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Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (02-12-2018 02:13 AM)911 Wrote:  

24:20 Vaccination side effects and the power of Big Pharma.

If you have only a few minutes, watch from 24:20 to 27:20, which sums up the arguments against mandatory vaccinations very nicely.

If all the drugs advertised on TV must list their side effects, including some that are dangerous and even life threatening, then it is quite obvious that vaccines would also have similar dangerous side effects. If that is the case (and it is) then why does the public not receive similar warnings about vaccines -- and why would lawmakers want to make them mandatory?

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

One of the reasons we know that MMR vaccine causes autism is that there is a direct link between autism rates and the age of the vaccinated infants, the younger they are vaccinated, the higher the autism rates. The documentary Vaxxed, which was banned from the Tribecca Film fest, covers this:

this link won't be around too long. Dr Wakefield and producer Del Bigtree both had their careers scuttled for making this documentary.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (02-12-2018 03:14 PM)911 Wrote:  

One of the reasons we know that MMR vaccine causes autism is that there is a direct link between autism rates and the age of the vaccinated infants, the younger they are vaccinated, the higher the autism rates. The documentary Vaxxed, which was banned from the Tribecca Film fest, covers this:

this link won't be around too long. Dr Wakefield and producer Del Bigtree both had their careers scuttled for making this documentary.

Damn that didn't last a day.

Update on the flu vaccine push - now they're advocating getting two shots, ESPECIALLY for young children.


One of the strategies some doctors are using is giving a second flu shot to some patients.

A second flu shot isn't necessary for most people, but it is recommended for select patient populations..

According to the Centers for Disease Control, some children 6 months through 8 years of age require two doses of influenza vaccine.

Children 6 months through 8-years-old getting vaccinated for the first time, and those who have only previously gotten one dose of vaccine, should get two doses of vaccine this season.

"Your child's immune system isn't fully functional and so these return visits for the immunizations help bolster the immunity," said Dr. Glenn Hardesty, an emergency medicine physician at Texas Health Resources.

The immunity from a seasonal vaccine last between four to six months of immunity from the flu, but the CDC says a single dose is adequate for most adults.

Anyone over 65 or with underlying health conditions who got a shot in August or early September of 2017 should also talk with their doctor about a second flu shot, said Dr. Hardesty.

"A second flu shot probably wouldn't be a bad idea and it's unlikely to cause any harm, so if it's a case where someone's in a situation where they got an early season shot and we have a long flu season, it might be a good idea for those patients to get a second immunization," said Dr. Hardesty.

Dr. Hardesty says your health insurance may not cover a second shot, so you may have to pay out of pocket.

Use the CDC flu vaccination locator here.

However, the comments section offers some hope:


"Most flu shots are fulll of Thimerosol and aluminum, dangerous to inject."

"How about telling use How this is made, and what is in this shot? All The ingredients?"

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

It is being pushed big time in Ireland and the UK too.
Irish media whores Newstalk must be getting some financial incentives from the Pharma industry as they are pimping it big style.
Big Pharma is pretty influential in this country, a good few people work in it.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

They don't even need to pay the news people anymore, an anti-dissenter hardcore blue pill mindset has taken over on subjects like vaccination risks, or on global warming. So if you're not fully on board with the scientism (not to be confused with the actual science), you're just not going to be drawing a salary from the press, media, NGO, academia or any public institution. If you're a leading researcher MD like Dr. Wakefield, you're going to have your license revoked, and be hounded by the media and many of your peers.

So you now have ideological zealots who are extremely eager to do the bidding of big pharma or the globalists, Scientism Justice Warriors who are out to save the world from imaginary threats like CO2 destroying the planet or some "conspiracy theorists" tinfoil anti-science heretics who must be stopped at all costs in order to save the children from diseases that pose no threat like the flu.

This flu shot for kids is really bad, because kids actually have strong immune systems that will get stronger through early exposure to viruses, and because being smaller, they are more vulnerable to the dosage of contaminants like mercury and aluminum. While their immune system is strong against viruses and bacteria, their morphology is more vulnerable to neurotoxins and other toxins like formaldehyde.

Those contaminants will have more time to do their damage on the brain and neural system, you now have middle aged people coming down with Alzheimer and Parkinson, which used to affect old people exclusively. Early onset dementia rates are going up.

Here's another link to Vaxxed, which won't be up too long either, catch it while you can:

Looks like a lot of the links popping up are in Portuguese, Bill Gates and co having done their bit on the people of Brazil, here's another backup link, this one is a better quality upload than the one above:

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

There is a lot of skepticism of the anti-vaccine movement based on autistic mothers. I think the logic is faulty, even though the skepticism of these mothers is warranted.

Lets say you are a mother and you drink while pregnant and your kid is born autistic. Its very comforting to blame the toxic mercury in the vaccine than your drinking or your lifestyle.

But logiclally it doesn't mean vaccines are safe or even effective. It doesn't mean that mercury and other preservatives are in safe amounts. Its doesn't mean you might not be allergic to the vaccine or its ingredients. Its reasons like this that the vaccine manufacturers have Congressional immunity from liability for the dangers of their products. So ask yourself, if vaccines are so great, why do their makers need immunity from suit? I think the reason is that the powers that be realize that on balance its better to have the unwashed masses vaccinated than not vaccinated because the net benefit to them is less disease and a more healthy workforce. But that doesn't mean there are not serious, adverse reactions in a statistically signficant number of people who receive the vaccine.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (02-14-2018 12:47 PM)Hypno Wrote:  

There is a lot of skepticism of the anti-vaccine movement based on autistic mothers. I think the logic is faulty, even though the skepticism of these mothers is warranted.

Lets say you are a mother and you drink while pregnant and your kid is born autistic. Its very comforting to blame the toxic mercury in the vaccine than your drinking or your lifestyle.

But logiclally it doesn't mean vaccines are safe or even effective. It doesn't mean that mercury and other preservatives are in safe amounts. Its doesn't mean you might not be allergic to the vaccine or its ingredients. Its reasons like this that the vaccine manufacturers have Congressional immunity from liability for the dangers of their products. So ask yourself, if vaccines are so great, why do their makers need immunity from suit? I think the reason is that the powers that be realize that on balance its better to have the unwashed masses vaccinated than not vaccinated because the net benefit to them is less disease and a more healthy workforce. But that doesn't mean there are not serious, adverse reactions in a statistically signficant number of people who receive the vaccine.

Alcohol-related birth defects and developmental issues are well-documented and not related to autism, like fetal alcohol syndrome, where children affected will have these symptoms:

[Image: fasface.jpg]

There is a propaganda effort to mislead public opinion and blame the thousandfold increase in autism rates to parents' age or alcohol. In fact back in the 1950s and 60s mothers smoked and drank while pregnant, and in earlier times in Europe when access to clean drinking water was more limited, the average adult drunk more wine or beer than water, yet autism was virtually unknown.

[Image: tumblr_mdeacaBCMJ1r17y54o1_1280.png]

And once again, the fact that autism was virtually unknown is not a case of misdiagnosis, modern medicine has been around for nearly two centuries. Autism has a lot of standard symptoms that would have been easily classified and diagnosed had it been as prevalent in the past as it is today.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-31-2018 05:46 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Quote: (01-31-2018 05:25 PM)Dulceácido Wrote:  

Diseases don't care what you had for breakfast.

This is worse than ignorance - this is anti-think.

Food is the building blocks by which we are constituted, and the fuel on which we run - the thought that it has no effect on how healthy we are just doesn't make sense.

It is akin to saying that it doesn't matter what materials our cars are made out of, nor what fuel we put into it doesn't matter. Try putting diesel into a petrol engine, and see whether you notice any difference in the way it runs.

Well said King. We have a whole class of brainwashed individuals who are deeply invested in the so called medical system which has become a "religion" of popping pills for everything. Anti-think is the absolute best description of what has become of allopathic medicine, and most of its practitioners and patients.

The real home of anti-science is most of modern medicine. It's minions are so dumbed down by their own drugs as to say such full on retarded comments like the breakfast comment by Dulceácido.

I applaud the ever growing numbers of people who change their diet and cure dis-ease. This is an uncomfortable subject which really requires thinking and acting for oneself. The baby blanket comfort sought by Dulce and others by blindly accepting that "99%" of certain experts agree or that "millions of articles" does not alleviate the need to think in reality -- but does give unthoughtful zinger statements for the dumb downed masses.

To really be "red pill" is to awake to many truths.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

A friend of a friend was a doctorate student at Harvard and found a link between vaccines and autism due to metal poisoning that a tiny % of children can't clean out of their system. His work was buried. Big pharma can't afford the court cases and a public panic would be potentially very bad.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Got a pretty big concern that needs your opinion.

In June I'm going to Burundi (a tiny, wild African country that you cant find on a map) for the marriage of my old best buddy. Dude got smart and married a rich Catholic black Burundian girl who worships him. I cant miss that.

Problem is, it's wild Africa. In fucking middle of summer. I heard mosquitos and misbegotten insects that God made while drunks, go to their own gym and muscle up and kill people.

In order to get to the country, it is MANDATORY to be vaccinated against yellow fever (the viral kind, not the hentai kind)

I had some mandatory vaccines when I was young but growing up never had to take a flu shot or vaccines. And now this.
But I dont want to catch fever and die in pain in an African shithole country the day of my friend's wedding either.

Thoughts? Vaccine or no?

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (02-20-2018 11:59 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

...I cant miss that.

In order to get to the country, it is MANDATORY to be vaccinated against yellow fever...

Looks like that decision has already been made for you, mate.

At least that disease is real and the vaccine might be legitimate. Doing some research on that vaccine would be a good start.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

I had planned on writing a detailed, organized, well researched post to "prove" my point of view. Instead, by taking a break from this thread I've convinced myself that wouldn't be helpful for anyone. I might get some satisfaction out of convincing myself I was right, but more likely frustration of trying to address emotion and passion with logic not to mention the timesuck.

Here's what I think is helpful instead.

- I have at least 16 years +/- experience in the autism "world". This experience is what makes me passionate about the subject, it's what makes me want to prove my model of autism is the right one. It makes me suspect that the most outspoken people in this thread probably have some personal reason to seek answers.

- Along those lines the most helpful thing I can say is: if you want to talk to someone that's "been there" in a way, send me a PM.

- I don't believe autism exists so it puts me on poor footing to prove anything about what causes it. I'm not out to prove it but I think it's helpful to remember that its just a word. Don't take it too literally. Autism exists in the same way that demon possession exists, or King Arthur, or "refrigerator babies", slow kids, spazzes, dyslexia, premature babies, people that were dropped on their heads. Dragons. It's just a word. I'm pretty confident that autism is an invention of circumstance and not some conspiracy.

- Helpful fact: autism is diagnosed by cross checking a matrix of symptoms. Those same symptoms can be caused by being bipolar, eating too much red dye, consuming mercury, suffering head trauma, being born premature, weak sperm, loss of oxygen to your brain at some time in your life, not being well socialized as a child, being so specialized smart that you can't relate to anyone...

- If you want to convince yourself that autism has always existed research:
a) changing diagnoses and definitions in the DSM
b) the personalities and verbal skills development of people like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln
c) European legends of "wild kids" that lived in the forest, were raised by wolves, talked like wild animals, and couldn't coexist socially with the city life
d) slow kids, retarded kids, demon possessed kids, infant mortality kids, kids that were institutionalized in Ireland or euthanized in Germany
e) Hans Aspberger's research and experimentation
f) the overall history of mental health treatment/not-treatment. They weren't "autistic" they were: abandoned, euthanized, dead at birth, dead of drowning or accident, fending for themselves in forests or city slums...
g) 99.99% of humanity was never historically documented so... use your imagination, don't ask for proof
z) ....

it's better to let you get there by yourself. Don't let it get you down.

real quick back to the O.P. - I do believe there is some merit to the anti-vaccine movement but not if you treat it as THE answer

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (02-20-2018 11:59 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Got a pretty big concern that needs your opinion.

In June I'm going to Burundi (a tiny, wild African country that you cant find on a map) for the marriage of my old best buddy. Dude got smart and married a rich Catholic black Burundian girl who worships him. I cant miss that.

Problem is, it's wild Africa. In fucking middle of summer. I heard mosquitos and misbegotten insects that God made while drunks, go to their own gym and muscle up and kill people.

In order to get to the country, it is MANDATORY to be vaccinated against yellow fever (the viral kind, not the hentai kind)

I had some mandatory vaccines when I was young but growing up never had to take a flu shot or vaccines. And now this.
But I dont want to catch fever and die in pain in an African shithole country the day of my friend's wedding either.

Thoughts? Vaccine or no?

Yes, get vaccinated against the no-not--thehot-Asian-girls-fever for sure. Not just to protect your own health that is unused to local diseases, but also because many countries will not let you in if you haven't been vaccinated.

Also check for Malaria prevalence and take Malarone (an extremely effective yet mild anti-Malaria) pills if applicable.

p.s. for vaccination against the other Yellow Fever, I recommend gazing at a bikini photo of Priscilla Zuckerberg-Chan.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (01-31-2018 08:56 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

There is a middleground between "don't question vaccines" and "all vaccines are evil".

These is no good reason to believe that these megacorporations suddenly have our best interests at heart when it comes to medicine. They might not want us all dying of polio but if they saved a buck per vaccine using fundamentally dangerous components while selling a billion vaccines, then yes, we are right to question whether they are putting profits over the health and wellbeing of humankind.

They obviously also have a lot to gain by making more people sick in the long run, don't they. A billion bucks would be the tip of the iceberg. So to suggest they don't have a huge motive to hide any culpability for vaccines being harmful is misguided.

This is the problem at hand. None of us want to die of a preventable disease but we'd have to be borderline retarded to think that the likes of Zuckerberg and Gates are putting the same shit in their kids that they tell us to put in ours.

I just watched the documentary Vaxxed (2016). Here's the trailer but the full film is on Netflix.

I am always very very skeptical of "conspiracy theories" until I see compelling evidence.

This film is that...very compelling.

I strongly urge everyone with small children, or considering having kids to watch this film.

Edit: Full video as provided by 911 above

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

[Image: x1u3vfdftuvz-1.png]

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

[Image: jenny.3.jpg]

I now even wonder if Jenny McCarthy being the face of the anti-vaccine movement was a strategic move by big pharma. Think about it...Having her front and center was pretty much an inoculation against credibility.

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (03-18-2018 02:00 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

[Image: jenny.3.jpg]

I now even wonder if Jenny McCarthy being the face of the anti-vaccine movement was a strategic move by big pharma. Think about it...Having her front and center was pretty much an inoculation against credibility.

Classic controlled opposition
Like Alex Jones.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Like I said above, just because you discredit some anecdotal examples does not prove that vaccines are safe. A lot of women like McCarthy drank while they were pregnant and when they wake up and their kid is autistic they look for someone to blame. But the increased recklessness of these moms does not mean that the vaccines are safe.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (03-18-2014 11:03 PM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

Any vaccine which has been around 20+ years is probably made to a standardised recipe and is likely to be safe. Stuff like the measles vaccine (which has been more or less proven to have no associated with autism whatsoever in several huge population studies).

Vaccines that are newer, like the HPV, can only be truly considered safe with the test of time. It's up to people to decide for themselves whether unknown risk outweighs known benefit. Generally it takes about 20 years on the market before a product's full safety profile is known.

Vaccines that are made up newly every year, such as the yearly influenza vaccine (which is a brand new concoction every year) - now this stuff keeps me awake at night with cold sweats. If you're mixing up new ingredients every year, how do you really know it's safe? Pharmaceutical companies accidentally caused a narcolepsy epidemic in Europe when they started using shark-origin proteins to boost their vaccines (see Pandemrix).

I don't get flu shots, nor do I advise my patients to get flu shots. I believe the risks of flu are greatly overstated and the benefits unclear (see thisCochrane review, which basically states that the vaccine has only a 'modest' effect on days off work, but hospitalisations/deaths from influenza remain the same).

So I happily encourage the use of the older vaccines, am cautious with the HPV vaccine (it's not been on the market long enough to expose its hidden risks well enough) and I'm reluctant to recommend any vaccine that requires a new setup every year (such as the influenza vaccine). Of course, this a controversial opinion to have as a doctor and I try to keep my mouth shut about it, because most doctors don't understand the data and I'm not really keen to get into fights with my colleagues.

This is a reasonable approach.

Both the pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine people are full of shit. It's not "all or nothing". You have to evaluate each vaccine soley on it's own merits.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

The anti-vaccine thing is sorta like the modernist anti-religion stance. Throw the baby out with the bath water.

Neither crowd realizes how important the former issues were (ever see what polio, mumps, measles or rubella did to kids?), taking both for granted. Why? Everything's all good, healthy and wealthy ... for now.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Via my research about natural cures... I fell on this about a year ago.

Article about the mysterious death of 60+ Holistic Doctors involved with Autism and/or Cancer

When 60+ Doctors, not GangBangers die mysteriously within a Year... hmmm

Some of you will be surprised about this if you read the article... I was Not

I believe it was Zelcorpion who said there's Many Red Pills In Life... and I

didn't understand what he meant! I now Do! If you still think Fake News in the

Only thing they lie to you about... Ha!

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

It seems the people in this thread have been listening too much to kooks like Alex Jones. There is absolutely no link between vaccines and autism. You are going against the medical opinion of almost all doctors. Also you’re a pretty gullible person no offence if you buy into the whole natural health scam.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Quote: (04-05-2018 03:37 PM)chaoswarror Wrote:  

It seems the people in this thread have been listening too much to kooks like Alex Jones. There is absolutely no link between vaccines and autism. You are going against the medical opinion of almost all doctors. Also you’re a pretty gullible person no offence if you buy into the whole natural health scam.

You've been here all of 7 posts, I'd sit down, start reading in other threads, before you put your foot in your mouth.

Alex Jones HAS brought credible info, especially during the Trump election.

I'll bet you believe Big Pharma has us being in our best health at the top of their agenda instead of making millions...

EDIT: I just realized who you actually are, while I hope you're doing better in life, I wouldn't be one to start discrediting things without bringing up your own proof or a well thought out reason as to WHY you disagree.

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Is there any merit to the anti-vaccine movement?

Take it for what it's worth. I have always and will always get vaccinated. I am only half autistic, so there is that.

Three dead in Saskatchewan so far

"Health officials are pleading with families to get flu shots, with hospitalization rates for the flu this season highest for children under age nine. Only one in three Saskatchewan toddlers has had the vaccine, the provincial health authority says"

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

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