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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

You remember Tom Arnold, guy who reckons he had a dirt tape on Trump? Yeah, no, neither do I except for one good part in True Lies as Ah-Nold's sidekick, but anyway, he's on Australian I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here and dropped an indication on exactly how desperate Ill Hill was...


Arnold, who revealed last year he had a damning video of Donald Trump saying “every bad thing ever, every offensive, racist thing ever” tells fellow contestant Nazeem Hussain that Clinton called him a mere two days before the election, begging him to release the video.

“I had all the outtakes from Trump saying the N-word on The Apprentice,” says the actor and comedian.

Hussain then asked Arnold if he ever planned to release the damning video.

While 57-year-old Arnold admitted he might’ve if he had “their permission” even a call from Hillary Clinton herself wasn’t enough to make him release it.

“She called me two days before the election and said ‘please release that.’”
“The weight of the free world is on your shoulders,” Arnold alleges she added.
Arnold told the Democrat nominee, “I’d love to be a hero, but I can’t hurt these families.”

The show reportedly has a US $5 million confidentiality agreement.

“Well now these people — two editors and an associate producer — are scared to death. They’re scared of his people, they’re scared they’ll never work again,” he told Dori Monson’s radio show.

The American actor, who rose to fame in 1994 with his role in True Lies alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, also admitted he didn’t think releasing the video “would work”.

“I don’t think people would care,” he said.

[Image: lol.gif]

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Hillary Clinton thread

So it's confirmed, then - the tape likely doesn't exist and Tom Arnold wants attention.

The Hillary Clinton thread

I'm sure for the right amount of money, the tape could "mysteriously" leak. My money is on that it never existed. Something that valuable would have been leveraged. I'm calling that it was a bogus tall tale.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

The Hillary Clinton thread

I remember like 15 years ago Arnold would go on David Letterman about once a month and tell these long, convoluted, obviously tall tales about his hometown in middle America. Letterman would play along until one day he finally said, "You know, it's fairly obvious that all this interesting, fascinating stuff is not going on in the small town that you're from." Arnold just sat there and smirked, from what I remember. I think he likes trolling people like that.

The Hillary Clinton thread


The show reportedly has a US $5 million confidentiality agreement.

That's why we are right to call this bullshit, that tape never existed because 5 million for Hillary would be nothing given how much she raised and spent.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Hillary makes a Comet Pizza joke about Flynn being fired.


Flynn had enemies from so many hidden corners after him, PizzaGate, Muslim Brotherhood, CIA/Intel communities...goddamn.

The Hillary Clinton thread

That smug bitch. She shouldn't push her luck, she's on very thin ice.

I really liked Flynn and his son coming out on the right side of this issue, it inspired more confidence about Trump's credentials. Hopefully his replacement will be on the same page, and maybe Flynn will still wield some influence from outside the cabinet.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Hillary Clinton thread

From T_D:
[Image: LhJHJKX1x6NX8LFcXMBfDpB52P_gvCjXTsnIkCVR...09aed93cf3]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (02-18-2017 10:42 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

From T_D:
[Image: LhJHJKX1x6NX8LFcXMBfDpB52P_gvCjXTsnIkCVR...09aed93cf3]

That shit chaps my ass.

Who knows if its true or not but I totally believe it. Even your biggest straight male left wing politician would never speak to a soldier or bodyguard that way. That cunt will go straight to hell.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (02-19-2017 06:11 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Who knows if its true or not but I totally believe it.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.
There's just too many reports and eyewitness accounts about her being an obnoxious cunt by now.
It certainly played a role in her losing the election, if only to mobilize the Trump voters even more.
Karma, bitch.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Fake News Site Lets Liberals Live In Alternate Reality Where Hillary Is President


Liberals seeking refuge from reality now have a fake news website where they can pretend to live in a world where Hillary Clinton is president.

“Approval ratings for President Clinton hit 89 percent,” “Confused by fake news, Redditers think Trump is president” and “DOJ considers charging Trump with treason” are just a few headlines featured on, a satirical news site devoted to covering stories from an alternate universe where Hillary won last November’s election.

“In the midst of a Constitutional crisis, this is our response,” the site’s description reads. “Long live the true president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

The site’s proprietors do not identify themselves online, and did not return TheDC’s request for comment, but their articles suggest they have liberal leanings.

The site’s articles single out prominent Republicans like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and White House press secretary Sean Spicer for mockery.

“On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz went on Ellen to confess that he, of course, killed Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster in 1993,” reads one recent article, which refers to Cruz as “the Republican front-runner to take on President Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2020.”

[Image: angry-white-liberals-1.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Computer generated Cankles is back. This is incredible work by WETA studios, looks almost like Hillary. Comments are disabled.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (02-22-2017 05:14 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Fake News Site Lets Liberals Live In Alternate Reality Where Hillary Is President


Liberals seeking refuge from reality now have a fake news website where they can pretend to live in a world where Hillary Clinton is president.

“Approval ratings for President Clinton hit 89 percent,” “Confused by fake news, Redditers think Trump is president” and “DOJ considers charging Trump with treason” are just a few headlines featured on, a satirical news site devoted to covering stories from an alternate universe where Hillary won last November’s election.

“In the midst of a Constitutional crisis, this is our response,” the site’s description reads. “Long live the true president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

The site’s proprietors do not identify themselves online, and did not return TheDC’s request for comment, but their articles suggest they have liberal leanings.

The site’s articles single out prominent Republicans like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and White House press secretary Sean Spicer for mockery.

“On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz went on Ellen to confess that he, of course, killed Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster in 1993,” reads one recent article, which refers to Cruz as “the Republican front-runner to take on President Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2020.”

[Image: angry-white-liberals-1.jpg]

That dude looks like Ramzpaul's wayward twin...

[Image: RamZPaul-hq.jpg]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Hillary Clinton thread


Liberals seeking refuge from reality now have a fake news website where they can pretend to live in a world where Hillary Clinton is president.

“Approval ratings for President Clinton hit 89 percent,”

"And it only required the slaughter of 230 million Thought Criminals!"

Knowing Leftists, how long until she saves Hogwarts from Voldemort?

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (02-24-2017 06:32 PM)kbell Wrote:  

Computer generated Cankles is back. This is incredible work by WETA studios, looks almost like Hillary. Comments are disabled.

idiots. Their "resistance" is simply setting up levels of permission for opposition the next time the democrats are in power.

The tea party can set their resistance to "boston" levels and an ex president trump can shit post all day because that is the new standard set by the democrats.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (02-22-2017 05:14 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Fake News Site Lets Liberals Live In Alternate Reality Where Hillary Is President


Liberals seeking refuge from reality now have a fake news website where they can pretend to live in a world where Hillary Clinton is president.

“Approval ratings for President Clinton hit 89 percent,” “Confused by fake news, Redditers think Trump is president” and “DOJ considers charging Trump with treason” are just a few headlines featured on, a satirical news site devoted to covering stories from an alternate universe where Hillary won last November’s election.

“In the midst of a Constitutional crisis, this is our response,” the site’s description reads. “Long live the true president, Hillary Rodham Clinton.”

The site’s proprietors do not identify themselves online, and did not return TheDC’s request for comment, but their articles suggest they have liberal leanings.

The site’s articles single out prominent Republicans like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and White House press secretary Sean Spicer for mockery.

“On Monday, Senator Ted Cruz went on Ellen to confess that he, of course, killed Deputy White House Counsel Vince Foster in 1993,” reads one recent article, which refers to Cruz as “the Republican front-runner to take on President Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2020.”

[Image: angry-white-liberals-1.jpg]

You have to take a look at the site.

Some of the story leads are hilarious:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg's highly anticipated album debuts at #1 on hip hop, classical, and jazz charts

David Duke and Omarosa to wed: “She changed me”

This one had me in tears.

Gwyneth Paltrow admits bathing in virgin blood is “beyond most women's financial reach"

LOS ANGELES -- Oscar-winning actress and GOOP editor Gwyneth Paltrow admitted on Friday that bathing in virgin blood is "beyond most women's means," in an interview with French Elle.

In last month's GOOP, Paltrow controversially named virgin's blood as the "best anti-aging regime available today," despite one bath costing $172,000, a pricetag Jezebel writer Bobby Finger criticized as "prohibitive."

The baths are only available in Sudan and northern Romania.

Paltrow took her interview with French Elle to demonstrate that she's self-aware after all.

"Maybe I am out of touch," Paltrow confessed. "But look: I am bringing the general pubilc information from the front lines in the war against mortality. Be it bee stings or snake venom, I'm not afraid of doing whatever it takes to prevent myself from aging like a middle-class person."

The Hillary Clinton thread

Keep up the good work there Hillary...

ZH: New Poll Shows Hillary Favorability Sinking to All-Time Low As Trump Jumps


After a recent speech at here alma mater, Wellesley College, Hillary Clinton was asked by a young snowflake what she would change about her 2016 campaign if she had it to do all over again, to which she quickly responded, "I'd win."

But while Hillary seems to be fairly optimistic after her staggering 2016 loss, a new poll from Suffolk University reveals that her 'favorability' ratings among registered voters have dipped to all-time lows at only 35%.

As the Washington Post points out, Hillary's decline is due to both Democrats and independents apparently souring on her. While 88% of Democrats and 32% of independents liked Clinton in October, today those numbers are down to 74% and 25%, respectively. Clearly, even some who voted for Clinton — she won 89% of Democrats' votes and 42% of independents' — don't have as much affection for her as they did at the tail end of the election.

And lest you think this is just a fake poll with a Republican "oversample" designed to make Hillary look bad, the details actually show a 2-point sampling advantage for Democrats.

Adding insult to injury, apparently one white, female voter from the Mid-west didn't even seem to know who Hillary Clinton is.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: ukNK6lF.jpg]


In a rare appearance in public, Hillary Clinton visited Harvard University on Friday and made comments suggesting she may be disappointed with her aides and friends, saying she’d bring “no one” to a deserted island even if she could.

The former presidential candidate appeared at a private Harvard event with a small number of students and was later interviewed about her time as the Secretary of State. During the visit, Clinton was asked which three “non-relatives” she’d bring to a deserted island, according to people attending the event.

“No one,” Clinton replied, raising concerns of what’s left of her close relationship with Huma Abedin and other fellow travelers.

The former Secretary of State briefly cut the relationship with Abedin, her closest aide for decades and a surrogate-daughter figure, after the FBI opened a probe into her email account and sank the campaign. At that time of the scandal, she referred to Abedin as just “one of my staffers”. When the dust cleared, however, she and Abedin were again seen together like old times and Abedin famously placed the call to Kellyanne Conway that connected Clinton and Donald Trump on election night.

Harvard didn’t mark Clinton’s only appearance this week. On Thursday, she was interviewed at her alma mater, Wellesley College, by the college’s president in front of students.

At both events, press and the general public were barred from attending. At Wellesley, a planned live-stream of the event was canceled, and a college paper that had reporters at the event had to delete their tweets.

Not much more is known about the content of the interviews at both colleges due to the restrictions on the press—except that Clinton also “loves the pussy hats!”

I love this timeline. [Image: icon_mrgreen.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Truly the greatest timeline.

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: WglOX2w.jpg]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Hillary Clinton thread

Hey Haggard One.
That new look of yours has been done before.

[Image: C6cc8CFU4AASrRV.jpg] [Image: C6cc9rAVUAEh62_.jpg]

Although I would guess the puppet masters hand would be different - Soros.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-09-2017 07:11 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Hey Haggard One.
That new look of yours has been done before.

[Image: C6cc8CFU4AASrRV.jpg] [Image: C6cc9rAVUAEh62_.jpg]

Although I would guess the puppet masters hand would be different - Soros.

For some reason Gossamer comes to my mind after seeing that pic.
Ugly angry and no sense of having a sensible appearance. A TrueMonster™
[Image: attachment.jpg35953]   

The Hillary Clinton thread


Now we know that Crooked Hillary lied sending and/or handling "Classified Information" using unsecured emails. It is not much, but at least it is a start. Via Judicial Watch:

[url=]New Huma Abedin Emails Reveal Additional Instances of Clinton Sending Classified Information through Unsecured Emails, Special Favors for Clinton Donors

Classified Document on Unsecured Email Included Discussion of Request for ‘Various Classified Intelligence Documents’ Concerning Guantanamo Terrorist Detainee Binyam Mohamed

(Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch today released 1,184 pages of State Department records, including previously unreleased Hillary Clinton email exchanges, revealing additional instances of Abedin and Hillary Clinton sending classified information through unsecured email accounts and contributors being given special access to the former secretary of state.

The emails, were obtained in response to a court order from a May 5, 2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed against the State Department after it failed to respond to a March 18 FOIA request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)). The lawsuit seeks:

All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-“” email address.

The records contain 29 previously undisclosed Clinton emails – of a total of which is now at least 288 emails that were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over to the State Department. This further appears to contradict statements by Clinton that, “as far as she knew,” all of her government emails were turned over to the State Department. Two of these emails are now available on the State Department’s website.

In a February 2010 email exchange Jake Sullivan, then-Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton, sent to Clinton’s and Abedin’s unsecure email accounts information that the State Department has classified as the material includes information “to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy; foreign relations or foreign activities of the US, including confidential sources.” The redacted information concerns “former GTMO [Guantanamo] detainee Binyam Mohamed” and Mohamed’s request for “various classified intelligence documents” that contained U.S. intelligence information related to his detention before he was taken to Guantanamo.

In April 2010, Sid Blumenthal sent two email memos to Clinton containing information now classified. Clinton forwarded this material to Abedin’s unsecure email account. The classified information, which Clinton asks Abedin to print off for her, concerns the change of government in the Kyrgyz Republic.

In other emails, Clinton’s “final” schedules with specific details concerning her whereabouts were transmitted by Lona Valmoro to the unsecure emails accounts of Clinton Foundation officials Doug Band, Terry Krivnic Margaret Steenberg and others, and forwarded to Abedin’s unsecure email account.

In a March 15, 2010, exchange, Band forwarded to Abedin a request for help from Philip Levine, who is presumably the mayor of Miami Beach. Reports said Levine had been a fundraiser for the Clintons since the 1990s.

The newly obtained emails also reveal some unsuccessful efforts to set up phone meetings for Clinton with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

In a February 23, 2010, email, ambassador and Clinton friend Capricia Marshall asked Band and Abedin to work with her to plan Bill and Hillary Clinton’s funeral arrangements and notes: “once affirmed it will be very hard for someone to deny the type of ceremony she [Hillary] wanted – as well I understand that the President can request certain arrangements for her that she/her rep cannot (ie if you want the motorcade to go through DC – stop somewhere).”

A March 9, 2010, email exchange between Abedin and Band reveals some tension between Clinton’s top personal aide and the former secretary of state’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills. The apparent rift was revealed when Chelsea Clinton asked Band if he could arrange a White House tour for a female Haitian-American sailor from the USS Comfort. Band passed the request to Abedin, who replied to Band: “I don’t want to get cross wise with cdm [Cheryl Mills] on anything Haiti related” and “HAVE YOU MET CHERYL MILLS? [Emphasis in original] you have no idea.”

“These emails are yet more evidence of Hillary Clinton’s casual and repeated violations of laws relating to the handling of classified information,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, “The Justice Department should finally begin an independent investigation into the Clinton email matter.”


[Image: Hillary-in-jail-again.jpg]

Recently, she spoke at the Professional Business Women of California Conference. After less than 30 seconds, I couldn't bring myself to watch the entire thing.

There is currently more dislikes than likes. (255 to 124) [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Funniest comment:

Clyde Frog 20 hours ago
What do you call a room full of women, half with PMS, half with yeast infections?
A whine and cheese party.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (03-29-2017 03:45 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

Crooked busted out a new slogan in that speech (From the same minds that you "Love Trumps Hate"). "Resist. Insist. Persist. Enlist."

[Image: tumblr_np2usrMsEn1qdskzqo1_250.gif]

The Hillary Clinton thread

People actually attend her speeches?

"Hillary is here"



Just one day into her presidential campaign, Hillary Clinton is loading up on carbs for the long fight ahead.
Security footage in a Chipotle restaurant in Maumee, a suburb of Toledo, caught Clinton and her top aide Huma Abedin ordering lunch on Monday, according to a tweet from an ABC News reporter.
'According to the manager of the Chipotle, @HillaryClinton ordered a chicken bowl w/ guac, a chicken salad & a fruit juice,' Liz Kreutz wrote.
The manager, Charles Wright, told Daily Mail Online that 'it's true nobody recognized her.'
'When the reporters started to call, I went back to the security footage, and there she was,' he said. 'The sunglasses probably made her harder to spot.'
'But it's not like there was anything special going on. She just stood in line like everyone else. I hope she stopped at Chipotle locations all the way from New York to wherever she's headed.'

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