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Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-15-2012 10:43 AM)Yams Wrote:  

Nobody is hating on people who smoke, feel free to make your own choices. I have a problem with someone in the non-medical field just pretty much denying that smoking has real risk factors to one's health. I mean for many people lighting up that first cig is a lifetime commitment so you better know the facts (not anecdotes) before making that decision.

G has solid game advice and there is no denying that but try to get your health advice elsewhere. I mean it would be just as irresponsible to get game advice from a doctor.

That, sir, is hitting the nail exactly on the head. Well done, bravo.

[Image: potd.gif]



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-14-2012 05:23 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

This is my first post because I felt I had to respond to this topic that is at the top of my irritation list, especially being a resident of Los Angeles. I agree with G on this wholeheartedly. I am in my late 20's and have smoked consistently the past 2 years. Nothing beats being suited up at the Grand Havana Room in Beverly Hills talking to a fly chick and offering her a light. If you don't like smoking then don't, but for God's sake don't step on my toes about it. The entire Anti-Smoking Campaign that the US is shoving down people's throats is nothing short of communistic policy. My fellow residents of LA know what I'm talking about.

Btw I'll be adding some data sheets for Los Angeles here in the next couple of weeks. I've been out here everywhere from Hollywood to Beverly Hills to Venice and in between and used to own my own afterhours club so I know from whence I speak. Love the forum and hopefully I can add some useful info as I've gained a lot from 'lurking' thus far.

Great first post.

That's Game.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-15-2012 07:09 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2012 10:43 AM)Yams Wrote:  

Nobody is hating on people who smoke, feel free to make your own choices. I have a problem with someone in the non-medical field just pretty much denying that smoking has real risk factors to one's health. I mean for many people lighting up that first cig is a lifetime commitment so you better know the facts (not anecdotes) before making that decision.

G has solid game advice and there is no denying that but try to get your health advice elsewhere. I mean it would be just as irresponsible to get game advice from a doctor.

That, sir, is hitting the nail exactly on the head. Well done, bravo.

[Image: potd.gif]

That is hilarious.

Your original post on the thread was giving "health advice".

It is good that you finally realized your error.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Apparently the CDC just launch a new campaign today about smoking:


Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Thank you G. If you ever see a suited up cat at GHR and he's the youngest in the room, that may be me. Not on the members list yet, but I have a great friend who is a member and hooks it up.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I've been smoking for almost 20 years. Years ago, I smoked almost a pack a day. I've just about quit. I'm now down to about 3-4 cigarettes/day.

Some people get addicted cigarettes/nicotine, and some don't. It's no different than people who get hooked on smack the first time they shoot up and those who do it countless times and walk away. It's how your brain is wired, and how it responds to certain chemicals. Unfortunately, you don't know how it will affect you until you try it.

There's been a lot of speculation regarding mystery ingredients in cigarettes over the years. For most of its existence, big tobacco has been given a free pass with regard to publishing what exactly they put in their products. I can also say that cigarettes today, are nothing like they were when I first started smoking. The big change was in 2008 when the government started shoving "fire safe cigarettes" down the throats of smokers. Whatever they did to make them "fire safe" is bad news. They're a lot more harsh these days. If you smoke heavily one night, you really feel it the next day.

I'm not pro smoking, and I'm not against it. I don't like it when strangers try to lecture me on my habit, but I'm not going to respond with righteous indignation.

I won't argue that smoking helps or hinders game. But I won't recommend taking up the habit just to bed women. The allure of the mysterious, non-conformist smoker is cancelled out by the persistent smoker's hack.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-15-2012 08:07 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2012 07:09 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (03-15-2012 10:43 AM)Yams Wrote:  

Nobody is hating on people who smoke, feel free to make your own choices. I have a problem with someone in the non-medical field just pretty much denying that smoking has real risk factors to one's health. I mean for many people lighting up that first cig is a lifetime commitment so you better know the facts (not anecdotes) before making that decision.

G has solid game advice and there is no denying that but try to get your health advice elsewhere. I mean it would be just as irresponsible to get game advice from a doctor.

That, sir, is hitting the nail exactly on the head. Well done, bravo.

[Image: potd.gif]

That is hilarious.

Your original post on the thread was giving "health advice".

It is good that you finally realized your error.

Nice left jab, holmes but I par your move. I have interacted with health practictioners for over 10 years in different continents and there is a mutual consensus against what you propose.

I already told you I have a friend who used to smoke grits for years. The amount of lizards he got during grits and after grits made no difference. It didn't affect his game WHATSOEVER.

None of them give a fcuk about what government schemes are. They work with people day in day out who are fcuked up from <you know what>. None of them have ever suggested that picking up that habit is a good idea.

Again, you insist on harping that it's this government scheme. Remember, American government scheme. Many cats in here are not in America. They are not subject to this lockdown you are experiencing in regards to lighting up. I've seen and experienced the cons of this since I was in Europe. I used to hang around smokers all the time. Every club I went into was filled with smokers. I felt breathless and wheezy ALL the time until I moved here into environments where they have banned that shyt.

Again, my whole thing is NOT that I am telling you what you can do. You could shoot smack, snort tweak, headbutt a brick wall before hitting the boulevard, sniff anti perspiration spray, lick's all on you, monsieur.

I just know that to some of the more impressionable, you are an influential figure (like it or not). Yes, their dads and mums should have taught them what to do and what to avoid but if so, they wouldn't be here. Hence, as one of the older heads in here, you play a surrogate parent role.
Hence, I feel you should mention that if they do pick up smoking, it WILL have a negative impact on their health. My whole thing is with you insisting that it doesn't.
It doesn't make sense a world travelled playboy who studies and practices pugilism, surfs, sips ACV and uses coconut oil does an entire 180 and says that cigarette smoking has no impact on one's physical performance and state of well being.

I notice that you have still avoided the alleged issue of impotency caused by cigarette smoking. Yea, you want people to post up with some grits, a custom suit and a fat bankroll and then when it's swoop time and time to seal the deal, they slap a useless, flaccid noodle in her palm.

In the same way, if I recommended a cat posts up near the bar with a bottle or a glass of the good stuff, he should understand that alcohol can impair judgement and have a negative impact on health, if abused.

Again, no disrespect to the smokers in here but it is NOT a key principle of GAME to leverage smokes on lizards. Unless the venue is filled with a majority of dimes who smoke. Which I don't see. I go out into the smoke pit if I am talking to a lizard who feels like going out for a smoke and I observe who are out there. Then again, maybe it's a Toronto thing. I guess in Mexico, California, Spain and France most of the lizards smoke and hence your theory works.

How can a grit theory work against a lizard who doesn't smoke? It means you are trying to pique her with..ooh..Gman smokes in California even though the Terminator banned it....Gman is a bad boy. Sorry, senor but I don't have that problem of trying to exude being a bad boy.

Since I am a scientist, I will make it very simple. I will throw on a suit. I don't have a custom one and it is not a priority for me now but most reptiles won't know the difference. I will buy some fake cigarettes. Cloves? Some sweet smelling shyt.

I will go out 20 times. 10 with the 'grits'. 10 without the grits. Everything else in place minus the fat bankroll because there is no game needed to seal a golddigger.

I would light that bullshyt up. And then I will report back.

Est ce que ca fait sens, senor?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-16-2012 03:09 AM)Moma Wrote:  

American government scheme

The Center for Disease Control is running a $54 million campaign to get people to stop smoking.

It includes ads like this:
[Image: attachment.jpg5378]   

What right does the government have to spend my money like this?

All they are doing is driving up the cost of cigarettes.

I've been buying packs for 20 years. The first ones when I was 15 were two dollars. Today, at the exact same gas station, they were $11.75.

If somebody wants to smoke, and I don't care if it makes your dick fall of, that's their right. It's the same with giving me tickets for not wearing a seatbelt. If I want to go flying through the windshield it's my business. AND I GOT MY OWN MEDICAL INSURANCE!!!

With the current state of the economy, does the government really need to spend money putting out that picture of the guy with the hole? NO! Every person that quits makes the prices go up. With the super high gas prices and all the damn taxes, I wish they'd back off on the cigarettes.

I was thinking it was a vast conspiracy run by big tobacco, but then there was that settlement they had to pay.

The way it seems to me, the US government isn't gonna stop until they just take every damn dollar they can from you.


Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

The worst part of the campaign is the guy who had his legs amputated due to "poor circulation cause by smoking." Yeah but what other MAJOR UNDERLYING MEDICAL FACTOR was present?

Once someone starts bullshitting me, they lose all credibility in my eyes.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Are you guys still arguing about smoking or not smoking? . It looks simple to me; When you smoke, use it to your advantage to game girls.
If you don't smoke, don't start that nasty habit.

Ps, i smoke too but i'm down to a few a day but lots when i go out or meet friends. I'm gonna try to quite smoking soon. It doesn't rhyme with being a sports man and trying to build up stamina,condition and muscle mass.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

You must have missed this thread:

If I ignore your questions it is because you continually ask questions about things I have posted on numerous times.

Quote: (03-16-2012 03:09 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Again, no disrespect to the smokers in here but it is NOT a key principle of GAME to leverage smokes on lizards.

On one hand we have:

1. A non-smoker who gets schooled in Toronto.

2. A smoker that had an easy go of it in Toronto.


1. The first guy hasn't tried it, hates it, says it doesn't work and wants to push his agenda on people that do.

2. The second guy that has tried it, likes it, say it works from personal experience and believes in freedom of choice.

Read into this however you like.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

for someone who believes in freedom of choice, you sure keep covering exactly the same ground about how smoking game is clearly better than not smoking. It's infiltrating forum breathing space. Like smoke.

Seriously, you've posted it about nine million times in the last few days, even in threads that have nothing to do with smoking.

That last sentence is hyperbole.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-16-2012 12:23 PM)Kitsune Wrote:  

for someone who believes in freedom of choice, you sure keep covering exactly the same ground about how smoking game is clearly better than not smoking. It's infiltrating forum breathing space. Like smoke.

Seriously, you've posted it about nine million times in the last few days, even in threads that have nothing to do with smoking.

That last sentence is hyperbole.

That is a pretty big accusation for someone who has never dropped one Data Sheet of value on here.

How about bringing some value first, and I will get back to you.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

This topic is dead.

On to the next:

Drinking Alcohol to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

No need to learn or practice pick up skills anymore just buy New and improved insta-game, just 7 dollar a pack !

Smoke and Get Lucky.


Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

[Image: lungs(1).jpg]
[Image: smokers-lungs-121.jpg]
[Image: smokers-lungs-pictures-41.jpg]
[Image: app?service=documentimageredirect&id=83]
[Image: Smokers%20Body.jpg]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Those pics are the end all, be all to the argument.

That being said, I'd be lying if I said I never smoked. In fact, whenever I've traveled for an extended period of time, I usually take to smoking. Some of my most epic photos include me with a cigarette in my hand or mouth.

I have one sitting on a camel with the Egyptian pyramids and the Sphinx in the background. I got a white rag on my head, a white dress shirt, jeans cuffed up, loafers and a cig in my mouth. It's probably my most epic photo of all time.

I even bagged a chick out there (Dominican) with a cigarette when I approached her, but I wasn't conscious of it.

So I think it's important to make that clear. However, I never smoke in the US. It's an unhealthy habit to roll with on a day-to-day, especially in a country where the lifestyle in and of itself seems naturally unhealthy. I think the reason I've smoked abroad so much was due to boredom and also because cigs are ridiculously cheap in most developing countries. You can buy a pack of Marlboro tax-free for less than $2.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

^^That's funny HC, because some of my favorite trip photos have me smoking. There's one where I'm chilling in a Parisian cafe on a rainy night, nice storefront background, my hair wet and slicked up. Then there's another of me writing a diary entry under the Eiffel Tower. And lastly, me and 2 hot Slovenian girls who let me sit *next to them* (no big deal in Europe) on a bench because I wanted to sit and smoke in the park <---this was me 5 years before "red-pill / game" era. Smoking adds a "romantic" or "bad ass" touch to a memory. And come to think of it, my wildest travel stories involved smoking [Image: smile.gif]

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

A girl tonight asked me for a cig on the street.
G, I get what you are saying. Its an easy way for girls to "open" you or for you to open them.

However the health effects are adverse. Perhaps clove cigs might be the way to go. Anybody have any information on their health implications?

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Heres the better answer. With all the money you save from smoking you could be doing things that will better aid you in picking up chicks. Nice clothes, trips, heck even bottle service. With that said my main gf smokes and I couldn't care less.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Can someone explain to me how smoking is any different than wearing a furry hat and platform shoes for game?

It's just a prop to start a conversation, and although alcohol also works as a prop, it lowers inhibitions and allows people to be more confident. There is nothing wrong with using smoking to game but see it for what it is, a prop to ease conversation.

To those who say non smokers should mind their own business, sitting in a smokey bar is not enjoyable for the 75% of people who don't smoke. Smoking on a patio is fine, but smoking in public buildings should never be allowed.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-18-2012 08:45 PM)canucktraveller Wrote:  

Can someone explain to me how smoking is any different than wearing a furry hat and platform shoes for game?

You don't look like a moron?

I dunno. Just throwing it out there....

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

I don't know much about smoking, health or game, but I do know a little bit about elite athletes (sorry to go back three pages in the discussion). I was involved semi seriously in both running and rock climbing. A high percentage of the rock climbers smoked and almost none of the very good runners smoked. I would expect this to be the general trend in terms of smoking, that sports where relaxation is more important then fitness, smoking would not be detrimental and might actually be helpful whereas sports where the opposite is true you would have a less of an effect. So sports like surfing, rock climbing, and other adrenaline sports would have a high smoking ratio, likewise a sport like boxing where you need to be relaxed in the face of a trained professional boxer trying to pummel you would boast a fair number of smokers (not to mention that being relaxed increases quickness, speed, power and response time).

My personally opinion on smoking is that it is disgusting, but you guys don't really care about my opinion do you?

Back to lurking.

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Have you ever tried boxing?

You need INCREDIBLE stamina.

Put it this way; you can run for a hour straight with some training, but I don't think anyone on earth can spar for an hour straight. Throwing a punch takes a lot of energy, not to mention all the bobbing and weaving as well as the constant state of alert and intense concentration on your opponent. Also, you're never standing up straight either, you're always in your stance which is tiring.

Boxers have some of the most intense workouts I've ever seen. The coaches will work you until you feel like you want to throw up, I know because I want to start amateur boxing this year. I've been to a boxing gym and done the circuits. I'm not unfit either, I play for an amateur soccer team which also requires a lot of cardiovascular fitness.

Sorry to rant, but it annoys me when people say boxing doesn't need fitness.

Oh and about being relaxed; take a smokers cigarettes away and see how edgy and irritable they get without their nicotine fix. It's a sad sight to see.

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Smoking cigarettes to pick up chicks - a bad idea

Quote: (03-18-2012 02:34 AM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

Heres the better answer. With all the money you save from smoking you could be doing things that will better aid you in picking up chicks. Nice clothes, trips, heck even bottle service. With that said my main gf smokes and I couldn't care less.

That's it. Over here, the last time I looked, smokes cost about 8 bucks a pack (they may be up in price now). For some cats, a pack will last a day or some two days. For the financial challenged playboy, 224 bucks a month could be put to better use.

Of course this is non applicable to the guys in the high financial wage bracket.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

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