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Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Where are Cernovich, Posobeic, and McInnes? Weren't they going to be there?

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The cost/benefit analysis of showing up to such a rally, as far as I can tell, is:

Your time
Risk of being mobbed, beaten, maced, etc. by Antifa
Risk of being doxxed, accused of being a "Nazi," etc.


Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The cost/benefit analysis of showing up to such a rally, as far as I can tell, is:

Your time
Risk of being mobbed, beaten, maced, etc. by Antifa
Risk of being doxxed, accused of being a "Nazi," etc.


Cyberspace > meatspace. Excepting flash rallies

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:31 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Where are Cernovich, Posobeic, and McInnes? Weren't they going to be there?

On youtube, McInnes said it would be a shitshow so he wasn't going.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston


"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The cost/benefit analysis of showing up to such a rally, as far as I can tell, is:

Your time
Risk of being mobbed, beaten, maced, etc. by Antifa
Risk of being doxxed, accused of being a "Nazi," etc.


To expose once and for all that Leftists no longer agree with the Rights to Free Speech and Free Assembly.

To (unwittingly but indisputably) help Trump goad the mainstream media and some Democrats into defending ANTIFA.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:31 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Where are Cernovich, Posobeic, and McInnes? Weren't they going to be there?

I know McInnes is getting tired of all these rallies and canceled.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:31 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Where are Cernovich, Posobeic, and McInnes? Weren't they going to be there?

Posobiec tweeted that he wasn't going to attend because of a credible threat of violence from the alt-left.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:38 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:31 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Where are Cernovich, Posobeic, and McInnes? Weren't they going to be there?

Posobiec tweeted that he wasn't going to attend because of a credible threat of violence from the alt-left.

That's 2. What of Cerno? I assume he elected not to go at this point

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

The mindless chanting is creepy as fuck. Bad optics for the left! Nobody that makes a living wage can relate to that stupidity.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

This headline from Daily Mail "Thousands of anti-fascist protesters have swarmed a 'free speech' rally in Boston"

Is it only me that see's the hypocrisy in this?

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:37 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The cost/benefit analysis of showing up to such a rally, as far as I can tell, is:

Your time
Risk of being mobbed, beaten, maced, etc. by Antifa
Risk of being doxxed, accused of being a "Nazi," etc.


To expose once and for all that Leftists no longer agree with the Rights to Free Speech and Free Assembly.

To (unwittingly but indisputably) help Trump goad the mainstream media and some Democrats into defending ANTIFA.

That's the only reasoning I could see behind holding a rally in an ultra leftist stronghold like Boston, to get an ugly reaction out of antifags. There's no positive impact unless we're holding rallies in a conservative area where we have numbers and support.

In the twitter clip, the guys just walking through a crowd with a Trump hat on, wearing a patriotic shirt, draped in an american flag, and that causes a bunch of fruitcakes to start frothing at the mouth, it still boggles my fucking mind seeing shit like this, because I can't understand a such a weak mentality.

Does anyone here think we can actually take the major cities back without a collapse or civil war? Because it sure as fuck looks like these people are lost forever.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote:aeroektar Wrote:

Does anyone here think we can actually take the major cities back without a collapse or civil war? Because it sure as fuck looks like these people are lost forever.

I like the most optimistic forecast, which states (1) Generation Z is much more conservative, and anti-diversity than anyone would've expected, (2) the Trump revolution acquired a lot of First Time Voters - but this ANTIFA shit - and its endorsement from the Democrats and media - will attract even more, (3) the democratic party and especially the media are in complete denial over Trump's victory. (This is caused by the media falsely believing they're important and influential. While they can dismiss the Trump 2016 election as "didn't count, cuss cheating and racism", a complete defeat during the 2018 midterms will finally make them surrender.)

Number 3 will cause the democrats to finally align with Trump on sane policies, leading to a resurgence from 2018 to 2020, followed (hopefully) by a great four years after Trump, as well.

My favorite (and often forgotten) advice from Vox Day about SJWs is that, if they're not gloating - they're not winning. The internet crackdown on right wing speech means they aren't winning.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Boston Red Sox VS NY Yankees at 6PM EDT has most of Boston's Most Masculine Men's attention today ...

After the Boston Marathon Bombing BPD has upgraded humint with community policing - know where all the bad apples sleep - and sigint cooperation with federal agencies - to know where bad apples coming from - and basically not to be effed with while ensuring constitutional rights for all sides - not too bad for a raving lefty loonie moonbat state and city.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:35 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The cost/benefit analysis of showing up to such a rally, as far as I can tell, is:

Your time
Risk of being mobbed, beaten, maced, etc. by Antifa
Risk of being doxxed, accused of being a "Nazi," etc.


Cyberspace > meatspace. Excepting flash rallies

Rallies are risky to participate in and I certainly wouldn't do it. But that's just because I value my own hide too much and am more focused on personal development than on saving "muh society". In reality meatspace>>>>cyberspace. Hacking away furiously at a keyboard in cyberspace is only good to the extent that it results in actual developments in the real world. To the extent that you want to raise awareness or affect change, 1000 dudes marching in the street for 2 hours is far more effective than 20,000 dudes sending a bazillion daily tweets or forum messages for a year straight.

Just ask Trump. Ultimately, there is a reason he holds physical rallies rather than recording speeches from the comforts of his Mar a Lago mansion. Rallies are real, internet chatter isn't.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:30 AM)Repo Wrote:  

Possible idea, if you go under the guise of a reporter, you could a first hand view of what actually is going down, and not risk being called out nationally as a Nazi.

This might work. Just make sure you don't do a podcast for the Daily Stormer afterwards. Not even the pussy pass will help you then.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Looks like the police did their job today.

Although, for UTR they didn't just not do their job. If anything they did the opposite of what they should have.

Take from that whatever you will.

Respect to Stickman and Biggs

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 11:03 AM)JayR Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:47 AM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

They are meeting in Atlanta today too I think, there is open carry in Georgia so I am worried about violence. At least Boston has strict gun laws so the chance of real deadly violence is low-Still, stay safe....

There might be activity in New Orleans, too. Street musicians have been warned to stay away from Jackson Square at 1:00 p.m. today because of rumors that 2000 anti-monument activists are being bussed in to tear down old Stonewall.

Demonstration in New Orleans happened, but was peaceful. Jackson (Andrew, not Stonewall -- my bad) remains atop his base in Jackson Square for now.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:58 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

This headline from Daily Mail "Thousands of anti-fascist protesters have swarmed a 'free speech' rally in Boston"

Is it only me that see's the hypocrisy in this?

I can certainly see the tactical error there. They called it a "free speech" rally instead of a "right wing", "neo-Nazi" rally.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:36 PM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:31 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Where are Cernovich, Posobeic, and McInnes? Weren't they going to be there?

On youtube, McInnes said it would be a shitshow so he wasn't going.



Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The cost/benefit analysis of showing up to such a rally, as far as I can tell, is:

Your time
Risk of being mobbed, beaten, maced, etc. by Antifa
Risk of being doxxed, accused of being a "Nazi," etc.


The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago. Just because you don't want war doesn't mean that you are not in it. You're in the fight whether you like it or not buddy. You can either passively submit to your destruction or you can fight.

I'm not attending any of these rallies as I don't live in the US at the moment but I can tell you I would be there if I was.

At some point your job, your money, your "reputation", what other people think of you, your family, your relationships are absolutely worthless in comparison to speaking truth and living a free man as God intended you to be. Yes I said God.

My ancestors that fought in the American Revolution probably had the same thoughts as you have. "Why get shot?" "What's so bad about the King?" It actually tore many families apart. I have family that lives in Canada because they split from my family that stayed and fought the English. Good for my Canuck Kin, but I can see that my ancestors that stayed and fought for their independence created the greatest civilization on the face of the Earth. Yeah Canada's ok. Just don't encourage your kid to not be a tranny and have them taken away. Just say "maybe we should just not have so many migrants" and watch your ass get hauled before a Human Rights Kangaroo Court. No fucking thank you. My Canadian ancestors were submissive cowards. No offense to the Canadians here, I've actually met some serious red pill Canucks on my travels whom I respect very much.

Eventually you will be backed into a corner where you will either submit to falsehood and tyranny just to scrape another few years together on this planet as a mindless slave or you can speak truth.

My point is is that I understand that many guys have jobs on the line and I understand. I have obligations to people that could possibly render me unemployed if I were found to be at a rally. But I don't shy away from telling people I voted for Trump and why and I damn sure would go to a free speech rally, stay away from the swastika flag waving morons, and support my fellow Americans.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

So this guy was one of the free speech rally speakers:


This is the most well crafted troll that I have ever seen in my life. Well played.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:21 PM)Mr. Accuride Wrote:  

So this guy was one of the free speech rally speakers:


This is the most well crafted troll that I have ever seen in my life. Well played.

Oh this guy is entertaining, and batshit crazy, and a master troll. He's running against Elizabeth Warren, hence the "Real Indian" vs "Fake Indian".

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:03 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 03:34 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Quote: (08-19-2017 02:33 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

Rallies are fucking gay.

I am often left wondering what these right wing groups are trying to accomplish with these rallies.

The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago. Just because you don't want war doesn't mean that you are not in it. You're in the fight whether you like it or not buddy. You can either passively submit to your destruction or you can fight.

I'm not attending any of these rallies as I don't live in the US at the moment but I can tell you I would be there if I was.

At some point your job, your money, your "reputation", what other people think of you, your family, your relationships are absolutely worthless in comparison to speaking truth and living a free man as God intended you to be. Yes I said God.

My ancestors that fought in the American Revolution probably had the same thoughts as you have. "Why get shot?" "What's so bad about the King?" It actually tore many families apart. I have family that lives in Canada because they split from my family that stayed and fought the English. Good for my Canuck Kin, but I can see that my ancestors that stayed and fought for their independence created the greatest civilization on the face of the Earth.

You're confusing the pointless martyring of your future in a dickless "rally" with actually shooting your enemies in the face and stepping over their corpses to victory. Your ancestors did one while their descendants do another.

If you told your ancestors that you're going to mill around a common area holding a sign and maybe even giving a speech then they'd look at you like you just landed from the moon. If you told them that you were going to be assaulted alternately by the loyalists and the red-coats while adhering to a strict non-violence policy in order to maintain your optics then they'd spit in your face and wonder how their descendants ever became such pussies.


The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago.

Odd. I thought war involved playing with guns a bit more than this. That shit I see happening over in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria must be something else. Not a march permit or witty placard to be seen over there. Those idiots are doing it all wrong.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Free Speech Rally 8/19, Boston

Quote: (08-19-2017 09:53 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

You're confusing the pointless martyring of your future in a dickless "rally" with actually shooting your enemies in the face and stepping over their corpses to victory. Your ancestors did one while their descendants do another.

If you told your ancestors that you're going to mill around a common area holding a sign and maybe even giving a speech then they'd look at you like you just landed from the moon. If you told them that you were going to be assaulted alternately by the loyalists and the red-coats while adhering to a strict non-violence policy in order to maintain your optics then they'd spit in your face and wonder how their descendants ever became such pussies.


The fact is is that we had war declared on us years ago.

Odd. I thought war involved playing with guns a bit more than this. That shit I see happening over in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria must be something else. Not a march permit or witty placard to be seen over there. Those idiots are doing it all wrong.

Back a few months ago when the Alt-Right seemingly won in Berkeley it appeared as if a tide was shifting.

But truth of the matter is that it never was. There was no tide shifting, just a tricky situation that went more favorably towards the anti-cultural marxist side. Even Berkely could have gone really bad if some Alt-Right guy punched one of their radical women, she fell and died on the spot (can happen in any fight and happens more frequently with more fragile women).

Antifa and the cultural marxists have the full backing from the globalists (for now) - they teach anti-White, anti-Western, anti-USA rhetoric every time they open their shit-crusted mouths in college, they teach that crap via subversion and a thousand cuts in media and of course fake-news.

Now they are revoking any rights of demonstrations and are willing to let even the weak protests take damage - they won't protect you from the Leftie-fascists, but they will arrest you if you defend yourself.

And Leonard is correct - demonstrations of such sort don't achieve jack shit. In Spain massive anti-austerity demonstrations happened some 2 years ago (in some areas 10% of the entire population demonstrated!!!!). In Greece a huge part of the population demonstrated against austerity measures - many even rioted.

What did it all amount to? Glad you ask = JACK SHIT. They got austerity. In Greece they even elected a politician who promised change, but got Goldman Sachs policies nonetheless.

In this environment and this point in time - standing around with a sign while risking job, life and eyesight for life is simply not worth the risk. And even if you do your rally - you go home, and the globalists don't give a shit.

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