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Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Can somebody give me a breakdown on Colombian girls vs. Brazilian girls. I'm planning a trip to Colombia next month. Which are easier and what type of game should be used?

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I am sure people will weigh in heavy on this one.

Which is better? Your Spanish or your Portuguese?

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

As far as sex goes, Brazilian women love anal more than Colombian women, but many have ugly faces in comparison. Not that Colombian women are not open to greek, but it seems to be part of a Brazilian girls routine in bed. I have yet to bang a brazilian giirl, who did not expect anal as part of sex.

You have to "convince" a Colombian girl to let you in the back door, however, Colombian women tend to have bigger, and better tits, and definitely prettier faces.

Your language skills also come into play as TheGmanifesto mentioned. To get the juiciest, and freshest latina ass, you must game in local slang as much you can.

While we're on the subject of comparing apples and oranges, lets throw a peach in the mix.

How do Argentinian girls compare to Brazilian, and Colombian girls?

I am about to shock you guys, but the best bang I've ever had up 'til now was not even a Latina, it was a white, all-American 19 year-old college girl with a real perky ass, rocket-tits and gorgeous blue-eyes from Kentucky!! Damn, I melted when I had her doggie style, and she'd look back at me with those blue, innocent eyes and blond hair down to her ass moaning in pleasure.

if you've had the privilege of banging all flags, which did you enjoy bangin' most often and why?

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

My Portuguese is by far better than my spanish. Last night a women staying at my hotel called me at the front desk and asked if I spoke spanish and I told her I spoke Portuguese, but could try speaking spanish. She started in and I realized I wasn't going to be able to do it.....

All of my brazilian girls were one night stands except one, and she wasn't down with getting banged in the ass at all. She was hardly down with doggy style unless she was drunk. She was 26 and I feel like most of my 20 year old friends had expereinced much more than she had in life.....

And also, I would agree that the best fuck I've ever had was an american girl as well, and I've even banged more foreig girls than american girls.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

But the whole bang in the ass thing doesn't help me with which are more DTF. I would assume Brazilian women though since they are down with banging in the ass. But to me, banging in the ass is no big deal, I'm down with slamin the puss, so this information is almost irrelivant to me.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

The ass is an exit-only orifice in my book. That's why women were created with vaginas. Never understood what the appeal of anal was, especially after seeing a porno once where a guy had brown streaks on his member after pulling it out. Yeah, sexy.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (03-19-2010 01:34 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

The ass is an exit-only orifice in my book. That's why women were created with vaginas. Never understood what the appeal of anal was, especially after seeing a porno once where a guy had brown streaks on his member after pulling it out. Yeah, sexy.

That's why you keep baby wipes handy in your bathroom, and flush away. these are great to have, even for conventional vagina sex.

Also, I am very picky with what girl I penetrate through the back-door. This is not something you do with every casual bang you pick-up - that's crazy!

Many moons ago, I felt the same way as you did - the thought of being inside a girls ass, kinda made me puke.

However, after doing it a couple of times with a steady girlfriend, I realized I enjoy the grip that a tight ass gives me that unless you are fucking a virgin (a rare treat nowadays) you just won't get from a vagina whose been ripped apart by 20+ cocks before you got to it. Also, I get excited hearing a woman scream with both pain and pleasure at the same time..=)

However, definitely don't do it - if you are not ready for it. You'll have a miserable time, and really hurt your girl....not cool.

My .02.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Here are some pics of some of the swankier Colombian events:

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (03-19-2010 12:45 PM)kerouac Wrote:  

Here are some pics of some of the swankier Colombian events:

A lot of those girls in those pictures weren't very cute minus the models. I definitely saw a lot more quality in places in Brazil.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I have been to Colombia a couple times, but not Brazil. I do have some Brazilian friends here though.

From my experiences, Colombian women realize they are pretty more than Brazilians. Colombianas places a higer value on themselves than other Latina's and really are more transparent. Brazilians even in the USA are for more friendly and outgoing than Colombianas even the ones in Colombia which, usually USA changes chicks...doesn't seem to bother the Brazilian women.

I have dated a Colombian here and one there, and been in bed with a few more. It really is a hassle at times and while Colombianas look sexy on paper (or rather photos) they are often a pain in the ass. I still have yet to meet one that could cook, clean, actually wants to work etc. On the contrary you take your average Brazilian and yes, they are little less attractive in the face on average (seem to have more hairy eyebrows, larger nose etc) but they are gonna average out to be way more fun and outgoing in the long run.

I stil love my Mexicanas...they are a little more wild than the Colombianas (both good and bad) but still find many that can cook and take care of her man.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

What a good thread. Lots of topics to touch upon.

I personally think that, for the trouble involved, anal is overrated.

But if going through the back door, its my opinion that condoms are a must. This is because the inside of an average asshole is the riskiest / dirtiest places on the planet to stick your dick, besides perhaps anywhere inside an average hooker. Even if a girl is clean (but how do you know?) of STDs (if she's not or your not, your almost 100% to get or give with anal), there is every piece of nasty bacteria under the sun up there and you can at the very least get a UTI real easy. That shit hurts bad. Plus, sticking your dick in fecal matter remnants is disgusting anyway. But yeah, seeing a girl have an orgasm with anal is sort of fascinating. But I digress.

I also agree that American girls can be very, very worthwhile. Especially in the 18-21 year old range, in terms of body type. But there are some older stunners as well. Its a big country, and there is a lot of variety. However, it seems easier to find hard bodies, per capita, in many foreign countries. Especially in Asia.

Also, I can't stop my American girlfriend girl from cooking and cleaning. It all depends on how they were raised.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls the fuck did this thread turn into an @nal thread? That junk is way over rated, and the girls you meet out here are not going to have enemas and day before clean celery diet like the girls in movies. Nop..its quite often a real messy ordeal in the real world.

Yes it is the quickest way to catch very bad diseases, because the lining of the anus was not made for sex. It rips and bleeds causing any bacteria or various other germs to seep into the recipients blood stream.

Hydro your comment about barebacking a pro. Well of course that would be a bad idea given the numbers of germs you can catch. Remember though that your chances are still much lower at catching something serious like HIV from vaginal sex even without protection. Anal is like a fairly high risk manuever and whatever someone has serious or small, you will most likely be giving or recieving it using the back door raw.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

As someone that has only traveled to Colombia, I am very interested in hearing what guys have to say about the real topic here.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I can only give my .02 on Colombia and the girls from spending a week in Medellin.

-Colombian girls are very easy to open and are friendly for the most part.
-Getting numbers is not hard.
-They are very socially concerned with what their friends think.
-Its harder to get a make-out in public, unless you isolate.
-Getting laid is not easy. It takes multiple dates and some indication of long-term interest.
-Being a gringo is a plus IF you can speak Spanish and dance salsa.
-Your chances of getting laid without Spanish or salsa is low.
-They can be flaky and appear to not want sex at first.
-IMO they are mostly 7's, a few 8's, and hardly any 9's. (outside of FASE II, which is full of 9's just like Spearmint Rhino)

How do B-girls compare?

More friendly or less to open?
More/less concerned with social status?
Easier/harder to escalate to sex?
Is knowing Portuguese a must or can you get by with English?
More/less sexually open/liberated?
More/less dependable/flaky?
More/less attractive? In what way, face, body, attitude?
More/less mind games?
Personality? Loyalty? Etc?

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

so the conclusion here is simply that........brazilian women are easier to get into bed and are more willing to do whatever the hell you want..including anal?

Colombianas are more difficult to slay......must take time/few dates to get them in the sack?

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (10-14-2010 05:33 AM)young_money Wrote:  

As someone that has only traveled to Colombia, I am very interested in hearing what guys have to say about the real topic here.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I can only give my .02 on Colombia and the girls from spending a week in Medellin.

-Colombian girls are very easy to open and are friendly for the most part.
-Getting numbers is not hard.
-They are very socially concerned with what their friends think.
-Its harder to get a make-out in public, unless you isolate.
-Getting laid is not easy. It takes multiple dates and some indication of long-term interest.
-Being a gringo is a plus IF you can speak Spanish and dance salsa.
-Your chances of getting laid without Spanish or salsa is low.
-They can be flaky and appear to not want sex at first.
-IMO they are mostly 7's, a few 8's, and hardly any 9's. (outside of FASE II, which is full of 9's just like Spearmint Rhino)

How do B-girls compare?

More friendly or less to open?
More/less concerned with social status?
Easier/harder to escalate to sex?
Is knowing Portuguese a must or can you get by with English?
More/less sexually open/liberated?
More/less dependable/flaky?
More/less attractive? In what way, face, body, attitude?
More/less mind games?
Personality? Loyalty? Etc?

Whats fase 2, and while your at it, what are these numbers you guys use to talk about latin american women ie. o that girl was an upper class 5? Wth does this mean?

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I don't know how anal came to be Brasiera preference but in my experience it definitely is.

As opposed to Argentinian girls who warned me away from penetration but liked licking!Go figure.

I think they call it "preferencia nacional" , not just the poorer girls but well brought up middle class Catholic girls are into it.

I guess it's why the Bunda is such a passion it is THE sex object .

My ex ,who was middle class and pretty Religious,would just scoot her ass up against me in bed and say "now the other place" [Image: smile.gif]

She had a Great Brazilian ass,so I was happy to oblige!

Oh ,and the one thing I noticed about all 3 of the B girls I dated,they were all very particular about being super clean and fresh.When I was in Brazil one took 3 showers a day!

But from a country where they eat a hamburger with a napkin I wouldn't expect anything less.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Damn, I still haven't met a b-girl that will let me stick it in her ass. My playboy friend from Brazil who pulls like a monster says he's only had two. And to the above poster, B-girls are super fresh. All the girls I would hang out with in Vitoria would take 3 showers a day. My girl would always try getting me to take more showers than necissary. It's funny how so many Americans look at people from latin america and think they are dirty.

As far as Brazilian vs. Colombian physically. I hear a lot of people say Colombians are better looking in the face. From my experience that hasn't been true. Brazilian girls do more for me when it comes to having cute faces. But then again I haven't actually been to Colombia, that's just going off what I've seen in the states. As far as attitudes go I can't really even compare because I fairly certain the Colombian girls I've met in America have only been horrible bitches because this American culture has turned them into horrible bitches. But another thing to add to that. It is pretty rare that I meet a Brazilian girl in the states that has become super Americanized and turned into a total bitch. Most Brazilians I know that live in the US are still sweet hearts. That hasn't been my experience with Colombian girls. They have litterally stood out to me as having the shittiest attitudes of any nationality I've come across. Many Colombian men confirm to me though that they turn into gold digging whores once they get to the US. You def. don't see that as much with Brazilian girls. The B- girls I know who live here care more about getting a green card and living happily in the US as middle class citizens than being rich.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (01-14-2012 01:40 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Damn, I still haven't met a b-girl that will let me stick it in her ass. My playboy friend from Brazil who pulls like a monster says he's only had two. And to the above poster, B-girls are super fresh. All the girls I would hang out with in Vitoria would take 3 showers a day. My girl would always try getting me to take more showers than necissary. It's funny how so many Americans look at people from latin america and think they are dirty.

My 2 cents: I always heard about this view that the rest of the world has about Brazil being the land of anal sex etc(also from guys here) but in my experience till this day It was only a minority of the girls I banged that would let me stick in the A-hole in the 1st time.
But odds are that if you fuck the same chick more than 3 occasions if you insist she'll probably let you put it in.
But most of them don't like it very much(they say that it hurts a lot) and will do it just to please you.

Is this very different in girls from Colombia or other nationalities?

-About the shower question, Brazilians in general are indeed very clean and shower a lot. Some people I met in Europe were curious about why I was used to take a shower before going to sleep, or why I was washing my hands before each meal.

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (04-13-2010 02:34 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

I have been to Colombia a couple times, but not Brazil. I do have some Brazilian friends here though.

From my experiences, Colombian women realize they are pretty more than Brazilians. Colombianas places a higer value on themselves than other Latina's and really are more transparent. Brazilians even in the USA are for more friendly and outgoing than Colombianas even the ones in Colombia which, usually USA changes chicks...doesn't seem to bother the Brazilian women.

I have dated a Colombian here and one there, and been in bed with a few more. It really is a hassle at times and while Colombianas look sexy on paper (or rather photos) they are often a pain in the ass. I still have yet to meet one that could cook, clean, actually wants to work etc. On the contrary you take your average Brazilian and yes, they are little less attractive in the face on average (seem to have more hairy eyebrows, larger nose etc) but they are gonna average out to be way more fun and outgoing in the long run.

I stil love my Mexicanas...they are a little more wild than the Colombianas (both good and bad) but still find many that can cook and take care of her man.

The cooking and cleaning thing is also a factor with Brazilian women. Most middle and upper class Brazilian women grew up with maids in their houses, so the idea of cooking and cleaning is just something they get other people to do for them. I found it annoying that I was a far better cook than any of the B-girls I've been with (Though I must say I'm a pretty great cook [Image: wink.gif]

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (01-14-2012 01:57 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (04-13-2010 02:34 PM)Rocco81 Wrote:  

I have been to Colombia a couple times, but not Brazil. I do have some Brazilian friends here though.

From my experiences, Colombian women realize they are pretty more than Brazilians. Colombianas places a higer value on themselves than other Latina's and really are more transparent. Brazilians even in the USA are for more friendly and outgoing than Colombianas even the ones in Colombia which, usually USA changes chicks...doesn't seem to bother the Brazilian women.

I have dated a Colombian here and one there, and been in bed with a few more. It really is a hassle at times and while Colombianas look sexy on paper (or rather photos) they are often a pain in the ass. I still have yet to meet one that could cook, clean, actually wants to work etc. On the contrary you take your average Brazilian and yes, they are little less attractive in the face on average (seem to have more hairy eyebrows, larger nose etc) but they are gonna average out to be way more fun and outgoing in the long run.

I stil love my Mexicanas...they are a little more wild than the Colombianas (both good and bad) but still find many that can cook and take care of her man.

The cooking and cleaning thing is also a factor with Brazilian women. Most middle and upper class Brazilian women grew up with maids in their houses, so the idea of cooking and cleaning is just something they get other people to do for them. I found it annoying that I was a far better cook than any of the B-girls I've been with (Though I must say I'm a pretty great cook [Image: wink.gif]

"Most middle and upper class Brazilian women grew up with maids in their houses, so the idea of cooking and cleaning is just something they get other people to do for them"

My ex hired and fired about 10 maids before she found one she accepted in Recife [Image: smile.gif]
This maid Mari who got the job made me laugh like hell...always getting drunk and disappearing,had a hard life I guess but real sweet .
Then finally saying to my ex who would be in a dark mood with her for a while, ""Meu Deus, Meu Deus......Desculpe Desculpe!"
I would have to leave the room cause I'd piss myself laughing.

The ex wasn't interested in cooking AT ALL ,but she liked everythiing proper and correct .
Lunch would be at 1 o clock sharp,table laid like a restaurant,(then to the bedroom.. sleep or/and sex for an hour or two!).

But weirdly enough she used to let the maid off once in a while and relieve stress by Cleaning the whole apartment.

In fact,when she visited me in London,she went out for a haircut and came back with a bag full of cleaning stuff and sponges and dish cloths and started cleaning my bathroom...she made me do my kitchen floor simultaneously !!!

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (01-14-2012 01:56 PM)Mr.GM Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2012 01:40 PM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Damn, I still haven't met a b-girl that will let me stick it in her ass. My playboy friend from Brazil who pulls like a monster says he's only had two. And to the above poster, B-girls are super fresh. All the girls I would hang out with in Vitoria would take 3 showers a day. My girl would always try getting me to take more showers than necissary. It's funny how so many Americans look at people from latin america and think they are dirty.

My 2 cents: I always heard about this view that the rest of the world has about Brazil being the land of anal sex etc(also from guys here) but in my experience till this day It was only a minority of the girls I banged that would let me stick in the A-hole in the 1st time.
But odds are that if you fuck the same chick more than 3 occasions if you insist she'll probably let you put it in.
But most of them don't like it very much(they say that it hurts a lot) and will do it just to please you.

Is this very different in girls from Colombia or other nationalities?

-About the shower question, Brazilians in general are indeed very clean and shower a lot. Some people I met in Europe were curious about why I was used to take a shower before going to sleep, or why I was washing my hands before each meal.
" Is this very different in girls from Colombia or other nationalities?"

I don't know about Columbians but Brasilieras definitely initiated it with me,not "Give me anal" but pushing their ass towards my cock, so I'm guessing they wanted and liked it.
Argentinians not in my experience,I was with one in Miami and she kept saying "No sex No sex" while I touched her ass....strangely enough she went down on my ass of her own accord!!

Go figure.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Bump since I plan to go to Colombia in summer and my ex college roommate lives in Rio and I wanted to see if anyone has new comparisons over the last few years...

Maybe Brazilian chicks becoming less feminine and packing on the pounds..

This was a very educational thread.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I'll take a Brasileira every day, and twice on Sundays, over a Colombiana. But it comes down to personal experience of course, you can't really go "wrong" with either. However I'll explain my reasoning:

Brasileiras just have "it" like no other Latinas do. They are sweet, they carry themselves well, and they just have a way of being sexy even when they aren't knockouts. Maybe it's the careless culture of Brazil, maybe it's the way they walk, maybe it's that nice Portuguese accent, but it's just something that isn't duplicated in Latin America. I like meeting a sweetheart of a girl, kissing her within seconds, then fucking the shit out of her that night or the next day. Brasileiras are passionate girls and they just know how to fuck. They also make pretty nice companions and LTR material. Give me a sweet and good-looking Brasileira and I'll girlfriend that girl up no questions asked.

For example, I was in Buenos Aires not that long ago. There was this group of Brasileiras that weren't even hot, but for some reason one of them was just mesmerizing to me. She giggled at everything I said, she melted in my arms when I touched her, and she was just the sweetest thing I have ever laid my eyes on. There were hot Argentine girls all around us but for some reason I was all over this average looking Brasileira.

Colombianas are sexy as hell but I just find them shady as fuck. Maybe it's just my experience but every girl I laid down in Colombia has some shiesty thing going on in the situation. Boyfriends, trying to get themselves pregnant, extortion of money, flaking, gold-digging, the whole nine yards. It seemed like every girl I laid down in Colombia there was some kind of bullshit hoop I was dodging to get anywhere. I would never, ever, girlfriend up a Colombiana seriously.

I always like to gauge a country's girls with how likely I would girlfriend one up. The only three countries in Latin America that have hit this are Brazil, Chile, and Mexico.

For me, Brazil hits every indicator better than Colombia with regards to girls, except one:

1) Average Beauty: Colombia
2) Top End Beauty: A Wash.
3) Ease of Lay: Brazil
4) Short or LTR: Brazil
5) Ease of Approach: Brazil
6) General Demeanor: Brazil

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

Quote: (10-14-2010 05:33 AM)young_money Wrote:  

As someone that has only traveled to Colombia, I am very interested in hearing what guys have to say about the real topic here.

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I can only give my .02 on Colombia and the girls from spending a week in Medellin.

-Colombian girls are very easy to open and are friendly for the most part.
-Getting numbers is not hard.
-They are very socially concerned with what their friends think.
-Its harder to get a make-out in public, unless you isolate.
-Getting laid is not easy. It takes multiple dates and some indication of long-term interest.
-Being a gringo is a plus IF you can speak Spanish and dance salsa.
-Your chances of getting laid without Spanish or salsa is low.
-They can be flaky and appear to not want sex at first.
-IMO they are mostly 7's, a few 8's, and hardly any 9's. (outside of FASE II, which is full of 9's just like Spearmint Rhino)

How do B-girls compare?

More friendly or less to open?
More/less concerned with social status?
Easier/harder to escalate to sex?
Is knowing Portuguese a must or can you get by with English?
More/less sexually open/liberated?
More/less dependable/flaky?
More/less attractive? In what way, face, body, attitude?
More/less mind games?
Personality? Loyalty? Etc?

I can relate to you when you say the girls from Medellin are Flakey and act uninterested in Sex. That they can be difficult to bed and usually takes multiple dates however there was a time when it wasnt like this for me and not long ago.

I arrived at the end of 2012 and was staying in a small hotel and banged around 20 in a two month period two and turned away at least 10 more that i wasnt interested in. I met them online, buses and the street. Of this 20 I think around 15 were same night lays after only 1 or two hours together.

Now I live in Medellin 6 months a year and am not nearly as successful even though I have a really nice penthouse and understand the city so much better.

What changed? Me. I stopped taking them to a small bar where I could isolate. I stopped demanding they find there own ride to meet me. I stopped immediately escalating. I stopped kissing them within the first ten minutes. I had a whole routine that worked so well and basically stopped everything I was doing. Whats the result? I now take at least 3 dates to bang, one girl 15 dates! I bang maybe one new girl a week on average. Why the change? I think I was hoping to find a nicer girl, I think as well I thought my technique of fast escalation was not a great idea if I was going to live here 6 months a year. i thought I would piss too many girls off perhaps.

However IMO Medellin when Im on my game has been the easiest place for ONS and dating younger sexy Women in all my travels. But it all depends on my attitude and where Im at in my life

Colombian Girls vs. Brazilian Girls

I was just thinking about this. In Colombia, esp in Medellin, girls go out of their way to look good. High heels, nice clothes, make up etc. Very feminine and sweet. They look like the type of girl you want to marry and they really care about their appearance.

Brazil is a huge country so it is hard to generalize but in the months I've spent there I've noticed there is this almost ghetto or gangsta type of culture. It is much more common to see girls with tattoos or doing sorta male activities like skateboarding. Girls don't try to dress up as much, partly cause its a beach culture so they are in shorts and sandals but also cause I don't think they care as much as Colombian chicks. Obesity is not at American levels but it is pretty bad, particularly in the South. You also will come across some girls who have no problem acting like an American feminazi and telling a guy to fuck off. The upper class girls can be somewhat snooty too and the fact that foreigners have been coming to Brazil for decades means the gringo effect doesn't matter in a place like Rio. Don't get me wrong, Brazil has some amazing chicks, it easy to make out with girls, and it is easier to get laid but overall I would have to say Colombian chicks win.

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