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The God pill

The God pill

@aurini A lot of the anti-Catholicism seemed to stem from anti-Irish sentiment. Not just because Irishmen back then were notorious shitheads (I'm fairly Irish so I know this all too well) but also because the Irish while overall financially poor were VERY politically influential and powerful.

The God pill

Getting back to my gnostic interpretation of christianity.

What is the mainstream catholic/orthodox/protestant position towards gnosticism?

I didn't even know there was a position that agreed with me regarding Yawhe vs Christ.

Seemingly this is Gnosticism.

I wonder, Tolkien is often claimed as catholic, however his writings show him as more of a gnostic. Case in point, the world in LOTR is created by various angels, who are in turn created by the true god. The true god is not working on the world though, which is created by the angels, including the "devil". This goes well with the gnostic interpretation of Yawhe as the demiurge in gnosticism. However, I can also see how this would lead to satanism if you believe that Lucifer is simply an angel trying to tell the world that Yawhe is an imposter. The difference has to be whether you believe Christ to be god. If you do believe Christ is god, then you can be gnostic and not a satanist.

The God pill

Quote: (05-02-2019 10:14 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

It discusses the issues that have existed since the 19th Century between Americanism and Catholicism. How in the pre-Vatican II world, Catholicism was fundamentally opposed to democracy, leading to 'Anti-Catholic Bigotry' (is it bigotry to notice what somebody believes?) in the United States.

This type of "bigotry" (i.e., acknowledging a group's political predisposition and its affect upon the body politic) is not unique in history. For example, why did many Eastern European peoples acquiesce to rounding up the Jews in Europe? Most liberals want you to believe that it was pure unbridled wanton bigotry. It was not.

In the wake of the Russian revolution, after the Bolsheviks prevailed over the White Russians and consolidated power, they turned their eyes outward towards the rest of Europe. The people of the Baltics and the rest of Eastern Europe could see with their very own eyes the pattern of how countries dropped like dominoes to the communists. [This was also a very understated theme in Western Europe, especially in Spain and Germany).

The Bolsheviks would form a communist party that would agitate, roil the underclass, undermine the existing Republic, gain power, and then invite the Russian communists into the country as fellow "comrades," forming a communist puppet state. In almost every country, the membership of the communist party was disproportionately represented by a Jewish intelligentsia.

The people of Eastern Europe saw this ever-expanding totalitarian takeover with their own eyes. So, when the Germans rolled into Eastern Europe, they were seen (at least initially) as saviors countering Soviet aggression. In light of this political backdrop, when the Germans said "let's round up the Jews" (as well as the communists) it seemed perfectly reasonable.

I am not excusing the wholesale slaughter of a people. I am simply stating that a culture operates in its own enlightened self-interest. If a free people sees an ethnic, religious, or political minority as a mortal threat to its way of life (e.g., the loss of democracy), it will usually react. As Aurini stated: is it bigotry to notice what somebody believes?

The question today is whether political correctness will override the normal survival instinct of Western culture in regard to Islam and other anti-democratic forces?

The God pill

Quote: (05-02-2019 10:39 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

The difference has to be whether you believe Christ to be god. If you do believe Christ is god, then you can be gnostic and not a satanist.

Uh, no. If you believe that Christ is God then that makes you a Christian, and you cannot be either a gnostic or a satanist.

The God pill

Many people have many freaky experiences that they never tell a soul about fearing, with good reason, that they will be dismissed or laughed at or end up in a psych ward.

I would bet you that the number of people having near death experiences is higher even than reported for this reason.

I have listened to a few from people who had them in the 70's and 80's who are only now talking about them because now NDEs are a legitimate area of study.

And as for dreams like worldwidetraveler's or LD's, I bet more than 50% of the population has had something like that.

This is one of the benefits of the internet, the way it allows people to post these things and find out they aren't alone in their experiences.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Quote: (05-01-2019 05:59 AM)VNvet Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2019 08:02 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

Now Roosh has discovered Fr Chad Ripperger, matching my own journey towards truth.


- His advice on Generational Spirits led me to, once again, do the suggested devotion and receiving the Infused Knowledge that, yes, as I suspected, my family was cursed. Including that it came via my Grandfather, that he was a Freemason, and the Demon's Name we were promised to: one of The Table.

When I told my Sister, she didn't believe me. "But he always seemed so nice."

I was firm. I can't quite explain the calm surety that comes from this kind of thing. "This came from the Blessed Mother. I even received a quick vision of a Freemason Ring."

She wasn't convinced, until I... very casually... tried to bring it up with my Father a few days later, only to find him very open about it:

"Oh yeah, Dad was a Freemason. I still have his apron."

Looking further into what that Demon is said to do, I could see why my Grandmother was hit by a car one day, then had to spend 40 years of her life hunched over to almost a 90 degree angle on a cane. I could see why my Uncle died of a snapped neck. I could see why my grandfather's early death surprised everyone. I could see why there's so much Cancer all through the family.

Particularly, I saw how that Demon had controlled me from, I'm guessing, about 14 or so, until sometime in 2015. There was a weird event in my childhood: a sensation that something outside myself had... invaded... me - mirrored by what seemed like a reversal of the same event that year - as something was... expelled... out of me.

Reading about his influence over a soul was like reading my life history, right down to the wound with my Father and the resulting deep insecurity from that that drove my dysfunctional behaviour.

- Understanding the full horror of a complete destruction of a family line - even seeing how my Grandfather was used and lied to - and not knowing what else to do, I offered myself up as a sacrifice of love to free everyone, saying I would take on the burden of their sins.

A few weeks later, in August, I was struck almost fully-deaf. My nervous system started malfunctioning, meaning I now have regular seizures and have to walk with a cane. I have constant pain in my lower spine and on one side of my neck. It's not unusual to have 14 hour attacks of vertigo, where all I can do is lie in bed and vomit.

I haven't really talked about this because I'm not a whiny bitch, and can always adapt to problems that arise in my life. Plus, I have the Father: it's hard to explain but, as St John of the Cross says, 'Joy and Pain both mean nothing to me'. Suffering becomes an expression of his love.

- Interestingly, the Priests here seem very veiled when you discuss Demons, believing it all has (((psychological))) explanations, but the Nuns all understand: "God will hold you to that promise." According to them, I, somehow suffer well.

- If you study the Demon, he attacks the Neck, The Spine and the Nervous System. They say to picture him as curled around your spine, squeezing the life out of you.

- Having Known the Demon, you can easily-recognise his Children by their behaviour - I'll write something on that when I have the time - and can see how they are often moved around like pawns to attempt bring you back into the fold. I mentioned nine months of dealing with a Stalker from Church here: he evidences all the predicted-behaviour.

Thanks for sharing the video and sharing your story. Catholic priests tend to shy away from demonic explanations, like you said.

My great-grandfather was a Freemason. I, and my cousin, developed severe scoliosis at 14. We both got the titanium hardware to fix it.

And just like you, there's lots of cancer at a young age (including brain cancer!) and early death (always from cancer) all over that family line.

I'm looking forward to your post on their behavior. To anyone reading, don't mess with Freemasonry or any of that secret society stuff.

A few days ago, I took the time to watch this video on spiritual warfare by Father Ripperger. Fascinating stuff. Father Ripperger talks about demons possessing particular parts of the body (especially around the spine of the lower back) and how they often attack the most godly of people.

Then just a few days later, I watched the recent film about the life of Vincent van Gough, titled "At Eternity's Gate." Remembering Father Ripperger's sermon, what I saw and heard in the film about van Gough's life really chilled me to the bone.

Here are excerpts from the screenplay, which (based on Father Ripperger's sermon) I believe show demon possession. [BTW: Demon possession was never mentioned in the film and it would never have occurred to me if I had not recently watched Father Ripperger's sermon.] I wonder whether this first bit of dialogue was taken directly from the doctor's notes.


Jesus said, "If thy hand offend thee, cut it off."

So you cut off your ear because you couldn't bear to hear what Paul was saying?

I believe I have a menacing spirit around me. An invisible being. I feel it, I don't see it. He speaks to me and threatens me. And all he wants to do is plunge a knife into my heart. I saw him and I tried to cut him out of myself.

So that's the reason why you cut off your ear.


Your vision of the world, as you say, is quite frightening. Isn't it?


I'm terrified he'll come back.

I see.


Secondly, Van Gogh was a godly man whose father was a pastor and he himself considered becoming a pastor. So, he was a prime candidate for a demonic attack.


My father was a pastor. I've been around religion all my life.

Really? A pastor?

Yes, and before I realized I was a painter, I tried myself to be a man of God.

So, I learned quite a bit about the topic.

Third, van Gogh also believed that the essence of nature was beauty and that such beauty was a manifestation of God:


When I look at nature, I see more clearly, the tie that unites us all. A vibrating energy, speaking in God's voice. Sometimes it's so intense, I lose consciousness. I feel God is nature and nature is beauty.

Fourth, van Gogh often experienced memory blackouts that included fits of violence or other disturbing conduct.


From time to time, I feel like I'm losing my mind. Yes, my mind goes out of me, I'm telling you. It goes out of me.

What do you mean?

They say that I scream in the streets, that I cry, that I put black paint on my face to scare the children. But I don't remember anything. Anything except the darkness and anxiety, so they sent me here. With really insane people.

Do you drink a lot?

I must tell you, (WHISPERS) don't tell it to the doctors... Theo, sometimes I have visions.

Who do you see?

It's hard to say.


I don't know.

Flowers, sometimes, and also angels, human beings. It's confusing. Sometimes they talk to me.

What do they say?

I don't understand them.

But it's frightening. They aren't always very nice.

I will talk to the doctors and see what can be done.

When I get like this, I don't know what I'm capable of. Maybe I could kill and throw myself off a cliff.

Fifth, the people who inhabited the small village where he painted near the end of his life were so fearful of van Gogh that they signed a petition to keep him out of the village:


What happened on the road to Arles?

I don't remember.

You did walk out of the asylum.

I wanted to go out.

The townspeople of Arles have signed a petition against you.

They don't want you to come back there.

Yes, I know.

I could continue, but if you listen to the description of spiritual warfare provided by Father Ripperger and then watch this film about van Gough's life, you cannot help but see the parallels. It is almost as if demons attacked van Gough because he was able to see the glory of God in nature's beauty and especially because van Gogh was able to place that great beauty and heavenly glory on canvass for others to see.


I feel God is nature and nature is beauty.

I've seen you in the garden, painting. And I've heard from others that you say you were a painter.

Yes, that's what I am.

Why do you say that? Do you have a gift for painting?


Where does this gift come from? Would you say that God gave you the gift of painting?

Yes, He did. It's the only gift He gave me.

The God pill

Quote: (05-02-2019 10:14 AM)Aurini Wrote:  


I think I (through Fr. Seraphim) present a strong argument that democracy and God are incompatible. Democracy attains its power from the lower; how can you take a stand against tranny kids if that's the case? Humbling oneself to a Christian Monarch may be uncomfortable, but I believe it's necessary for just government.

Of course, this doesn't imply that heavy-handed government is good - one doesn't need to go around beating everyone who fails to uphold Christian Virtue - but the author of the piece seems to be looking for a way to have his cake and eat it too. These hypocritical alliances have all failed, and the present state of affairs is their natural fruit.

The sweet spot would surely have to be the point where the hierarchy leaders have spiritually captured the cream of the societal crop (legitimate, not noble-born) and while the lower-born can aspire to better themselves, they can also choose to languish in misery without being able to usurp society's order if they choose to rebel.

Having said that, I'm getting the sense that all attempts to establish lasting beneficial order on earth are futile and in some (minor?) sense blasphemous despite meaning well.

Order always begets wellbeing begets sloth begets what we have today.

If our mortal realm is meant to be a testing ground for our place or rather worthiness of it in the next realm then nothing here is meant to be smooth and truly orderly. I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with pushing for a world where everyone gets a fighting chance to choose God before they get a Bolshevik bullet in the back of the head but at the end of the day all systems will fail, even if the ultimate reason for their failure is precisely because they succeeded so well in the first place.

Still, it's somewhat apt that we're coming to the notion of a "Return of Kings".

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The God pill

Quote: (05-04-2019 11:02 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (05-02-2019 10:14 AM)Aurini Wrote:  


I think I (through Fr. Seraphim) present a strong argument that democracy and God are incompatible. Democracy attains its power from the lower; how can you take a stand against tranny kids if that's the case? Humbling oneself to a Christian Monarch may be uncomfortable, but I believe it's necessary for just government.

Of course, this doesn't imply that heavy-handed government is good - one doesn't need to go around beating everyone who fails to uphold Christian Virtue - but the author of the piece seems to be looking for a way to have his cake and eat it too. These hypocritical alliances have all failed, and the present state of affairs is their natural fruit.

The sweet spot would surely have to be the point where the hierarchy leaders have spiritually captured the cream of the societal crop (legitimate, not noble-born) and while the lower-born can aspire to better themselves, they can also choose to languish in misery without being able to usurp society's order if they choose to rebel.

Having said that, I'm getting the sense that all attempts to establish lasting beneficial order on earth are futile and in some (minor?) sense blasphemous despite meaning well.

Order always begets wellbeing begets sloth begets what we have today.

If our mortal realm is meant to be a testing ground for our place or rather worthiness of it in the next realm then nothing here is meant to be smooth and truly orderly. I don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with pushing for a world where everyone gets a fighting chance to choose God before they get a Bolshevik bullet in the back of the head but at the end of the day all systems will fail, even if the ultimate reason for their failure is precisely because they succeeded so well in the first place.

Still, it's somewhat apt that we're coming to the notion of a "Return of Kings".

You're absolutely correct; trying to form a 'Fourth Reich that will last a thousand years' is utter hubris.

To the extent that politics is important for one's spiritual development, it's to realize that people get the government they deserve. I used to laud the benefits of monarchy; that's about as effective as lauding the benefits of marriage to a feminist. Your average person is deeply committed to rebellion, particularly in the United States. They've mythologized Satan's agenda. The biggest point of monarchy is that one accept's one's role in life. Instead of having every fool trying to become a famous TV star or Instagram model, we should be looking around us to see what good we can do for our friends and neighbours. If everybody started embracing such an ethos, we'd get a just government again within 50 years.

But so long as people remain self-involved and committed to their own egos, we're going to have a world that continually gets worse. Understanding that is important; trying to design the perfect political system in our garage is vanity.

The God pill

This is such a great thread. As we men age and our sex drive slows down and we see how much more degenerate society is getting, I think this is the next logical conclusion. I have never felt such peace in life until I watched some of Father Ripperger's youtube videos, especially the videos on the 7 deadly sins.

Just a follow up to Leonard and Aurini, as I have immense respect for the two of you...

I understand that we can't try to make a perfect world. It would almost be like trying to build a modern day tower of babel. But on the flip side of we do nothing and just love everyone and then live and let live the world will fall to evil forces. It seems obvious we are very far down the path of a collapse. Everything so upside down from holding no one accountable and just loving them.

So what are we supposed to do? I understand on an individual level we must continue to work to be right with God. But on a society level, on a national level, on a civilization level, what should we be striving for?

The God pill

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The God pill

Quote: (05-04-2019 01:02 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

So what are we supposed to do? I understand on an individual level we must continue to work to be right with God. But on a society level, on a national level, on a civilization level, what should we be striving for?

What I do is simply help those, in my community, when I can.

That alone can have a rippling affect. Watch how many of those that you help go out and do the same. Not only the people you help but also the people that see you help.

Most people are good. We just get sucked into the bad parts our society glamourize and forget that we are good.

The God pill

Quote: (05-04-2019 01:32 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2019 01:02 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

So what are we supposed to do? I understand on an individual level we must continue to work to be right with God. But on a society level, on a national level, on a civilization level, what should we be striving for?

What I do is simply help those, in my community, when I can.

That alone can have a rippling affect. Watch how many of those that you help go out and do the same. Not only the people you help but also the people that see you help.

Most people are good. We just get sucked into the bad parts our society glamourize and forget that we are good.

I do agree with this. Doing the right thing always feels good inside. Virtue > Pleasure.

But my concern, or question is, that the evil perversion is simply too tempting. Throw in the out of control population numbers and lack of resources and things are going to get ugly. There has to be some kind of answer to this or maybe the answer is this will become the end of days and we don't try to change that plan other than be good people who continue to work to be right with God.

The God pill

Quote: (05-04-2019 02:01 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2019 01:32 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (05-04-2019 01:02 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

So what are we supposed to do? I understand on an individual level we must continue to work to be right with God. But on a society level, on a national level, on a civilization level, what should we be striving for?

What I do is simply help those, in my community, when I can.

That alone can have a rippling affect. Watch how many of those that you help go out and do the same. Not only the people you help but also the people that see you help.

Most people are good. We just get sucked into the bad parts our society glamourize and forget that we are good.

I do agree with this. Doing the right thing always feels good inside. Virtue > Pleasure.

But my concern, or question is, that the evil perversion is simply too tempting. Throw in the out of control population numbers and lack of resources and things are going to get ugly. There has to be some kind of answer to this or maybe the answer is this will become the end of days and we don't try to change that plan other than be good people who continue to work to be right with God.

I understand the frustration with trying to decide how to help people. I was involved quite heavily in politics for nearly a decade (as an unpaid volunteer). My assumption was that getting godly conservative men elected to political office would help the greatest number of people.

I became very disillusioned after the election of President George W. Bush, when Republicans finally controlled all three branches of government for the first time in forty years. Yet, very little changed. For the love of God, you guys cannot even de-fund Planned Parenthood -- one of the most Satanic organizations in the history of modern man?

I am not sure that there is a defintive answer, other than raising God-fearing children, standing up for righteousness, voting for Godly men (I still believe that we have the duty to support godly leaders, even if we do not see a huge immediate impact), and helping our fellow man.

The God pill

Opened to a random passage & was rather intrigued by the ideas presented.
Wouldn't normally expect such grand concepts from a bunch of desert dwellers :

Psalm 90 (KJV)
90 Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.
2 Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.
3 Thou turnest man to destruction; and sayest, Return, ye children of men.
4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.
5 Thou carriest them away as with a flood; they are as a sleep: in the morning they are like grass which groweth up.
6 In the morning it flourisheth, and groweth up; in the evening it is cut down, and withereth.
7 For we are consumed by thine anger, and by thy wrath are we troubled.
8 Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.
9 For all our days are passed away in thy wrath: we spend our years as a tale that is told.
10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.
11 Who knoweth the power of thine anger? even according to thy fear, so is thy wrath.
12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
13 Return, O Lord, how long? and let it repent thee concerning thy servants.
14 O satisfy us early with thy mercy; that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
15 Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil.
16 Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.
17 And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

The God pill

Quote: (05-04-2019 05:33 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

The Bible is incredibly interesting. For example, as acknowledged by this passage and contrary to urban myth, if you made it past childbirth even thousands of years ago you expected to live to between 70-80 years. That is about the same as today. So, aside from the huge advances in childbirth health, has modern medicine really made many advances in increasing our life spans? Because of the lack of physical activity, toxins, pollution, GMO foods, stress, and numerous other factors our lifespans have not appreciably increased over the past milenia.


As for lives being short, while it may be true that the average life expectancy was 35 years, we tend to overlook one very important word there: average. Infant mortality was brutal, since vaccinations against childhood diseases didn't exist yet and medicine was still in its "Here, chew on this root and stick some leeches on your junk" stage. So that skews the average way down. But if a male living in 1500 managed to see his 21st birthday, he was expected to live around 50 more years from that point.

The God pill

I was reading an interesting article by Aurini, "Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age by Fr. Seraphim" (

In the "Worship of nothingness" paragraph, the first sentence caught my attention, especially the part in parentheses:
"The nothingness which the nihilist worships is entirely unlike the nirvana of Buddhism, or the balance of Zen – or of the ‘primordial chaos’ which is understood as the firmament in Eastern religions and our own pagan traditions (God has shown himself to all people, but only to his chosen in fullness)."

As a Christian and reading the Bible, you learn that Christ is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through him.

But being interested in learning about other cultures, religions and philosophies, I saw a lot of similarities between them. Like they all hold a certain level of truth, coming from the same divine source but some missing more truth than others.

And I always wondered, why those differences? Why a chosen people to reveal himself fully? Why some are "left behind" and they only get part of the truth?

Writing this and thinking about it, some answers to my questions are already coming, but I would like to hear about you guys, what do you think?

The God pill

"Everyone knows God, but some doctrine followers know him more than others." That's what you're saying, Napoleon.

The God pill

Thought id add to this thread, that I went to my first church service on Sunday. I feel like I’ve been led down this path over the years, helped by the various threads on this forum, which is strange considering what the forum was originally set up for. The final push for me to actually step foot inside a church was the Roosh and E.Michael Jones video, and also a post on this forum where the message was simply get yourself in the door don’t worry about a perfect moment to start going. I’d been procrastinating on the issue for a while, waiting for a ‘perfect moment’.

Straight after the video I emailed a local church that I’d saved in my bookmarks, asking some questions about attending mass. I received a response the next day inviting me to the mass on Sunday. Coincidentally I went out on the Saturday night just intending to go out for a few drinks on Saturday evening, this ended up with us ending up in a nightclub. However when I got in there, I was just looking around thinking why I am here, is this really what you want to do with your life. This was strange as usually I love clubbing/going on nights out etc. So I listened to the voice and left. I think this is the first time I’ve voluntarily left a club early.

The mass itself was OK, I didn’t really understand what was going on but I’m glad I went. I met the priest afterwards and he said one day next week he’d go through the basic points of the mass. I’m going to take him up on his offer. If anyone has any advice going forward I’d be happy to hear it.

The God pill

Quote: (05-05-2019 04:33 PM)tylerdurden1993 Wrote:  

Thought id add to this thread, that I went to my first church service on Sunday. I feel like I’ve been led down this path over the years, helped by the various threads on this forum, which is strange considering what the forum was originally set up for. The final push for me to actually step foot inside a church was the Roosh and E.Michael Jones video, and also a post on this forum where the message was simply get yourself in the door don’t worry about a perfect moment to start going. I’d been procrastinating on the issue for a while, waiting for a ‘perfect moment’.

Straight after the video I emailed a local church that I’d saved in my bookmarks, asking some questions about attending mass. I received a response the next day inviting me to the mass on Sunday. Coincidentally I went out on the Saturday night just intending to go out for a few drinks on Saturday evening, this ended up with us ending up in a nightclub. However when I got in there, I was just looking around thinking why I am here, is this really what you want to do with your life. This was strange as usually I love clubbing/going on nights out etc. So I listened to the voice and left. I think this is the first time I’ve voluntarily left a club early.

The mass itself was OK, I didn’t really understand what was going on but I’m glad I went. I met the priest afterwards and he said one day next week he’d go through the basic points of the mass. I’m going to take him up on his offer. If anyone has any advice going forward I’d be happy to hear it.

Fantastic to hear! I have no idea how the details of a Catholic church work but if its anything like a baptist church, if you have questions about process and a priest is not available many of the old people are friendly and overjoyed to have a person younger than them come to church and will help you out.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The God pill


If anyone has any advice going forward I’d be happy to hear it.

1. Get familiar with the Bible.

Scorpion recommended a great resource earlier in this thread:

Start with the Bible Basics series.

2. Pray nightly

If you don't know how to pray, Google it based on your denomination or ask your priest (he probably has a booklet). Start small, and when you can maintain it after some time, feel free to lengthen the prayer and/or add a morning prayer. Don't start too fast.

In your prayers, start asking God for advice on life matters. Note what happens.

The God pill

My pastor and I prayed for the country of Moldova, after seeing Bald and Bankrupt's video of the capitol Chișinău and seeing all the graffiti and rundown infrastructure I read the comments and one person said one of the graffiti that wasn't penises and swastikas was Romanian for: "This city deserves better." I was also saddened that the sign of wealth it seemed (or any luxury to be honest) was a Brazzers bumper sticker on a semi-nice car. It has been on my mind for days so I asked my pastor to help me pray, I hope we have missionaries near by. It was only him and me but the God Pill is just for us, but for everyone.

The God pill

Quote: (05-05-2019 11:56 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

a Brazzers bumper sticker on a semi-nice car.

I had to look that up. I can recall back in the day when I thought that having the playboy bunny emblem on a car was very tacky and graceless.

The God pill

Quote: (05-06-2019 12:08 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2019 11:56 PM)partyfowl Wrote:  

a Brazzers bumper sticker on a semi-nice car.

I had to look that up. I can recall back in the day when I thought that having the playboy bunny emblem on a car was very tacky and graceless.

Exactly, it's so poor something as tacky and graceless as a pornography logo on the bumper is a sign of DGAF and status. [Image: sad.gif]

The God pill

Another good video by IP. About Hell:


The God pill

I have watched this video 4 times and I am sure I will watch it more. I learn from it each time, there is so much information in this 19 minute video. Of all the God pill information this video has had the most impact on me.

When you stop lusting you really find an inner peace. Probably a lot easier for the guys over 30 to do this.

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