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Cruise Bangs

Cruise Bangs

Sitting in a cesspool full of people, seems to be like confined quarters or a prison that you cannot Escape at any given time. If it works for some people to pull women great but if I'm not with my family or reunion type I'm out.

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (01-23-2016 06:13 PM)elusive1 Wrote:  

Scout out photos of all girls, noticing who is not with boyfriends, husbands, or families.

Arrange with dining maitre d to sit at targets table.

Great advice, but how do you pull this off? Short of taking the picture along with you?

Edit: Found the response in another thread (by tipping maitre d').

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (01-08-2018 02:02 PM)JimBobsCooters Wrote:  

OP didn't mention the day game element really at all but I found this to be a very strong part of it. Find a few girls on the first day/night that is generally an open sea day that you like and work out a way to get them on a day date on the first stop. Assuming you're doing a tropical place then beaches are very strong, a few cocktails and a great day on a beach is a pretty good date and will have you in prime position when you get back to the boat.

This is a really good advice, thank you.

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (12-02-2018 05:29 PM)Lynxie Wrote:  

Quote: (01-23-2016 06:13 PM)elusive1 Wrote:  

Scout out photos of all girls, noticing who is not with boyfriends, husbands, or families.

Arrange with dining maitre d to sit at targets table.

Great advice, but how do you pull this off? Short of taking the picture along with you?

Edit: Found the response in another thread (by tipping maitre d').

Norwegian Cruise Line has photos of all the guests near the boarding area of the ship. There is a photographer that takes photos of every guest before they board the ship and guests can buy copies of the photos to keep. But it seems like the photos serve a secondary purpose of helping guests spot the hottest women on board.

Cruise Bangs


It's a long shot but I had to try.

I took a cruise to test my game. Start it, actually. It's been a blast - knowing I won't see these people again really help me let loose.

I've tried working multiple girls, almost broke one marriage up, and have an 8 smiling at me.

And then I opened up a 10 and I'm way over my head. This is literally my first daygame. And she is chaperoned by her mom who's watching like a hawk. I did some successful pulling and kino, and I'm trying to avoid both whiteknigting and getting shot down by pushing too hard (already l lost another 8 that way). Got her and mom dancing with me at the nightclub. Got them, I think, comfortable. They already asked for my Facebook. Got them to a breakfast in a few hours.

She's a hair under 22. Holy bejeesus. Hotter than anyone I've ever dated.

How do I not mess it up?

I got 6 more nights on board.

Cruise Bangs

Good luck - you got 6 more nights. If she is truly is out hotter than any you've dated, you are already ahead. Your problem will be her mom whom you already said is watching her like a hawk. The moment she breaks away from mom, even though she's a legal adult, mommy might be coming knocking on your room door.

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (01-27-2019 05:45 PM)lunchmoney Wrote:  

Good luck - you got 6 more nights. If she is truly is out hotter than any you've dated, you are already ahead. Your problem will be her mom whom you already said is watching her like a hawk. The moment she breaks away from mom, even though she's a legal adult, mommy might be coming knocking on your room door.

Good luck mate, personally I would never approach someone with a chaperone, ie., mom as too much drama likely to follow but then again what do I know.

Did you try to actually approach any groups of single girls? I've seen a few bachelorette parties in my past on cruises and there are always a few girls who are single on those.

Cruise Bangs

go for it damn bro, even with the mom there get on her good side and do things with her in the day.. keep us posted!

Cruise Bangs


Located a second chaperone. So not only there is Mom, there is a very alert male neighbor. When she went to a nightclub to see me, he expected a wellness text.

Mom was actually hitting on me yesterday but clearly pulled away today, so that's not a roadblock. On another hand, the girl's level of game is through the roof. I actually got frame ripped off and got nearly friendzoned ("you are so nice"). She has been to many party cruises, trying to feel whether she let it loose or was just as well protected.

On a positive note, got a hug, exchanged Facebook info (her initiative), made a couple of light tentative plans. She came up to talk to me, and we watched one show together. Also, there is potential for post-cruise something (geography is very favorable), but I'm wary. If I can't close this while she's in vacation mode, real life will be tougher.

Oh and this morning for breakfast? I got stood up.

And she is even more stunning in reality. That picture didn't give her justice.

5 nights to go.

P. S. Edit: plenty of girls onboard and I have a backup I can be working, but if I do, I give up this one. Highly visible environment, and the more I put into this the fewer my chances elsewhere.

P. P. S. Need to figure out a way to go from entertainment to something more.

Cruise Bangs

Don't put her on a pedestal, and don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

Make an appointment to do something with her in front of other people, like dancing. In other words, use her for social proof. If you flirt with other girls at the same time coyly, you score points both with them and her.

Have you asked her why someone 21 has chaperones? Perhaps is not as old as you think.

Cruise Bangs

Lynxie what cruise are you on? Is it all inclusive?

I did 12 days in the Caribbean recently, I’ll post my story later.

But one thing I did notice was how the few girls I did try to game got increasingly invested towards the end of the cruise. They prospect, and it all makes sense. If she puts up now she’s stuck on the ship with you for almost an entire week. The one girl I did manage to bang when I was at sea straight up told me the reason why she waited until the end was to avoid running the risk of having some random guy stalking her around for days. It was the second to last night, and I chose her over another prospect that also invested waaay more than she had thus far. This one I actually spend a lot of time with for a week and she “wasn’t ready yet” she told me early on. Not saying that’s the rule, but it’s something to consider.

Stay grounded - socialise with as many people as you can, also the other girl you mentioned. It won’t rule out the primary one. Be bold, assume she wants to fuck you. Statement of intention. Brush off shittests, stay in frame!

Most importantly: Have fun! Good luck bro, keep us posted.

Cruise Bangs


A plethora of mixed messages.


Mom neutralized, I pretty much talk to her only about the girl. Mom left the nightclub leaving her unprotected.
Second chaperone not a threat.
Posted on her Facebook timeline (unless she is a techy wizard, her 1,242 friends and family members saw it).
Got her phone number. Verified it to be correct.
Discounted her party cruise past.
Invited me to a breakfast and was actually present (but showed up early).
When she and her mom found out what I was doing at port, they immediately tried to join. The tour was sold out though.
Very minor kino (see why below)


She expressed that she is not having fun (hinting how her best friend is out traveling with her bf).
Openly flirted with a crew member in front of me.
(Am I in the friend zone?)
Wouldn't let me pull her away from the nightclub or even walk her to the room.
(Am I not in the friend zone and thus dangerous?)
There is a skilled but ancient (84) PUA running kino. I discounted him before since he hits on anything alive and her mom was p***ed (he even got a chest feel on the girl), and he's only working every other day (legitimate stamina issues, has been showing down), but it's adding up.
While off-board, tried opening a 7 and deflected into her 4 mom instead. A phone number. Yay... Not.
She seems to need alcohol to let loose.


Was walking away and overheard "he is always following us". Gr. Went into berserk mode and for 6 hours flat out ignored her, wouldn't engage. Hence minimal attention most of the evening. I was nearly at a "by the way I don't like you that way" false disqualifying talk.
She came to a venue she knew I'd be in and stayed there despite me just ignoring her from a few feet away (I even broke off for half an hour to open a 7 who ended up with a bf, walking in on us during a chat following a few dances).
The crew member she likes works in that venue too.


Wouldn't dance. At all. Claimed not to be feeling it.
One-on-one Mom said she is very shy.
But the girl chats freely.


Age is legit. I think this was a last-ditch OMG my baby is about to be an adult and have a real job cruise.
Yes she may be delaying to avoid early put up. Claims she isn't feeling it. But I got that 2 nights in a row now.
Social factor is under control. Short of the PUA and her next door neighbor no one else is seen with her but me. Then again, I'm considering cold shoulder in order to get her to attempt to regain IOIs? I got one during a period of ignoring her, a hair brush.
I've tried multiple social proofs. Some fail, some work.
What I need is a decision whether to really ramp up stuff or to pull back to puzzle her.


4 nights to go. Very lost. Carefully probing other options.

Cruise Bangs

At this stage I’d minimize my efforts with the target and start getting serious about other prospects. I would say, vibe with as many cool people as you can, and don’t consider wether she’s still an active lead or not. Social Proof your way out of it. Speaking of which, what SP has been good/bad thus far?

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (01-29-2019 01:11 AM)Lynxie Wrote:  

"he is always following us"

dude, you are OUT (unless the mom said it but even then it's bad).

Don't waste your time on her. Only use her for social proof, can still talk to her in front of others but you need to be cool (e.g., leaning away). My guess is your body language/ behavior is coming across needy (no offense, we've all been there).

Focus on other targets and just have fun seeing some sights/ doing activities.

Cruise Bangs


Yes, I was OUT.

That being said... The trip was a blast.

A January cruise is essentially a turkey shoot. No competition, period. With enough skill there could have been numerous flags:

- a 7 whose bf went to play in the casino and she was bored; got three dances and a conversation; then in a boss move pulled both her and him to another venue
- a 6 traveling with a husband wanting a break from kids; got some dancing and kino
- a 4 that was a botched attempt to go after 8 daughter instead; got a phone number, the lead feels warm
- a 8 that I thought I lost several days ago; kept giving IOIs but few and far between; feels weak, gave her my number
- a 6 that actually knew me off social media, but we didn't talk before; got her FB
- a 7 that I got to way too late; feels weak, a few IOIs, gave her my number right in front of 5 sister
- a 7 that we danced quite well with and stared a hot tub; feels decent, got her number
- a 8 that I really feel bad for. Every time I pulled her successfully to another venue, my 10 was there. I should have playboyed the 8 in front of the 10 but that just did not click in time.

And, of course, course, the 10. I found the third chaperone, that girl was protected tighter than fort Knox. "Good girl." Gave her cold shoulder (full ignoring) for a day and a half, blamed on work (frame control, you weren't avoiding me, I was avoiding you). Heavy SP around her, literally had one girl give me her number right in front of my 10, and I blatantly keyed it right in. Five feet away, full eye contact. Ensured she danced with me pretty much all the time. This doesn't feel dead.

But I saved the best for last.

On an island I went full IDGAF and opened a 5 restaurant hostess. Right at work. First contact to phone number and a picture I took of her as she posed in 5 minutes. If my logistics wasn't horrific ("how long are you staying" in Whatsup later - "I'm already gone"), this could have been solid.

P. S. Plenty discards too from those who tried to open me. A 2. A 3. A 4. A guy.

Cruise Bangs

did you have a cabin to yourself or share with someone ? that is the only downfall to cruises if you share with someone can be hard other than that can see cruises being an easy place since women are in party mode and act slutty on these ships

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (02-02-2019 09:49 AM)FLGuy1988 Wrote:  

did you have a cabin to yourself or share with someone ? that is the only downfall to cruises if you share with someone can be hard other than that can see cruises being an easy place since women are in party mode and act slutty on these ships

By myself, wouldn't have it any other way.

Here's the hostess I opened:

Cruise Bangs

so you had to pay double right what was the total cost I am JW

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (02-02-2019 10:09 AM)FLGuy1988 Wrote:  

so you had to pay double right what was the total cost I am JW

Solo cabin. Those are getting more widespread, and you avoid the double charge.

Cruise Bangs

Dude you could get this chick fired. I’d remove that pic if you care about that at all.

Cruise Bangs

Quote: (02-02-2019 11:20 AM)SeaFM Wrote:  

Dude you could get this chick fired. I’d remove that pic if you care about that at all.

Tried. Too late.

P.S. No name tag, no company, no location.

Cruise Bangs

which cruiseline does solo cabins

Cruise Bangs

Holland America
Pretty much every luxury one too

Cruise Bangs

ok thanks didn't know RCCL they are legit and carnival too in past many women come in pairs too with there best friend.

Cruise Bangs

Agreed. It was legitimately a paradise. Go for the bigger ships though, shorter sailings, April - October (that's when bartenders said the wildest parties are).

Make friends with a bartender very quickly. As in, cash. Major SP, drink service priority. Order the same stuff so they learn it. And talk to every person. Guys. Girls. Doesn't matter. Make your target wait (delay = devalue), anticipate (they know what's coming), realize you are in charge (keep the initiative in your hands).

"Is there anyone you DON'T know?" from a girl is just paradigm-shifting.

Lastly, be predictable like a Swiss watch. Tell girls in advance what you are doing. Huddle same venue late at night. IDate offers left and right (brief hints, as in). Like herding cattle: pull, direct, pull. With the hostess it was 5 of those in a row that landed a result (explain to me, show me, wait for me to do X, let's go back, stop + let's do this).

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