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How to live the dream and move abroad

How to live the dream and move abroad

You want to know what I don't understand? Is how the hell do you guys do it? Go on all these awesome, great vacations and have the time of your lives and then return home and be happy.

Don't get me wrong, I have a good life. Family, some close friends, good job, money and some hobbies. But, I find myself pacing the house on occasion just stairing at the calendar.

On my last trip to the phils in April I hooked up with a beautiful model on my second day in country. Her and I spend alot of time together traveling around and having the time of our lives. Swimming with whale sharks, diving, staying at a nice resort for 4 days. Partying and drinking every night. Banging 2 or 3 times a day. Fucking awesome!! It's almost like a drug I just can't get enough of. Sure, I go on some dates here in the states. But, my heart just doesn't having anything left in it for american woman. I'm going on vacation in mid Sept and I already have my bags backed sitting by the door.

Maybe I need some kind of traveling rehab or something. Lol

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-23-2016 08:45 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

It seems that I have many things to think about. Honestly, I believe I have focused so much of my attention on making my move abroad that I neglected to properly make improvements on my planning of my life when living abroad. My impression was 1,500 a month would be ideal. But, after reading your comments I can see your valuable points. My only experiences have been dating filipinas. As you all know it is very inexpensive going on many dates in the phils. But, in eastern Europe or other asian countries this will ad up quickly. More things to consider.

Excellent move Schlep and in my opinion you nailed the hardest part of living abroad, residual income. Don't sweat $1500, you'll be fine on that in many countries throughout SEA and EE, even in a western European country like Greece you are automatically well above average with that type of income.

In Thailand that type of budget can give you a comfortable lifestyle. Even in Bangkok, by far the best place for girls in Thailand, if you don't live in any of the central areas and keep your rent low which is the key in my opinion, you will be comfortable on that type of budget. In a city like Chiang Mai which actually has a lot of advantages over BK anyway, you can find a modern, furnished 32 -45 m2 apt or condo with kitchen,pool and gym for $200 per month or if you want something bigger a house for $50 more.

The pussy paradise of Vietnam is even cheaper in many areas and you've already been to the Phils. The guys that seem to have a problem with budgets in SEA are the ones that either support their gold digging gf's, have a drinking problem, or cannot cut the umbilical cord to North America, Australasia or Western Europe and insist on eating or buying expensive imported food, and other products from home.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-23-2016 08:45 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

It seems that I have many things to think about. Honestly, I believe I have focused so much of my attention on making my move abroad that I neglected to properly make improvements on my planning of my life when living abroad. My impression was 1,500 a month would be ideal. But, after reading your comments I can see your valuable points. My only experiences have been dating filipinas. As you all know it is very inexpensive going on many dates in the phils. But, in eastern Europe or other asian countries this will ad up quickly. More things to consider.

Congratulations on your move I enjoyed this write up. As for EE $1500 a month will give you a decent lifestyle in countries like Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. However the question you might need to ask yourself is what kind of girls do you want to date.

I just spent the weekend in Odessa and befriended two great Belarussian guys and their two hot girlfriends. While one of the girls was a solid 8 the other one was within the top 5% of girls within the Ibiza Beach Club. Whoever has been to Ibiza Club in Odessa in August and July knows how hot the girls in this club are. So you can imagine this girl was a 9 for me she was even a 10. Anyways while the two chicks were drinking champagne we discussed how EE guys spend money on their girlfriends.
And the guy with the hot girlfriend came up with a very good comparison. He said that you need to decide for yourself if you want to drive a BMW or a Ferrari. If you want to drive/date the BMW you will have more than enough money with $1500 but if you want a LTR or even mini relationship with a Ferrari or Lamborghini you need to be willing to spend some money.

Vronski already made a few good points which are including winter holidays in Thailand, 2-3 weekend trips to western Europe. Regular visits to high end restaurants etc.

But if you are happy to be with 7s there is no point that you will need to spend much more than $1500 a month in countries like Ukraine or the Balkans.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 02:21 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

My end goal is $5000/month USD POST-tax. Or 60k/year POST-Tax.

$5000/month generally means:

1) You can live virtually anywhere in the world with good logistics; including first world locations (albeit more modestly). You also have enough to return home if needed or desired.

2) You have extra money for travel expenses/eating out/luxury/whatever every month.

3) You build savings (you need this if dealing with real estate).

4) You have leftover money for investments.

5) If you want a family, you have extra disposable income to work with.

I hope you got some liquid savings set aside OP. I can't imagine getting a 30k property with 800-900 rents in a shit part of town not being without some potential major headaches in the future. I admire your hustle though and just going for the dream! I feel the energy!

That said: I cannot emphasis enough the borderline nightmare, in both headache and expense, it is to deal with a shitty tenant in a tenant friendly jurisdiction. I probably won't ever buy a property again in a non-landlord friendly (usually libtard) state on general fuckin principle. Most libtard states give WAY too many rights and protections to shitty people; rights and protections you ultimately have to pay for via higher taxes and loss income (repairs, lengthy eviction processes, absurd leasing rules, etc). A bad and poor (meaning no money to extract via lawsuit) tenant can wipe out a year's worth of a property's net income easily. Way more easily than you can imagine.

In a bad neighborhood, the odds of you getting a bad tenant increase a 100-fold. Make sure you screen HARD and know how to LEGALLY discriminate against potential tenants. Failure to do so can be very costly in the end.

Second Black Knight's sentiments in both congratulations to the OP and also the importance of being on top of the landlord game.

The cap rates on your place are astronomical so I'm sure you're going to be dealing with a lot of scummy people. This might seem counter-intuitive, but in my experience dealing with poor areas, Section 8 tenants were actually a much better experience: they're sort of vetted already by the HUD in your area and they won't be able to qualify if they're a registered sex offender, got caught making meth, certain violent crimes, etc.

The subsidized housing vouchers also work to keep them somewhat in check because they realize if they really fuck up, they're going to get kicked out of the program... having said that, ghetto people usually do ghetto shit, so you still have to steel yourself for the inevitable shit storm that will come from time to time. Personally, I couldn't handle it after a few years, but then again I wasn't making 30%+ cap rates.

Having a buddy actually living in one of the units is probably not ideal from a profit perspective, but it might pay dividends by letting tenants know that you're keeping a close watch on them.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 04:16 AM)Kamaki4 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2016 08:45 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

It seems that I have many things to think about. Honestly, I believe I have focused so much of my attention on making my move abroad that I neglected to properly make improvements on my planning of my life when living abroad. My impression was 1,500 a month would be ideal. But, after reading your comments I can see your valuable points. My only experiences have been dating filipinas. As you all know it is very inexpensive going on many dates in the phils. But, in eastern Europe or other asian countries this will ad up quickly. More things to consider.

Excellent move Schlep and in my opinion you nailed the hardest part of living abroad, residual income. Don't sweat $1500, you'll be fine on that in many countries throughout SEA and EE, even in a western European country like Greece you are automatically well above average with that type of income.

In Thailand that type of budget can give you a comfortable lifestyle. Even in Bangkok, by far the best place for girls in Thailand, if you don't live in any of the central areas and keep your rent low which is the key in my opinion, you will be comfortable on that type of budget. In a city like Chiang Mai which actually has a lot of advantages over BK anyway, you can find a modern, furnished 32 -45 m2 apt or condo with kitchen,pool and gym for $200 per month or if you want something bigger a house for $50 more.

The pussy paradise of Vietnam is even cheaper in many areas and you've already been to the Phils. The guys that seem to have a problem with budgets in SEA are the ones that either support their gold digging gf's, have a drinking problem, or cannot cut the umbilical cord to North America, Australasia or Western Europe and insist on eating or buying expensive imported food, and other products from home.

Yep, $1500+ is the golden number for me as well. Not including student loans, retirement funds, and savings. I have my eyes set on Bangkok, with occasional sojourns to Ho Chi Minh city, the Phils, and even Yangon, Myanmar.

I've been at my new job for 8 months now and I've been daydreaming and scheming a lot lately. It must be the warm weather.

I already wanted to escape after no more than two years, but now I'm thinking about how I can do this much sooner.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 01:30 PM)superschalk Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2016 08:45 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

It seems that I have many things to think about. Honestly, I believe I have focused so much of my attention on making my move abroad that I neglected to properly make improvements on my planning of my life when living abroad. My impression was 1,500 a month would be ideal. But, after reading your comments I can see your valuable points. My only experiences have been dating filipinas. As you all know it is very inexpensive going on many dates in the phils. But, in eastern Europe or other asian countries this will ad up quickly. More things to consider.

Congratulations on your move I enjoyed this write up. As for EE $1500 a month will give you a decent lifestyle in countries like Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. However the question you might need to ask yourself is what kind of girls do you want to date.

I just spent the weekend in Odessa and befriended two great Belarussian guys and their two hot girlfriends. While one of the girls was a solid 8 the other one was within the top 5% of girls within the Ibiza Beach Club. Whoever has been to Ibiza Club in Odessa in August and July knows how hot the girls in this club are. So you can imagine this girl was a 9 for me she was even a 10. Anyways while the two chicks were drinking champagne we discussed how EE guys spend money on their girlfriends.
And the guy with the hot girlfriend came up with a very good comparison. He said that you need to decide for yourself if you want to drive a BMW or a Ferrari. If you want to drive/date the BMW you will have more than enough money with $1500 but if you want a LTR or even mini relationship with a Ferrari or Lamborghini you need to be willing to spend some money.

Vronski already made a few good points which are including winter holidays in Thailand, 2-3 weekend trips to western Europe. Regular visits to high end restaurants etc.

But if you are happy to be with 7s there is no point that you will need to spend much more than $1500 a month in countries like Ukraine or the Balkans.

The question I want to know is how much do the Ferraris actually cost for a guy whose reasonably aged i.e. (30-45), well dressed and educated who lives there. I'm still a bit below these parameters age wise but am within reach of being able to in my opinion be financially free. (i.e. 1 million + financial assets) guess is in another 5 years I'll be there. The ferrari isn't worth it for me if I need 20k a month residual income because that is an extra decade plus of working but if it's 6k vs. 4k type of thing, making an extra couple thousand a month can be made just by doing online type work or working 2-3 extra years.

Obviously the sky is the limit. But is this doable on for example $5,000 USD per month? Practically speaking you'd almost have to have your business in Ukraine the higher the number gets because not many guys who are below 40 or 45 are ever even going to be able to have 5k a month in residual net income nevermind 10k+. Keep in mind to clear 60k you are likely making 80k gross. Not many guys are going to ever be able to have a residual income that high unless they are quite old.

I'm curious on Vronski is perspective on this. I'm neither a food guy or a big drinker and to be truthful I'd much rather get a girl extensions than spend $200 on dinner. One thing I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of the other thing I'd enjoy but very limited. A nice meal is great and all but not something I personally care for.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 02:39 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

The question I want to know is how much do the Ferraris actually cost for a guy whose reasonably aged i.e. (30-45), well dressed and educated who lives there. I'm still a bit below these parameters age wise but am within reach of being able to in my opinion be financially free. (i.e. 1 million + financial assets) guess is in another 5 years I'll be there. The ferrari isn't worth it for me if I need 20k a month residual income because that is an extra decade plus of working but if it's 6k vs. 4k type of thing, making an extra couple thousand a month can be made just by doing online type work or working 2-3 extra years.

I am not sure if OP is happy with me answering this because it is not the topic of the thread but I will try.

In my opinion the cost for these Ferrari type of girls depend on this three factors:

1. Age: The younger the cheaper you will get here because her expectations and experience is limited. From my observations the girls between 24 and 30 seem to be the most expensive ones.

2. Where the girl is from and lives: If she is from Kiev or Odessa you need to prepare to spend more than a girl who lives in a city like Dnipro or Poltava. On my last trip to the East an 8 I met for a date came by bus to the restaurant. A kiev 9 would only come by taxi.

3. Exposure on social media: You should check how much Instagram followers a girl has and how many likes she gets when she puts a selfie of her online. Also many of these chicks get approached by rich Arabs on Instagram offering them lots of cash and fly them over to Dubai.

If you decide to go that route on a relationship you would most likely be spending between $1000 and $3000 per month on her. The big factor in my opinion are not dinners and some travelling the biggest one is shopping. If you support her shopping you need to be ready to pay big money. These girls love high value brands and would never settle for a handbag from Zara.

Personally for me I am not willing to go this extreme route. This is the reason why I never dated anything better than an 8.

Quote: (07-25-2016 02:39 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

I'm curious on Vronski is perspective on this. I'm neither a food guy or a big drinker and to be truthful I'd much rather get a girl extensions than spend $200 on dinner. One thing I'll get a lot of enjoyment out of the other thing I'd enjoy but very limited. A nice meal is great and all but not something I personally care for.

It does not really matter if you would like to spend $200 on a dinner or not. If she has the feeling that you not care about her and her lifestyle she would not say anything about it straight into your face but she will go and look for the guy who is happy to go with her for a $200 dinner.

I know this might sound a bit extreme for a westerner but this is how things work with these super hot girls. And this is also the reason why you hardly see a foreigner dating a 9 or a 10 on a long term basis. But again Ukraine has so many cute 7s and even 8s who are happy to be with a foreigner and who dont have a problem if you take her to Mafia for dinner instead of Eshak.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Yeah, I do not have much experience dating foreign woman exept filipinas. And honestly I realize I will probably learn my lessons the hard way. I was in a LTR with a filipina in cebu for awhile. She was absolutely beautiful and it turned into a disaster. When I visit Kiev in September I think my best option would be to to stick with the 7's and see how things go. Plus, I do not feel like my game is ready for the top girls. No trying to sound like a pussy. Just being honest. I currently live in a small town on the east coast. Do you want to know how many 8's I see in a month. Maybe one. No shit!!

If I go to Kiev for three weeks. Have a small harem of 7's meetup with some cool guys to party with. Then maybe pick my favorite girl and go to Odessa for acouple days. Then in my opinion that would be an awesome vacation.

Now, I realize all you guys are going to disagree with me on this but, I think those 7's are beautiful. I would rather spend my day with a 7 that I enjoy spending time then a stuck up 9 barbie doll that just looks like a 7.5 in the morning without her war paint.

Here is a good example. When I first arrived in cebu I pipelind a pretty 7 from filipinocupid. Arrived at our date location. When I saw her approaching me I couldn't help but have a big smile on my face. She was about 5'3" 105 lbs. Pretty smile and knew this was going to be a good evening. You know what? Probably one of the best nights of my life. I would much rather spend my evening with her then my "model 9" girlfriend.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 03:30 PM)superschalk Wrote:  

I am not sure if OP is happy with me answering this because it is not the topic of the thread but I will try.

In my opinion the cost for these Ferrari type of girls depend on this three factors:

1. Age: The younger the cheaper you will get here because her expectations and experience is limited. From my observations the girls between 24 and 30 seem to be the most expensive ones.

2. Where the girl is from and lives: If she is from Kiev or Odessa you need to prepare to spend more than a girl who lives in a city like Dnipro or Poltava. On my last trip to the East an 8 I met for a date came by bus to the restaurant. A kiev 9 would only come by taxi.

3. Exposure on social media: You should check how much Instagram followers a girl has and how many likes she gets when she puts a selfie of her online. Also many of these chicks get approached by rich Arabs on Instagram offering them lots of cash and fly them over to Dubai.

If you decide to go that route on a relationship you would most likely be spending between $1000 and $3000 per month on her. The big factor in my opinion are not dinners and some travelling the biggest one is shopping. If you support her shopping you need to be ready to pay big money. These girls love high value brands and would never settle for a handbag from Zara.

Personally for me I am not willing to go this extreme route. This is the reason why I never dated anything better than an 8.

It does not really matter if you would like to spend $200 on a dinner or not. If she has the feeling that you not care about her and her lifestyle she would not say anything about it straight into your face but she will go and look for the guy who is happy to go with her for a $200 dinner.

I know this might sound a bit extreme for a westerner but this is how things work with these super hot girls. And this is also the reason why you hardly see a foreigner dating a 9 or a 10 on a long term basis. But again Ukraine has so many cute 7s and even 8s who are happy to be with a foreigner and who dont have a problem if you take her to Mafia for dinner instead of Eshak.

Yea, thats the problem. Those girls are affordable if you work in the west and do a 1 week each month trip there but not very practical if you move there and are not on an expat executive package.

It sounds to me you are looking more or less in the 6-10k a month range to make that work. I could do that for a while. I just don't see that being practical long term and I'm sure thats why you don't see many expats with those types long term.

I can't foresee myself wanting to spend that much to buy material goods for a girl for any significant length of time. I've seen family members in those types of relationships and that always ends badly.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Amazing thread. Schlep, what went wrong with your model girlfriend?

How to live the dream and move abroad

^ Honestly, I kinda fucked everything up. I really liked her alot. But, like I mentioned before, this journey that I'm planning has consumed my life. To the point of being obsessed. I don't like to admit it but, it's true. I told her about my dream of becoming an expat. Then she started calling me everyday crying about how much she missed me and wanting me to move to Cebu with her. And, at first it all sounded good to me. But, after awhile I realized that I know I could never be faithful to her and have no intention of living in Cebu. Being with her was just fucking with my head and standing in the way of my dream.

If any of you repped members want to see pics of her. Just pm me and I'll give you my facebook.

How to live the dream and move abroad

[quote] (07-25-2016 03:30 PM)superschalk Wrote:  

[quote='lavidaloca' pid='1357828' dateline='1469475583']

The question I want to know is how much do the Ferraris actually cost for a guy whose reasonably aged i.e. (30-45), well dressed and educated who lives there. I'm still a bit below these parameters age wise but am within reach of being able to in my opinion be financially free. (i.e. 1 million + financial assets) guess is in another 5 years I'll be there. The ferrari isn't worth it for me if I need 20k a month residual income because that is an extra decade plus of working but if it's 6k vs. 4k type of thing, making an extra couple thousand a month can be made just by doing online type work or working 2-3 extra years.[/quote]

I am not sure if OP is happy with me answering this because it is not the topic of the thread but I will try.

In my opinion the cost for these Ferrari type of girls depend on this three factors:

1. Age: The younger the cheaper you will get here because her expectations and experience is limited. From my observations the girls between 24 and 30 seem to be the most expensive ones.

I find this in Moscow also. Girls in their mid to late 20s expect nicer places for dates and that you pay their taxis. Girls in the 18-21 range will take the metro. Dates consist of walks in the park, cheap bottle of wine or a simple cafe.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 09:09 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

If I go to Kiev for three weeks. Have a small harem of 7's. Then maybe pick my favorite girl and go to Odessa for acouple days. Then in my opinion that would be an awesome vacation.

Schlep, your enthousiasm is refreshing, but the picture you have of Ukraine is not the accurate picture're not in the Phils, where a westerner just has to show up to have plenty of poor and average looking girls at his feet. I said it already, the days when foreigners were a novelty in the FSU are long, long gone. They are now rather more a subject of mockery. They also have a (legitimate) reputation of sex tourists, and many girls do not want to be seen or have a relationship with a sex tourist. So don't put too much expectations in your vacations in Ukraine, your "awesome vacations" might easily turn to an immense period of doubts and solitude (that said you seem to be a very positive person, so I'm sure you'll still have a good time).

Quote: (07-25-2016 09:09 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

Now, I realize all you guys are going to disagree with me on this but, I think those 7's are beautiful. I would rather spend my day with a 7 that I enjoy spending time then a stuck up 9 barbie doll that just looks like a 7.5 in the morning without her war paint.

About The Scale, keep in mind that a "7" by FSU standarts is a 8,5 by western standarts. A 8,5 (still by FSU standarts) is a James Bond girl, and a 9+ Aphrodite going down from Olympus Mount. So, IMO, you won't have a "harem" of 7s in Kiev - don't believe the guys here who claims that they have a dozen (or more lol) of regular GFs, all 7s +, it's simply BS. Consider yourself happy if you meet just one 7 with who you mesh well.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 02:39 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

I'm curious on Vronski is perspective on this.

Well, IMHO your analysis is too cold. You forget two important factors: the feelings, and the emotions ..... Slavic women are very emotional and passionate. Don't ignore these aspects. It's part of the "russkaya dusha". Of course, a 8+ in Ukraine (or anywhere else for that matter) knows her "market value" and aspires to a good lifestyle (who doesn't?), and expect from a man to be successful and generous with his money, but to aspire to a good lifestyle doesn't mean that her primary interest will be money.

Yes, there is many of those girls who are obsessed with outrageously expensive clothes, high-end clubs, glamourous vacations in five star resorts in Seychelles, ect ....but there is also, among those 8s+, some honest girls who feel that what they miss in life is emotions and romance, who prefer romantic quiet cafes to outrageously expensive restaurants, interesting trips in off the beaten tracks countries to glam vacations in Mauricius Island, and prefer to spend evenings at home with a guy they really like to be with instead of going out to money-obliterating bars to show off to their friends.

Superschalk is right, you have to provide to your girl a good lifestyle (if not, even if she loves you and if you are the most charming, witty and handsome guy in the area, she will sooner or later write you off), but a good lifestyle doesn't necessarily mean a lavish lifestyle. If a girl talks to you about Saint Tropez, about yacht rental, about 2000 € Louboutin heels, ect ect, move on. She's a piranha.But once again, not all 8s+ are piranhas (but all will be happy if you buy them expensive heels lol).

Well, that's my experience. As usual, YMMV.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-26-2016 01:55 AM)Vronski Wrote:  

About The Scale, keep in mind that a "7" by FSU standarts is a 8,5 by western standarts. A 8,5 (still by FSU standarts) is a James Bond girl, and a 9+ Aphrodite going down from Olympus Mount.

As a side note, I've very very rarely seen a foreigner with a 8.5 in Ukraine, and never ever with a 9+.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Okay, I respect all of your opinions. So I have a question for you guys. As you can see I'm taking a 3 week vacation in mid September. Then leaving to start my expat life in late October or November.

Ukraine and Russia are definitely places I want to visit. But, three weeks probably isn't enough time to fully have a good time. What about going to Siagon or Da Nang ,Vietnam for three weeks to party my ass off and have my nice harem. Plus, it sounds like getting some weed is pretty easy.

Then when I leave for my expat life maybe spend late fall, winter and early spring in someplace like south america. Then spend late spring and Summer in Ukraine or Russia.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-26-2016 04:00 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

Okay, I respect all of your opinions. So I have a question for you guys. As you can see I'm taking a 3 week vacation in mid September. Then leaving to start my expat life in late October or November.

Ukraine and Russia are definitely places I want to visit. But, three weeks probably isn't enough time to fully have a good time. What about going to Siagon or Da Nang ,Vietnam for three weeks to party my ass off and have my nice harem. Plus, it sounds like getting some weed is pretty easy.

Then when I leave for my expat life maybe spend late fall, winter and early spring in someplace like south america. Then spend late spring and Summer in Ukraine or Russia.

That sound like a good plan. South America in the winter and EE in the Spring/Summer. Enjoy!

How to live the dream and move abroad


I'm glad you took your first step with rentals.. not many people have the balls to do their first deal. Even though you made it work, it doesn't mean you can't get better at it an learn more of what to do, and what not do do. "winging it" is a bad strategy in the long run and fortunes have been lost by wannabe real estate investors.

For your own good I highly recommend you read:

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-26-2016 02:25 AM)Vronski Wrote:  

Well, IMHO your analysis is too cold. You forget two important factors: the feelings, and the emotions ..... Slavic women are very emotional and passionate. Don't ignore these aspects. It's part of the "russkaya dusha". Of course, a 8+ in Ukraine (or anywhere else for that matter) knows her "market value" and aspires to a good lifestyle (who doesn't?), and expect from a man to be successful and generous with his money, but to aspire to a good lifestyle doesn't mean that her primary interest will be money.

Yes, there is many of those girls who are obsessed with outrageously expensive clothes, high-end clubs, glamourous vacations in five star resorts in Seychelles, ect ....but there is also, among those 8s+, some honest girls who feel that what they miss in life is emotions and romance, who prefer romantic quiet cafes to outrageously expensive restaurants, interesting trips in off the beaten tracks countries to glam vacations in Mauricius Island, and prefer to spend evenings at home with a guy they really like to be with instead of going out to money-obliterating bars to show off to their friends.

Superschalk is right, you have to provide to your girl a good lifestyle (if not, even if she loves you and if you are the most charming, witty and handsome guy in the area, she will sooner or later write you off), but a good lifestyle doesn't necessarily mean a lavish lifestyle. If a girl talks to you about Saint Tropez, about yacht rental, about 2000 € Louboutin heels, ect ect, move on. She's a piranha.But once again, not all 8s+ are piranhas (but all will be happy if you buy them expensive heels lol).

Well, that's my experience. As usual, YMMV.

This reminds me of something I once read in Alabaster Girl about Zan Perrion's journey in Kiev:

Other men, encountering you, see a
girl dressed to party; and they straighten their ties and
smooth back their hair, hoping to score, because they think
the reason you are so wonderfully arranged is to present
the possibility of sex, if they play their cards right.

But yours is not the casual, trifling, hook-up mentality of
men and women in the West. It is so much more than that
for you, and I see the truth in your eyes. I see the real you.
There is no guile in you. This is serious for you, almost life-
and-death serious, as it is for a lot of women in Ukraine.

You are the beauty queen, the queen of beauty, in a land
flowing with milk and honey and impossibly beautiful
women, but you know that it is just a matter of time before
advancing age catches up to you, betrays you, that impetu-
ous, impertinent wave crashing over you, pummeling down
upon your striking beauty, the only currency you have ever
known, crashing it into the sand, with a new wave of pretty,
younger women right behind you, stretching along the shore
for as far as the eye can see, eroding and smoothing away
every trace of what you once were.

You stand before me, knowing that you can’t do it any-
more, and I can see that in your smiling eyes. I can’t shake
the feeling that you consider me to be your last chance at
real happiness before you give up and become some boring,
foreign banker’s wife. It takes my breath away.

How to live the dream and move abroad


Reminds me this quote from "Master and Margarita" (M.Bulgakov)

"....She was carrying some of those repulsive yellow flowers. God knows what they're called, but they are somehow always the first to appear in spring. They stood out very sharply against her black coat. She was carrying yellow flowers! What an ugly color. She turned off Tverskaya into a side street and looked back. You know Tverskaya, there must have been a thousand people around, but I knew that she saw no one but me. And I was struck less by her beauty than by the extraordinary loneliness in her eyes....."

Sorry Schlep, this has admittedly absolutely nothing to do with building a nice harem (that said, knowing the russian classics - and M & M is a classic among classics - will get you a lot of bonus points in Ukraine and Russia, and can wither the defenses of even the most suspicious females)

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-23-2016 06:34 AM)Schlep Wrote:  


It took me about four months to purchase the units if my memory is correct. Usualy spent a total of about three weeks on renovations. With my work schedule I have seven days off. Basically, spend every second I could working on these places. I'm spending about 900 a month on everything. So my profit is at 1,600 monthly. Like I mentioned before. I could cash out my 401k and pay off the loan. But, I'm still thinking about everything.

To be 100% honest with you guys I do not really have a life. For the last seven months I have done nothing but plan for my new life. To the point of becoming obsessed with learning everything I possibly could on living abroad. No outside distractions. Except going on vacation in April. When I'm not working I'm planning and nothing is going to stand in my way of true happiness.

@ Beirut

Yeah, maybe I did make a mistake with him being my property manager. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Guess we will see.

+1 for making it happen, man. Nice work, keep it up.

How to live the dream and move abroad

Quote: (07-25-2016 03:09 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

You want to know what I don't understand? Is how the hell do you guys do it? Go on all these awesome, great vacations and have the time of your lives and then return home and be happy.

Don't get me wrong, I have a good life. Family, some close friends, good job, money and some hobbies. But, I find myself pacing the house on occasion just stairing at the calendar.

On my last trip to the phils in April I hooked up with a beautiful model on my second day in country. Her and I spend alot of time together traveling around and having the time of our lives. Swimming with whale sharks, diving, staying at a nice resort for 4 days. Partying and drinking every night. Banging 2 or 3 times a day. Fucking awesome!! It's almost like a drug I just can't get enough of. Sure, I go on some dates here in the states. But, my heart just doesn't having anything left in it for american woman. I'm going on vacation in mid Sept and I already have my bags backed sitting by the door.

Maybe I need some kind of traveling rehab or something. Lol

Schlep, it sounds like you've come down with PSAD (Post Sensual Adventures Abroad Disorder). There's only one cure. See this thread:


How to live the dream and move abroad

^ How did I ever miss that cool thread? I feel a little better now that I'm not the only one feeling this way. Thanks Spaniard for cheering me up.

How to live the dream and move abroad

^ so finally I'm diagnosed. It might be chronic.

How to live the dream and move abroad

OP you've got balls dude. Major props for taking life-changing action.

But what's stopping you from flipping a few more apartments exactly as you've done?

If you've already invested the time and money in learning a new skill, you could scale it up a bit, and quadruple your monthly income.

Better yet, build a website or a product about the process that you've learned, and sell that to the masses. That business model beats the shit out of working in a $300/mo call center in the Phils.

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