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The God pill

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 01:09 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

I think religion is an expression of your genetics.

Like the Aztecs wanted to carve people up, now look at mexico. Or mongolian gengis kahn was a violent conqueror, and slavic russia is the most violent white country as they are mixed with central Asian groups.

I see white christians expressing their desires on so many other groups who couldnt care less. Even the white libtards have an altruistic pathology, even if it's twisted. I think empathy is genetic. Christianity is an expression of this trait that helped cold climate nordics survive.

Maybe different antennae point in different directions.

That's a dark thought.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 10:13 AM)RIslander Wrote:  

Roosh has taken the black pill. And I think he is taking the only path that can solve his problem. Religious faith.

I don't think reglion (i.e. organized religion) is the only way to solve black-pill.
What gives life meaning, IMHO, is a sense of purpose and to find transcendance.

Most of life is about banalities. Humans are social creatures and so much of our effort goes towards elevating our social standing among our tribe. Dealing with women brings that into stark relief, as we have to usually demonstrate status like a peacock to get them interested. But all of this shit is banality in the sense that it services instinctive impulses that go back millions of years. We're smart enough to realize how banal all this is and yet we feel compelled to play out this script regardless. You've got no choice other than to make peace with it but it can feel like imprisonment.

The search for meaning comes in trying to look beyond that. That's the transcendant.

Where people find that is a personal thing. What's sacred to one person isn't to another. I find transcendance in art and in "flow-state" that I find while being creative or having good sex. That's my thing. If others find that through religion, fine, but it's about that feeling of getting elevated beyond the norm, the butterfly in the chest, the hair standing on your back, a natural high.

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 01:09 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

I think religion is an expression of your genetics.

Like the Aztecs wanted to carve people up, now look at mexico. Or mongolian gengis kahn was a violent conqueror, and slavic russia is the most violent white country as they are mixed with central Asian groups.

I see white christians expressing their desires on so many other groups who couldnt care less. Even the white libtards have an altruistic pathology, even if it's twisted.
I think empathy is genetic. Christianity is an expression of this trait that helped cold climate nordics survive. Applied to outward groups, is resulting in their own annihilation.

I do not think current libtards have anything to do with Christianity. They are closer to Satan than God in my opinion.

The current Christian church is a broken, hollow of its former self.

Deus vult!

The God pill

I have been having similar thoughts about God but without the use of drugs. For me it too is about this senseless destruction and evil pervading through the world and the last few years has cemented that feeling.

My problem with being religious is that it has been hijacked by the masses as some form of crux or excuse when its just human weakness. The worse of it is Christianity and Islam being used as a weapon against Western civilisation.

I just couldn't attribute myself to those types but would quietly be Christian. Perhaps a vanguard of sorts against their evil and destructiveness.

The God pill

Of those people I know who have left the mainstream they have ended up calling themselves cultural Christians. And this is in Britain, where being a Christian is a subject of ridicule. But there is little direction for this. We're essentially at the beginning of this trend in a landscape that has been hollowed out by the likes of The Church of England, and Rome.

For me there has been a pulling force for a few years, particularly as I've now realised the best marriage options are from a background that is more than nominally religious. An issue is I don't believe in theology, just the culture.

Looking at civilisations it's apparent that there are two facets that civilisations need to survive.

One is regulation of sex that over generations changes the gene pool, which in term acts as a feedback loop with society. Society and genes are a considerable extent the same thing. The issue is that process has gone too far and we're going to have a pull back. This also calms society by giving most men a place, staving off incel rebellions.

The other is a religion where everyone subscribed to rules that they believe are divine and can't be tampered with by man. Humans won't follow the rules of a leader after they're dead. Other leaders come in with new rules. We are seeing this today in the largely Godless societies the laws have changed dramatically since the world wars. The increasingly further left are going towards the complete deconstruction of any structure they associate with Christianity onwards.

If you deconstruct social structures you don't get an empty milieu of freedom as these people would think. You end up getting society breaking down into ever smaller units that can't cooperate with each other. You see this with the new tranny vs. 3rd wave feminists and black, queer feminist vs. cis-white feminist battles. Their progressiveism is the creation of ever more groups who can't even communicate. None of the structures those people are trying to set up under the guise of deconstructing bigotry will be around for long.

The role religion has played is to put people within structures that are able to survive across centuries, which is owing to the fact the structure is divine, rather than man-made. There is a special place in peoples' minds that places the divine over what man can do. And it's only from the inter-generational stability this provided that we have had any civilizations at all.

If you read descriptions of pagan societies from classical civilisations, beyond them being terrible places to live, you will find that by going to the next village you'd find a similar but radically different religion. These people were at constant war with each other over their differences. The left insists chopping us back down to having radical differences is the future. But in the lack of cohesive structure and animosity they will create, something else will end up stepping into the void they create.

Britain ended up in a similar place we are now at the beginning of the 19th century. On the back of the agricultural revolution, people's lives became easier and morals became very loose. The church ebbed, welfare spending increased 800%, illegitimacy increased 500%. If you thought that these 'virgins' auctioning off their 'virginity' was something new, they were at that in the 1700s. The social fabric was damaged to the extent that society had to go very conservative in response: the rise of religion – particularly more conservative forms, temperance, workhouses and the promotion of etiquette in regards to women.

We're at the same stage again, where rampant liberalism has hollowed out society to the point it is falling apart. But we've never seen this level of degeneracy before. Gender under abolition, the nation state under abolition, marriage until death essentially dead, tweens watching a never ending conveyor belt of dildo-clad popstars twerking on stage and telling their fans to get sugar daddies and be strippers, the veneration of narcissistic botox whores who live in a valley of pedoes who raped them…

These are the kind of things you need structures in place to stop and a society that can maintain itself across generations is not possible in this environment.

So back to the main topic – Christianity and its slowly bubbling resurgence into consciousness against the current backdrop. You have the red pill, which is essentially the same as Peterson's “clean your room”. Become a competent individual - find out how to get things you want. But this doesn't fulfill all of healthy human desire. Liberalism gives you a whole host of things you can belong to: a fan of a vapid boy band, a registered member of some wank site, a member of a corrupt political party, a sunlight starved gaming clan… These provide something people can belong to. But in liberalism we are increasingly belonging to tiny little shards. In the case of some of those examples, they will not last our life time and will be forgotten. This is not to say those groups should not exist, but if all your belong to is PornHub, you are seriously lacking in fulfilling your needs.

Christianity provides the environment for you to fulfill this aspect of yourself. It's existed for longer than almost anything else you can touch, most of your ancestors were in it for over a thousand years; and it provides the structure that your descendants will need to go on living into the future. And there's not much more you could belong to than the creative force of everything.

We can already see the lineage of people who have low levels of structure and meaning (leftists) have decreasing birth-rates. Increasingly the meaning of their existence is that they should be the end of their family line. Any meaning they do have is limited to a very short time-frame and prone to radical change. While they move towards everything that cannot sustain their own microscopic, self-collapsing universe, we are moving more towards what will sustain an environment we would like ourselves and our descendants to live in.

You can see this dynamic in the increasing traffic of people leaving leftist areas in the US: IL, CA and NY in particular. The environments they have created are not permissible for healthy family life or a self-sustaining society. The people who live there belong to little of any importance, most of which will be gone in a few decades in an society that is doomed to failure. They've somehow managed to mix the worst of high taxes to pay for socially destructive and irresponsible projects with a shrinking area in which people can even afford to try and have a family.

Shelf life:

Communism - 70 years
Social democracy - I give it a few more decades
Christianity: ~2000 years


The God pill

It's hard not to see the hand of Providence in your journey Roosh.

Before I was banned from twitter, I had a few discussions with trad types about your conversion, which everyone started noticing, some time in the last 2 years. They were doubters, but I believed it was inevitable since I watched your 'Red Pill Schism' video. Your face had changed. Something was broken, and something new was building. You called it Neomasculinity, but it was much bigger than a political or cultural movement.

Since that video I have believed that God was working through you, as he had worked through so many flawed men in the past, to become great and elevate others with them. History is full of people who did many bad things, so much worse than simple hedonism, and through trials and tribulations and by grace and prayer became great soldiers of God.

The biggest lie out there is that nothing good comes from suffering, when no spiritual growth can ever be achieved without it. We are spiritually stunted. We have unlearned the most basic truths about life because of it. Only in a world like this could something like 'cafeteria churchianity' even exist. Our Lord had to suffer tremendous physical and mental abuse and die so that we could be saved.

I would much rather learn from a man who was tried and failed before he succeeded, than one who has never been tried at all. We all witnessed your trials, because you shared them with us, and hopefully learned from them. And we're here to witness the last stage, and for that I am grateful.

This thread made my day.

The God pill

Roosh or others, did you ever try to reconcile fornication with faith. I mean, Solomon had 600 wives. Would be interested in anyone's views who has given this serious thought.

I'm coming at this from the opposite perspective. I was a church goer, made a serious attempt down that path for 40+ years and am increasingly leaving the path that you seem to be embarking on. I hope each of you find what you are looking for. I thought I had but in retrospect I think I was indulging in magical thinking.

I would echo the point that black pill is nihilism, not an evolution or improvement upon receipt pill. And by extension I don't think the god pill is a linear expansion on black pill just a different truth or world view.

Finally, I have read a little about UFOs and aliens. There is a view that aliens are multidemensional beings capable of telepethy, etc. God-like. I mention this not to diminish the existence of God but rather to note that eople who have experienced these beings say the beings have told them it all boils down to love (Jesus' teaching).

The God pill

The black pill:

“Marry, and you will regret it; don’t marry, you will also regret it; marry or don’t marry, you will regret it either way. Laugh at the world’s foolishness, you will regret it; weep over it, you will regret that too; laugh at the world’s foolishness or weep over it, you will regret both. Believe a woman, you will regret it; believe her not, you will also regret it… Hang yourself, you will regret it; do not hang yourself, and you will regret that too; hang yourself or don’t hang yourself, you’ll regret it either way; whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both. This, gentlemen, is the essence of all philosophy.

The quote from Kirkegaard, who eventually concluded that the last stage in life and enlightenment was the leap of faith into the unknown, the rejection of the need to know. Ultimately a rejection of philosophy.

Also, too bad for Ski Pro, he was a good poster.

The God pill

Now I'm curious how Roosh is going to define the God pill. Part of me doesn't want to know. The other part is curious how he's going to portray and justify it for mass consumption. Something like this is better done in private IMHO as one figures it out for himself. This also leaves room to reconsider or take different paths after some time. Or he can take the Jesse Lee Peterson approach and take up the cross and preach the message -- and be strict with what's right and wrong in God's eyes when giving men (people?) advice. Personally, I was hoping Roosh would return to guy stuff after Lady. The masculinity angle was always interesting to me, as modern society has a lack of it.

The God pill

[Image: 61EpaXzme6L._SL500_.jpg]

A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.

A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring.

The God pill

It has been interesting watching the change and growth in you over the years Roosh. It has certainly come through in your writing. I honestly believe you are on the path to ultimate truth. As another member put it, who would have thought all of this started with "where is the pet store." Growth is what keeps me coming back to this forum.

The God pill

The reality pill for all of us is that we are going to die. It is 100% certain. The ancient philosophers, back when philosophy had its true meaning, stated that the goal of philosophy is to prepare for your death. Philosophers were treated like saints, and revered by the common people, warriors, and kings. I think it is important for every man to have a philosophy, which may include what some call "religion" (a recent word). For me, I practice an eclectic mix of Buddhism and stoicism. Buddhism provides an entire system leading to tranquility without a creator god. In my opinion, it's preferable to stick to something ancient, whatever it is, because modern thinkers, for the most part, are shallow and trite.

Rico... Sauve....

The God pill

Very interesting to see Roosh's transformation over the years.

We often rag on sluts who become born again Christians or the "I don't do that anymore" with good reason. Would it be fair to say that if men who realize the futility of hedonism and go onto a more pious path, then there can be a small subset of women that can also reform?

The God pill


Would it be fair to say that if men who realize the futility of hedonism and go onto a more pious path, then there can be a small subset of women that can also reform?

Reform for women can't take place until they drop their "strong and independent" ethos, which goes against the natural order. Women submit to men who submitted to God. God leads men who leads women. Some women (e.g. nuns) skip over men and go directly to God, which is fine. I would be skeptical of a woman who is born again but did not submit to either man or God.

The God pill

I believe in God.

However, that many would make the transition from blue>red>black>God does not make any sense.

The blue/red/black-pill are based around denial, embracing or nihilism towards conservative values, which is a belief system. You can deny that believe system and still feel a connection to God, or embrace that belief system and believe in Him.

The "truths" about women and society in the manosphere are Darwinian theories at best, that can be pleasantly replaced with pragmatism when you reach some form of spiritual peace.

I'd be interested to read Roosh what your path was.

The God pill

I'm not religious but my future wife will most likely be religious, not saying there aren't tons of low quality Christian girls as well but in general they seem nicer, more loyal and better wives.

The God pill

Shits been getting deep on RVF lately... the forum is really evolving. I'm learning a lot about life from recent threads.

I wish I could say I like what I am learning.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 03:32 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


Would it be fair to say that if men who realize the futility of hedonism and go onto a more pious path, then there can be a small subset of women that can also reform?

Reform for women can't take place until they drop their "strong and independent" ethos, which goes against the natural order. Women submit to men who submitted to God. God leads men who leads women. Some women (e.g. nuns) skip over men and go directly to God, which is fine. I would be skeptical of a woman who is born again but did not submit to either man or God.

I agree with this.

My thought is that the problem western, modern day thots is a loss of their sense of proportion which stems from a lack of a strong father figure/man telling them "NO!" Instead, we have weak or absent dads letting them do anything they want and society that tells them everything they do is empowering and that there are no consequences. It's a cycle that repeatedly perpetuates itself.

I also see the promotion of Islam as a cultural self-correction. We are starting to swing too far towards hedonism and Godlessness that our society is accepting and promoting Islamic values while at the same time in contradiction, promoting feminism and hedonistic values. Unfortunately, Christianity is too cucked to be the force of correction so lost souls are welcoming Islam as their "father figure."

The God pill

Jordan Peterson warmed me up to God with the idea that Christianity, whatever it is, is not just a jumbled bunch of dumb stories about miracles and arcs and wrath, but contains real human wisdom that is supremely complex...

Now I've discovered this E Michael Jones guy and my mind is blown yet again about the idea of Logos, and how I've been brainwashed so deeply to think that Christianity is at odds with science and reason. How I've been fed so many fake tales of how scientific discovery overcame the backwards repressive boot of the church stomping on poor scientists...

Where do I go from here? Genuine question to you enlightened... I have no clue. Should I read the Bible?

The God pill

Good stuff, your evolution is a pleasure to witness.

Just be aware: The more you walk on the right path, the harder the enemy will try to push you off it. When you were just trying to get your dick wet years ago you had some feminists' panties in a bunch. As you led a forum of men to follow natural order and become stronger you became an international super-villain slandered in the media and banned from countries. Now that you are firmly on the side of God expect the enemy to step up the attacks on you spiritually, emotionally and more. First the attacks will be obvious, in your face, aggressive. When that doesn't work - it won't, you're obviously too strong for that - then the enemy will move to subversion and temptation. Satan didn't just go straight to the crucifixion of Jesus, he tried 40 days of temptation first. A soul won to hell for him is worth more than a mortal body destroyed. Stand fast and keep the faith.

Blue pill: No understanding of power
Red pill: Understanding of man's power on Earth
Black pill: Understanding the pathetic limitations and pointlessness of man's power
God pill: Understanding that only God's power can overcome the enemy's power.

Beware of Churchianity; the Christian church is mostly subverted, certainly in the West. I can't stand the 'turtlenecks and tolerance' Christians. Natural order = weak men die. Pick your allies for this fight wisely, but you don't need telling that.

Also now expect mass subversion in the forum (even more than normal) followed by the lights going out. Let's all learn as much as we can before that time.

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 04:29 PM)christpuncher Wrote:  

Where do I go from here? Genuine question to you enlightened... I have no clue. Should I read the Bible?

Yes. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Revelation to start with.

Your eyes will open.

The God pill

It's not very often I've witnessed an atheist becoming religious - I actually still have a hard time wrapping my head around how it happens.

I can certainly see how our Western society would be much better off if people started to live according to more traditional values - many or most of which have origins in Christianity - and would probably even benefit further from a largely Christian population (actual church going Christians, not just the large majority of sort-of-believers who've never read the bible, you probably find in many countries).
However actually making the leap from seeing the practical benefits of religion to believing in a deity and (from my perspective) old fictional stories, regardless of their wisdom, is something I have a very hard time fathoming. The scientifically described universe - and obviously that's still very limited human scientific understanding, and very possibly wrong in many areas - is unbelievably vast and mysterious enough that I don't have a need for a belief in a creator. Let alone one that would have any interest in human lives when we're just split seconds in the history of the universe in an almost infinitely tiny portion of it.

But I always try my best to be respect religious people, assuming they offer me the same respect. Which fortunately most Christians I've met in my life have done.

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 04:46 PM)Matsufubu Wrote:  

Good stuff, your evolution is a pleasure to witness.

Just be aware: The more you walk on the right path, the harder the enemy will try to push you off it. When you were just trying to get your dick wet years ago you had some feminists' panties in a bunch. As you led a forum of men to follow natural order and become stronger you became an international super-villain slandered in the media and banned from countries. Now that you are firmly on the side of God expect the enemy to step up the attacks on you spiritually, emotionally and more. First the attacks will be obvious, in your face, aggressive. When that doesn't work - it won't, you're obviously too strong for that - then the enemy will move to subversion and temptation. Satan didn't just go straight to the crucifixion of Jesus, he tried 40 days of temptation first. A soul won to hell for him is worth more than a mortal body destroyed. Stand fast and keep the faith.

Blue pill: No understanding of power
Red pill: Understanding of man's power on Earth
Black pill: Understanding the pathetic limitations and pointlessness of man's power
God pill: Understanding that only God's power can overcome the enemy's power.

Beware of Churchianity; the Christian church is mostly subverted, certainly in the West. I can't stand the 'turtlenecks and tolerance' Christians. Natural order = weak men die. Pick your allies for this fight wisely, but you don't need telling that.

Also now expect mass subversion in the forum (even more than normal) followed by the lights going out. Let's all learn as much as we can before that time.

While Roosh's newfound interest and belief in God are a significant change, I don't see this as being a total turning point in the forum. There are many members, both high rep and lower rep, that are believers, and discussion of things in terms of Christianity or some more general religious terms is very common. Furthermore, it's very widespread through the rest of the manosphere.

There is a certain question that comes up whether it is moral to pump and dump as many sluts as you can, since traditional Christianity considers this a sin. However, many men have concluded that it's not safe to marry in the current environment, and they have no choice but to have sex with the women that are available. I am in this camp.

This forum is for men only, so we can talk freely about sex and women here, and I'm sure that will continue. Also the red pill and the concept of game represent real truths about the way relations work between men and women, so discussion of this will continue.

All in all, I think the forum will continue on much as it has. It's just another gradual evolution, which is taking place outside the forum as well.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

The God pill

Quote: (03-29-2019 11:42 AM)TheFinalEpic Wrote:  

So many people are going down the road of making science their new religion, and doing everything that doctors say to do, and are ending up in absolute wrecks.

The reason for this, and why science is insufficient as a religion, is that is has no answers for the fundamental questions religion seeks to answer: what happens after death, how did the universe come into existence, what is good and evil, how did life originate on Earth. For the last question, one proposed explanation believed by more than a few evolutionary biologists is that a lightning bolt hit a primordial soup of amino acids which then assembled themselves into proteins which formed the basis for simple living organisms. While it may be possible in theory, to me this seems as far-fetched as any story in religious texts.

Many scientists have very arrogant and hostile attitudes regarding religion and religious people, and while the scientific method can be used to explain a lot of what we experience, it falls short in addressing the most meaningful questions a sentient person faces. Which I think explains why many of these people are so miserable as you alluded to.

The God pill

So is this the reverse of dogpilling?

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