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Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-10-2019 12:04 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I posted about this in the autism thread after watching VAXXED. It is a damn hard sell for someone to tell me that there is no chance that vaccinations can cause autism after seeing videos of healthy happy babies walking and putting a few words together and engaging with their parents before receiving MMR vaccine (which is 3 vaccines in one shot) Then seeing videos of the SAME children having fevers and seizures after the shot an then NEVER being the same... not talking, not engaging, certainly not walking.... I mean in my honest opinion you have to be a full blown sheep to not even entertain the fact that there is a possible correlation between vaccinations and autism. Just cause CNN and the CDC (with strong backing from big pharma) tells you thats the case. I mean I guess I can understand that cause has CNN or the CDC ever lied about anything in the past [Image: rolleyes.gif]

I accidentally clicked reply instead of edit...

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Of course vaccine is bad. I mean, polio, measles, yellow fever and the rest ain't shit, if you just take natural products (and maybe some supplements).

When I see the people from my country who died from not being vaccinated and caught some shit like tetanos or tuberculosis, I know where to put my trust in.

In the West, your worst worry is probably autism. In Africa, it is a matter of life and death.

But I guess, it's nothing a good juice beverage can't fix.

#Pharmaconspiration #Globalism #RedPill #Notmyredpillfamily

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

I think the problem may be that we vaccinate too young? Maybe. But ya I agree with Cr33pin. Big Pharma blows, I hate those soulless bastards. $$$$ ahead of humanity.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?


Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-10-2019 02:39 PM)mikado Wrote:  

Of course vaccine is bad. I mean, polio, measles, yellow fever and the rest ain't shit, if you just take natural products (and maybe some supplements).

When I see the people from my country who died from not being vaccinated and caught some shit like tetanos or tuberculosis, I know where to put my trust in.

In the West, your worst worry is probably autism. In Africa, it is a matter of life and death.

But I guess, it's nothing a good juice beverage can't fix.

#Pharmaconspiration #Globalism #RedPill #Notmyredpillfamily

I absolutely get what you're saying on this one... but the link between Autism and Vaccination brings too much noise from reputable people to be ignored! I'm the first to admit that I don't know what I don't know... but if all those deceases are present in Africa... while the importance of vaccination has been Gospeled since the 90's... and shit is still not cured... and Gates has been

over there for how long Again? Hmm... just questions to make you ponder! A strong part of me believe in vaccination... but the noise from reputable peeps is simply too strong to ignore on this one! And I'm talking about scientists & Holistic Doctors... and not Ms McCarthy. Truthfully, we'll never get to the bottom of this since I doubt they'll ever let us take the shit to the lab ourselves to test it out!

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-10-2019 02:39 PM)mikado Wrote:  

Of course vaccine is bad. I mean, polio, measles, yellow fever and the rest ain't shit, if you just take natural products (and maybe some supplements).

When I see the people from my country who died from not being vaccinated and caught some shit like tetanos or tuberculosis, I know where to put my trust in.

In the West, your worst worry is probably autism. In Africa, it is a matter of life and death.

But I guess, it's nothing a good juice beverage can't fix.

#Pharmaconspiration #Globalism #RedPill #Notmyredpillfamily

Yeah well, things in the West aren't nearly as bad (yet) as they are in Africa, so we shouldn't worry! Thanks for the perspective...

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

The anti-vax movement needs to be broken into 2 parts:

- Opposition to the flu vaccine. This is reasonable. I personally don't take the flu virus and consider the way it's been marketed to be a scam.
- Opposition to polio, smallpox, measles. This is stupid. I would never advocate that people skip these vaccines.

Don't let people make it a Black/White. The vaccine issue is complex and needs intelligent debate.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-10-2019 04:26 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The anti-vax movement needs to be broken into 2 parts:

- Opposition to the flu vaccine. This is reasonable. I personally don't take the flu virus and consider the way it's been marketed to be a scam.
- Opposition to polio, smallpox, measles. This is stupid. I would never advocate that people skip these vaccines.

Don't let people make it a Black/White. The vaccine issue is complex and needs intelligent debate.

Polio and smallpox have been eradicated almost globally, so it makes absolutely no sense to continue mass vaccinating against them.

However small a risk the vaccines present, it's greater than the risk of catching a non-existent disease.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (03-18-2014 10:55 PM)Rotisserie Wrote:  

Look, I know several people working on developing vaccines for a number of important diseases, including HIV and even cancer. .

There are some that postulate that HIV and other rampant immune diseases (Diabetes) are a result of Vaccines damaging the immune system.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

There may be, vaccines all adversely effect some small percentage of people. But these idiots in California are exactly that, idiots.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Indoor plumbing, hygiene, and water treatment has done more to prevent disease (expecially Polio) than those toxins that big pharma is trying to force on people.

If watching Vaxxed doesn't convince you, then nothing will; so I'll quit talking now. Besides, I have an autistic son to deal with.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-10-2019 06:33 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 04:26 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The anti-vax movement needs to be broken into 2 parts:

- Opposition to the flu vaccine. This is reasonable. I personally don't take the flu virus and consider the way it's been marketed to be a scam.
- Opposition to polio, smallpox, measles. This is stupid. I would never advocate that people skip these vaccines.

Don't let people make it a Black/White. The vaccine issue is complex and needs intelligent debate.

Polio and smallpox have been eradicated almost globally, so it makes absolutely no sense to continue mass vaccinating against them.

However small a risk the vaccines present, it's greater than the risk of catching a non-existent disease.

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:23 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 06:33 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 04:26 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The anti-vax movement needs to be broken into 2 parts:

- Opposition to the flu vaccine. This is reasonable. I personally don't take the flu virus and consider the way it's been marketed to be a scam.
- Opposition to polio, smallpox, measles. This is stupid. I would never advocate that people skip these vaccines.

Don't let people make it a Black/White. The vaccine issue is complex and needs intelligent debate.

Polio and smallpox have been eradicated almost globally, so it makes absolutely no sense to continue mass vaccinating against them.

However small a risk the vaccines present, it's greater than the risk of catching a non-existent disease.

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

It happened in Syria, a war-torn country without clean water and proper hygiene.

[Image: facepalm.png]

OK, so if you are in a war-zone it might make sense to take a vaccine. Otherwise, it is not worth the risk to shoot vile sh_t into your healthy body.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

My 6 year old boy is healthier than most of his peers and has 0 health issues. Government wanted us to shoot him with mercury and formaldehyde the day he was born and I told the hospital staff to fuck off (nicely). Here's what's in the hepatitis vaccine given to most newborn babies in the first few hours of life:

soy peptone, dextrose, amino acids, mineral salts, phosphate buffer, formaldehyde,
potassium aluminum sulfate, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, yeast protein.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:37 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:23 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 06:33 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 04:26 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The anti-vax movement needs to be broken into 2 parts:

- Opposition to the flu vaccine. This is reasonable. I personally don't take the flu virus and consider the way it's been marketed to be a scam.
- Opposition to polio, smallpox, measles. This is stupid. I would never advocate that people skip these vaccines.

Don't let people make it a Black/White. The vaccine issue is complex and needs intelligent debate.

Polio and smallpox have been eradicated almost globally, so it makes absolutely no sense to continue mass vaccinating against them.

However small a risk the vaccines present, it's greater than the risk of catching a non-existent disease.

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

It happened in Syria, a war-torn country without clean water and proper hygiene.

[Image: facepalm.png]

OK, so if you are in a war-zone it might make sense to take a vaccine. Otherwise, it is not worth the risk to shoot vile sh_t into your healthy body.

[Image: lol.gif]

Well lookie here now! We have proof that vaccines work and an admittance to their efficacy in a war torn place.

Now let's go back in time to the 1950s. When Polio was rampant. Going to tell me that clean water and hygiene wasn't available in the US back in the 50s? Let me give you a hint: polio is spread by the fecal-oral route. It's also spread by mouth to mouth which is why it was endemic in places with good hygiene and clean water. Want a citation? Knock yourself out: Code:
Kew O, Sutter R, de Gourville E, Dowdle W, Pallansch M (2005). "Vaccine-derived polioviruses and the endgame strategy for global polio eradication". Annual Review of Microbiology. 59: 587–635. doi:10.1146/annurev.micro.58.030603.123625. PMID 16153180.
The only merit of the vaccine movement is its population reduction ability by means of Darwin. So please do your duty and self select your progeny out of the population!

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

"UFC fighter Nick Catone last week mourned his son on the 2nd anniversary of his death following a round of vaccine injections.

In a Facebook post, Catone recalled how his 20-month-old son Nicholas passed away on January 12, 2017, mere days after visiting the pediatrician for a “well visit” where he received MMR and Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type B) vaccines...."

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 10:46 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:37 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:23 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 06:33 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 04:26 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The anti-vax movement needs to be broken into 2 parts:

- Opposition to the flu vaccine. This is reasonable. I personally don't take the flu virus and consider the way it's been marketed to be a scam.
- Opposition to polio, smallpox, measles. This is stupid. I would never advocate that people skip these vaccines.

Don't let people make it a Black/White. The vaccine issue is complex and needs intelligent debate.

Polio and smallpox have been eradicated almost globally, so it makes absolutely no sense to continue mass vaccinating against them.

However small a risk the vaccines present, it's greater than the risk of catching a non-existent disease.

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

It happened in Syria, a war-torn country without clean water and proper hygiene.

[Image: facepalm.png]

OK, so if you are in a war-zone it might make sense to take a vaccine. Otherwise, it is not worth the risk to shoot vile sh_t into your healthy body.

Well lookie here now! We have proof that vaccines work and an admittance to their efficacy in a war torn place.

Engaging in a formal fallacy does not advance an argument.

If you bothered to read any portion of this 18-page thread, you would see that even most people opposed to vaccines agree that they can work (while there are certainly some vaccines that do not work or that sometimes actually cause the disease that they are designed to prevent in some people). So, you claim victory over a rather obvious point that is not at issue.

The real issue is whether vaccines are worth the risk,i.e., cost-benefit analysis. For most people, they are absolutely not worth the risk -- unless you are forced to go into a third-world area with a rampant disease vector.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:44 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 10:46 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:37 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:23 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 06:33 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Polio and smallpox have been eradicated almost globally, so it makes absolutely no sense to continue mass vaccinating against them.

However small a risk the vaccines present, it's greater than the risk of catching a non-existent disease.

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

It happened in Syria, a war-torn country without clean water and proper hygiene.

[Image: facepalm.png]

OK, so if you are in a war-zone it might make sense to take a vaccine. Otherwise, it is not worth the risk to shoot vile sh_t into your healthy body.

Well lookie here now! We have proof that vaccines work and an admittance to their efficacy in a war torn place.

Engaging in a formal fallacy does not advance an argument.

If you bothered to read any portion of this 18-page thread, you would see that even most people opposed to vaccines agree that they can work (while there are certainly some vaccines that do not work or that sometimes actually cause the disease that they are designed to prevent in some people). So, you claim victory over a rather obvious point that is not at issue.

The real issue is whether vaccines are worth the risk,i.e., cost-benefit analysis. For most people, they are absolutely not worth the risk -- unless you are forced to go into a third-world area with a rampant disease vector.

Oh please, I have and this thread was primarily the reason I took a hiatus from this forum for a while. Prima facia evidence of the red pill going way too damn far.

So here's the question for you: when does the risk start to get tilt in favor of the costs of taking the vaccine? Is an outbreak in a 1st world country of an otherwise preventable disease outweigh the cost of the so-called increase in borderline autism?

The historical evidence is there for all to see. Whether or not you guys decide to take it is really up to you. Did you see my citation of do I need to post it in the largest caps possible?

Let me reiterate it again for you: Kew O, Sutter R, de Gourville E, Dowdle W, Pallansch M (2005). "Vaccine-derived polioviruses and the endgame strategy for global polio eradication". Annual Review of Microbiology. 59: 587–635. doi:10.1146/annurev.micro.58.030603.123625. PMID 16153180.

The fact is, you won't. No matter what evidence is presented to the contrary.

And from one borderline autist to the rest in this thread that have taken the so called "red pill" to the obnoxious extreme: want to know why autism seems to have exploded?

It's exploded because of a massive lack of tough love. If parents put their kids in their damn place and punished anti-social behavior, kids would grow out of it by adulthood.

I have evidence of autistic behavior in a distant relative of mine from the 19th century. You know what happened to him? He was banished from his community in Europe because of his weirdness. He moved to the United States, became homeless, and eventually through hard knocks grew out of his crap to become a successful business owner.

Really, the only way for this movement to disappear is a wholesale epidemic of an otherwise cure-able diseases killing off the progeny of people who think like yourself. Until that happens, this nonsense will continue unabated.

This movement is on par with Christian Scientists thinking they can pray away illness. I will continue to sit here and while my kids will enjoy the magic of modern medicine.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 02:43 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:44 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 10:46 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:37 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:23 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

It happened in Syria, a war-torn country without clean water and proper hygiene.

[Image: facepalm.png]

OK, so if you are in a war-zone it might make sense to take a vaccine. Otherwise, it is not worth the risk to shoot vile sh_t into your healthy body.

Well lookie here now! We have proof that vaccines work and an admittance to their efficacy in a war torn place.

Engaging in a formal fallacy does not advance an argument.

If you bothered to read any portion of this 18-page thread, you would see that even most people opposed to vaccines agree that they can work (while there are certainly some vaccines that do not work or that sometimes actually cause the disease that they are designed to prevent in some people). So, you claim victory over a rather obvious point that is not at issue.

The real issue is whether vaccines are worth the risk,i.e., cost-benefit analysis. For most people, they are absolutely not worth the risk -- unless you are forced to go into a third-world area with a rampant disease vector.

Oh please, I have and this thread was primarily the reason I took a hiatus from this forum for a while. Prima facia evidence of the red pill going way too damn far.

So here's the question for you: when does the risk start to get tilt in favor of the costs of taking the vaccine? Is an outbreak in a 1st world country of an otherwise preventable disease outweigh the cost of the so-called increase in borderline autism?

The historical evidence is there for all to see. Whether or not you guys decide to take it is really up to you. Did you see my citation of do I need to post it in the largest caps possible?

Let me reiterate it again for you: Kew O, Sutter R, de Gourville E, Dowdle W, Pallansch M (2005). "Vaccine-derived polioviruses and the endgame strategy for global polio eradication". Annual Review of Microbiology. 59: 587–635. doi:10.1146/annurev.micro.58.030603.123625. PMID 16153180.

The fact is, you won't. No matter what evidence is presented to the contrary.

And from one borderline autist to the rest in this thread that have taken the so called "red pill" to the obnoxious extreme: want to know why autism seems to have exploded?

It's exploded because of a massive lack of tough love. If parents put their kids in their damn place and punished anti-social behavior, kids would grow out of it by adulthood.

I have evidence of autistic behavior in a distant relative of mine from the 19th century. You know what happened to him? He was banished from his community in Europe because of his weirdness. He moved to the United States, became homeless, and eventually through hard knocks grew out of his crap to become a successful business owner.

Really, the only way for this movement to disappear is a wholesale epidemic of an otherwise cure-able diseases killing off the progeny of people who think like yourself. Until that happens, this nonsense will continue unabated.

This movement is on par with Christian Scientists thinking they can pray away illness. I will continue to sit here and while my kids will enjoy the magic of modern medicine.

[Image: facepalm3.gif]

You're basically saying that parents should stop complaining and "tough love" away autism on one hand, and making fun of Christian Scientists praying away other diseases on the other, don't you see the irony in that?

To reduce this health catastrophe to some kind of a millennial parenting disciplinary issue is an incredibly misinformed and unscientific take.

Fact is, autism is a very well-documented physiological ailment with clear symptoms and diagnosis, a gut and brain disease resulting in a deranged/diminished mental and physical capacities along a set pattern of handicaps and behaviors. And for thousands of parents, the onset of these drastically debilitating symptoms suddenly occurred after MMR vaccinations.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:23 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 06:33 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Quote: (01-10-2019 04:26 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

The anti-vax movement needs to be broken into 2 parts:

- Opposition to the flu vaccine. This is reasonable. I personally don't take the flu virus and consider the way it's been marketed to be a scam.
- Opposition to polio, smallpox, measles. This is stupid. I would never advocate that people skip these vaccines.

Don't let people make it a Black/White. The vaccine issue is complex and needs intelligent debate.

Polio and smallpox have been eradicated almost globally, so it makes absolutely no sense to continue mass vaccinating against them.

However small a risk the vaccines present, it's greater than the risk of catching a non-existent disease.

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

OK, one simple google search coming right up:


Polio does still exist, although polio cases have decreased by over 99% since 1988, from an estimated more than 350 000 cases to 22 reported cases in 2017. This reduction is the result of the global effort to eradicate the disease. Today, only 3 countries in the world have never stopped transmission of polio (Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria).

22 cases in the entire world, in the worst shitholes.

Sounds like a textbook definition of a disease being "eradicated almost globally", so please remind me which part was patently wrong?

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 06:14 PM)king bast Wrote:  

22 cases in the entire world, in the worst shitholes.

Sounds like a textbook definition of a disease being "eradicated almost globally", so please remind me which part was patently wrong?

Do not expect any truth from The Beast. He once claimed that he "almost had a threesome," but upon a further inquiry it was determined that the threesome failed to materialize only because his left hand fell asleep.

[Image: attachment.jpg41098]   

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 06:24 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 06:14 PM)king bast Wrote:  

22 cases in the entire world, in the worst shitholes.

Sounds like a textbook definition of a disease being "eradicated almost globally", so please remind me which part was patently wrong?

Do not expect any truth from The Beast. He once claimed that he "almost had a threesome," but upon a further inquiry it was determined that the threesome failed to materialize only because his left hand fell asleep.

[Image: wikipedian_protester.png]

Now i've said some shit but I definitely need to see that post! [Image: lol.gif]

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-15-2019 02:43 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:44 PM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 10:46 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:37 AM)Tail Gunner Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2019 01:23 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

This is patently wrong.

Do a simple Google search next time

Take a guess how they stopped it. And it wasn't with clean water and better hygene.

It happened in Syria, a war-torn country without clean water and proper hygiene.

[Image: facepalm.png]

OK, so if you are in a war-zone it might make sense to take a vaccine. Otherwise, it is not worth the risk to shoot vile sh_t into your healthy body.

Well lookie here now! We have proof that vaccines work and an admittance to their efficacy in a war torn place.

Engaging in a formal fallacy does not advance an argument.

If you bothered to read any portion of this 18-page thread, you would see that even most people opposed to vaccines agree that they can work (while there are certainly some vaccines that do not work or that sometimes actually cause the disease that they are designed to prevent in some people). So, you claim victory over a rather obvious point that is not at issue.

The real issue is whether vaccines are worth the risk,i.e., cost-benefit analysis. For most people, they are absolutely not worth the risk -- unless you are forced to go into a third-world area with a rampant disease vector.

Oh please, I have and this thread was primarily the reason I took a hiatus from this forum for a while. Prima facia evidence of the red pill going way too damn far.

So here's the question for you: when does the risk start to get tilt in favor of the costs of taking the vaccine? Is an outbreak in a 1st world country of an otherwise preventable disease outweigh the cost of the so-called increase in borderline autism?

The historical evidence is there for all to see. Whether or not you guys decide to take it is really up to you. Did you see my citation of do I need to post it in the largest caps possible?

Let me reiterate it again for you: Kew O, Sutter R, de Gourville E, Dowdle W, Pallansch M (2005). "Vaccine-derived polioviruses and the endgame strategy for global polio eradication". Annual Review of Microbiology. 59: 587–635. doi:10.1146/annurev.micro.58.030603.123625. PMID 16153180.

The fact is, you won't. No matter what evidence is presented to the contrary.

And from one borderline autist to the rest in this thread that have taken the so called "red pill" to the obnoxious extreme: want to know why autism seems to have exploded?

It's exploded because of a massive lack of tough love. If parents put their kids in their damn place and punished anti-social behavior, kids would grow out of it by adulthood.

I have evidence of autistic behavior in a distant relative of mine from the 19th century. You know what happened to him? He was banished from his community in Europe because of his weirdness. He moved to the United States, became homeless, and eventually through hard knocks grew out of his crap to become a successful business owner.

Really, the only way for this movement to disappear is a wholesale epidemic of an otherwise cure-able diseases killing off the progeny of people who think like yourself. Until that happens, this nonsense will continue unabated.

This movement is on par with Christian Scientists thinking they can pray away illness. I will continue to sit here and while my kids will enjoy the magic of modern medicine.

Another ignorant comment from someone who hasn't had to raise an autistic child himself. Trust me, if all that was needed was "Tough Love", the autism would have been beaten right out of my child a long time ago. He received plenty of old school discipline that would have straightened out any normal brat.

Besides, there are many levels of autism, not just the quirky Sheldon types. Your claims and arguments are based on brain-washed ignorance. How about you get some Real World experience in Autism before you go stating any more fallacies.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Depends under what PREMISE a Pharma company lobbied for it. And there's plenty of CRONY CORRUPTION in the FDA & Pharma/ Health lobby to say that there's for sure some if not more, FALSE FLAG VACCINES.

The point of modern propaganda isn't only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.
- Garry Kasparov | ‏@Kasparov63

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?


So it seems, measles has come back.

Where is the protection seemingly offered by clean water + better hygien?

I am taking a jab at America again, but this is like the only country where the concept of "I don't rely on government, I do the stuff I want and I will take arms or defend if anyone else disagrees" is taken as stupidly as that.

"If the government or the state forces me, I will just pay the 1000$ fine and/or move in another state."
Of course, juicily exposing the other unvaccinated kids/allergic folks, but hey: I don't care, if the vaccine ain't kosher, it won't do!!!

[Image: facepalm.png]

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