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Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

I am so sold on going to Latvia as a Latin guy who dances mean salsa!!! Thank you for this post. You have truly motivated me to get my ass to Latvia/Sweden and fast!!!

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

I recently heard something similar about iceland. A friend of mine was stationed in iceland for a year and was telling stories of a black guy he was stationed there with. He said he was tired of hearing stories of how this friend was banging a different chick everynight and was constantly talking about new threesomes. My friend ended up despising this black guy out of jealousy.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Ok - Just recently I sent out "feeler" emails on facebook to 8 girls in Sweden. All were solid lookers borderline 8's in looks. It seems that any non-white guy will kill in Sweden. In 2 days, 6 girls (of 8 requests I sent) have replied, and expressing an incredible amount of interest in meeting me as a Latin guy with tan skin and brown eyes.

All girls were very blunt, just short of telling me they want to bang me as soon as I get off the plane practically.

Here is an example reply of the sexiest one I e-mailed.

"Hello Mixx! mm sounds great. Who doesn't like latino boys? I am always up for a spicy treat like you. I like to dance too, maybe you can show me some salsa moves? I can learn you everything about sweden and maybe you can show me some trix? Oh yeah, and forget Stockholm, I'm taking you to Gothenburg.


{sweden girl}

So, it seems that Sweden is the place to go for any black or Latino (who does not look arabic) in the Nordic countries. The replies I received were extremely high IOI's. I think the only thing you want ti make sure of is that you are in shape, it seems that these girls really dig physical looks as all the guys I see on pictures of nightclubs and Facebook dress really well, and all seem to be in shape.

Can't wait now...

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

White women in Holland like blacks too. As long as you're not a Muslim you'll score.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Mixx, I'd never even thought of using facebook as a tool like that. I need to do that wherever my next trip is.

Do you just send a friend request first? Or send a flirty message first?

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

ahaha @ mixx asking girls if they like to dance "too" [Image: istockphoto_365352-trap.jpg]

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (06-15-2010 01:22 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Mixx, I'd never even thought of using facebook as a tool like that. I need to do that wherever my next trip is.

Do you just send a friend request first? Or send a flirty message first?

I Only send out a flirty message, and never request her as a friend. If she likes you, she'll reply to your message with a more personal touch, and she will actually want to add you as a friend. This immediately puts her in a state of mind to chase you, and not the other way around.

Be careful not to go overboard. Facebook will disable your account completely if it notices you sending out mass messages. Stick to 10 emails per day and you will be fine.


Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (06-15-2010 02:07 PM)LÉtranger Wrote:  

ahaha @ mixx asking girls if they like to dance "too" [Image: istockphoto_365352-trap.jpg]

LOL- yeah, I guess that best describes it.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Mixx, do you was in Sweden and can tell your experience? I'm also a mediterranean looking guy. Only heard stories that they love Southern European guys.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

I wouldn't mind if the title of this thread were literal.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (06-13-2010 11:45 AM)mlucasone Wrote:  

I recently heard something similar about iceland. A friend of mine was stationed in iceland for a year and was telling stories of a black guy he was stationed there with. He said he was tired of hearing stories of how this friend was banging a different chick everynight and was constantly talking about new threesomes. My friend ended up despising this black guy out of jealousy.

I can't blame him, but fuck white people. Now you know how Blacks feel just about everywhere, especially in Asia. Fuck white people. I don't condone sex with white "women", but if it hurts any other race in any way, I guess I can vouch for it. When racial separation begins, however, these niggers going about sleeping with white women will not be welcome in our territories.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Mixx - you do not really have to do the Facebook. I am sure those girls get hit on alot online, so you do not want to be one of the masses. I use to do the Myspace thing and I found the girls in Sweden to be a little flaky. Once I arrived it was a different thing, trust me you won't even care about the girls you met online.
The dudes are very stylish but honestly they are mostly nice beta boys, do not forget it is a feminist country. I hooked up with this 21 yr old university student for coffee, she refused to let me pay.
I will state NOT every black or latino will do well in Sweden. You must carry a certain swagger or have a style that says I am cool.

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Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Wow, dude that is a lot of racial hate you got going on.
You know what, maybe you should make the Asian dudes your eternal enemies as well? they also tend to hook up with quite a lot of asian girls..

'I can't blame him, but fuck white people. Now you know how Blacks feel just about everywhere, especially in Asia. Fuck white people. I don't condone sex with white "women", but if it hurts any other race in any way, I guess I can vouch for it. When racial separation begins, however, these niggers going about sleeping with white women will not be welcome in our territories.

I am a Black man sexually attracted to asian women. I advise other Black men not to be like me.
Whites are my competition, and when it comes to getting asian girls, I cannot beat them. It follows that whites are my eternal enemies. Let's be honest: life is not fair, and thus, I will no longer play fair or be nice to others. Whites are my enemies, and eternal enemies of my race.'

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

All non-Blacks are our enemies.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (12-10-2010 11:34 AM)Time2Quit Wrote:  

All non-Blacks are our enemies.

Ah well, that seems like a more congruent world view, as well.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (12-10-2010 09:51 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

I will state NOT every black will do well in Sweden.

I agree. The brothas without a pulse will have a hard time hookin' up with Swedish chicks.

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

@ global baller lol

Where are you balling now?

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Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (06-15-2010 10:18 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Ok - Just recently I sent out "feeler" emails on facebook to 8 girls in Sweden. All were solid lookers borderline 8's in looks. It seems that any non-white guy will kill in Sweden. In 2 days, 6 girls (of 8 requests I sent) have replied, and expressing an incredible amount of interest in meeting me as a Latin guy with tan skin and brown eyes.

All girls were very blunt, just short of telling me they want to bang me as soon as I get off the plane practically.

Here is an example reply of the sexiest one I e-mailed.

"Hello Mixx! mm sounds great. Who doesn't like latino boys? I am always up for a spicy treat like you. I like to dance too, maybe you can show me some salsa moves? I can learn you everything about sweden and maybe you can show me some trix? Oh yeah, and forget Stockholm, I'm taking you to Gothenburg.


{sweden girl}

So, it seems that Sweden is the place to go for any black or Latino (who does not look arabic) in the Nordic countries. The replies I received were extremely high IOI's. I think the only thing you want ti make sure of is that you are in shape, it seems that these girls really dig physical looks as all the guys I see on pictures of nightclubs and Facebook dress really well, and all seem to be in shape.

Can't wait now...
What is an example of the email you sent them first?

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

lol, this thread is a joke. Any decent guy will kill in scandinavia. your skin color doesnt matter.
Actually, the italians and latins have even a better reputation than the black for scandinavian s girls(huge italian fetish, and latin fetish indeed, but again it is more a foreign fetish, and a goodl looking guy fetish, so if you are cute and foreign even if you are a very white brit you will have girls fighting for your dick every night) (actually the most well known fetish in scandinavia that girls have is the Brown eyes fetish)... And I know scandinavian girls very well. I am white from west europe (darker than the scandinavian gys, brown eyes, dark hair, with a tan) and I can get laid virtually any night there, and I got loads of 3somes there. Aussie guys also have the reputation, all west europe guys (irish, spanish, brits, french, even german, if they look good and are social, do very good, and end up with more girls than they can handle). Actually even the good looking cool and social local guys can kill if they want to..
I am decent looking from west europe, and I get approached all the time in scandinavia, cant get out in the street, without receiving shitloads of fuck me eyes, and if they are drunk they approach you and pull you to the bathroom.
all the decent other foreign guys I know fuck new girls every week here. The skin color doesnt seem to matter, and well actually I have african friends and they seem to struggle a lot more than my white foreign friends..

But anyway I dont seem to understand the whole race talk in these forums. Cause what matters is that you look good and know how to flirt, and are attractive etc, your ethnicity counts for 0.1% in your success IMO. I do very well in absolutely every part of the world, get snls several times a week everywhere in the world etc etc..

If you want to go travel somewhere because you think the girls will be easier there, you are lame. It means you are not that attractive. period. and even there, you will probably get only 7s... Travellin somewhere because girls are hotter there, Alright, not because they are easier. Because girls are very easy everywhere if you are attractive!

PS: the same way I dond understand ppl saying south america is tough for black guys. I have black friends who kill in south america, cause they are attractive. I have seen black friends who ve spend many months in scandinavia without getting laid even one time, even though trying hard (not ugly guys, just not attractive, lacking the little something..) If you are good at getting girls, you will have a huge abundance of girls everywhere (way too much basically..)

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (05-27-2010 03:50 AM)beebopaloo Wrote:  

Hey vacancier and roosh,

I think you should have a slight edge as well being more 'exotic' looking. But still, it is not gonna be anything like a blonde guy in brazil or asia. The girls will like alpha males of any nationality/race in sweden.

But in fact the second biggest city in sweden, Gothenburg, is nicer than Stockholm and got more hot chicks for some reason.

The english teaching idea will not work. In scandinavian countries all education is excellent and free. Sorry for spoiling any plans.. [Image: smile.gif]

You guys got me seriously thinking about checking out this salsa congress there

I was gonna go to one in Rostov instead but maybe this part of Europe will be a better trip? That's one of the things I like about dancing salsa is that I can hit a salsa congress in just about any part of the world and have an automatic network instead of having to run game.

You move from salsa to bachata and kizomba and you are practically fucking on the dance floor so the panties come pretty easy after that. In general, dancing has gotten me a lot of trim and the babes pursue you. [Image: banana.gif]

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

TG3 step away from the kool-aid bro!!!

Alot of guys rush there and end up pulling it.

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Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (12-24-2010 09:01 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

lol, this thread is a joke. Any decent guy will kill in scandinavia. your skin color doesnt matter.
Actually, the italians and latins have even a better reputation than the black for scandinavian s girls(huge italian fetish, and latin fetish indeed, but again it is more a foreign fetish, and a goodl looking guy fetish, so if you are cute and foreign even if you are a very white brit you will have girls fighting for your dick every night) (actually the most well known fetish in scandinavia that girls have is the Brown eyes fetish)... And I know scandinavian girls very well. I am white from west europe (darker than the scandinavian gys, brown eyes, dark hair, with a tan) and I can get laid virtually any night there, and I got loads of 3somes there. Aussie guys also have the reputation, all west europe guys (irish, spanish, brits, french, even german, if they look good and are social, do very good, and end up with more girls than they can handle). Actually even the good looking cool and social local guys can kill if they want to..
I am decent looking from west europe, and I get approached all the time in scandinavia, cant get out in the street, without receiving shitloads of fuck me eyes, and if they are drunk they approach you and pull you to the bathroom.
all the decent other foreign guys I know fuck new girls every week here. The skin color doesnt seem to matter, and well actually I have african friends and they seem to struggle a lot more than my white foreign friends..

But anyway I dont seem to understand the whole race talk in these forums. Cause what matters is that you look good and know how to flirt, and are attractive etc, your ethnicity counts for 0.1% in your success IMO. I do very well in absolutely every part of the world, get snls several times a week everywhere in the world etc etc..

If you want to go travel somewhere because you think the girls will be easier there, you are lame. It means you are not that attractive. period. and even there, you will probably get only 7s... Travellin somewhere because girls are hotter there, Alright, not because they are easier. Because girls are very easy everywhere if you are attractive!

PS: the same way I dond understand ppl saying south america is tough for black guys. I have black friends who kill in south america, cause they are attractive. I have seen black friends who ve spend many months in scandinavia without getting laid even one time, even though trying hard (not ugly guys, just not attractive, lacking the little something..) If you are good at getting girls, you will have a huge abundance of girls everywhere (way too much basically..)

Do you live in Scandinavia? Do you have any places you can recommend?

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (12-25-2010 02:10 PM)Larry33 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2010 09:01 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

lol, this thread is a joke. Any decent guy will kill in scandinavia. your skin color doesnt matter.
Actually, the italians and latins have even a better reputation than the black for scandinavian s girls(huge italian fetish, and latin fetish indeed, but again it is more a foreign fetish, and a goodl looking guy fetish, so if you are cute and foreign even if you are a very white brit you will have girls fighting for your dick every night) (actually the most well known fetish in scandinavia that girls have is the Brown eyes fetish)... And I know scandinavian girls very well. I am white from west europe (darker than the scandinavian gys, brown eyes, dark hair, with a tan) and I can get laid virtually any night there, and I got loads of 3somes there. Aussie guys also have the reputation, all west europe guys (irish, spanish, brits, french, even german, if they look good and are social, do very good, and end up with more girls than they can handle). Actually even the good looking cool and social local guys can kill if they want to..
I am decent looking from west europe, and I get approached all the time in scandinavia, cant get out in the street, without receiving shitloads of fuck me eyes, and if they are drunk they approach you and pull you to the bathroom.
all the decent other foreign guys I know fuck new girls every week here. The skin color doesnt seem to matter, and well actually I have african friends and they seem to struggle a lot more than my white foreign friends..

But anyway I dont seem to understand the whole race talk in these forums. Cause what matters is that you look good and know how to flirt, and are attractive etc, your ethnicity counts for 0.1% in your success IMO. I do very well in absolutely every part of the world, get snls several times a week everywhere in the world etc etc..

If you want to go travel somewhere because you think the girls will be easier there, you are lame. It means you are not that attractive. period. and even there, you will probably get only 7s... Travellin somewhere because girls are hotter there, Alright, not because they are easier. Because girls are very easy everywhere if you are attractive!

PS: the same way I dond understand ppl saying south america is tough for black guys. I have black friends who kill in south america, cause they are attractive. I have seen black friends who ve spend many months in scandinavia without getting laid even one time, even though trying hard (not ugly guys, just not attractive, lacking the little something..) If you are good at getting girls, you will have a huge abundance of girls everywhere (way too much basically..)

Do you live in Scandinavia? Do you have any places you can recommend?

I ve lived in scandinavia , not living there anymore. I d recomend stockholm. For guys who are looking for Easy, Finland is actually probably easier (and smaller cities than stockholm in sweden are alos easier because there is always more competition in bigger cities, even though talking about competition is quite laughable..) . But I actually prefer a non scandinavian neighboor which is Estonia. Cheaper and better quality of girls IMO. (and actually even easier, and lot of russian girls who are total sex freaks..)
To realize why it is easier in scandinavia, you may consider the fact that I have numerous scandinavian female friends, who get laid very close to every night they are out, no kidding. They love to go out by two with the sole purpose of looking for one night stands, and they are totally shameless about it, actually proud to be slut(they think like guys, and are proud of their lay counts, and how many flags they have got. A friend noted a paper all the flags she had got , believe me, more than many guys on this forum, and without travelling..)

Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Can you bust out a data sheet with specific venues/cities, and times of year to go? That would be extremely helpful. Everyone always says go to Stockholm or Helsinki, but I hear the latter us a real shithole. Never been there myself, just what I've read form various sites.


Black Guys Kill in Sweden

Quote: (12-25-2010 03:55 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Can you bust out a data sheet with specific venues/cities, and times of year to go? That would be extremely helpful. Everyone always says go to Stockholm or Helsinki, but I hear the latter us a real shithole. Never been there myself, just what I've read form various sites.


Will try to do something better later. But basically dont do lthe huge mistake Roosh is doing of going to to this region in winter. Scandinavia should be travelled between may and august-september only. (actually cool to be there the 30 of april, either finland or swedden, for Vappu, a huge orgy, be prepared to see some public sex, and to have some.., a lot of disgusting drunk ppl too , Ridiculous..) . Basically, winter and summer is like nigth and day, in summer it is party and orgy all time, while in winter, well it is tough just to walk to the club or wait in the line, very very tough, PLUS people are depressed and lacking vit D etc, so not as horny etc.. (still you will get laid a lot if you are there in winter, no doubt, but you will really suffer from the cold and lack of sun..)
Also, night life in scandinvia is in general not really good, clubs closing too early.. Check out estonia for better night life and beter girls, and better logistics, you will thank me later (try sweden and finland too of course, but it d be a crime not to go to estonia if you are there.... do the cruises between sweden and finland and estonia, I can guarantee you you wil get laid in the ship, at least one time. I have zero doubt you will get laid. All decent friends I know who have taken the ship between sweden and finland have got laid each time at least one time. A friend got laid 3 times in just one way stockholm-helsinki, in just one night. I got laid each time one time, and got a 3 some one time, girls just love the idea of having sex in the ship with a stranger, huuge fantazy so the boat acts as a big aphrodisias , PLUS they are crazy drunk. Ony problem is that there are not so many girls in the ship, so you may end up fucking 7s.. BUT still it is fun to get laid on a boat.. And scandinavian 7s are really fine, just for one night ... Actually not so many 9s and 10s in scandinavia, why I think scandinavian girls are more ONS material than GF material.. specially because they get ugly when they get older, hard to find hot cougars there.. but many hot 15-17 years old girls lol, it is the land where you will turn pedophile ..)

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