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Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

I have just landed in Philipinnes, on to Thailand in a week or two.
Intending to upgrade my profiles to paid, add photos, tune up the verbage.

Basil ... Re: "No lie, no sex tourist" ... I noticed this a lot and would like to address it, without excess BS.
Saying something like "here for a good time, not a long time", but in a simple, polite way so they know the score but without scaring off too many prospects.

Any ideas for the exact wording?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Antipodean I would just follow AlphaTravel's advice earlier:

Quote: (03-28-2012 01:33 AM)AlphaTravel Wrote:  

Your profile and the message you send to them should convey you're not a sex tourist anyway, you're coming to live / work here, you're coming to study muay thai, to learn thai language / culture or whatever. Not just I'm coming for a holiday (you're a sex tourist in their eyes) and want to meet some girls (you're definitely just after sex). My approach was that I would be living here for several months and wanted to learn to speak thai too (all true) and was interested in people who could help me learn about thai culture, music, movies, food etc. Just wanted cool people to hang out with.

The messages just keep flowing in for me - I only tried sending a couple, heard back from 3 out of 4. There has been a couple messages from bar girls trying to drum up business and ladyboys, but most girls seem genuine including a hairdresser, interior designer and a DJ in Bangkok as well as a bunch of students.
After just a few short messages (keep it short they seem to get confused with longer messages and skip important questions) I've had numbers and other contact details thrown at me, offers to help find an apartment when I arrive, one girl said she would buy me dinner - wtf?

What is with all the cute ladyboys messaging me though, seriously if I was a few drinks down I would take them home without a clue only to find something extra and put it in the butt. Sure some of them look like car crashes or just blokes in drag, but most that have messaged me looks so feminine. If it wasnt for the title ladyboy on some of their profiles I would have been guessing. I cant be the only person thinking this.

Lets play spot the ladyboy(s). All have messaged me, which one(s) are packing heat?

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'I blew most of my money on fast cars, booze and women. The rest I squandered' - George Best

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

All ladyboys I imagine. The ones with fake tits are for sure. If a girl in Thailand has fake tits there is a 92% chance she is a ladyboy, and a 7% chance she is a bar girl lol.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

#2, #3, #5 are lady boys! possibly #4 yuck!
I"m judging by the hips, legs and face. Narrow hips and thighs are a big giveaway, the faces are harder to distinguish.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (03-29-2012 12:01 AM)Freedom Wrote:  

#2, #3, #5 are lady boys! possibly #4 yuck!
I"m judging by the hips, legs and face. Narrow hips and thighs are a big giveaway, the faces are harder to distinguish.

That's common for both men and women in Thailand. I've found tall height, large hands and overt sexuality to be the best indicators, but there's no panacea.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?


Saying something like "here for a good time, not a long time", but in a simple, polite way so they know the score but without scaring off too many prospects.

That's like saying "I am a sex tourist who wants to fuck you then dissapear never to see you again like all those other idiots who come here". Does it sound like a good way to get these girls into bed to you? They don't want to be associated in anyway with sex tourism. Seperate yourself from the morons, these girls get dozen of messages a day and 99.9% of them are retarded. A few girls showed me the messages they get, either long, deranged, nonsensical, messages that have no point (and the girls can't understand) or just perverts saying "got cam?", "are you a ladyboy", "wanna fuck?" etc.

Avoid any girls with pics that look proffessionally done or heavily photoshopped. Be sure to check the age on their profile, if it says 33 and the girl in the pic looks 21 she's either using fake pics or really old ones (asians look young I know but never that young). Also if it has a 'body type' section be sure to check it and make sure it doesn't indicate anything that can be fat, they won't choose 'overweight' or 'fat' as the answer but if it's anything other than slim, skinny, athletic or normal they are probably packing the pounds. Any pics where a girl is always partially hiding her face also avoid, probably a ladyboy.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Pretty much on the money Freedom, 2,3 & 5. According to her profile 4 is 19 year old girl - I think knock off the braces, do the makeup and hair shed bump up to a 6 easy, great little body.

Those odds sound about right Rio.

The biggest indicator I found when over there (spent about 3 weeks all up) was simply height as Soma mentioned. If shes over 5'6 its about a 95% chance she is a ladyboy.

Narrow hips are hit and miss, same with hands. I've also heard guys say look for longer arms, bigger knees, longer face and all kinds of random shit. Makeup can be a giveaway sometimes, some ladyboys become pros at makeup (#5 above looks pretty flawless to me) so if it looks well done then she might have been born a he - again though it is no guarantee.

Then again I've heard that post-op surgery (turning penis into a vagina) is world class and very affordable in Thailand so even if you throw a hand down there to make sure it is no guarantee. What do you do then? Press her abdomen to see if you can feel her ovaries?

Overt sexuality I think may only be with bar girls V ladyboy bargirl - I had one in Chiang Mai when I was drunk and stumbling back to my hotel first grab my cock then grabbed my hand and placed it on hers "You whant suck me?" In comparison I did a cheap day tour and our guide was a ladyboy, nothing but professional. I think in the bars they just need to work harder for the money so they become more overt to snare the business. Though I haven't come across many non-pro ladyboys in a social setting, perhaps in a club or whatever they are more aggressive as well.


How do you guys go transitioning those pipelined girls from msn or texts/calls to meet in person? Same as back home or is there a special way to frame it. Are they reluctant to meet up with some random farang? Where do you usually meet up?

I experimented with one girl suggesting a meet up when I arrive in Bangkok. She replied that is was 'forward' of me to say, but laughed it off (smiley faces & lot of 555's) and I'm sure few more messages would be down with the cause.

'I blew most of my money on fast cars, booze and women. The rest I squandered' - George Best

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

What I did was get them over to MSN pretty quickly after they replied to me on the dating or social networking website. Then I went on MSN every night when I got home from work and had free time for about a month, chatted to them, built up rapport, nearer the time I was due to leave started asking for numbers, think all obliged. Got there, bought a SIM, texted everyone the number and waited for the replies, many which were instant. Arranged meet ups for the rest of the week. They wouldn't be on these website, writing profiles in English if they weren't open to meeting a farang. I met for dinner and drinks almost with all of them. Near my hotel obviously.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (03-29-2012 12:06 AM)Soma Wrote:  

I've found tall height, large hands and overt sexuality to be the best indicators, but there's no panacea.

Soma's right on here. Other indicators are weird/raspy voice, surgery marks under chin, heavy makeup to cover some of their features. If they meet 2 or 3 of these criteria always ask for their ID.

Quote: (03-29-2012 02:29 AM)basil Wrote:  

Overt sexuality I think may only be with bar girls V ladyboy bargirl....Though I haven't come across many non-pro ladyboys in a social setting, perhaps in a club or whatever they are more aggressive as well.

Nope. When you're in any nightclub, any girl who is overly aggressive has a huge chance of being a ladyboy. One common scenario is them pulling or tugging on you as you walk past them.

Oh, and don't accept drinks from these ladyboys.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Thanks basil and Alpha T for the suggestions. I wasn't suggesting literally saying "good time, not a long time", but somehow softening the message.

Reality is that I won't be in one city for more than 2 weeks max, so I guess deception is the only way.

I also take on board what you say about keeping it simple.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Nice AT, thanks for sharing. I've been switching quick to MSN or in some cases BB Pin Messenger. I have a BlackBerry and for some reason they are huge with teens in Thailand. They must have advertised well to the young rather than marketing primarily to corporate, I would guess at more girls in Thailand with BlackBerrys than iPhones.

'I blew most of my money on fast cars, booze and women. The rest I squandered' - George Best

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Ok decided to test an assumption. Around 1/3 of girls opening me would just message "nice smile" in the first message (other common opener is just a smiley face, have also recived a few cliched "hello handsome man") . I checked my 3 pics and sure enough I had beaming smiles in 2 and a light smile/grin (no teeth showing) in the other.

So I swapped the 2 beaming smile pics out for another weak grin and one where I almost look sad. The flow of messages has really diminished, quality has taken a huge hit. Only incoming messages have been from 30+'s, bar girls/gold diggers and the ladyboys.

Will keep the test going for a bit longer but I am pretty sure pics with big smile is a definite must.

Another interesting observation. Girls in early to mid 20's who state they are looking for a man 35+, yet message me. I'm 26, wtf? Perhaps because I am almost bald (seriously thinning plus receding from the front so I keep it really short) and not exactly slim, girls mistake me for the tried and tested old, rich, fat and bald farang cash machine? The only indicator on my profile I may have money is a pic of me in a blazer and shirt at a wedding, I make no mention of income or job.

Also perhaps of note is that none of my good photos show me in the Khao San Rd uniform of t-shirts and cargo shorts, of the two non-smiling pics I tested one was of me in a t-shirt and shorts. So that may help as well.

So pics of you dressed up and smiling may be the winner.

'I blew most of my money on fast cars, booze and women. The rest I squandered' - George Best

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Holy crap, pipelining thailand is a minefield, you have to develop a serious dickgirl-radar to make it worth your while.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Most of the ladyboys will state it on their profile or they will have pictures where they always partially hide their face. It hasn't been a problem for me. There was one who I messaged not realising and she told me in the first message "you do realise I am a ladyboy, right?". I hadn't and that ended the correspondence.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (01-04-2012 01:40 AM)RioNomad Wrote:  

5. You will be expected to pay for her drinks, and her friends. When the girl mentioned above came to pick me up I didn't know about this and didn't pay for their drinks. I was friends with the Thai bartender and he informed me of this after they left. He told me to just text her and let her know that I didn't know. Was no big deal and I ended up banging her quite a few times. She had a super round and firm ass for a Thai girl, but the more I fucked her the stranger her face started to look to me so I had to cut her off lol.

Not paying for their drinks is losing face in Thai culture and you are basically seen as a loser, from what I understand. This is why it can be difficult to approach a mixed set of Thais, because the oldest man of the group is expected to pay for everyone. Otherwise he is seen as a loser because he is the oldest, but not successful. Because of this, no girls in the group would want to flirt with a foreigner (farang) because it would be disrespectful towards the head of the table. Your best bet is to try and befriend him if possible.

Let me know if you all have any other questions I may be able to help with.

I had a HUGE fight with this Thai girl that was all over me last year over this (I paid for drinks for me and her only), she expected me to pay for her friends. I refused!!! I fucking hate GOLD DIGGERS in the west that go around, flirt with you for a drink and then piss off. The drinks are more expensive than the west at the main clubs here! She end up cracking the shits with her friends and then pisses off on me! These days, if she brings friends without asking, I tell her it's rude where I came from and leave! I tell her we meet 1 on 1 next time, if you want to bring friends you ask first! If she brings 1 friend and she shows allot of interest, I let it slide cause I know Ill get action by the end of the night! If you on a budget like me and want to save money, cutting the night early is the key (get a cocktail or shot into her). "Have you seen Netflix," "no" grab her hand, taxi, back to your place!

Thaifriendly- I got about 100 numbers in 5 days from Thaifriendly (its all about your pictures, shirt off with nice body is the key!) from 6-10 (4 models). They seem to talk easily to me but as soon as I ask out a 7-10, i get nothing!! I manage to get 1 7 (just moved to BKK) that I was banging all last week and 2 other 7s wanted me to go out with her and her friends (I don't do friends, only 1 on 1)! I found 25-34 (I'm 36 but I look 25) is a good range. I banged a 41 year old (8) a couple nights ago who i thought was 21 years old. It blows my mind how great an older woman looks over here (easily 10-20 years younger). On TF, I'm getting 5-6 seems easily but I don't want to lower my status cause these glamours everywhere at the malls here! I haven't ran day game yet, just been using TF for now going through all these numbers. I want to hit 18-25 year olds, nothing older!

One thing I noticed about TF, it's allot harder in BKK compare to traveling around Thailand. I seem to get dates easy if i'm not in BKK via TF (quality not as good tho 5-6). They also have a better personality compare to more stuck up in BKK! The further out you go, the less they talk easy tho! I would highly recommnd

Best BUDGET place with a pool and gym (600 baht a night) where i'm currently staying at is 'Aiya Residence & Sport Club BTS Budget Hotel.' A little further out from the city but only 3 minute walk from BTS. Street food everywhere at the end of the street (30 seconds away) and a food market 5 minutes away!

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

If you want to bang hookers without paying (I personally would never pay for sex, i don't believe in it, i love gaming woman to much)... for example in a club near the end of the night, ask her if she is working tonight? If she says yes, tell her you never pay and you looking for love. All Thai girls believe in love (fairy tale) and don't like men paying for sex. Show her a good time, get booze into her (cocktails, shots) and keep telling her to go work and point out guys to go talk too (ugly farangs). Look at her deep into her eyes and tough her lightly (get her wet, dirty dance, etc...). She most likely hang with you. You have to suss out the hookers they are into you first and aren't. This only works on the girls that like you (wear your best clothes). Apply this game late into the night! At the end of the night, tell her "looks like you no customer tonight!" "I have AC room, you come but I give you no money" to get more of a bite "comfortable bed, i never give girl money *look deeply into her eyes with confidence*" Most of them live in a shitty hot room with a shitty bed! She has to like you for this to work BUT never fall in love with these kinds of girls, they only want you for money!! I also find hookers are 100x better in bed than a good girl (little sexual partners). They are like western women but feminine and show respect to their men. These really no difference apart from these girls are making money (what's the difference between a slut [western woman] and a hooker, one gets paid and the other one doesn't)

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

And why would you want to fuck bottom of the barrel hookers that have had thousands of dicks in their lives when you can get non hookers almost everywhere in Bangkok without having to use your AC room to help you pull?

You ask what's the difference between a slut and a hooker? In Thailand the difference is everything. Hookers are basically scum there. They are on the lowest level of the hierarchy. You clearly haven't spend much time in Thailand yet, otherwise you would understand.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (07-27-2016 02:27 AM)RagnarLothbrok Wrote:  

And why would you want to fuck bottom of the barrel hookers that have had thousands of dicks in their lives when you can get non hookers almost everywhere in Bangkok without having to use your AC room to help you pull?

You ask what's the difference between a slut and a hooker? In Thailand the difference is everything. Hookers are basically scum there. They are on the lowest level of the hierarchy. You clearly haven't spend much time in Thailand yet, otherwise you would understand.

I totally agree with you but when you see a hottie at a club and it's late (no bites from normal girls), I just can't help but game her without involving $$$. Like i said above, I would never pay for it, only losers (betas/SJW/white knights) pay for sex cause they can't get any loving!

I usually go to the bars outside Nana Plaza first, talk to the freelancers before I head out. It turbo charges my confidence!

Btw, Funky Villa burnt down last month! [Image: sad.gif]

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

I guess you are that type of guy who give the girls a lot of cocktails, shots in the club but at the end never pay for a girl [Image: idea.gif]

There are 100 better ways too find girls in BKK then early morning after all night out. But hey at least you wear your best clothes and have an AC room [Image: banana.gif]

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Organic man that was absolutely horrendous to read. I now have a headache. Thanks a lot.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

If it is 5am, you are horny and want a girl who is not a hooker, you can still hit up the 2 bars on Khaosan Road that are open all night. It is probably even easier to get laid there in the early morning than at most other venues at peak time since it mostly contains girls that want a foreign dick for the night but haven't found one yet. Of course, the quality of the girl won't be the best and Khaosan attracts mostly low class girls but it seems like you don't have a problem with that anyway.

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (07-27-2016 05:56 AM)Cavatine Wrote:  

There are 100 better ways too find girls in BKK then early morning after all night out.

Like what?? I'm still a noob to BKK! I think ill give Day Game a try instead from what I've read in the BBK datasheet!

Quote: (07-27-2016 06:19 AM)Kdog Wrote:  

Organic man that was absolutely horrendous to read. I now have a headache. Thanks a lot.

Don't forget to subscribe!

Thailand: Best Social Networking Sites for Pipelining?/Meeting Chicks?

Quote: (07-27-2016 08:31 AM)Organicman Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 05:56 AM)Cavatine Wrote:  

There are 100 better ways too find girls in BKK then early morning after all night out.

Like what?? I'm still a noob to BKK! I think ill give Day Game a try instead from what I've read in the BBK datasheet!

Daygame, Nightgame at Route 66, Levels, Sugar, Ce La Vi, Thonglor, etc. Even Khaosan Road and Tinder are better ways to find girls than shoring at 5am in a hooker club like Insanity.

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