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Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male


The future of the job market in the next couple decades are the solid trades that are not going to be replaced barring extensive robotics and the the high-end creative and leading fields. Anything else will be gone ever more. Most college graduates find themselves fulfilling low-tier white collar positions that are going to be axed. But a lot of advancements need to be made before a plumber or electrician is getting replaced. By that time there will not be any waitresses or drivers anymore and certainly no paper-shuffling useless clerks.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

He doesn't address other causative issues, but at least gets there:

This will continue ever more. If Obama reigned for 8 more years, then we might have a real race war going on in 2022.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-13-2017 11:20 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  


The future of the job market in the next couple decades are the solid trades that are not going to be replaced barring extensive robotics and the the high-end creative and leading fields. Anything else will be gone ever more. Most college graduates find themselves fulfilling low-tier white collar positions that are going to be axed. But a lot of advancements need to be made before a plumber or electrician is getting replaced. By that time there will not be any waitresses or drivers anymore and certainly no paper-shuffling useless clerks.

I think the long far away job market will be repair and maintenance. Waitresses, fast food, production line, all can be automated. What cannot be automated is the repair and maintenance of all the automated services, and advancement/research of.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Brittany Herring (now calling herself Brittany Covington), the person filming and narrating the video, is the first of the four to be sentenced. They reached a plea deal.

She was convicted of:

Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon
Aggravated Unlawful Restraint
Hate Crime

She was sentenced to:

4 years probation
200 hours community service
No social media for 4 years
Zero time in prison

In other words, pick up some garbage by the freeway and stay off Facebook.

Americans are dreamers too

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

[Image: 1476787302553.jpg]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (12-18-2017 08:39 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Brittany Herring, the person filming and narrating the video, is the first of the four to be sentenced. They reached a plea deal.

She was convicted of:

Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon
Aggravated Unlawful Restraint
Hate Crime

She was sentenced to:

4 years probation
200 hours community service
No social media for 4 years
Zero time in prison

In other words, pick up some garbage by the freeway and stay off Facebook.

That's a rather harsh punishment. I'm assuming that it'll be appealed to the Supreme Court and struck down as cruel and unusual punishment. After all, depriving a young woman of social media use is akin to robbing her of her existence.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (12-18-2017 08:39 AM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Brittany Herring, the person filming and narrating the video, is the first of the four to be sentenced. They reached a plea deal.

She was convicted of:

Aggravated Battery with a Deadly Weapon
Aggravated Unlawful Restraint
Hate Crime

She was sentenced to:

4 years probation
200 hours community service
No social media for 4 years
Zero time in prison

In other words, pick up some garbage by the freeway and stay off Facebook.

Jesus Christ, thats all! If I were that kidnapped kid's father, I would sentence her to my own prison. One day she would be walking the streets--then suddenly disappear. Fuck this makes me mad!

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

That's an insane verdict.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (12-18-2017 09:40 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

That's an insane verdict.

M-maybe she sold out on her criminal get a lesser sentence?

I thought about it but then realised the conviction was easily obtainable without her cooperation with the video all over the internet and all....

Let's see what happens to the men...

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Wow. With this and the illegal getting off for murder, people are going to get angry and start looking for justice in other ways.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

I'm curious to know how many people that are convicted of a "hate crime" serve zero jail time.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

I'm off to riot and loot.

See you tomorrow.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Shit if that was my son who was kidnapped I'd be getting my punisher suit fitted. No jail? I served two weeks for stealing a pair of gloves at 19 (same age basically.)

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

I expect the NFL players to take a knee in protest over the light sentence.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

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Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male


Americans are dreamers too

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