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What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Quote: (01-23-2012 05:22 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Fuk Brasaii I've only been there twice but it sucked hard. THERE ARE HOT WOMEN EVREY WARE IN TO. This is truth, I can't rate a place solely on preety women, they are crawling evreyware in TO. The issue is the vibe of the place and the ease of scoopagability(trademark by kosko). My take on Brasaii is that its full of douche bags with cash and hot femmes that be chasing them. Its a game I don't mind playing but Brasaii has shitty music, pricey drinks and a dry as fuck crowd. The cougars are the most rowdy in that joint all the young girls act bougie to chase the Bay Street heads. I rolled there with 4 broads once, me and my homie couldn't handle it, these broads (whom worked on Bay st for BMO) we're still milking dude for shots, sucker my homie into droping cash on shots, that was the final straw. Venue change was needed lol.

A lot of new TO girls go there. I am convinced that's where they get indoctrinated into the typical TO fem-nazi. I may be wrong, and maybe non-brothers work magic there but for me as a young brother I can't fuck with Brasaii, way to cheezy up in there.

@moma the shop really depends on the jam. I've been there both on Fri and Sat and saw the same results. The jam I went to last weekend was called "white girls" lmao. Usually on there events tab will let you know what's going down @ The Shop, the same 3-4 DJs seem to be putting on these hip-hop jams so I'm starting recognize names and faces. Hope that helps.

Nice review dude!
You are so true Tdot has hot women ALL over the place, but it means zero if you cannot pick them up.
When you speak about clubland, are you referring to Richmond or the new clubland on King st? King has some dope spots but they might cater to an older crowd=more money crowd.
Any of you guys checked out maison on mercer st? I hear it is very hard to get inside unless you know somebody. Funny thing is on Saturday I was at a club next door briefly, it was not my scene so I left to meet some FOB asian girls at a nearby restaurant. End of the night, my friend and I circled back to pick up our friends. They had managed to meet some girls who were at maison on the street, girls were cute and seemed up for it. The big problem I find is that you really need a spot in the downtown core to be able to capitalize on any opportunities.
On our way home I noticed quite a few cute girls walking into condo's on Front st and surrounding area.

No matter how Alpha you are or pretend to be, you are really up against it in Toronto. There are so many thirsty dudes who buy into the whole bottle service culture as a way to meet women. I am not surprised that your lady friends take advantage of "free" drinks that are being offered.

I want to check out some low key spots like Pravda Vodka bar or Rasputin which I hear attracts a Russian and EE clientele.

Our New Blog:

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

I've heard good things about pvrada + Raps, never been tho. I always find EE girls in TO friendly they are easy to talk (if alone or in pairs) but if they are rolling with there country men lol iron gates come up and they look at a brother like he's dirt. And I agree 100% if I had a gina I'd hustle the drinks and perks from the generous betas too. I don't even blame the girls for doing it, dudes here rely to much on perks and cash for bangs. I would want to see what the ROI is.

Logistics plays such a big role, I agree women automatically get put off if they have to travel more than like 15 min. I live DT but yet since its on the east edge its automatically siberia to a woman. Having a Condo near King St is prime. A bunch of somali dudes I know all split rent on a harem pad to serve the exact purpose, no broad is going to trek to Black Creek to bang lmao.

Yea I was talking mostly about the Richmond Strip. I think I've been to Mansion once for a Bday, this was a long time ago (like 2 years?) I hardly remember the spot other then my needy game on a cute mixed girl from Saugga. The bartenders were all insanely hot that's another thing I remember also. I hear good things about Yorkville surprisingly some spots there are basically like King West price wise and the crowd is still approachable and not all bougie like one would expect in Yorkville. I guess that is what has kept the area decent as many people would assume by default it would be full of those types of spots.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

rudebwoy - I think I want to check out the EE clientelle. I have never actually roasted an EE lizard yet. I was talking to one last year carnival and she was cold as ice initially but I know they take a while to warm up. Eventually when I told her that I had travelled to Trinidad, she started warming up.
No PC BS generally. The culture is averse to that nonsense. Splash of cold water.

What's the music saying there?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

I just want to put an interesting thing . My last girlfriend was from Croatia but live here in Québec.
She have family in Ontario (Hamilton and Kitchener) anyways one time we visit her family in Kitchener . Ohh my god I was shock how the same family my ex girlfriend and his sister was way more beautiful than their counterpart of the same age in Ontario . But what shock me the most was how they were really stupid and immature . First thing I was stunt his cousin(female) was the driver in kitchener , she horned at everyone on the street and drop his window to injure everybody . I was really embarassed, that's commun ? All the week-end her and the other female cousins start fight with anyone . Ohh i don't get the point to go in your 20's chillin in a Tim Horton before you go out and ignate firecracker ? Damm I was 12 the last time I did that . What's the point to check your age in all restaurant,establishement in Ontario ? Damm they have to be less stock up , No wonder They are immature theses bitches , They haven't do anything before 19 .

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Quote: (01-24-2012 10:52 AM)Alfonzo Wrote:  

I just want to put an interesting thing . My last girlfriend was from Croatia but live here in Québec.
She have family in Ontario (Hamilton and Kitchener) anyways one time we visit her family in Kitchener . Ohh my god I was shock how the same family my ex girlfriend and his sister was way more beautiful than their counterpart of the same age in Ontario . But what shock me the most was how they were really stupid and immature . First thing I was stunt his cousin(female) was the driver in kitchener , she horned at everyone on the street and drop his window to injure everybody . I was really embarassed, that's commun ? All the week-end her and the other female cousins start fight with anyone . Ohh i don't get the point to go in your 20's chillin in a Tim Horton before you go out and ignate firecracker ? Damm I was 12 the last time I did that . What's the point to check your age in all restaurant,establishement in Ontario ? Damm they have to be less stock up , No wonder They are immature theses bitches , They haven't do anything before 19 .

Alfonzo, I don't understand your story. Who was immature? Who were picking fights? Is French your mother tongue?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Quote: (01-24-2012 10:56 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2012 10:52 AM)Alfonzo Wrote:  

I just want to put an interesting thing . My last girlfriend was from Croatia but live here in Québec.
She have family in Ontario (Hamilton and Kitchener) anyways one time we visit her family in Kitchener . Ohh my god I was shock how the same family my ex girlfriend and his sister was way more beautiful than their counterpart of the same age in Ontario . But what shock me the most was how her cousins were really stupid and immature . First thing I was stunt her cousin(female) was the driver in kitchener , she horned at everyone on the street and drop his window to injure everybody . I was really embarassed, that's commun ? All the week-end her and the other female cousins started fight with anyone . Ohh and I don't get the point to go in your 20's chillin in a Tim Horton before you go out and ignate firecracker ? Damm I was 12 the last time I did that .And What's the point to check your age in all restaurant,establishement in Ontario ? Damm they have to be less stock up , No wonder They are immature theses bitches , They haven't do anything before 19 .

Alfonzo, I don't understand your story. Who was immature? Who were picking fights? Is French your mother tongue?

Sorry I Will try to be more clear . Yes French is my mother tongue . His cousins were immature and picked fight . My main point was I was stunt how the same family ,all women at the same age came in Canada at the same time but grew up in 2 differents culture and turned really different .

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Been just chatting to my bro on BBM Wolfpack10... We're pals and both from the Toronto area. Known him since around 2007 or so, He's moving to Europe presently and i am originally born in Europe. I saw a post elsewhere in the forums of a song, it was posted due to the amazing chicks in the video.
This video incase you were wondering.
Anyhow we were discussing the women in the video... When it dawned on me why their so attractive and yet as Moma puts it the ones here are "200pounders" etc etc.

Based on what I've known growing up and spending loads of time in Europe, you have to pretty much walk everywhere atleast when I was growing up. Not everyone had a car and public transit was the best way to get around, But that also involves a lot of walking. The women have to walk here and walk there... There are no beta losers with expensive pearl white rides waiting at their beck and call to drive them here or there. Also vital is the fact that the chicks here don't walk anywhere they also leave the night clubs at like 5 AM and head to the nears BK for a double whopper before going to bed. Ditto the nearest Dimitri's et al. The most walking or anything they do around here is when their beta counter parts drop them off at Yorkdale or where ever and they browse the shops, and friends believe me if they could use a segway they would.

Just some thoughts.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

I haven't read this entire thread yet, but I'm from Toronto, so I thought I would chime in.

I have no idea why Toronto is so bad for game, but it is bad. North American culture promotes feminism and misandry, as well as beta behaviour in men. We all know this. American Capitalism also promotes those problems, and creates a sense of materialism and entitlement with women.

We all agree on this, and that it is one of the main reasons North America is bad to game girls. All large, rich, North American cities are bad, New York, Boston, DC, Philly, Baltimore, Chicago etc. so whhy would Toronto be any worse?

I can think of a few small reasons.

1. Canadian Culture

Canadians tend to be a little more liberal and accepting to ideologies like environmentalism, feminism, and multiculturalism. Canadians pride themselves on being accepting, and ahead of the rest of the world. Gay marriage has been legal here for years, for example.

Now, I agree with some of these things. I like multiculturalism, and the diversity the city has. I agree with gay marraige, and tolerance. However, it seems like such indoctrination in Canada. We do not have some of the same issues as in the US. But we still promote gay rights, immigrant rights, and affirmative action.

Gays have been tolerated and accepted here for years. Why do we still need to promote gay rights? Non white immigrants are a recent (past 30 years) phenonmenon to Canada, and we are very accepting, as well we never had slavery. Why do we promote affirmative action to the extreme here?

Because Canadians males, are terrible examples of nice guy beta AFC's, and we are PROUD of it.

2. University Educations

In Canada, University is cheap and encouraged. Everyone goes to university, regardless of how useless it is. EVERYONE.

You need a diploma if you want a job in Toronto. Very few exceptions. I often think, that the only reason this pointless requirement is still around, is too level the playing field for women. If a women had to compete with men for jobs based on merit, she would find it difficult, or possibly lose. A women no longer has to be as good as a man, or a man as good as a better man, because all degrees are equal. And Canadian women flock to education like flies.

University encourages women to act like they are smarter then men, and compete for grades, not knowledge. Men in university gain experience by networking, joining clubs, gaming girls, drinking and partying. Most women use university experience to suck up to profs for recommendations, or become TA's to grade papers.

University is bullshit, degree granting empowerment to women (mainly) and Toronto is the capital of "higher" education.

3. The Job Market

So this leads into my third point about the job market in Toronto. Toronto is a megatropolis dominated by banks, telecom companies, and law firms. The major jobs here are in office and administrative roles. My experience working for the banks, has been that they do not value your creativity or knowledge, just your compliance. If a man does great work, is friendly with his co workers, and adds value to the company, he will not likely get promoted. But should he be late 2 days in a row, he's fired. office employees are a dime a dozen, especially here.

But women often avoid being called out by bosses (many of whom are women) because they are quiet, diligent, and mainly compliant. They don't speak out of turn, and always show up on time. Therefore, I have noticed, the job market is dominated by women in TO. I read a stat that 80% of all men laid off in Toronto last year were men. So women might feel more entitled here.

This is what also differs from mONTREAL, Halifax, or Vancouver. Toronto is way more corporate. The other cities are more industrial or laid back. Toronto is definetely the stuck up capital of Canada.

Also there has been a recent exodus of men from Toronto, all going to Sask or Alberta to work in the tar sands or uranium mines. These men with high paying, skilled labour jobs are leaving for Calgary, leaving behind the men who are likely more beta.

As well, Toronto is THE city in Canada for small towners who want to "make" it in the big city. The women who move here are all uppity, over acheiving, university educated, paper pushers, who likely think they are better then men.

4. The 2 AM last call

All bars in Toronto have a strict last call at 2 AM. This seems early to me, considering it is 6 AM in Montreal, and 4am in New York. In Toronto, people start lining up for the bars as early as 9 PM. Given the limited places to go downtown, line ups can be detrimental. Meaning guys, (and not necessarily women, because they often skip the line) have to show up early. Once in the bar, a man has very little choice but to stay there, and is "stale" by midnight.

At 1:45, bouncers start trying to throw everyone out. The party has really just begun, and people aren't that drunk yet. It is harder to bring girls home when it is that early. They still want to hang out with their friends, and groups often go home together. Not to mention public transport sucks in Toronto, and people are often very stuck to there plans to get home.

Neighbourhoods can be far apart in Toronto, and very few people actually live near the clubs, meaning a lot of long cab rides, and lots of Last Minute Resistance.

This being said I really love Toronto. I'm sure it is not that much worse then some of the other big North American cities.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

^ Your observations are right about Tdot but not Canada as a whole. Canada is very different outside the GTA. Most typical Canadian dudes are alpha roughnecks who play hockey, snowboard, and fight at parties.

I am starting to think its a good idea for Tdot cats to travel around Canada for a learning experience. You meet a lot of good genuine people and will have ease of gaming too shelf girls (in comparison to Tdot and ROI). I still need to venture out east but I have been all corners north, prairies, and, west.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Went out last night, ended up at Drake hotel. First time there and not a bad little spot with alot of young girls, the music was good but we were able to jump the line/cover.
I will say the city was jumping last night, not sure if this is a new trend but most girls were wearing heels and skirts/dresses. Is this some new fashion thing in Tdot?
On the way home we drove by Muzik, did the parking lot stake out thing (lame I know!).
In conclusion - Toronto has loads of nice girls but your "game" has to be on point. Met a Ruskie from NYC, she was leaving that same night and was nothing to speak about.

Our New Blog:

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Yeah, I don't know what happened but there's way more talent in Toronto these days, especially in Entertainment District(I was doing street game out of clubs). I think a lot of the hotties who go to University out of town have come back for summer or something. Or maybe there's a influx of hotter girls. Chicks were wearing high heels and were dressed well. They were a lot more friendly too.

Is Toronto suddenly improving?

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Quote: (05-20-2012 01:13 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Yeah, I don't know what happened but there's way more talent in Toronto these days, especially in Entertainment District(I was doing street game out of clubs). I think a lot of the hotties who go to University out of town have come back for summer or something. Or maybe there's a influx of hotter girls. Chicks were wearing high heels and were dressed well. They were a lot more friendly too.

Is Toronto suddenly improving?

I agree, girls are dressing nicer now. Are they better looking? I wouldn't say that. Then again I don't do the ED much theses days, and I know that's where the hotter chicks go. Are chicks getting friendlier? Not for brothers. If anything it is the opposite.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

i went to mansion & spice route on friday and rockwood & croc rock yesterday. this weekend was so dead lol.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Quote: (05-20-2012 01:17 PM)Indefatigable Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2012 01:13 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Yeah, I don't know what happened but there's way more talent in Toronto these days, especially in Entertainment District(I was doing street game out of clubs). I think a lot of the hotties who go to University out of town have come back for summer or something. Or maybe there's a influx of hotter girls. Chicks were wearing high heels and were dressed well. They were a lot more friendly too.

Is Toronto suddenly improving?

I agree, girls are dressing nicer now. Are they better looking? I wouldn't say that. Then again I don't do the ED much theses days, and I know that's where the hotter chicks go. Are chicks getting friendlier? Not for brothers. If anything it is the opposite.

I know alot of my boys like to roll in packs, sadly they still have the mindset if something goes wrong they will be covered.
I tend to roll with another wing and I have noticed I get much better results I roll with my white or my filipino friends.
There might also be other factors in play, how you dress and how you come across.

Our New Blog:

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

I have to say that I hooked up with a girl from Hamilton but she was okay like a 6.5. Lizard knew her place. Come 4 months after she's moved to Toronto because she's done college and found a job, and this girl has turned into a stone cold lizard. The kind that freeze themselves during the winter and tear everything apart (made up fact). But seriously, I tried to hook up with her recently and she expected me to dine her before tapping that used-up ass. Like are you fucking kidding me.

She did find a decent job in Toronto so maybe that has something to do with it but I'm going with my gut that it's the city's vibe.

Men here are waiting in line at clubs to just talk to women. They go out for attention. Nothing else. I would love to interrogate the guy that says he can frequently pull tail in this city.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Quote: (05-20-2012 09:28 PM)alphaspiraton Wrote:  

I have to say that I hooked up with a girl from Hamilton but she was okay like a 6.5. Lizard knew her place. Come 4 months after she's moved to Toronto because she's done college and found a job, and this girl has turned into a stone cold lizard. The kind that freeze themselves during the winter and tear everything apart (made up fact). But seriously, I tried to hook up with her recently and she expected me to dine her before tapping that used-up ass. Like are you fucking kidding me.

She did find a decent job in Toronto so maybe that has something to do with it but I'm going with my gut that it's the city's vibe.

Men here are waiting in line at clubs to just talk to women. They go out for attention. Nothing else. I would love to interrogate the guy that says he can frequently pull tail in this city.

Guys are pulling tail. But it requires very good game along with style or good looks. Game that maybe 1 out of 200 guys have.

My friend WhiteRanger pulls some cute girls in Toronto. Here's his RSD journal-
I thinks some of his pics are deleted so here's his journal on another forum-

As you can see he's pulling some really cute girls. He's very good looking and has crazy salsa/bachata skills too though. In this city you have to be really on the top of your game.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Typical Toronto female "why do you get all dressed up? Do your nails, hair and buy wardrobe pieces to go out?". She will reply "well I do that for myself" or "I'm not out to meet men I am here o have a god time with my friends".

Reading that I am sure you ran into females who have said things along those lines, but their statements make no logic except the part wanting to have a good time with her friends. That makes sense. As for the illogical, well I do that for myself we all know it's to make her look competitive amongst her friends on who gets the most attention. Who are thy fooling???? I guess it's the men bc they are full of makeup and a bad attitude in clubs for the most part.

Well there are some decent females, they are few and far between.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Could it be, that Toronto is worse than DC or just as bad.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

I am in DC right now. I will be dropping a sheet on my observations in a week or so on DC vs Tdot.

I will say tho the talent in Tdot is better and has always been there. It's warm out do that would probably explain the skirts and such.

In DC it's all Plain Janes. The girls here are kinda frumpy with belly fat and shit but toss those out and your dealing with 4-6s. They have attitudes but I don't find it hawkish like Tdot. The girls here will strait up blow you out but I find there expectations are more normal then that of Tdot broads. I'm hitting on way finer girls in Tdot but I am getting way better responses here. I've only been "out" once but ended up jamming my tongue down a cute redheads throat from Virginia and then sleazing it up in the dance floor with other broads at another bar down the street on 18th street (thier version of our College Street West).

It's sausage festa galore here tho. Every bar will have like 60-70% dudes, stuff I would not tolerate in TO. But the dudes here are just a bunch of drunk goofs. No swag, no style, and mostly hold back. Dudes here clowned me on being stylish while they rocked polos and khaki shorts in the bar lol. Plus I had a fleet of girls around me while they sat depressed with no girls at the bar while trying to dog me lol.

The biggest plus is that everybody here is down to drink. Liquor is deep in the culture so it reminds me of Canada in that regard. Going shot for shot with a broad is a easy way to break her "top female" mentality (no way in hell she's beating me). I am going to hit a happy hour today and do more judging.

It's tough to compare but from initial views in Tdot your dealing with WAY hotter chics but the attitudes are so corrosive even for like 4s it becomes a headache. DC girls look worse but it's way easier to crack their shields.

You have to spend more time gaming also here vs. Tdot. In Tdot since there's always other broads I would dump prospects if in 15 min things weren't looking up (since there was always others). Here you have no choice. A bar might only have 10 girls in it total so you have to be super patient which is a good skill for me to personally improve on.

Only fucked up thing is the class divisions and soft segregation that takes place here. I used it to my advantage tho I don't hit "white" or "black" spots and I don't act like a ruffian or a DC carrer robot so females have been intrigued since I don't fit what they are used to. Overall it's cool here, this place is spotless, Toronto looks and feels (and smells) like a garbage dump in comparison.

Lastly I find this soft southern accent mad appealing. These broads sound nice and sexy with it. To each and thier own but the little redhead I met sounded cute as hell, couldn't get enough of her accent.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Quote: (05-21-2012 01:40 PM)kosko Wrote:  

I am in DC right now. I will be dropping a sheet on my observations in a week or so on DC vs Tdot.

I will say tho the talent in Tdot is better and has always been there. It's warm out do that would probably explain the skirts and such.

In DC it's all Plain Janes. The girls here are kinda frumpy with belly fat and shit but toss those out and your dealing with 4-6s. They have attitudes but I don't find it hawkish like Tdot. The girls here will strait up blow you out but I find there expectations are more normal then that of Tdot broads. I'm hitting on way finer girls in Tdot but I am getting way better responses here. I've only been "out" once but ended up jamming my tongue down a cute redheads throat from Virginia and then sleazing it up in the dance floor with other broads at another bar down the street on 18th street (thier version of our College Street West).

It's sausage festa galore here tho. Every bar will have like 60-70% dudes, stuff I would not tolerate in TO. But the dudes here are just a bunch of drunk goofs. No swag, no style, and mostly hold back. Dudes here clowned me on being stylish while they rocked polos and khaki shorts in the bar lol. Plus I had a fleet of girls around me while they sat depressed with no girls at the bar while trying to dog me lol.

The biggest plus is that everybody here is down to drink. Liquor is deep in the culture so it reminds me of Canada in that regard. Going shot for shot with a broad is a easy way to break her "top female" mentality (no way in hell she's beating me). I am going to hit a happy hour today and do more judging.

It's tough to compare but from initial views in Tdot your dealing with WAY hotter chics but the attitudes are so corrosive even for like 4s it becomes a headache. DC girls look worse but it's way easier to crack their shields.

You have to spend more time gaming also here vs. Tdot. In Tdot since there's always other broads I would dump prospects if in 15 min things weren't looking up (since there was always others). Here you have no choice. A bar might only have 10 girls in it total so you have to be super patient which is a good skill for me to personally improve on.

Only fucked up thing is the class divisions and soft segregation that takes place here. I used it to my advantage tho I don't hit "white" or "black" spots and I don't act like a ruffian or a DC carrer robot so females have been intrigued since I don't fit what they are used to. Overall it's cool here, this place is spotless, Toronto looks and feels (and smells) like a garbage dump in comparison.

Lastly I find this soft southern accent mad appealing. These broads sound nice and sexy with it. To each and thier own but the little redhead I met sounded cute as hell, couldn't get enough of her accent.

Interesting. And I'm looking forward to your continuing observations. I never thought that DC could be worse or even equal to Toronto in terms of easy of pulling. The only person on here who has lived in both places says that DC is far better, and now your initial observations support that.

Rudeboy, I don't roll in packs. It's either with one other dude or solo.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Kosko - nice breakdown of DC, I am not surprised it does not have better girls than Toronto. The only problem with Toronto is the attitude and mindset, otherwise there is talent here that beats out alot of places.

Our New Blog:

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Agreed wit hyou guys that there is indeed some interesting talent out there in TO but as Kosko nicely put it, they come with a corrosive attitude that I for one am now willing to put up with. Nice rundown of things in Boretown.

Btw, between Calgary and Edmonton, which city has the girls with the friendliest vibe and not corrosive as in Boretown? I maybe going there in 2-3 weeks...

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

Vp e town is pretty good

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

That's what I keep hearing too about E town...will be checking both when I get there.

What's the matter with Toronto? Seriously...

How long you planning your trip? E-town girls are more down but the City can be slow some nights. I prefer it over Calgary tho as I find you get a better range of talent. Plus E-town girls are oblivious to game, I had great success there back in the day when I had noooo game. I was there last in '08.

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