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Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I think government grants and funding to universities/colleges should ONLY go to stem, don't allow any of the money to support 'studies' classes/programs.
Defund the courses that spit out these people who turn into teachers that brainwash the younger generations. Increase the math and sciences requirements for teaching certificates, take out any 'studies' requirements.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

edit:was rambling, nevermind.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-20-2016 08:02 AM)Lucky Wrote:  

This stuff throws a wrench into the supposed finding that liberals are more open-minded than conservatives.

Conservatives I know have no problem listening to the views of leftists and even radical Marxists. In fact, some find it entertaining and occasionally interesting.

Liberals are actually extremely narrow-minded. Kinda like the Puritans hundreds of years ago. They abhor the idea that someone might not be as enlightened and progressive as them.

As far as your second point is concerned, I admit being guilty of enjoying leftist rants on occasion. I have a conservative friend who's on the same line of red-pill thinking as me, and we sure do enjoy mocking liberals and their worldview.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Back when I had a Facebook account there were several friends of mine that made "open posts" to everyone that if they disagreed on gay marriage or some other issue to go ahead and unfriend them now. It was always liberals doing this after they saw a comment by someone on their feed they didn't like.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

You win against liberals by adopting their tactics better than they do. The truth is always on your side, but you must always make it personal and painful. Either focus on their core identity and point out deep hypocrisy, or focus on a universally good goal and point out how they're preventing people from reaching it.

Always demoralize. Always make it about their personal weakness. I often use question-and-answer mode to lead the liberal to a truthful conclusion he doesn't want to get to.


My favorite example is about abortion, specifically the justification, "it's my body, and no one has the right to tell me what to do with it."

I lead with the accusation that God particular justification is Anti-Community. And I can prove it.

Q1 - Is a community whose women refuse to have sex with violent, crime-commiting males the exact same community as one whose women routinely and enthusiastically have sex with violent, crime-commiting males?

Q2 - Which of these do you prefer?

Q3 - If you were living in your preferred neighborhood, but suddenly the women in it began enthusiastically and routinely having sex with crime-commiting males, would your neighborhood remain the same OR become its opposite?

Q4 - Since you said the neighborhood would become its opposite, then you've also proven that women's sexual choices shape the community. Logically, this means that the community has the right to influence women's sexual choices.

With the four liberals I've tried this on, not one of them can pursue the conversation to the end. Name-calling and various accusations ensued.


A similar approach is asking people who hate when crime statistics by race are mentioned: (1) where do you live? (2) why aren't you living in the most crime-ridden neighborhood possible, if you don't think those crime statistics are valid?

I hope these examples help but the rules are: (1) always make it personal, and (2) always make the conversation reveal their personal weakness and hypocrisy.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:08 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

So I guess the real questionis this:

How do we reduce and eliminate liberal influence in K12, Higher ed, and the MSM?

The infestation is so bad that we might have to let it all burn to the ground and rebuild.

By gutting the Department of Education. One of Trump's campaign promises. It was Reagan's as well, but he could never do it.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

If we can't gut the Department of Education, we can always homeschool, or become homeschooling teachers.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Modern liberalism is all about sheltering yourself in your own echo chamber so you aren't subject to ideas and thoughts contrary to your own. Your beliefs are not only right, but those who differ are ignorant and - unless they're willing to adapt and change to parallel YOUR RIGHTEOUS beliefs, they are wrong. Furthermore, they're not only wrong, but aren't worth the time or effort to a) rationalize with and perhaps come to some middle ground or b) convince/convert with logical appeals and arguments. Just shut them up and listen to how right you are.

That's why I - like most level-headed people in their thirties today - have matured out of popular liberalism. Actually, I correct myself - I hold most of the same beliefs I have for years, but the 'left' has moved further and further off the cliff.

And I will say that in my daily encounters with real people - i.e. not my same clique of 15 millenial liberal arts college faux job title-having millenials - contemporary liberals are truly intolerable people who cannot be interacted with.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

It's obviously a childish mindset, encouraged by the powers that be that gets a government to infantilise its population. If they don't have to think for themselves their brains don't develop, just as your muscles atrophy without use. So logic and critical thinking are a step too far for the leftist mind, just as is a 300lb bench press for a noodle-armed hipster. Stick to what big daddy government tells you and seek intellectual safety in the herd, because as long as the herd survives, the leftist 'logic' survives and they can keep believing their bullshit no matter how many attacks it suffers and how logically wrong it is.

Just try to remember the dumb, herd mentality arguments you had as a kid: the fallouts because someone likes someone more than someone else; so-and-so has a stupid bike so they can't be in our club; "No, you!" "No, YOU!" "No YOOOOOU!", "Donna ate maggots, Donna ate maggots, nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!". All a very leftist, feminine way of thinking. That is why the elites are purposely turning men into women, as women are closer to children than men. Make them weak, make them scared and then offer 'parental protection', which is actually just control and power, enforced by lions prowling around the perimeter.

Watching wildlife documentaries, which zebras do the lions kill? The ones that stray from the herd. Look at how the herd reacts: they keep running together, obviously thinking "Thank fuck that wasn't me!", not realising that if the herd turned and fought they would overwhelm the few lions attacking them. But when do you see the zebra actually fight back? When it is caught and then it's too late.

We are intellectual apostates and the truth threatens to break up the elites' power over the herd, so they send their lions of the MSM, bullshit laws and God knows what else after us, and I suppose Roosh in particular. It's only going to get more bitter as the narrative is threatened and the stakes get higher.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:50 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  

Modern liberalism is all about sheltering yourself in your own echo chamber so you aren't subject to ideas and thoughts contrary to your own.

I've described Boulder, Colorado as a place for people who want to reduce the chance of ever coming in contact with someone, even in a supermarket parking lot, who voted for George Bush. Liberal enclaves are dominated by people who specifically moved there for that kind of political monoculture. Conservative places, on the other hand, are made up mostly of locals. No one moves there specifically for the political environment.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:23 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

You win against liberals by adopting their tactics better than they do. The truth is always on your side, but you must always make it personal and painful. Either focus on their core identity and point out deep hypocrisy, or focus on a universally good goal and point out how they're preventing people from reaching it.

Always demoralize. Always make it about their personal weakness. I often use question-and-answer mode to lead the liberal to a truthful conclusion he doesn't want to get to.

Ben Shapiro - before he went full cuck - says that arguing with liberals is a waste of time unless there is an audience present. The audience is who you're actually trying to reach. I don't think the Socratic method works with true believers. They won't submit themselves to a series of questions leading into increasingly dark waters.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views


It doesn't work of you assume the goal is to change their minds. But it does work if you assume the goal is to create Dread and Demoralization.

Liberals fear being exposed as weak or ignorant, and I'm good at exposing them as such. My hypothesis is that the more you Demoralize liberals, the less likely they'll be to express their liberal views and vote for liberal politicians.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-20-2016 03:23 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

You win against liberals by adopting their tactics better than they do. The truth is always on your side, but you must always make it personal and painful. Either focus on their core identity and point out deep hypocrisy, or focus on a universally good goal and point out how they're preventing people from reaching it.

That's what I typically do. I'll call out a statement they've made and then point out they aren't living up their own standards. One good example is when this womens Olympics beach volleyball player said in an interview that she was "born to have babies and play volleyball". When feminist types get upset over this, I respond by saying it's awfully curious that the type of people who always talk about how women should have free choice to live life the way they want seem upset this over this woman's choice. The great thing about this tactic is that it's becoming more and more easy to employ it due to progressive-ism getting more and more ridiculous with trying to bring together all these groups with blatantly contradictory interests and end goals into an uneasy coalition. The most obvious example right now is the alliance between Islam and feminists/LGBT activists.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-19-2016 06:38 PM)MKE-Ed Wrote:  

This is especially rampant with liberals that are under 34. They are so PC that it's truly sickening to hear the empty platitudes that they spew out. A few weeks ago, I heard a liberal on the bus talking to a black guy and how much she was for diversity and multiculturalism as she was going home to one of the most affluent areas of the metro area. The suburb that she lives in is 99% white upper class with incomes of $120-$200k plus. She was a total fraud and phony.

This reminds me of the Dave Chappelle joke about San Francisco (one of the most liberal cities in the U.S) about how they are all so happy and tolerant because all of the black people were priced out over the bridge to Oakland.

And as somebody who used to be a raging liberal I can relate to this. I was in college back when George W. Bush was president. I remember hearing people calling for his assassination and fellow liberals cheering it on. If you go in front of a group of conservatives and call for Obama's assassination, you will be made to take back your views quickly. I remember when John McCain was on the campaign trail and a woman said "We shouldn't vote for Obama because he's a Muslim". McCain (and I don't care for the guy either) took back the mic and told her that Obama, while having views that he opposed, was still a good family man and an American.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-21-2016 08:19 PM)MdWanderer Wrote:  

And as somebody who used to be a raging liberal I can relate to this. I was in college back when George W. Bush was president. I remember hearing people calling for his assassination and fellow liberals cheering it on. If you go in front of a group of conservatives and call for Obama's assassination, you will be made to take back your views quickly. I remember when John McCain was on the campaign trail and a woman said "We shouldn't vote for Obama because he's a Muslim". McCain (and I don't care for the guy either) took back the mic and told her that Obama, while having views that he opposed, was still a good family man and an American.

Anyone who even wrinkles his nose at Obama is a racist or mentally deranged or at least a bullshitting character assassin according to these scum. That doesn't stop them from shitting their pants in childish rage and heaping scatological insults and violent threats onto anyone to their political right, though.

Kind of like in the last few weeks when the media falsely accused Trump of encouraging the assassination of Hillary and the left wouldn't stop talking about it. Meanwhile Trump supporters get assaulted in the streets and tshirts with crosshairs over Trump's picture get sold at official Democrat party events.

Or how in the last couple days Trump is an awful, awful guy because David Duke likes him. Meanwhile in 2008 anyone who brings up Jeremiah Wright's connection to Obama or the fact that Black Nationalists have a huge Obama hard-on gets called a dishonest race-baiter.

Fuck the media. I smirk with severe gloating whenever I hear of journalists getting downsized. Lying, two-faced cocksuckers.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Liberal logic doesn't stand up to scrutiny, but the real issue is the political sleepwalker that stumbles across the conversation.

The progs have had the bullhorn for a long time now so whenever someone woke from their political slumber they tended to drift leftward on the assumption that if the right had an argument to make then they would be as loud as the left.

Now that the right is finally standing up for itself the left wants all debate shut down so as to avoid the plebs in the middle being swayed to take the red pill.

Hence you have things like mass-blocking plugins that collate block-lists on sites like facebook and twitter. The progs get someone in while they're young, make sure that person blocks a few hundred thousand red-pill voices from their social media feeds with a click of the mouse and now they're inside the left wing echo chamber thinking "the right is silent because they have nothing of substance to offer."

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

Quote: (08-19-2016 10:51 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I've lost family members for the crime of having conservative views.

I don't see it as a loss. If anything it exposes their own inabilities to deal with differing opinions. I find people like this repugnant and frankly find the behaviour good so I don't have to put up with them.

Good people can look past this.

My own brother barely talks to me anymore because I support Trump.

Modern day liberalism isn't a political ideology, it's a psychotic cult.

Liberals more likely to block and unfriend for political views

I recently had a similar argument with my siblings. They expressed a fear of Trump winning because "he's a self centred narcissist".

I replied "you guys don't consume much outside the mainstream media feedlots, do you? Do you have any idea what kind of fucked up things the Clintons have done with every scrap of power they've been able to get their hands on? Trump may be a narcissist but Hillary is a psychopath with a provable body count to her name."

Blank stares. Hence it's important to get the message out on Hillary's corrupt dealings. There are apparently still people out there who think she's on the level.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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