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Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:01 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I just hope this doesn't reactivate the over-the-top apotheosis of firefighters, police, and "fire responders," like after 9-11. While their work is worthy of respect and gratitude, that hero-worship shit went way overboard. It's not any more valuable than the work of the guy who paved the road that got the ambulance there on time or the guy who makes sure the stop lights are in working order. People just doin' their job.

It can be tough to stomach the hero-worship of these guys until you realize what it really is: one of the few remaining outlets for people to openly appreciate traditional masculinity in modern America. Aside from sports and the military, emergency personnel like cops and firefighters are really the last reserve of anything even close to traditional masculine values. Since it's taboo to speak well of traditional masculine values openly, we instead pay homage by proxy. It would be one thing if we just acknowledged that these guys were doing a great job---this is what healthy, sane societies do. But we Americans go way overboard instead because our culture is trying to fill a gaping void brought about by intense misandry.

It's kind of sad, but that's where we are.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:25 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:01 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I just hope this doesn't reactivate the over-the-top apotheosis of firefighters, police, and "fire responders," like after 9-11. While their work is worthy of respect and gratitude, that hero-worship shit went way overboard. It's not any more valuable than the work of the guy who paved the road that got the ambulance there on time or the guy who makes sure the stop lights are in working order. People just doin' their job.

It can be tough to stomach the hero-worship of these guys until you realize what it really is: one of the few remaining outlets for people to openly appreciate traditional masculinity in modern America. Aside from sports and the military, emergency personnel like cops and firefighters are really the last reserve of anything even close to traditional masculine values. Since it's taboo to speak well of traditional masculine values openly, we instead pay homage by proxy.

It's kind of sad, but that's where we are.

No, Tuth is right, and there are plenty of other civic jobs that are just as masculine or more. Firefighters and policeman are the most romanticized. That's why little kids want to be them.

In truth, most cops are assholes. How do I know? A few of my friends who I used to be in bands with became cops and the tell me the whole force is fucked. I have dealings with cops who are complete morons.

I respect that someone needs to keep the peace, but let's not put these gangs up on a pedestal (and yes, they evolved out of gangs).

Go watch Serpico and you'll get a sense of the history of the 'greatness' of the force.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

This isn't 9/11. The government is not going to bomb any middle eastern country, nor is it going to stick some kind of fascist act on this country. Why? because it wasn't big enough. 9/11 killed nearly 3000 people. I put my bet on Obama going out there and saying something along the lines of "In this time of crisis, the american people need to stand together" and a lot of people are going to suck it up. My personal hope is that there will be a greater awareness and hostility concerning Saudi Arabia's role in terrorism (which is VERY prominent, especially in Somalia.)

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

CBS news is saying they do have a Saudi national in custody. The only thing they have on him is some civilian thought he was acting suspicious, he ran after the blast, which so did almost everyone, and the civilian tackled him and turned him over to police. What I'm guessing is this guy saw a muslim standing around and thought he was a terrorist. They say he cooperating and denying everything. I don't really think he did it from what it sounds like. He was just a muslim at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:39 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

CBS news is saying they do have a Saudi national in custody. The only thing they have on him is some civilian thought he was acting suspicious, he ran after the blast, which so did almost everyone, and the civilian tackled him and turned him over to police. What I'm guessing is this guy saw a muslim standing around and thought he was a terrorist. They say he cooperating and denying everything. I don't really think he did it from what it sounds like. He was just a muslim at the wrong place at the wrong time.

That just goes to show how stupid people are. They keep hearing "Muslim = bad" on TV and they go and tackle a guy who looks like the part when the truth is that the islamic terrorists who did 9/11 were smart enough to blend-in and not look suspicious in anyway.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:18 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:09 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training

Not really. The veneer of added security hasn't resulted in any real improvement in safety, just an apparatus for social control when it's convenient.


I fly almost every week, and I'm sure I could sneak something horrible past the TSA. On America's streets, where TSA agents with 2-digit IQs aren't x-raying your bags and taking pictures of your genitals, it's easy to plant a bomb.

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended. I knew someone would bring up the TSA after this incident. Look, there are a few knucklehead screeners but most are pretty solid consisting of former military and police/corrections officers. I'm not saying the screening process couldn't be better but the people I worked with really took their job seriously.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

There's annoying reaction on both sides over whoever is responsible.
Those on the Left hope it's a white anti-tax nationalist while the Right hopes it's a muslim.

Let's chill the fuck out and wait for confirmed facts.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:31 PM)soup Wrote:  

No, Tuth is right, and there are plenty of other civic jobs that are just as masculine or more. Firefighters and policeman are the most romanticized. That's why little kids want to be them.

In truth, most cops are assholes. How do I know? A few of my friends who I used to be in bands with became cops and the tell me the whole force is fucked. I have dealings with cops who are complete morons.

I respect that someone needs to keep the peace, but let's not put these gangs up on a pedestal (and yes, they evolved out of gangs).

Go watch Serpico and you'll get a sense of the history of the 'greatness' of the force.

Yes, but why are these jobs more romanticized? It's because these roles intersect male strength with traditional masculine values. Sure, street pavers and construction workers are doing manly work---but their roles don't require any real adherence to traditional masculine values like courage, brotherhood, honor, protection, etc. The effectiveness of the police forces and firefighters, at least in theory, are dependent on these values.

I completely agree that cops/firemen---especially cops---are greatly pedestalized in ways that are dangerous and counterproductive, but I believe that's at least partially a side effect of living in a sick, misandrous society that has precious few outlets in which to acknowledge, affirm and praise traditional masculine values. I believe that American police forces have become almost as predatory as our financial elite in their own way, but that part of what keeps us from pushing back is that they're one of the few outlets let through which we can laud masculinity. This is very dangerous because our freedoms are being eroded by the day and it's part of why I believe that taking on feminism and making it safe to openly value the masculine will make it easier to take our freedoms back from too-often corrupt cops.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:44 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:46 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

Yes, but why are these jobs more romanticized? It's because these roles intersect male strength with traditional masculine values.

Yes, just look at this example of male strength and masculinity [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg11163]   

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Man that's really fucked up, now people won't be able to go and enjoy a marathon, the fun and love of an activity are being taken away once again.

I truly wonder if we can have a year without mass shootings, explosions and all the fucked up shit.

Each and everyday the U.S is becoming less safe and more controlled, the greatest country on Earth going down right in front of our eyes.

one of the pictures is of a guy laying next to a girl who seems to be dead, Girlfriend? sister? I don't know but man that wasn't cool.

But Hey it's life and people are fucked up, I hope RVF members are safe out there.

boredom is evil

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:44 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:18 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:09 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training

Not really. The veneer of added security hasn't resulted in any real improvement in safety, just an apparatus for social control when it's convenient.


I fly almost every week, and I'm sure I could sneak something horrible past the TSA. On America's streets, where TSA agents with 2-digit IQs aren't x-raying your bags and taking pictures of your genitals, it's easy to plant a bomb.

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended. I knew someone would bring up the TSA after this incident. Look, there are a few knucklehead screeners but most are pretty solid consisting of former military and police/corrections officers. I'm not saying the screening process couldn't be better but the people I worked with really took their job seriously.

So has the TSA ever caught a terrorist?

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:54 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:46 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

Yes, but why are these jobs more romanticized? It's because these roles intersect male strength with traditional masculine values.

Yes, just look at this example of male strength and masculinity [Image: lol.gif]

I definitely attempted to qualify the idea:


Yes, but why are these jobs more romanticized? It's because these roles intersect male strength with traditional masculine values. Sure, street pavers and construction workers are doing manly work---but their roles don't require any real adherence to traditional masculine values like courage, brotherhood, honor, protection, etc. The effectiveness of the police forces and firefighters, at least in theory, are dependent on these values.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:51 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:44 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended.

LOL great quote! who is he?

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:02 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:51 PM)SexualHarrasmentPanda Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:44 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended.

LOL great quote! who is he?

stephen fry, he is an awesome comedian. Check out a bit of fry and laurie. It has hugh laurie in it as well

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

A civilian tackled the Saudi national they have in custody after he said he looked suspicious.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:52 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:47 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:43 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:42 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  


Homey looks calm as fuck for having his leg blown off. Damn. What the fuck.

That's what shock looks like.

Sadly, that is the close-up. Full shot tells a worse story:


I think this pic is fake

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:46 PM)dragnet Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:31 PM)soup Wrote:  

No, Tuth is right, and there are plenty of other civic jobs that are just as masculine or more. Firefighters and policeman are the most romanticized. That's why little kids want to be them.

In truth, most cops are assholes. How do I know? A few of my friends who I used to be in bands with became cops and the tell me the whole force is fucked. I have dealings with cops who are complete morons.

I respect that someone needs to keep the peace, but let's not put these gangs up on a pedestal (and yes, they evolved out of gangs).

Go watch Serpico and you'll get a sense of the history of the 'greatness' of the force.

Yes, but why are these jobs more romanticized? It's because these roles intersect male strength with traditional masculine values. Sure, street pavers and construction workers are doing manly work---but their roles don't require any real adherence to traditional masculine values like courage, brotherhood, honor, protection, etc. The effectiveness of the police forces and firefighters, at least in theory, are dependent on these values.

I completely agree that cops/firemen---especially cops---are greatly pedestalized in ways that are dangerous and counterproductive, but I believe that's at least partially a side effect of living in a sick, misandrous society that has precious few outlets in which to acknowledge, affirm and praise traditional masculine values. I believe that American police forces have become almost as predatory as our financial elite in their own way, but that part of what keeps us from pushing back is that they're one of the few outlets let through which we can laud masculinity. This is very dangerous because our freedoms are being eroded by the day and it's part of why I believe that taking on feminism and making it safe to openly value the masculine will make it easier to take our freedoms back from too-often corrupt cops.

I forgot to add that these guys were kind of fuck-ups. One of them was a big pot head, nice, boring guy who just sat around listening to mettle, and the other used to drink his own piss at parties and was doing p4p up until a little while ago. They are my buddies, but definitely not what you'd call the epitome of masculine values.

When I was growing up, we hated the cops. Is it courageous to be a spend most of your time driving around being a hired bully? Is it courageous to fuck with people just to fulfill your quota? Fuck that brotherhood shit. What happened to the brotherhood of man? There's no honor in stop and frisk. And as far as protection goes, I sometimes feel like I need someone to protect me from the cops and not the other way around.

Watch what happens if someone starts a fight with you and you call the cops. They will arrest both of you. They don't care about protecting you. They just care about $$$$$$$. Lemming mentality.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:03 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:52 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:47 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:43 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:42 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  


Homey looks calm as fuck for having his leg blown off. Damn. What the fuck.

That's what shock looks like.

Sadly, that is the close-up. Full shot tells a worse story:


I think this pic is fake

How could you possibly think that?

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:57 PM)renotime Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:44 PM)sucio44 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:18 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:09 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 05:04 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

It is impressive than the bomber was able to pull this off in America today. It has to be someone with extensive training

Not really. The veneer of added security hasn't resulted in any real improvement in safety, just an apparatus for social control when it's convenient.


I fly almost every week, and I'm sure I could sneak something horrible past the TSA. On America's streets, where TSA agents with 2-digit IQs aren't x-raying your bags and taking pictures of your genitals, it's easy to plant a bomb.

As a former TSA screener, I'm a bit offended. I knew someone would bring up the TSA after this incident. Look, there are a few knucklehead screeners but most are pretty solid consisting of former military and police/corrections officers. I'm not saying the screening process couldn't be better but the people I worked with really took their job seriously.

So has the TSA ever caught a terrorist?

We never did when I was there but we found a few guns and tons of knives and alot of stun guns for some reason.

PS I was offended by this question.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Barely four hours after the explosions and people are already bickering over whether the TSA is useful or construction workers are more important than firefighters.

Personally I want to know who did this, and why. There seems to be so little to gain from hurting runners and spectators, some of whom are children. Boston's a tough city, and we will be fine, but I am sure I am not the only person in Boston who is confused about the rationale behind today's events.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

More embarrassed that some civilian tackled a arab man cause he was suspicious. racism

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:03 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:52 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:47 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:43 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:42 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  


Homey looks calm as fuck for having his leg blown off. Damn. What the fuck.

That's what shock looks like.

Sadly, that is the close-up. Full shot tells a worse story:


I think this pic is fake

never seen real gore before?

I am the cock carousel

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Maybe I'm wrong, but it just doesn't look real to me.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:09 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

More embarrassed that some civilian tackled a arab man cause he was suspicious. racism

Quote: (04-15-2013 06:03 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:52 PM)Wool Suit Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:47 PM)ElBorrachoInfamoso Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2013 03:43 PM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

Homey looks calm as fuck for having his leg blown off. Damn. What the fuck.

That's what shock looks like.

Sadly, that is the close-up. Full shot tells a worse story:


I think this pic is fake

never seen real gore before?

He said he thought he was suspicious before the explosion and than saw him sprinting away as the bombs started. I'm sure everyone was sprinting away. Who knows.

Boston Bombs on Boylston St?

I'm without words. I'm not american but this looks too much like the terror era of my childhood times and I wouldn't wish that upon my fiercest enemy. Fuerza, Boston.

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