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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (05-12-2019 06:21 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

There's no such thing as "judeo-christianity", it is a completely meaningless term.

You could argue that christianity is Judeo-Hellenic, but even that is stretching it.

Israel as a country and area is inconsequential, it is Sumeria, Babylon and Egypt, which were the "other" compared to Greece.

Given how the Jews rejected Jesus and the Pharisee faction prevailed among them. And wrote the Talmud. Its not the same religion as that which wrote the Old Testament.

The Law and the Prophets represented by Moses and Elijah. All wrote about Jesus the coming Gospel and the Trinity. Although initially in veiled terms due to the vulnerability at the time to idolatry.

The closest to authentic article are the Karaite Jews. The Tanakh only Jews. Most of whom I suspected already converted to Christianity.

The God pill

Quote: (05-12-2019 03:56 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

^ This is a great topic. I have wondered the same, about how can Jews be the "chosen people" yet be such jerks in modern times. I have two thoughts on the subject:

1. Is a Jew a Jew? I know people who will wear the name Jew as a shield but are not religious at all. They are just degenerates with a Jewish heritage. Perhaps it is like many other religions where the figureheads you see on TV (Pope, Southern Baptist Convention) do not represent the devout members of the faith. That is my weaker position, and I lean more towards the next one.

The vast majority of Jews today are irreligious. I've noticed that a lot of the most anti-God people I've met tend to either be Jews or ex-Catholics. Jewishness is more of an ethnic identity at this point rather than a religious one.

For the modern, secular Jew which is the majority of Jews now, their God now is their tribe. God is no longer what holds them together, rather it's the continued survival of their people. All the customs and traditions are kept not because they are God's commandments or because they bind them to the divine, but because it's what gives Jewish people their identity. The new God for them now is themselves - not themselves as individual Jews but rather the Jewish people as a whole. It's quite the cosmic irony that the people who brought us the 1st Commandment are now so flagrantly defying it.

The God pill

I do not know where to post this. But here:

What are your comments?

The God pill

Don't think I've seen this mentioned in the thread yet. Roosh mentioned this site yesterday as a good intro to learning to pray:

The God pill

From my understanding, the Israelites were Chosen because their lineage brought the Christ into this world. Everything that occurred through history because it had to to lead to the birth of Yeshua. Hence the millenia of protection, of leading those people through the wilderness. There have been a variety of other individuals throughout history who have come from Chosen lines - such as Siddhartha.

To briefly bring this out of the spiritual metaphysical and into the mundane metaphysical, imagine the history of the world laid out in a great plane - much like a map. Those of great Destiny, when they coalesce into this dimension, ripple this ocean of space time. At the same time, through a loose interpretation of relativity, that very ripple beckons that which causes the ripple.

The photons your eye percieves twinkling from the midnight sky were ejected only because you were there to see them aeons after their ejection.

The Great Works rendered by Christianity induce the coming of Yeshua by their waves. And He induces the Blessing of Israel through His ripple. Till tire.

As far as the Jews go, they have been worshiping demons from the time of Solomon, and before, and after as spoken by Daniel. If they are, as a group, closer to Source this is to be expected - for the daemonic flutters about the Light as moths circle a street lamp.

The God pill

I forgot which israeli writer wrote it, but he made a claim that judaism is based on a lie and that is why they act so badly.

What lie?

The fact that Moses wasn't a jew, but an Egyptian. Not only that, but that the jews killed Moses and that lie became the foundation of their religion. They killed their savior, the Egyptian who led them out of Egypt. History repeats itself of course. Keep in mind, Moses, who receives the commandments, go down to find the Israelities worshipping a Golden Bull = Moloch. So we have an egyptian talking to god, leading a people worshipping Moloch. Makes a lot more sense huh?

Moses, being an Egyptian name: Tuth-Moses and so on. Graham Hancock believes that Moses is the same as Akhenaten, who was an egyptian pharaoh who instituted a cult of personality.

The God pill

I read the real story of exodus was that the Israelites were mercenaries hired by the Egyptians, and were raiding villages on their way out of Egypt which is what caused the Pharaoh to go after them. Also there's nothing about frog rain carved in any Egyptian monuments, which would presumably have been a noteworthy event.

The God pill

Quote: (05-13-2019 05:21 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I read the real story of exodus was that the Israelites were mercenaries hired by the Egyptians, and were raiding villages on their way out of Egypt which is what caused the Pharaoh to go after them. Also there's nothing about frog rain carved in any Egyptian monuments, which would presumably have been a noteworthy event.

Where does the 'real story' of the exodus come from? The mercenary part would make some sense as the Israelites were pretty good at waging war by at least the time they crossed the Jordan.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The God pill

Could have put this in the Israel Folau thread (Australian Rugby Player Izzy tweeted bible scripture and has lost his job and millions in pay as a result) but I thought it more appropriate for the God Pill.

The reason -I am not a Christian and don't feel the same way as Folau- but this touches on issues of faith and I thought you Christians may appreciate this.

Andrew Bolt (Australia's slightly dowdy version of Tucker Carlson) interviews Nick Farr Jones on his recent conversations and counsels with Folau.

Folau is from a Polynesian working class.
Farr-Jones is upper middle class and was captain of Australia and the best scrum half in the world 1984 - 1991. He is also a committed Christian.

He explains a Christian view of living in a secular non-Christian world and, without understanding the doctrinal background, I thought it may stimulate some of the people on this thread with thoughts on how to live in clown world .

The thing that stands out to me is >>> Christ himself offended people with his message when he first began preaching.


The God pill

Quote: (05-13-2019 10:28 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2019 05:21 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I read the real story of exodus was that the Israelites were mercenaries hired by the Egyptians, and were raiding villages on their way out of Egypt which is what caused the Pharaoh to go after them. Also there's nothing about frog rain carved in any Egyptian monuments, which would presumably have been a noteworthy event.

Where does the 'real story' of the exodus come from? The mercenary part would make some sense as the Israelites were pretty good at waging war by at least the time they crossed the Jordan.

Some pinpoint the coming of the Hebrews after the Hyksos have taken lower Egypt and Installed themselves as Pharoah. Which explains the relatively more welcoming attitude that the Israelite received when they settled in Goshen. However once the Hyksos were thrown out(Exodus 1:8). The ethnic Egyptian Pharoah who did not know Joseph for all that he had done was not so favorably disposed to the Israelites.

The God pill

Quote: (05-12-2019 03:56 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

^ This is a great topic. I have wondered the same, about how can Jews be the "chosen people" yet be such jerks in modern times. I have two thoughts on the subject:

1. Is a Jew a Jew? I know people who will wear the name Jew as a shield but are not religious at all. They are just degenerates with a Jewish heritage. Perhaps it is like many other religions where the figureheads you see on TV (Pope, Southern Baptist Convention) do not represent the devout members of the faith. That is my weaker position, and I lean more towards the next one.

2. For the larger nation of Israel, remember the parable of the prodigal son. The prodigal son was the obvious favourite, and the obedient son was jealous but the Father still loved them both. Perhaps Israel is the prodigal son, and will be the most rebellious nation, and will have to endure the most severe lessons before finally returning to God.

In the prodigal son parable, would the father have tolerated the obedient son talking crap about the prodigal son while he was in rebellion, or if the obedient son went out on a mission to beat or kill the prodigal son for dishonoring the family? No.

The jews have dropped the ball with God's favor time and time again, even going so far as killing his son (see also the parable of the vineyard owner). Yet they are God's original tribes. The more they rebel, the more laps they will have to do around the desert, before they come to the kingdom of heaven. Yet when they finally do repent they will be welcomed with open arms.

If that seems frustrating or unfair, I recommend having children of your own to understand that perspective and parable.

I feel this is why the rise of the idea of a chosen people in Europe (Aryans) was inevitable , someone else in history got it into their heads and had the gaule to say " maybe we were chosen, if you can do it, SO CAN WE" and the Jewish tribe never let us forget to this day that someone else ballsed up in that role, but not them.

Israel "That's our role buddy, no matter how shit we are at it"

The God pill

One more Father Ripperger video discussing our times, the destruction of the family, gays, trannies, hillary clinton, wikileaks, and more.


The God pill

Quote: (05-13-2019 10:28 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2019 05:21 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

I read the real story of exodus was that the Israelites were mercenaries hired by the Egyptians, and were raiding villages on their way out of Egypt which is what caused the Pharaoh to go after them. Also there's nothing about frog rain carved in any Egyptian monuments, which would presumably have been a noteworthy event.

Where does the 'real story' of the exodus come from? The mercenary part would make some sense as the Israelites were pretty good at waging war by at least the time they crossed the Jordan.

My mummy told me.

The God pill

Recommend the sermons of Paul Washer:

One of the most important videos to know.

The God pill

How do you all logically deduce the existence of God? It seems much of it is "feeling" and desire to feel positive , which seems genetic more than anything.

Why would we be given such limited perception with only a *hint* of something bigger that upon death we allegedly find out anyways? You think everyone who dies immediately finds out the 'truth'?

To me, the existence of evil and some sort of *trance* on humanity by an entity like Lucifer seems very logical as I can clearly observe this. But other than that I'm coming up empty. And just because those behaviors are unpleasant to us, how is it any more profound than the killing we see in nature?

I think most Christians even have a hard time believing in an afterlife. The monk, Aurelius Moner, wrote on his ROK articles that many Christians are actually apostates because they don't 110% believe all parts of it. How can you demand a human follow something well beyond their perception? Why would God create billions of people (india/china/persia/etc) who are born into a different belief system so they're going to hell?

The God pill

One of those odd notions where, if we had explicit proof. What need then, would there be for faith...?

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 09:59 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

How do you all logically deduce the existence of God? It seems much of it is "feeling" and desire to feel positive , which seems genetic more than anything.

Why would we be given such limited perception with only a *hint* of something bigger that upon death we allegedly find out anyways? You think everyone who dies immediately finds out the 'truth'?

To me, the existence of evil and some sort of *trance* on humanity by an entity like Lucifer seems very logical as I can clearly observe this. But other than that I'm coming up empty. And just because those behaviors are unpleasant to us, how is it any more profound than the killing we see in nature?

I think most Christians even have a hard time believing in an afterlife. The monk, Aurelius Moner, wrote on his ROK articles that many Christians are actually apostates because they don't 110% believe all parts of it. How can you demand a human follow something well beyond their perception? Why would God create billions of people (india/china/persia/etc) who are born into a different belief system so they're going to hell?

My understanding is that each person is given just enough evidence to make them wonder whether there is a God or not.

Beyond that, it is up to them to resolve the question for themselves. Most just put the question off, Christians included.

There is a promise in the Old Testament, that if you seek God with all your heart mind soul and strength, in other words, make it a priority, you will find him.

This is not a simple, abstract, logical pursuit.

Faith isn't just a feeling or impulse. It is the gap between the evidence you have and accepting the whole shebang.

For those who have seen and heard enough that God is obviously real, it is a small leap to make, and for those who haven't it is a larger span.

A good way to think of it is like a relationship. I have used this analogy before, so sorry for repeating, but a parent is willing to explain themselves, to a certain degree, to their children. Beyond that though, you want your kids to trust your judgement and not always be asking why.

You want them to have faith in you as a parent and a person. You cannot objectively *prove* that you love them, and making up an endless list of all the things you did for them and why you did them will not convince them. There will always be another question.

At a certain point, it is up the the child to think about the situation themselves and say, I just trust this adult person. They obviously love me and have my best interests in mind, so even when it seems like they are doing something that is bad for me or goes against my will, I will trust them.

Faith is kind of like that. Trusting the grownups, even though you don't always understand what they are doing or why.

Having questions sometimes, sure, but in general believing in them and their plan for the family.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:26 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

if you seek God with all your heart mind soul and strength, in other words, make it a priority, you will find him.

Sounds like a state of mind. Feeling good, so to speak. If your thoughts trend in the right direction, you get an eternal reward. I suspect a lot of that is genetic empathy white people have higher levels of.

The God pill

I think a lot of people fail to realize just how much of our lives is based on faith and faith alone. Most decisions we make are not the result of a multitude of experiments to ascertain if it's the correct course of action, and can never be any other way.

People used to believe in priest's words about God, and nowadays believe the new priests' (scientists) words about absence of God, evolution, what have you. Of course, if your worldview is based on Revelation there is no contradiction in doing this. But if your worldview is based on the scientific method, then there is. In a way, their faith is stronger, because they put it in earthly things - which to me is a much bigger leap of faith.

I doubt atheists ever put their beliefs to the test (when the tests are even possible at all). Instead, they simply have faith. But instead of faith in an eternal, unchanging God, they have faith in bald guys in lab coats with questionable incentives.

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:36 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:26 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

if you seek God with all your heart mind soul and strength, in other words, make it a priority, you will find him.

Sounds like a state of mind. Feeling good, so to speak. If your thoughts trend in the right direction, you get an eternal reward. I suspect a lot of that is genetic empathy white people have higher levels of.

No. It isn't confirmation bias. You can search for something and still be rational about it. If it is there, it is, and if it isn't, it isn't. The feelings come after the analysis.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:44 AM)ilostabet Wrote:  

I think a lot of people fail to realize just how much of our lives is based on faith and faith alone. Most decisions we make are not the result of a multitude of experiments to ascertain if it's the correct course of action, and can never be any other way.

People used to believe in priest's words about God, and nowadays believe the new priests' (scientists) words about absence of God, evolution, what have you. Of course, if your worldview is based on Revelation there is no contradiction in doing this. But if your worldview is based on the scientific method, then there is. In a way, their faith is stronger, because they put it in earthly things - which to me is a much bigger leap of faith.

I doubt atheists ever put their beliefs to the test (when the tests are even possible at all). Instead, they simply have faith. But instead of faith in an eternal, unchanging God, they have faith in bald guys in lab coats with questionable incentives.

Pointing out the supposed intellectual shortcomings of someone else is the best way to keep yours at bay, right atheists?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Spiritually I'm progressing quite rapidly. My sense of right from wrong is becoming very sharp, particularly in regard to my own behavior. I thought that I could let things proceed when it comes to my online activities (e.g. selling pornographic books), but I will have to make some changes. I will make announcements as those changes happen.

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:36 AM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2019 10:26 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

if you seek God with all your heart mind soul and strength, in other words, make it a priority, you will find him.

Sounds like a state of mind. Feeling good, so to speak. If your thoughts trend in the right direction, you get an eternal reward. I suspect a lot of that is genetic empathy white people have higher levels of.

I've thought this too, if the Church had begun in Somalia, how different the teachings might be.....

Which is why when "I hear the Church in Africa is strong", I roll me eyes and think "Yeah but does the average person they get the nuance of it to begin, that caused its origination more so than the western world?"

Because if one will last (Europe), the other is a momentum staller (Growth in Africa, could well overtake Europe), that if it crashes will cause the entire thing to be morphed beyond recognition.

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 11:18 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Spiritually I'm progressing quite rapidly. My sense of right from wrong is becoming very sharp, particularly in regard to my own behavior. I thought that I could led things proceed when it comes to my online activities (e.g. selling pornographic books), but I will have to make some changes. I will make announcements as those changes happen.

It's interesting you mention this. I know (apocryphally) at least one fantasy/science fiction author who wiped his back catalog from existence after he was born again.

The God pill

Quote: (05-21-2019 11:33 AM)Malone Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2019 11:18 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Spiritually I'm progressing quite rapidly. My sense of right from wrong is becoming very sharp, particularly in regard to my own behavior. I thought that I could led things proceed when it comes to my online activities (e.g. selling pornographic books), but I will have to make some changes. I will make announcements as those changes happen.

It's interesting you mention this. I know (apocryphally) at least one fantasy/science fiction author who wiped his back catalog from existence after he was born again.

This recently happened to Doreen Virtue, one of the best selling New Age authors of all time. She converted and stopped selling everything, and (Mostly. The bolded phrase below might be a big loophole.) not taking money from any of the products that her former publishers still sell.

She went from living on a massive ranch in Hawaii to some clammy little house in Washington state.


Here’s a list of some of the changes:

–I’m no longer an author or radio host with Hay House. They have been great about taking my name off of some of the New Age materials. They also printed some publications that I was working on prior to us parting ways, such as the Love and Light Cards which have scripture, the Saints & Angels book, and an upcoming calendar that has a new age sounding title, but is scriptural inside.

–Michael, my parents, and I moved away from the ranch and now live in the Pacific Northwest. The story of this heartbreaking change is in my new book. We were able to take the dogs and cats, but the farm animals couldn’t travel, so they were all rehomed. Here’s a link to download my new book for free. It’s at

–Unfortunately, I can’t get my old New Age material out of print. A lot of it is old books and cards that are still circulating. Plus the foreign rights were sold on my products, and I don’t have the ability to control these items or their websites. In the US, some of my old products will go out of print, and my name has been removed from tarot cards and some other new age products.

The money from the old new age materials is distributed in a combination of charity, paying off my back taxes, and supporting my volunteer work.

–After reading the whole Bible, I now understand that God wants us to go directly to him for answers and guidance. He does not want us to do any psychic work. As a result, I do not do any readings or use cards or other divination tools anymore.

–When I get a vision or intuition, I go directly to God and the Bible to make sure that it is a message from the Holy Spirit and not from a demon.

–Here is an article with answers to frequently asked questions:

–My name is also coming off of my old New Age apps, and the money from those apps is being donated to a homeless shelter. I do have a new biblical app called God’s Calming Promises. You can try this new app for free by clicking here, to see if you like it.

–I’ve also stopped working for Woman’s World magazine.

–I threw away all of my old new age books, cards, artwork, etc., and immediately noticed a beautiful lightness in my home and in myself. This also helped to reduce the spiritual warfare.

–I spend most of my time now doing volunteer work, which is so fulfilling. I found that you can meet the nicest, most generous and genuine people, at volunteer activities. If you want to meet giving friends, and make a positive difference in the world, sign up to do volunteer work.

Regarding angels, I am now convinced that the Bible is 100% true and accurate. The Bible has The Angel of the Lord, the angel Gabriel and the Archangel Michael, and also Cherubim and Seraphim. The Bible is filled with references to the angels. But nowhere in the Bible does it say we should call on angels. It only says that we should pray to God and he sends us angels.

We have to wait for God to send his angels, if that’s his will. But he has so many ways of helping us, in addition to angels. The Bible is very clear (especially in the book of Hebrews) that Jesus is above the angels. We are not to pray to or worship anyone but the Holy Trinity. So I no longer call on angels, especially since discovering that demons often disguise themselves as angels.

Interesting to see even the New Age world getting its heretics. A lot of cat ladies are very mad. Some hilarious Doreen Virtue hate/concern trolling videos out there.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

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