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Native American Chicks

Native American Chicks

These girls are by far the most sluttiest of girls in NC.

There is some hot ones that remind me of latinas.

Only problem is they are pretty ghetto and come from crazy families!

Native American Chicks

It might have something to do with how alcohol effects indians. I had a friend who was half indian and when he'd drink he'd do the dumbest shit. Check this out....

Native American Chicks

One of the sexiest girls I ever dated was part Cherokee. She always had this gorgeous tanned skin and incredibly dark hair with green eyes. Absolutely beautiful. She modeled for A&F occasionally.

Native American Chicks

We have quite a few in my home town. We refer to it as getting "Indian drunk" when we get really wasted.

Native American Chicks

I think Rita Coolidge,famous in the 70 and 80's was mainly Native American..gorgeous and talented:

Native American Chicks

My school has lots of Native American students of all kinds. The girls definitely err on the pretty side-can't think of many that aren't at least cute.
The ones I know don't seem any more prone to alcoholism than anyone else on campus, but that's just here. Elsewhere, I hear its a different story. Scotian has written about this in some of his datasheets-didn't paint a pretty picture.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Native American Chicks

Quote: (01-07-2012 07:22 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

My school has lots of Native American students of all kinds. The girls definitely err on the pretty side-can't think of many that aren't at least cute.
The ones I know don't seem any more prone to alcoholism than anyone else on campus, but that's just here. Elsewhere, I hear its a different story. Scotian has written about this in some of his datasheets-didn't paint a pretty picture.

Native American women can indeed be beautiful, with high cheekbones that kiss the sky! However, they tend to be in the minority, I'd say around 10
% (and that may be generous). Also, not all native Americans are the same of course, a Cree from Alberta is very much different than a Seminole from Florida. check out these native beauties:

It must also be considered that all natives have different histories of conquest by Europeans, from the Inuit of Northern Canada to native tribes in Brazil, some haven't mixed at all, some have a lot. One more thing, the definition of what is an "Indian" is different in each country too. In the states, their definition seems a bit looser, there are Seminoles in Florida (El Mechanico can expand on this) who I would consider to look black, but then again, this goes back to history when escaped black slaves found refuge among native tribes in Florida.

The Cree in Canada also have much diversity in their looks, from quite pale skin to copper colour. Another thing, the stereotypical "drunk Indian" is not an urban legend, it is real, they get fucked up on alcohol.

It sucks that in a country like Canada, we have such an abysmal history of native relations, they live in 3rd world conditions on some reserves, but Canada isn't unique in their treatment of natives, they have a rough go at it in all countries in the Americas. I don't wan't to get into a big deabte on colonialism, just want to highlight that these people have serious soico-economic issues that someday will be rectified!

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