I have had 3 "matches" be Bots for some shitty cam site which is stupid since this is a phone app and the camsite would not work on on a Iphone.

Quote: (07-03-2013 12:26 PM)BlurredSevens Wrote:  

Quote: (07-03-2013 10:53 AM)soup Wrote:  

Ok, but how are you guys going about getting them to your pads?

Can you post an example of one your exchanges?

This is a stripped down version of one, the 2nd portion is verbatim except for locations:

-around 1pm, after initial banter-

Me: Well you seem chill, let's a grab a drink sometime
Her: Yeah I would be down for that
Me: Cool, how about 9pm tonight? You get the lime juice, I'll get the tequila
Her: Haha I'm doing Yoga tonight. I'll let you know later what time I'll be done though

-2 hours later-

Me: What part of town do you live in?
Her: ABC neighborhood, you?
Me: near XYZ
Her: Oh nice my friend lives near there
Me: yeah I like living near 123. Anyway, can we plan on my place at 9 tonight?
Her: Hmmm ok so nothing personal, but I don't know how I feel about going to a random guys place. What if you're an axe murderer?
Me: I just got out of prison for murder actually, the key witness "disappeared" so they dropped the case! But to be honest, I just want to chill out and have a drink. And maybe make out with you, but only if you're as cute as your pictures.
Her: Why do I always attract the murderers?? I need to be up at 7am tomorrow
Me: Me too. You'll be home by bedtime. Txt me so I can send you my address: 123-456-7890


This script has led to 4 no-date bangs in the past month.

A few key points:

-The "you get the lime juice" line implies that we're not going to a bar, and that it's not a date. It's also a way to test her initial reaction to coming over.

-She never directly agrees to come over, and I don't push her to verbally commit to doing so. I assume the sale instead. This is the most important part.

-They like to ask if you're an axe murderer. I see this as a really strong sign that it's game on, since it means she's picturing herself coming over.

That's how I landed my first Tinder meetup also. We never agreed to meet up with or yes or no. Just that I would be at X place at a certain time and for her to me me there.

Tinder App

Slept with my main tinder girl last night at her place. The great thing about this app is that unlike the sites like OKC which takes girls a lot of effort into setting up a profile, etc., Tinder does all the work for them so you get more "normal" girls that aren't fucked in the head or desperately deep into the online dating scene. Some might be doing it for "fun" or an attention boost but it's just a numbers game.

So the next morning I wanted to see how girls view this app from their perspective so I watched the girl I'm hooking up with and her roommate flip through the app. Both of them are decently attractive but not "hot". I was somewhat shocked how quickly and easily they tinder rejected guys for the slightest reason in their picture or tagline. These could've been high value guys but were not even given a chance. So there are pros and cons to this thing.

On the other hand I saw what most of on this forum already know and that's most guys have no concept of game and that translates to online/Tinder. I mean horrible photos of themselves, terrible presentation, no idea how to DHV, bad lines used, being overtly serious, etc. Quite a sad sight.

Tinder App

I downloaded Tinder three weeks ago. Accidentally "liked" the first photo I browsed and it was a match. I thought I'd hit the jackpot and the matches would flow, but that was the only match I got out of probably 200 girls I liked. I started to wonder if maybe there was a bug because (a) I only had that one match, and (b) I changed my birthdate in facebook (make myself a year younger) but it didn't update my profile on Tinder. So I deleted my account and started a new one. Changed up the pics a bit too. One week later... one match. FML. It's a different match than the first time around, but it's still only one fkin match. This app sucks (for me).

I'm 39 (on the app, just turned 40 irl). I set the age parameter to 28-40 so I don't think I have unrealistic expecations. I think I'm good looking enough to get more than one match. I think my photos look good. Am I the wrong age to have success with this app? Do I need professional pictures? Get new pics, delete my account, and start over? [Image: tard.gif]

Tinder App

Most of Tinder's users are at the 18-23 age bracket. At 40, you have many options but Tinder is a long shot, unles you use professional photos. That's what I think.

Tinder App

Guys, I highly recommend calling the girl to talk on the phone if you are planning to have her come over.

Even if she's agreed to do it over text, call her to build comfort because she might get LMR towards going to a stranger's house.

Tinder App

Very interested in this, but have some questions from someone who is in an LTR.

I'm of the understanding that part of the algorithm involves Facebook friends, correct? If we have common friends, am I setting myself up to be discovered? I'd hate to install this thing and be matched with one of her friends. Would I be better off with a fake FB account? There are no more issues with this thing alerting your contacts, right? This sounds promising, but discretion is very important for my flings.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-05-2013 05:07 PM)soup Wrote:  

Guys, I highly recommend calling the girl to talk on the phone if you are planning to have her come over.

Even if she's agreed to do it over text, call her to build comfort because she might get LMR towards going to a stranger's house.

Soup, do you think it's a good idea to preemptively propose the phone chat before asking her over through text? That way you can build comfort and then ask her over while talking?

Tinder App

I ask her over via text first.

This is the kind of thing I'm doing:

Me: Hey Jessica it's Soup
Her: Heyy
Me: What you up to
Her: blah blah. You?
Me: I'm chillin at my studio in (my neighborhood), maybe you can come by for playtime
Her: Playtime? (they always type this exact thing
Me: Yes we can have tequilla and make out
Her: Sounds like fun


Her: I think we are looking for different things blah blah I'm not a slut blah
Me: I'm a musician dont live by normal ppl dating rules
Her: Balk balk balk
Me: I don't judge people so don't judge me

after a while she usually chills out and we make tentative plans to meet up sometime in the future.

Don't propose a phone chat. Just call her.

If she asks you why you are calling tell her that you are having issues with your phone and the texts are getting eaten or something, and that's why you are calling.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-05-2013 05:28 PM)Single Dad Swag Wrote:  

Very interested in this, but have some questions from someone who is in an LTR.

I'm of the understanding that part of the algorithm involves Facebook friends, correct? If we have common friends, am I setting myself up to be discovered? I'd hate to install this thing and be matched with one of her friends. Would I be better off with a fake FB account? There are no more issues with this thing alerting your contacts, right? This sounds promising, but discretion is very important for my flings.

Yes it will show your first name, pics, along with your mutual friends and mutual interests in the app. So there is a chance a friend would see you on it. However I'm not sure a fake account is the right move because having a few mutual friends with a girl (regardless of how loose the connection may be) sometimes builds comfort and make you seem more "real" to the girl and not a creep. And no this app does not alert contacts.

Tinder App

giving this another shot, the first Tinder date I went on was a disaster - chick was way late and looked like a troll, so I started day gaming to great success. I just came out of a year long relationship and I am ready to go.

- I just Like every chic I see without even looking at the picture. I wait for the match to happen then I decide if I connect with her.
- move to the phone number within 3 or 4 back and forth messages
- I liked the "hey, lets meet up here" comment, rather than setting formal dates. the formality is a barrier.
- Moving solely for the ONS and notch building.
- Day gaming has been is incredible and I see Tinder as a crutch, but I will see what I can do with it..

Tinder App

Haven't had much success with this app so far. I've received a fair number of matches, but the subsequent conversations with girls haven't been great. They seem to go cold, or fail to respond when the idea of meeting up is introduced.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-05-2013 04:51 PM)Ternarydemonite Wrote:  

Most of Tinder's users are at the 18-23 age bracket. At 40, you have many options but Tinder is a long shot, unles you use professional photos. That's what I think.

Agree most users are a lot younger, but that doesn't matter. I'm not searching 18-23 and most chicks in that range probably exclude my age range as well. I set my search parameters to 28-42 and there are plenty of women on there in that range and the number will grow a lot as the app gets more traction, just like facebook or twitter or angry birds.

Question to anyone: What % of women do you "like"? Saw one guy said he likes every profile and doesn't even look at the pics unless it's a match. Maybe I should try that. Right now I probably swipe like for 35-40% of the profiles. Am I not playing the numbers game with that approach? I wonder what % of profiles, on average, a woman who's a 7 or above is swiping like for. 10%?

Thinking about upping the top end of the age range parameter. Maybe there's some decent looking 45 year olds who are DTF if I can stomach it, or is that beta? Can one be beta on Tinder?

Tinder App

I haven't tried this yet, but I'm pretty sure that for older dudes its a waste of time. Younger dudes with style and babyfaced good looks are well served by photo oriented apps like this, though. Attract them visually and then blow them away when you actually have the game and confidence to back it up.

Tinder App

second Tinder date last night. drinks and some make out, nice girl, maybe a 5, bangable, but I kept thinking I would rather hire her than bone her. Two strikes Tinder, everyones picture always looks better than in person. If this 3rd date goes the same way I delete this shit off my phone for good, and only day game where I see the goods up front.

Tinder App

Quote: (07-06-2013 09:44 AM)puckman Wrote:  

second Tinder date last night. drinks and some make out, nice girl, maybe a 5, bangable, but I kept thinking I would rather hire her than bone her. Two strikes Tinder, everyones picture always looks better than in person. If this 3rd date goes the same way I delete this shit off my phone for good, and only day game where I see the goods up front.

If possible try and add her on facebook to see more of her pictures/profile. It would give a better idea what you're dealing with.

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