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The Official Crypto ICO thread

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Im taking the plunge on my first ICO next month. I will be buying some RED PULSE (RPX). I may get some Enigma as well... I'm interested to hear what some of you guys' favorite upcoming ICO picks are...

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Most of these somewhat hyped ICO's are garbage. I mean, they have no use cases and I struggle to see how you would monetise them for the investors. The farthest I'd go is buy the hyped ones just to flip them for a profit when they are released. The only ICO that did very well in recent memory was OmiseGo that did over 30x already but this was very difficult to get into and went under the radar.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

@burner - I dont agree with this at all. ICOs is where you can get filthy rich. All it takes is some research and backing the right ones. And actually alot of the terrible ones still do well. My next 3 months are going to be very lucrative as ive already backed one heavily that may do 100x in a year and got another coming up that will 10-30x i think. Plus a few smaller ones that will 2-5x

Im not buying redpulse but it has some hype.

'in the face of death.. everything is funny'

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-27-2017 12:03 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Most of these somewhat hyped ICO's are garbage. I mean, they have no use cases and I struggle to see how you would monetise them for the investors. The farthest I'd go is buy the hyped ones just to flip them for a profit when they are released. The only ICO that did very well in recent memory was OmiseGo that did over 30x already but this was very difficult to get into and went under the radar.

Yes, most are definitely shit or just copies of their betters. OmiseGo guys did it right. No pump>dump. They are one of the most legit ERC20 token based projects which is why I buy the dips and hold long on this one.

Take a look at Paragon coin. I have seen idiots posting this in the FB groups. They have celebrity spokesperson, "The Game" and some hot chick "supermodel" that no one has heard of. But the fact is is that the masses see shit like that and fucking buy. "It's going to revolutionize the Cannabis." Sorry but there are already several weed coins. Easy pump and dump.

I know a surgeon who totally falls for shit like this. With the amount of money he makes, there is no reason why he shouldn't be a multi-millionaire many times over but I've seen him make some really shitty biz decisions based on nothing but pure emotion; i.e. celebrity endorsements.

EDIT: Even Mayweather is getting in on the celebrity endorsement of ICOs. You can bet your ass that people just see Mayweather and invest on that fact alone. See, Hubii network.

[Image: DH8P_5CXcAAMFgU.jpg:large]

People eat this shit up.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Official Crypto ICO thread

I'll give a quick suggestion to anyone getting into ICOs. Always read the white paper and look at the team. Look at their linked-in pages. I've seen some projects, some I've even invested in, where the main officers of the company don't even have on their linked in page the coin that they are the CTO of. Not a good sign. Always look at the management and see what they've done in the past. I know Ivy league pedigree is not the end all be all, but it does in fact matter to a degree.

Make sure there is a minimum viable product.

Another important thing is to always look at the white paper and see how many tokens/coins will initially be released post-ICO and look at the inflation if there is any. Try to get an idea of what the market cap will look like post-ICO and many months years into the future based on the total supply.

If you find a project you've done some due diligence on and have decided to invest, always try to get in early for the bonuses. Almost every single ICO has ICO bonuses; first 24hours, first week, etc.

Keep up with their twitter, FB, slack, reddit and try to get an idea of when they will hit exchanges.

Obviously there is a lot more to it but this should put people in the right direction.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Official Crypto ICO thread

I've invested in 4 ICO last month and they've all done 3-10x. It's easy money out here guys. I'm not stupid, I flip my profits for Ethereum and Bitcoin and re-enter it once I know they are serious about it.

I got into OmiseGo when it was $1. Currently it's at $8. A solid investment. Guys do tor research and it will be very profitable.

I invested in 0x last week at 4 cents. It spiked up to 50 cents and now it recovered to about 35c. Still a 7-8x. Easy stuff guys.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Here's a good, brief video analysis of the Enigma ICO. In one sentence, Enigma wants to do for Crypto what Bloomberg did for Wall Street.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Official Crypto ICO thread

How do you invest in ICOs? I can only figure out how to buy into whatever is on coinbase.

Never cross streams.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-27-2017 12:50 PM)Atomic Wrote:  

How do you invest in ICOs? I can only figure out how to buy into whatever is on coinbase.

First you need to create a wallet that allows for tokens. NEVER send money to an ICO wallet from an exchange as the tokens are resent to the address from which they were sent but only if it's from a wallet that is ERC20 compatible. Use myetherwallet.

Next, go to the page of whatever company/project/coin you want to invest in. They will usually have a bar at the top regarding Pre-sale, token sale, join the crowdsale.

Again, do your research first.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Official Crypto ICO thread


I've invested in 4 ICO last month and they've all done 3-10x. It's easy money out here guys. I'm not stupid, I flip my profits for Ethereum and Bitcoin and re-enter it once I know they are serious about it.

I got into OmiseGo when it was $1. Currently it's at $8. A solid investment. Guys do tor research and it will be very profitable.

I invested in 0x last week at 4 cents. It spiked up to 50 cents and now it recovered to about 35c. Still a 7-8x. Easy stuff guys.
This encourages a lot of dumb money to enter. So here is my disclaimer for anyone new to cryptos.

ICOs is how you can lose all of your money if you don't know what you are doing. Then there is also a small chance that a hack happens and all your money is completely gone (this happened a few times last month). So that is the risk you take with ICOs but its also why getting in from the beginning can be more profitable.

I participate in ICOs but I take ALOT of precautions and if I have the smallest indication that something doesn't feel right, I will not immediately invest and wait to make sure everything is secure.

'in the face of death.. everything is funny'

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Of course you must do your due diligence. I didn't invest in those ICOs without studying the team and white paper.

Make sure to do your homework and never invest what you can't stomach to lose.

Should've added that to my last post however.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

I'm going to say that ICOs and cryptocurrencies in general are risky investments and people can lose serious cash. I've been reading of people mortgaging their houses and running into debt to get in on these things.

I'm by no means a top expert but I'd say that I have a pretty good grasp on the basics and have never put a cent into an investment I couldn't lose and still be solvent and able to meet my expenses and obligations and I suggest everyone else that is new to this space do the same.

I'm disgusted with the Facebook and Reddit groups of the various coins. It's nothing but shills, moon memes, hodl no matter what and if you don't you're a weak handed faggot and deserve to lose everything. Sprinkled into these groups are some very good insights and very reasonable questions and analysis but the fucking mindless shilling, mania, and utter idiocy is going to lose a lot of people a lot of fucking money.

I respect this forum and the slack and try to bring what I can to it based on my current competency level in this space which is growing. The last thing I want is for guys on this forum who I genuinely want to see do well financially go belly up because they didn't know what they were doing.

I've been guilty I just throwing money at projects for my 10x returns. I've invested in the five figures and am up but not nearly as much as I should be had I not made some stupid errors.

I was on the slack and there was some back and fourth about if this thread is even needed as we have a crypto thread already. I don't see the issue but I think the threads should be kept to a minimum and we certainly don't need a thread for every damn coin in existence.

Since it's here to stay, I'd suggest that it remain a place of objective analysis of good projects that we can make money on both short and long term.

There are lots of sharks in the crypto waters right now and they smell easy prey.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-27-2017 11:29 AM)NewDayNewFace Wrote:  

I've invested in 4 ICO last month and they've all done 3-10x. It's easy money out here guys. I'm not stupid, I flip my profits for Ethereum and Bitcoin and re-enter it once I know they are serious about it.

I got into OmiseGo when it was $1. Currently it's at $8. A solid investment. Guys do tor research and it will be very profitable.

I invested in 0x last week at 4 cents. It spiked up to 50 cents and now it recovered to about 35c. Still a 7-8x. Easy stuff guys.

Looking to get bit more into ICOs. Just a question which I did not quite get yet. Is it possible for an investor to immediately cash out the tokens once the ICO is completed?

And do you only invest in coin ICOs or also in other products?

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Enigma ICO. Seems like a copy and paste of iconomi with some variation thrown in. Probably will do well, this is a pump and dump for me. Long term it's a bag.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-28-2017 08:28 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Enigma ICO. Seems like a copy and paste of iconomi with some variation thrown in. Probably will do well, this is a pump and dump for me. Long term it's a bag.

Do you not think the hack potentially will hurt the value of the company to the point that you could come out at a loss? I am in 2 minds about it right now but signed up just incase.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-28-2017 08:00 AM)superschalk Wrote:  

Quote: (08-27-2017 11:29 AM)NewDayNewFace Wrote:  

I've invested in 4 ICO last month and they've all done 3-10x. It's easy money out here guys. I'm not stupid, I flip my profits for Ethereum and Bitcoin and re-enter it once I know they are serious about it.

I got into OmiseGo when it was $1. Currently it's at $8. A solid investment. Guys do tor research and it will be very profitable.

I invested in 0x last week at 4 cents. It spiked up to 50 cents and now it recovered to about 35c. Still a 7-8x. Easy stuff guys.

Looking to get bit more into ICOs. Just a question which I did not quite get yet. Is it possible for an investor to immediately cash out the tokens once the ICO is completed?

And do you only invest in coin ICOs or also in other products?

Yea, you can cash out immediately as soon as you get the tokens.

I invest in the top 50 coins primarily but ICO can make you big money. If you invested in the Antshares ICO last year you would be a rich man.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-28-2017 09:14 AM)NewMeta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2017 08:28 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Enigma ICO. Seems like a copy and paste of iconomi with some variation thrown in. Probably will do well, this is a pump and dump for me. Long term it's a bag.

Do you not think the hack potentially will hurt the value of the company to the point that you could come out at a loss? I am in 2 minds about it right now but signed up just incase.

Lot's of successful companies are copies and pastes of other successful companies with a few minor tweaks. Nothing inherently wrong with it as it drives prices down and creates innovation due to competition. Without these "copies and pastes" you would just have monopoly companies. Target is a copy and paste of Wal-Mart with better branding.

However, from my brief understanding of Enigma it is going to be able to do what Iconomi does as well as provide an entire platform (think Bloomberg, Bloomberg terminal) that allows for news feeds as well as trading and DAA creation.

If you look at the team and advisors they are definitely not in the pump and dump scene. They could make millions or billions through perfectly legitimate channels.

From the website of one of their top advisors:

Professor Alex "Sandy" Pentland directs the MIT Connection Science and Human Dynamics labs and previously helped create and direct the MIT Media Lab and the Media Lab Asia in India. He is one of the most-cited scientists in the world, and Forbes recently declared him one of the "7 most powerful data scientists in the world" along with Google founders and the Chief Technical Officer of the United States. He has received numerous awards and prizes such as the McKinsey Award from Harvard Business Review, the 40th Anniversary of the Internet from DARPA, and the Brandeis Award for work in privacy.

That is just one of them and they are all pretty much all stars at the top of any game that they choose to be playing.

To say this is a pump and dump type of coin is completely absurd. Could it fail, sure it could. But I can assure you these guys are not a "legends room" type of crowd. These are some of the best minds humanity has to offer.

Regarding Iconomi, yes I like it a lot. I think it's an incredible idea but to be honest the team behind it is not anything like the level that the Enigma guys are on.

If you read their whitepaper, they say that Iconomi was/is a good idea but cite several limitations to this as well as to 0x. I can't name them off the top of my head but it's somewhere in the first 4 pages.

Regarding the hack, from what I understand it was human error. Not a general sign of utter incompetence. I know two surgeons and they both have said, it's not a matter of if you will be sued it's a matter of when. Even the best can fuck up at times. You can do everything perfect, or nearly perfect and still lose from time to time. They are even going to refund the investors that lost money. Mistakes happen and mistakes can be made right. Bitfinex got hacked and did their best to make it right. It's an excellent platform and I trust it until something else happens. This is a new space, hacks will happen. That's a guarantee. Hackers are the new railroad bandits on their horses hijacking trains with millions of dollars of products on board.

Here is a statement regarding the ICO refund:

For the record, I am not an Enigma shill and I have no position in this yet. Just like I want to temper the "mooners", I also want to temper the "dumpers."

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-27-2017 11:11 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

I've been guilty I just throwing money at projects for my 10x returns. I've invested in the five figures and am up but not nearly as much as I should be had I not made some stupid errors.

Could you elaborate on your most costly errors?

I.e. which investments didn't pan out, and looking back on it which indicators did you miss that should have picked up on?

Been enjoying your posts already in the various crypto threads by the way, +1 from me

RVF Fearless Coindogger Crew

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Sold Neo at about a 20% gain the day before it started to moon hard. Sold BTC at low prices because I thought we would see another dip at the Sub-2000 levels. It did the complete opposite.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-28-2017 09:14 AM)NewMeta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2017 08:28 AM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Enigma ICO. Seems like a copy and paste of iconomi with some variation thrown in. Probably will do well, this is a pump and dump for me. Long term it's a bag.

Do you not think the hack potentially will hurt the value of the company to the point that you could come out at a loss? I am in 2 minds about it right now but signed up just incase.

Something similar happened to insurex. It still went up 6x.... I don't think it will affect it too much.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Yes, the Devs on enigma are pretty solid, much more reputable than iconomi.

Competition is not a good thing from a company's perspective. You want to be the first mover (Bitcoin) or the last mover (Ethereum?). Enigma now has to compete with iconomi for mom and pop investors who want to invest in cryptocurrencies. This is not a good thing unless enigma can totally outshine Iconomi who's been around longer.

When I say pump and dump I mean that on the speculator side, meaning it's a safe play for me to buy in at ico then dump it on exchange for 2-3x. I think there's enough hype to get this ROI.

Chain Link (LINK) on the other hand is a first mover. I can't name any decentralized smart oracle in the crypto space. This seems like a solid buy for the short to mid term. Hype is already building up and this comes 1 week before Enigma.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Is there a good online resource which is listing only really good and solid ICOs? I had a look and found a few sites which are listing pretty much every ICO but for a newbie like me it is really difficult to separate the good ones from the crappy ones.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Only this guy I trust.

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Received a very positive alert of Chronologic proof of time Day tokens with a timemint aspect...

Any one else following this? Any ICO experts opinions?

The Official Crypto ICO thread

Quote: (08-28-2017 12:39 PM)[email protected] Wrote:  

Yes, the Devs on enigma are pretty solid, much more reputable than iconomi.

Competition is not a good thing from a company's perspective. You want to be the first mover (Bitcoin) or the last mover (Ethereum?). Enigma now has to compete with iconomi for mom and pop investors who want to invest in cryptocurrencies. This is not a good thing unless enigma can totally outshine Iconomi who's been around longer.

When I say pump and dump I mean that on the speculator side, meaning it's a safe play for me to buy in at ico then dump it on exchange for 2-3x. I think there's enough hype to get this ROI.

Chain Link (LINK) on the other hand is a first mover. I can't name any decentralized smart oracle in the crypto space. This seems like a solid buy for the short to mid term. Hype is already building up and this comes 1 week before Enigma.

Point taken. Right now any "mom and pop" investor, at least in the US is buying BTC maybe Ethereum and maybe just maybe the litecoin. Mom and pops aren't logging into Polo, Bitfinex, Bittrex. They're buying from the coinbase app like I did when I saw bitcoin on this forum about a year and a half ago.

Iconomi is a great project and I believe it is undervalued due to all the money going into ICOs. Their BLX index has already had a six month return of 1090%. It will eventually attract mom and pop investors via DAA Massey managers.

I need to do a lot more digging on Enigma but the crypto space is entirely new. If people see that the enigma platform blows ICN or it's indexes out of the water then the first mover advantage is moot. Second mover can become "first mover" very quickly and with the all star team (all star is a severe understatement) I can see them competing with if not owning outright the entire DAA space or at least make ICN lower their fees. We will just have to see. The other thing is that I think Enigma, due to Wall Street and Ivy connections will finally get cryptos main stream and accepted by the gov. ICN was started by Slovenians and is currently not allowed, legally to sell to Americans. Enigma will capture this market.

Yes, chain link looks great as well. I'll be investigating that one.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

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