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How to live the dream and move abroad

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-27-2016 12:52 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

^ How did I ever miss that cool thread? I feel a little better now that I'm not the only one feeling this way. Thanks Spaniard for cheering me up.

You're welcome, man!

Most folks think it's a fantasy to be able to live abroad on passive income or through remote work, but it's not a fantasy at all, it just takes a willingness to make a lot of sacrifices, some business savvy, and the mental fortitude to stay focused while the world does its best to throw you off course.

I'm already able to live abroad indefinitely in smaller cities, but I want to add a few more thousand in remote income so I have the option to live in larger cities, and also, to have a craft to invest some of my creative energies into, so that's why I'm attending a coding boot camp. I'll be graduating in October and looking to work remotely from Asia or Latin America, most likely.

Life's just not that long, we've got to make the most of it before our bodies betray us, as they inevitably will.

How to live the dream and move abroad

@ Chaos
Yeah, between having a severe case of yellow fever and PSAD
I think I screwed. Lol...

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-27-2016 01:37 AM)stefpdt Wrote:  

OP you've got balls dude. Major props for taking life-changing action.

But what's stopping you from flipping a few more apartments exactly as you've done?

If you've already invested the time and money in learning a new skill, you could scale it up a bit, and quadruple your monthly income.

Better yet, build a website or a product about the process that you've learned, and sell that to the masses. That business model beats the shit out of working in a $300/mo call center in the Phils.

Agreed. $300 a month as a call center guy in the Philippines is a non-starter. Not only that, as a foreigner, there's legal hurdles to working in the Philippines.

Scale your business, man. Keep in mind that there will be unforeseen expenses like evictions and/or maintenance/repairs. So either scale up the rentals or learn an online trade, you want to have enough income to not have to think about money.

How to live the dream and move abroad

@ stefpdt

I want to ride this out for a little while and see how things go. Just because its all going well now doesn't mean in six months it's still going to be all good. This thing could blowup in my face and be a disaster. And, I would never live in Cebu and work in a call center unless I was really desperate. Was just using it as an example.

About your other question. To be honest with you, I'm a blue collar factory worker. I do not know shit about computers and my writing style sucks.

Forum member Frenchcorporation wrote a great thread on web page designing. I was thinking about doing something in that field but, in the end I know thats just not me. I'm the kind of man that enjoys working with his hands. It's all I have ever known.

You need help replacing the brakes on your car, hang drywall, fix your furnace or plumbing issues. But, put me in front of a computer and give me a task to perform and I'm as worthless as tits on a bull.

How to live the dream and move abroad

I love RVF because you have the perfect blend of party animals and entrepreneurs on this forum. This thread is a nice showing of that.

OP is most likely ready to rawdog some foreign poosy regardless of our advice...but I'll keep it real anyway.

You can have it all. There's no reason why you can't slay abroad AND grow your income. Just do it all. No limiting beliefs.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-27-2016 02:09 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

@ stefpdt

I want to ride this out for a little while and see how things go. Just because its all going well now doesn't mean in six months it's still going to be all good. This thing could blowup in my face and be a disaster. And, I would never live in Cebu and work in a call center unless I was really desperate. Was just using it as an example.

About your other question. To be honest with you, I'm a blue collar factory worker. I do not know shit about computers and my writing style sucks.

Forum member Frenchcorporation wrote a great thread on web page designing. I was thinking about doing something in that field but, in the end I know thats just not me. I'm the kind of man that enjoys working with his hands. It's all I have ever known.

You need help replacing the brakes on your car, hang drywall, fix your furnace or plumbing issues. But, put me in front of a computer and give me a task to perform and I'm as worthless as tits on a bull.

I gotcha man. There's nothing wrong with blue collar work, and I respect that.

Your writing doesn't suck. You write clearly, and you have valuable information, since you've successfully carried out a process for generating semi-passive income (so far).

I recommend trying to write an ebook about what you've learned in your spare time, even if your venture blows up in your face. Selling an ebook on Amazon is about as easy as typing out a reply in this thread. Even if you find that you're bad at it, you'll at least have created one location independent skill.

If you stick with doing blue collar work, no biggie man. Scale it up and go big though. More money is more freedom as long as you respect the hedonic treadmill.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Yeah man, I'm ready to do some serious partying. Ready to lay on the beach in Da Nang smoking a joint. With my hot Vietnamese girlfriend rubbing my c__k saying. " so so big".

How to live the dream and move abroad

Dude, great thread. Wish you all the best for your plans.

So jealous about your Units. 30k for getting 830 $ per month rent. That´s over 33 % interest per year. This would solve all my problems and make my dream come true easy

I have the money for 5 Units but here in Germany it is too little for getting one Unit to get a rent like this. That´s just not fair [Image: dodgy.gif]

How to live the dream and move abroad

^ thanks man. You should have seen these places when I first looked at them. Looked like someplace in Somalia. But, the funny thing about fixing up apartments is that you would be surprised what new carpet, fresh paint and alot of cleaning can do.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Okay, so I went back and read your comments again and realize that you guys are right. My comment about not knowing shit about computers was correct. But, a year ago I didn't know shit about the red pill or about traveling either. Maybe it's about time I break out of my shell and better myself.

@ Spaniard
Can you elaborate on the coding boot camp. This is something I need to focus on.

Also, I 'm looking to purchase a new laptop. Any recommendations or special features I should look for in my search. Thanks

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-27-2016 06:40 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

Okay, so I went back and read your comments again and realize that you guys are right. My comment about not knowing shit about computers was correct. But, a year ago I didn't know shit about the red pill or about traveling either. Maybe it's about time I break out of my shell and better myself.

@ Spaniard
Can you elaborate on the coding boot camp. This is something I need to focus on.

Also, I 'm looking to purchase a new laptop. Any recommendations or special features I should look for in my search. Thanks

Shlep, I know the coding thing is popular here and understandably so but do keep in mind other ways of making some additional coin.

Another member talked about taking a welding class in the Phills. I can't imagine not being able to make some extra cash doing something like that. Especially if you're good at it. That skill will be needed in any country you visit. Just don't get caught working without a visa.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-27-2016 06:40 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

Okay, so I went back and read your comments again and realize that you guys are right. My comment about not knowing shit about computers was correct. But, a year ago I didn't know shit about the red pill or about traveling either. Maybe it's about time I break out of my shell and better myself.

@ Spaniard
Can you elaborate on the coding boot camp. This is something I need to focus on.

Also, I 'm looking to purchase a new laptop. Any recommendations or special features I should look for in my search. Thanks

Before you spend any money on coding, take a few free or nearly free courses online, such as those on Free Code Camp or Team Treehouse. If it clicks, then by all means, buy a mac (you can get a newer, but used, 15" macbook pro on Craigslist for like $1000) and dive deep, man. Aside from simplifying your life, another good thing about getting a mac is that if you end up needing to sell it, you can usually get most of your money back, or sometimes get back even more than you paid for it, if you get a good deal on the purchase. Consider getting a used one still under warranty, if you can swing it, as that comes in handy.

If coding doesn't click, then worldwide traveler's post above mentions welding, that's in the Philippines thread, and it's very viable as well, but then there's a greater risk of getting into the legal issues that you can somewhat avoid with online work.

Apart from coding, there's other ways to make a living online, such as being a web designer, being an SEO guy, a Google Adwords guy, etc. I chose coding for now because you've got to make a choice at a certain point and not be paralyzed by indecision, but there's big differences between front end coding and back end coding, so even there, you may find you enjoy one and don't enjoy the other, or you may enjoy both.

Learning to code opens up many doors, you can launch your own startup, you can freelance, you can work remote full time or on contract, and it can make you more comfortable with project management, if you go that route. You also become more comfortable with learning anything, which in today's economy is a huge plus. If you go the project management route, that doesn't require coding skills, but it is related to coding.

Since your background doesn't involve tech, perhaps going with SEO or Google Adwords may be a good entry point for you. On the one hand, definitely don't limit yourself, and on the other hand, it's important to know who you are and what your strengths are. Your mind's in a very good place right now, man. Keep hacking at it.

I would recommend reading a book by Cal Newport called "So Good They Can't Ignore You," then taking it from there and diving deep into a niche that plays to your strengths in real estate, tech, etc., while keeping a laser focus on the prize, living abroad.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Actually, I know a bit about how the RE deal goes. What some do is buy a 3-4 unit multi family house/building i na cheap city like Buffalo, NY. A few years back i was thinkign about doing the same thing but that means work and I am already rich lol.

But I know what to do. You find a home. I saw some listed for 50-60k a few years ago. You rent them out. The property taxes would be between 3-4k per year. Some times the apts already have tenants.

You try to get the apts to qualify for section 8. Basically, the gov't pays you and guarantees you get your rent payments. All you have to do is meet some standards. You buy a few properties and do the same.
If your lucky you can get one near the big university. But dealing with the gov't better.

How to live the dream and move abroad

@ Spaniard
Thanks for the advice man. I love to read so I will check that book out first chance I get.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 03:09 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

You want to know what I don't understand? Is how the hell do you guys do it? Go on all these awesome, great vacations and have the time of your lives and then return home and be happy.

Don't get me wrong, I have a good life. Family, some close friends, good job, money and some hobbies. But, I find myself pacing the house on occasion just stairing at the calendar.

On my last trip to the phils in April I hooked up with a beautiful model on my second day in country. Her and I spend alot of time together traveling around and having the time of our lives. Swimming with whale sharks, diving, staying at a nice resort for 4 days. Partying and drinking every night. Banging 2 or 3 times a day. Fucking awesome!! It's almost like a drug I just can't get enough of. Sure, I go on some dates here in the states. But, my heart just doesn't having anything left in it for american woman. I'm going on vacation in mid Sept and I already have my bags backed sitting by the door.

Maybe I need some kind of traveling rehab or something. Lol

Did you get tied down young? A lot of guys get it out of their systems before that, which you may not have had the ability to do. I think what you are doing is entirely healthy, but do keep in mind your observation about the drug-like effect. That aspect can warp reality a bit. That being said: I'm insanely happy to watch an unhappy-ish guy become much happier. I look forward to reading about where you go from here.

How to live the dream and move abroad

^ Thanks alot man

Yeah I was married for 12 years. Learned my lesson the hard way like alot of other good men on here.

How to live the dream and move abroad

O.P. I am curious about how you bought the apartments so cheap and on such high rental yields. Are the apartments in one of those lifeless, crime ridden, dying, ex industrial cities? Even in most poor countries a well located apartment in a decent city costs more than that.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Great post. Congrats on doing what few achieve.

When you mentioned that you have no life I believe that was part of your success. To focus on your plan and no other distractions.

It's inspiring

How to live the dream and move abroad

Lots of guys in your shoes, enjoy. I too has a great job, but it's over for me. Sold my place, Aug 1 I'm out, like you bound for Asia to lick my wounds, and get myself back to where I need to be.

Cheers and enjoy!

How to live the dream and move abroad

Really wondering how you're doing. Haven't really had any updates. Hmm. Wonder why. [Image: smile.gif]

I haven't found the location independent lifestyle to be all it's cracked up to be. I'm earning 20k+ monthly online while living in the Philippines and ... I dunno. It's not something I'd wanna do forever. Been here for two years and it already feels like I've been here for too long. Was exactly the same in China.

Grass is always greener on the other side, and all that.

Also, how are you getting by on $1,500/month in any country these days? I've kinda been living "frugally" lately and I'm still spending ~$3000/month. And this is in the Philippines.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-28-2017 05:00 PM)digitalconquistador Wrote:  

Also, how are you getting by on $1,500/month in any country these days? I've kinda been living "frugally" lately and I'm still spending ~$3000/month. And this is in the Philippines.

Agreed, 3k is good enough to live in a nice condo in the Philippines in a high-rise in the middle of a city with reasonable wifi either there or in a coworking space nearby.

You'd also want a good amount saved up, exactly how much will depend on your risk tolerance.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-28-2017 05:00 PM)digitalconquistador Wrote:  

Really wondering how you're doing. Haven't really had any updates. Hmm. Wonder why. [Image: smile.gif]

I'm wondering as well, update us when you can, OP.

Quote: (07-28-2017 05:00 PM)digitalconquistador Wrote:  

I haven't found the location independent lifestyle to be all it's cracked up to be. I'm earning 20k+ monthly online while living in the Philippines and ... I dunno. It's not something I'd wanna do forever. Been here for two years and it already feels like I've been here for too long. Was exactly the same in China.

What space are you in, digitalconquistador? Niche sites, online stores, or some other space? And how long would you say it took you to get from zero to where you are now?

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-28-2017 06:23 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

What space are you in, digitalconquistador? Niche sites, online stores, or some other space? And how long would you say it took you to get from zero to where you are now?

As with anyone like me, I had a major lucky break. Even so, I didn't make much the first six years and never gave up

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-29-2017 04:27 AM)digitalconquistador Wrote:  

Quote: (07-28-2017 06:23 PM)Spaniard88 Wrote:  

What space are you in, digitalconquistador? Niche sites, online stores, or some other space? And how long would you say it took you to get from zero to where you are now?

As with anyone like me, I had a major lucky break. Even so, I didn't make much the first six years and never gave up

Are you in the bitcoin field, by chance? [Image: blush.gif]

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-27-2017 08:09 PM)Coveyleader Wrote:  

Lots of guys in your shoes, enjoy. I too has a great job, but it's over for me. Sold my place, Aug 1 I'm out, like you bound for Asia to lick my wounds, and get myself back to where I need to be.

Cheers and enjoy!

You sold your place? (Still there) You had a great job? (Still have it) Bound for Asia? (Since when?) [Image: tard.gif][Image: tard.gif][Image: tard.gif]

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