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Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 01:03 AM)IVth_Element Wrote:  

VP, I have a lot of respect for your posts, but let's be honest here. You believe that GK is so busy that he can't spend a few extra hours to secure a non-gift bang to save 1000 Euros, but he can write 348 posts in 30 days? That doesn't add up.

He is advocating straight supplication towards complete strangers on a forum where many guys are learning how to interact with women. Is that the road to self-respect and high status, to basically walk up to someone with your palms up?

While no one should depend on another for self worth, many here find it misplaced to discuss buying pussy as a straight commodity on a game forum. I don't think that anyone here is saying that it's wrong to pay for pussy; only that it's not a topic of discussion that is appropriate here. We don't need to calculate that it takes 2.4 skirts or 1.6 doll figurines to bang a Ukrainian girl anymore that we need the price list for the hooker on the corner in Moscow. It doesn't apply to us, and that's why many here have a problem with his posts. Instead of toning it down and providing real insight that he is capable of, he breaks out a price list on buying the most pussy in the least amount of time. You may say, "live and let live", but this is not a p4p forum. If he wasn't churning out posts every day talking about gifts and money, then people would mostly let it go.

Personally, I think his advice does a disservice to us all, as I know many girls in Russia/Ukraine and they are intelligent, cunning whores. I'm sure GK agrees. Many Russians girls already talk shit about how they game the dumb American and Canadian guys out of money and gifts. They think we are schmucks, and they are right. GK only sees the small picture, which is his immediate gratification and the dollar cost from his wallet. Instead of dealing with regular hookers, he is ego inflating the regular whores with gifts, money, vacations, etc and passing it on as advice. Should we just turn every country into a pussy pedestalizing nation where you have to grovel and beg for a piece of ass while you hold out a fur coat?

This is an interesting remark whether we spoil the girls or not.In fact these girls are already spoiled.Let's clarify it.If you do not give them sth in return they are not going to fuck you.It is like that.You cannot reverse that.It is what they do.If they do not get what they want they will not fuck.
So you do not do a damage.However the Canadians,Americans etc for sure pay inflated prices because they are far away and do not know the local realities.A European man is much more difficult to trick let alone a Balkan man.In fact we are more cunning than them so we know every trick(almost every trick) they pull on us in advance.After all girls in our neighbourhood(Serbian,Bulgarian) are also Slavic so we know them.
If sb does not want to pay he should learn Russian,become a slavophile and head for western Ukraine stay in a big city for a while till he finds a girlfriend and stays with her.So he will cut off expenses drastically.There is a solution for every wallet.
However there are foreigners who do not want to live cheap like Ukrainians and prefer to spend their 1000 euro in a week to feel comfortable and date lots of girls instead of staying there one month and be under constant strain.(of course the Ukrainians live on 200 euro per month and students on 50 euro per month you could try that as well if you want.It may impress the girl that you can afford the difficulties of Ukrainian life it shows strong character and pussy comission).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

is that why these countries are so broke and the guys look near death when they get to 25?
theyve been shelling out all there cash in attempts to get laid..

i bet you Putin doesnt do that shit..

I am the cock carousel

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 03:42 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 01:03 AM)IVth_Element Wrote:  

VP, I have a lot of respect for your posts, but let's be honest here. You believe that GK is so busy that he can't spend a few extra hours to secure a non-gift bang to save 1000 Euros, but he can write 348 posts in 30 days? That doesn't add up.

He is advocating straight supplication towards complete strangers on a forum where many guys are learning how to interact with women. Is that the road to self-respect and high status, to basically walk up to someone with your palms up?

While no one should depend on another for self worth, many here find it misplaced to discuss buying pussy as a straight commodity on a game forum. I don't think that anyone here is saying that it's wrong to pay for pussy; only that it's not a topic of discussion that is appropriate here. We don't need to calculate that it takes 2.4 skirts or 1.6 doll figurines to bang a Ukrainian girl anymore that we need the price list for the hooker on the corner in Moscow. It doesn't apply to us, and that's why many here have a problem with his posts. Instead of toning it down and providing real insight that he is capable of, he breaks out a price list on buying the most pussy in the least amount of time. You may say, "live and let live", but this is not a p4p forum. If he wasn't churning out posts every day talking about gifts and money, then people would mostly let it go.

Personally, I think his advice does a disservice to us all, as I know many girls in Russia/Ukraine and they are intelligent, cunning whores. I'm sure GK agrees. Many Russians girls already talk shit about how they game the dumb American and Canadian guys out of money and gifts. They think we are schmucks, and they are right. GK only sees the small picture, which is his immediate gratification and the dollar cost from his wallet. Instead of dealing with regular hookers, he is ego inflating the regular whores with gifts, money, vacations, etc and passing it on as advice. Should we just turn every country into a pussy pedestalizing nation where you have to grovel and beg for a piece of ass while you hold out a fur coat?

This is an interesting remark whether we spoil the girls or not.In fact these girls are already spoiled.Let's clarify it.If you do not give them sth in return they are not going to fuck you.It is like that.You cannot reverse that.It is what they do.If they do not get what they want they will not fuck.
So you do not do a damage.However the Canadians,Americans etc for sure pay inflated prices because they are far away and do not know the local realities.A European man is much more difficult to trick let alone a Balkan man.In fact we are more cunning than them so we know every trick(almost every trick) they pull on us in advance.After all girls in our neighbourhood(Serbian,Bulgarian) are also Slavic so we know them.
If sb does not want to pay he should learn Russian,become a slavophile and head for western Ukraine stay in a big city for a while till he finds a girlfriend and stays with her.So he will cut off expenses drastically.There is a solution for every wallet.
However there are foreigners who do not want to live cheap like Ukrainians and prefer to spend their 1000 euro in a week to feel comfortable and date lots of girls instead of staying there one month and be under constant strain.(of course the Ukrainians live on 200 euro per month and students on 50 euro per month you could try that as well if you want.It may impress the girl that you can afford the difficulties of Ukrainian life it shows strong character and pussy comission).

1. Girls speak Ukrainian in West Ukraine- not Russian
2. Why do you say West Ukraine is best for a long term girlfriend?
Is it because the girls value different things than in the East?

Is it also possible to do the same thing you mention in the East? (live like a local, speak the language, find a girlfriend and live with her, etc.)
I think in the West, money and gifts will not work as much...but a girlfriend is possible.
In the East, money and gifts may work more...but a girlfriend is also possible, if they know you are staying for a long time. Is this understanding correct?

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 03:46 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

is that why these countries are so broke and the guys look near death when they get to 25?
theyve been shelling out all there cash in attempts to get laid..

i bet you Putin doesnt do that shit..

This is interesting theory.Yes,in my opinion slavic women behavior is a major reason for these countries relative underdevelopment.They have managed to destroy our country Greece in an extent so imagine the damage they have done there.They are like a black hole continuously sucking resources.There are no limits in their demands especially among Russian women.
Putin does not need money since he has power.He still owns a Ziguli from the '70s and 2 small apartments in Moscow.This is all his property(official).However he has power over life or death in Russia so his word counts.
Russian oligarchs afford huge harems one of them got arrested when he arrived in France with part of his harem including about 30 women.The authorities thought he was a pimp and later he was freed under constant apologize from French and constant displays of protests among the Russian oligarchy.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 03:46 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

i bet you Putin doesnt do that shit..

Damn right. Do these look like the actions of a man who buys women shit?




Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 03:28 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

All foreigners wish to find the easy,gullible girl who will sleep with them for free(due to love or love for the western penis).However these girls are almost impossible to find in Kiev especially if you have only 3-4 days to spend.If they are easy and gullible and do not want to exploit their pussy they usually have an Ukrainian boyfriend who covers their needs.The rest are actively searching for sponsors long term or short term.Since the amount of rich Ukrainian sponsors is not enough(much lower than the demand for them although they all have big harems) the foreigner can play ball appearing as a short term sponsor(even short term) generally covering some of girls expenses.

Very true. And the same in other EE countries where I've been.
There simply aren't too many professional self-supporting women out to just have fun and ride the cock carousel like in the USA or WE.

However, if you focus on going to resorts in Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia or Bulgaria for hunting Russian and Ukrainian girls, as I have advised many times, there are two big differences:
- your target audience at least had a few hundred EUR to pay for their holiday, so likely their pussy is not their only asset in the world (otherwise it makes them put a very high value on it and want to sell it dearly)
- they are in party mode due to being on vacation and the alcohol flowing non-stop in the all-inclusive resort

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 02:35 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

This was back in 2003.At that time you could not find bottled water in Ukraine let alone French champaign.

So why did you look?

Polish vs Ukrainian girls


As for clothes yes in Kiev you need to be overdressed.(I do not wear suits but it does not hurt either).You have to display wealth.Mercedes and Lamborghinis ar enext to you if you cannot afford some good clothes,quality shoers and an expensive watch you are immediately downgraded in girls eyes.

All foreigners wish to find the easy,gullible girl who will sleep with them for free(due to love or love for the western penis).However these girls are almost impossible to find in Kiev especially if you have only 3-4 days to spend.If they are easy and gullible and do not want to exploit their pussy they usually have an Ukrainian boyfriend who covers their needs.The rest are actively searching for sponsors long term or short term.Since the amount of rich Ukrainian sponsors is not enough(much lower than the demand for them although they all have big harems) the foreigner can play ball appearing as a short term sponsor(even short term) generally covering some of girls expenses.


Kamaki have you ever considered that a girl might fuck a guy, heaven forbid.....because she wants to?

I seriously wonder where you find the time and inclination to write such a steady stream of utter garbage.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Do not forget that you stay there.Again I write about guys who visit Kiev for a short term.Why do I need to repeat the same things?Most foreigners come there for a week.It is difficult to get a good looking girl to fuck you without reward if you stay there only for a week and even if you manage that it is not worth the travel because it is only one girl.
Again I talk about short time travellers.Long time residents do not need any advise they are already there they know the enviroment they have made their choices.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 05:09 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Do not forget that you stay there.Again I write about guys who visit Kiev for a short term.Why do I need to repeat the same things?Most foreigners come there for a week.It is difficult to get a good looking girl to fuck you without reward if you stay there only for a week and even if you manage that it is not worth the travel because it is only one girl.
Again I talk about short time travellers.Long time residents do not need any advise they are already there they know the enviroment they have made their choices.

I'm not talking about long term residents like me. You are making out that it's almost impossible for any foreigner to fuck in Kiev. A week is lots of time to get laid in Kiev, pipelining or no pipelining. It depends on the person though, one guy will fuck 4 girls in that week, another will go home with sticky palms.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 04:03 AM)Spartan Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 03:42 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 01:03 AM)IVth_Element Wrote:  

VP, I have a lot of respect for your posts, but let's be honest here. You believe that GK is so busy that he can't spend a few extra hours to secure a non-gift bang to save 1000 Euros, but he can write 348 posts in 30 days? That doesn't add up.

He is advocating straight supplication towards complete strangers on a forum where many guys are learning how to interact with women. Is that the road to self-respect and high status, to basically walk up to someone with your palms up?

While no one should depend on another for self worth, many here find it misplaced to discuss buying pussy as a straight commodity on a game forum. I don't think that anyone here is saying that it's wrong to pay for pussy; only that it's not a topic of discussion that is appropriate here. We don't need to calculate that it takes 2.4 skirts or 1.6 doll figurines to bang a Ukrainian girl anymore that we need the price list for the hooker on the corner in Moscow. It doesn't apply to us, and that's why many here have a problem with his posts. Instead of toning it down and providing real insight that he is capable of, he breaks out a price list on buying the most pussy in the least amount of time. You may say, "live and let live", but this is not a p4p forum. If he wasn't churning out posts every day talking about gifts and money, then people would mostly let it go.

Personally, I think his advice does a disservice to us all, as I know many girls in Russia/Ukraine and they are intelligent, cunning whores. I'm sure GK agrees. Many Russians girls already talk shit about how they game the dumb American and Canadian guys out of money and gifts. They think we are schmucks, and they are right. GK only sees the small picture, which is his immediate gratification and the dollar cost from his wallet. Instead of dealing with regular hookers, he is ego inflating the regular whores with gifts, money, vacations, etc and passing it on as advice. Should we just turn every country into a pussy pedestalizing nation where you have to grovel and beg for a piece of ass while you hold out a fur coat?

This is an interesting remark whether we spoil the girls or not.In fact these girls are already spoiled.Let's clarify it.If you do not give them sth in return they are not going to fuck you.It is like that.You cannot reverse that.It is what they do.If they do not get what they want they will not fuck.
So you do not do a damage.However the Canadians,Americans etc for sure pay inflated prices because they are far away and do not know the local realities.A European man is much more difficult to trick let alone a Balkan man.In fact we are more cunning than them so we know every trick(almost every trick) they pull on us in advance.After all girls in our neighbourhood(Serbian,Bulgarian) are also Slavic so we know them.
If sb does not want to pay he should learn Russian,become a slavophile and head for western Ukraine stay in a big city for a while till he finds a girlfriend and stays with her.So he will cut off expenses drastically.There is a solution for every wallet.
However there are foreigners who do not want to live cheap like Ukrainians and prefer to spend their 1000 euro in a week to feel comfortable and date lots of girls instead of staying there one month and be under constant strain.(of course the Ukrainians live on 200 euro per month and students on 50 euro per month you could try that as well if you want.It may impress the girl that you can afford the difficulties of Ukrainian life it shows strong character and pussy comission).

1. Girls speak Ukrainian in West Ukraine- not Russian
2. Why do you say West Ukraine is best for a long term girlfriend?
Is it because the girls value different things than in the East?

Is it also possible to do the same thing you mention in the East? (live like a local, speak the language, find a girlfriend and live with her, etc.)
I think in the West, money and gifts will not work as much...but a girlfriend is possible.
In the East, money and gifts may work more...but a girlfriend is also possible, if they know you are staying for a long time. Is this understanding correct?

1.Girls in western Ukraine may speak Ukrainian to their family and friends and when they communicate to each other in western Ukraine but they do not demand that the foreigner knows Ukrainian as well.Guys get real.There are only a handful of foreigners who speak Ukrainian it is a language that can be used only in this region and is totally useless to learn it.With Russian you are immediately in whether it is Russia or Belarus or eastern Ukraine or Kiev or western Ukraine.All western Ukrainians know excellent Russian and most programs they watch are in Russian(from Russia).From nationalistic reasons they refuse sometimes to talk in Russian in shops etc but girls who have interest in you will communicate with you in English(if they know it) or Russian(which they all know).There is no reason a girl displays nationalistic behavior to a foreigner.
2.Yes,if you stay there you can get LTR in eastern Ukraine or Kiev as well.You can do what you want.Live like an Ukrainian get a girlfriend whatever.However higher percentage of girls in eastern Ukraine ask directly for presents or general expenses covering.That is a guy interested in sponsoring will be better in eastern Ukraine.A guy snterested in romantic relationship will be better off in western Ukraine.This is the rule.Not that there are no exceptions.
Again everything is possible.You may come to Kiev fuck an internet girl by paying only a dinner and a taxi and then go to club and have an one night stand with another girl.However chances to do that are slim if you stay there less than 3 days.So if one has only one weekend to spend in Kiev he sould have prearranged contacts sure for fucking(which usually involves a material reward) otherwise his travel may be wasted.
What is better?Spend 400 euro on plane tickets,200 euro on apartment,200 euro in clubbing and dating to get home with your penis in hand or spend 100 euro more to have a sure fucking at least?The risk and expenses are too great to risk a fuckless travel(which commonly happens if you are naïve to believe the girls in capital will fall in love with you).

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 05:29 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 05:09 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Do not forget that you stay there.Again I write about guys who visit Kiev for a short term.Why do I need to repeat the same things?Most foreigners come there for a week.It is difficult to get a good looking girl to fuck you without reward if you stay there only for a week and even if you manage that it is not worth the travel because it is only one girl.
Again I talk about short time travellers.Long time residents do not need any advise they are already there they know the enviroment they have made their choices.

I'm not talking about long term residents like me. You are making out that it's almost impossible for any foreigner to fuck in Kiev. A week is lots of time to get laid in Kiev, pipelining or no pipelining. It depends on the person though, one guy will fuck 4 girls in that week, another will go home with sticky palms.

Calculate this.
1.400 euro for an air ticket if you live in Europe
2.7x60 euro for reasonable apartment in the center that is 420 euro
3.100x7 euro per day for dating expenses(one meal for two in central restaurant costs at least 50 euro with drinks,one cafe date costs about 15-25 euro if the girl drinks cocktails as they usually do)
4.50x7 euro for clubing if you want to party everyday.This is the least amount you will pay(the entrance fee and taxi) if you do not buy any drinks there and if you do not buy any drinks for girls there which would increase the costs by another 50 euro per day.
5.7x15 euro at least for taxi on transportation costs(you are going to be ripped off,anyway it is expensive and the metro alternative is dangerous due to the amount of thieves.Anyway you may try it as well).
6.50 euro to get to and from the airport by taxi.

So we come easily to 400+420+700+350+100+50 or 2000 euro to spend on one week to have some shots with local girls.So what are we telling to tell the guy?Do you feel lucky mate?Go spend 2000 euro and hope to fuck some girls.If you get home with your penis in hand it is because you were incompetent in first place.So get some competence.
Instead of that I tell him:Instead of paying 2000 euro on one week spend it on 4 days and the money you save(700 euro) spend on girls as direct cash or buying presents to secure at least some bangs.Otherwise you risk to spend 2000 euro and get home wasted crying for your lost money.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Yes there are almost no women in Eastern Ukraine interested in romance, all they want to do is sell their pussies, there are no exceptions hehe.

Learning Ukrainian is a great idea if you are intending to spend any extended period in the west of the country, they will treat you like a hero, and it will be a leg opener for sure. I myself am learning Russian, as I want to travel to more FSU countries, also I am successful enough not to care whether I'm speaking Russian or Ukrainian.

Prearranged contacts are helpful in Kiev, but material gifts are not. Before I came to Ukraine I was speaking to a lovely 17yr Ukrainian girl in Kiev in Vkontakte, she told me she loved me, it took me a year to get there and see her. When I did, the first day I met her she gave me a tour of the city, the second day we went to Vodka Bar, I bought her maybe 3 vodka redbulls, then I took her to my apartment and fucked her.

If you are a 50 year old guy chasing 20yr old girls, then sure you will be paying for it in some form or another. If I was a poor Ukrainian girl and some foreigner with more money than sense came along, I would milk him for all he's worth too.

Have slept with a few other Kiev girls, no gifts needed. I will travel east soon, and I will conquer without being like a travelling Santa Claus

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Then advise them:Get serbian looks,become taller,leave your job stay in Ukraine long term,arrange contacts while you stay and have good logistics to meet them and you can choose who you lay and live on reasonable expenses.
This is your recipe.My recipe is different.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Plenty of foreigners are getting laid in Kiev, if not there would be almost zero male visitors.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I must comment that, since I live in Eastern Ukraine (Kharkiv), and am brown-skinned, I could see just the opposite factor.
Eastern Ukrainians are harder to open but easier to close. Western Ukrainians are easier to open, but harder to fuck-close.
My personal experience, though.

@Deb: Would be glad to meet you in Eastern Ukraine. I hope you have even a better time here than Lviv.
Deb, how do you go about Vkontakte game?
I have been working around it - got very few dates and no f-close.

@Kamaki: It would be great if you could shed some info on personality and approach by a foreigner, rather than just money-show. I hope it could provide further insights.

"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
—Abraham Maslow

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

What personality?You do not need any particular personality.They will say you need to be nice or whatever.My approach is based on speed and Balkan power as always.
Generally one can say that slavic women like weak or effeminate men who they can easier manipulate but the opposite is also true.They may say that they do not like macho men but more sensitive men or humble men.

Anyway I calibrate them quickly other times I appear as macho dominant caveman and other times as weak shy guy depending on each girls demand.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Personality stage of high energy:When I am in Ukraine I get some strong Greek coffee with me because the local coffee is very weak.So I walk with coffee in my hand to be always alert and in high energy.When I spot targets I approach immediately or if they walk fast I follow them till they slow down or stop.If they enter a shop I may enter as well despite the possible cockblock by the clerk.
Easy targets:Girls on benches,girls walking slowly and laughing,girls with drinks on their hands,lone girls(who do not wait for boyfriend),university girls near the university area,girls waiting for the marshutka.
Difficult targets:Girls walking fast,girls in very big companies,very good dressed girls,girls actively shopping.
So I get close and ask them[Image: biggrin.gif]o you know where the ... theatre is?And they start giving me directions.By this time I bring the conversation to trivial topics and after a while I ask for their number or to go for coffee.If they like me they comply.
I have done super fast fucks from bus station to hotel room in less than 20 minutes or kiss closes very quickly.
Generally I have King style.Where I am I dominate the place.There is no way anybody can be an obstacle to me they may try but they will get beaten.
The percentage of girls who respond on street is about 5%.So you need to approach at least 20 women per day.So since the proportion of good looking women is 10%(they are my targets) and I approach 20 of them everyday after one week I will have approached the 10% of all targets in a medium populated city.(half a million).So if I stay longer I start to lose anonymity.
In cities with population over 2 millions this problem does not exist.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 07:44 AM)Ami5 Wrote:  

I must comment that, since I live in Eastern Ukraine (Kharkiv), and am brown-skinned, I could see just the opposite factor.
Eastern Ukrainians are harder to open but easier to close. Western Ukrainians are easier to open, but harder to fuck-close.
My personal experience, though.

@Deb: Would be glad to meet you in Eastern Ukraine. I hope you have even a better time here than Lviv.
Deb, how do you go about Vkontakte game?
I have been working around it - got very few dates and no f-close.

@Kamaki: It would be great if you could shed some info on personality and approach by a foreigner, rather than just money-show. I hope it could provide further insights.

Probably right there, getting a Western Ukrainian's number is a piece of cake, problem is many girls are fickle here, they often flake or the communication breaks down.

This is especially true of Vkontakte, the problem with VK is that everyone is on there, it takes hours to sift through all the hotties. What usually happens is you sent a few messages then they don't respond. As Roosh said, better to pay someone to hunt on VK, doesn't really matter what you say anyway.

Yep look forward to coming east, although i'm a bit worried about my lack of Russian, I can get away with it here often, but I hear it's a different story there.

Then again, If I listened to other people talk about language difficulties in this country, I wouldn't have come to the Ukraine in the first placre

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 08:27 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I have done super fast fucks from bus station to hotel room in less than 20 minutes or kiss closes very quickly.
Generally I have King style.Where I am I dominate the place.There is no way anybody can be an obstacle to me they may try but they will get beaten.

Anyone can do that if they are looking for P4P at the bus station!, many a crack whore with a squat around the corner.

Well your "King Style" contradicts everything you said before about your style of approach in nightclubs.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

I went to a bar yesterday with another forum member, we met yesterday for the first time. Spotted a table of girls on the other side of the room, 6 girls with one guy. I applied a common tactic of mine by waiting for them to go to the toilets and then following them so as to talk to them in the queue.

We were soon invited to their table, the one guy that was there was actually very friendly about our arrival and did not try to cock block at all. No need to be worried about guys in a group of girls here, chances are they are as keen to speak to you as you are to fuck his girl friends.

I was cockblocked by one of the girls though, I was having pictures taken of me and the hottest one in the group, I then took my phone and tried to take photos of two of the other girls. One of them got really aggressive and pointed to their ringfingers articulating they were married. She then grabbed my phone from me and starting looking for photos of them to delete.

Didn't quite figure out what being married has anything to do with having your picture taken. They were from out of town though, so a bit primitive. I was doing very well with the hot one, despite this girls best efforts to cock block me after that.

Had a few kisses from Oksana the hottie, she insisted I take her number and add her on VK. She had the body of a porn star, and a very cute face. But it's funny when you are talking to a Ukrainian girl, she is all smiles and sweetness, then she starts talking to her friends, and her whole face changes, I could see the villager in her

Anyway I didn't fuck her, I was pretty tired, I had another girl in my apartment at the same time. And if I tried I don't think I would have got a result. They all went off to a cheap student's nightclub, I just went home, already did a students party the weekend before and it was not my cup of tea.

Will call her today, I really want to bed this girl, the body made me very horny

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Tonight is the Miss Vliv contest. I will be sniffing out the parties

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 08:54 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 08:27 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I have done super fast fucks from bus station to hotel room in less than 20 minutes or kiss closes very quickly.
Generally I have King style.Where I am I dominate the place.There is no way anybody can be an obstacle to me they may try but they will get beaten.

Anyone can do that if they are looking for P4P at the bus station!, many a crack whore with a squat around the corner.

Well your "King Style" contradicts everything you said before about your style of approach in nightclubs.

When did I talk about club game?I think you always reach wrong conclusions.There is no one way road.

For example when I am in club in Kiev.I never offer girls presents.Because as I have written they will ask for expensive drinks first.I have already written that.What exactly do you not understand?I have described under what circumstances I offer girls presents when they ask for and where.

Club game:Let's say you are in a club full of Arabs and Turks.Some random girls are here and there.Should you be afraid of?No.I disregard every other man presence there.For me they are invisible.So I approach the group of girls and ask them if they are from Kiev.Or if they are from Lvov.Then I put my left hand in my pocket to protect getting robbed.By putting the hand in my pocket I do not leave it exposed for any Arab or Tusk to push it or spill on drink in order to annoy me.I move the right hand when I talk to emphasize what I am saying.By moving my hand I also block the view to Turks and Arabs who have no idea what I am saying to the girls.With my back turned slightly I talk to them from a 60 degree angle.In this way I have them covered.Then I sit on table with the girls or on bar seat and they form a circle around me.All the girls are into me if I am successful.

Then you may need to buy girls drinks.When I am next to he girls I touch them all over.In many cases I have touched or kissed girls from the same group who I just met and in some cases I have fingered them as well.

In western Ukraine there was no competition at all.No Arabs no Turks no horny European or American tourists.But even if they are present I do not care there are no laws to enforce to stop me.

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

Quote: (03-14-2012 09:13 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

I went to a bar yesterday with another forum member, we met yesterday for the first time. Spotted a table of girls on the other side of the room, 6 girls with one guy. I applied a common tactic of mine by waiting for them to go to the toilets and then following them so as to talk to them in the queue.

We were soon invited to their table, the one guy that was there was actually very friendly about

I have described toilet game as dirty game which should be avoided for savoir vivre between players

Polish vs Ukrainian girls

You have a short memory Kamaki

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