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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

So, to address the criticisms of this speech:

-It delves too much into details: This is the chance for uninformed and misinformed voters to learn about Trump’s platform directly from him instead of through the distorting media. (per Fast Eddie)

-It’s too long and tiring: Maybe for some. But that will prevent them from spending too much time on CNN shit analyses. (per Fast Eddie) For many others, including Bernie people, it was absorbing and invigorating, hitting many right resonating notes that they want to hear.

-Other speakers have covered many of the grounds in this speech: Most voters don’t care, don’t watch other speakers.

-It spends too much time on the negative: The populace is in a negative mood. Dissatisfaction rate is 70%+, and there were many tragedies happening in a short time before the convention (Orlando, Dallas, Nice, Baton Rouge). So Trump was tapping into that mood. And contrary to the impression produced by shill tv analysts, the positive parts did not escape people. Overall, Trump's message of crisis and demand for change ride on the anti-establishment sentiment very well.

-The volume is too loud and it scares people: This is a double-edged sword. For some it’s scary. For others it channels strength, conviction and authentic righteous indignation, and hence boost morale. If the post-speech poll says anything, it’s that the pros outweigh the cons. Historically it's not only men but also women that are electrified and enchanted by such powerful speaking style, especially in times of distress. The current political atmosphere lends efficacy to such style. Also don't forget that Bernie Sanders was an yelling old man and that earned him millions of fanatical devotees.

-Trump should have soften his approach and pivot to the center: This is a gamble that will prove to pay off well. Staying true to his platform has its benefits. In times of crisis people long for radical measures and strong men of conviction who stay firm to their vision and principle - that's also Bernie Sanders' appeal, which he has lost by endorsing Hillary and his disenfranchised fans are finding their new champion in Trump. Americanism over Globalism – this credo appeals to ingroup identity and proved to be resonating with Americans who have until now been misled by the media, as the survey shows.

Tldr: It's anti-establishment Bernie people that Trump's targeting, more so than scared-cat pro-status quo Hillary female voters, and his strategy in this speech serves that purpose well.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:32 AM)TonySandos Wrote:  

Guerilla Mindset may be slated to go down as one of the best self help books of these several decades if Mike can keep the inertia up.

I expect the phrase "gorilla mindset" to be banned on campuses or flagged as an instant trigger warning at some point.

I never realized how hilarious Mike and Roosh really were until I saw them live trolling on periscope. Mike is going to the DNC so there's some gems to be had there. I hope Roosh goes to the DNC too and wears his Hillary hat. That would be fucking fantastic. So if Roosh sees this post.. please....please...PLEASE...go to the DNC.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 01:55 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Here Twitter profile pic presents her (conveniently) as pretty yet not bitchy.

The remainder of her Twitter photos however?
I wouldn't say she has 'resting bitch face'.
She has 'sexy bitch face'.
Yet bitch face none-the-less, & not a type of gal I'd trust offhand.

I also think she is a secret fattie based on the way she dresses...which would also explain her cunt attitude, she probably gets berated by her mom about it.

All that being said, I would bang her into outer space but have to record it as protection for when a false rape claim was issued to preserve her public image.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: CsP8ANL.jpg]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Scott Adams gave it an A- on his periscope. We shall see what he has to say.

This morning the usual "fact checkers" went into full swing with the usual "fact checking."

"Trump is correct when he says that crime has risen in the past two years - BUT IT DOESN'T NECESSARILY INDICATE A TREND!" (As if anyone gives a shit about the definition of "trend" in criminology. Recall, definition is the absolute lowest form of persuasion, even lower than reason.)

"Trump said our trade deficit is $800 billion, but this doesn't take into account the export of services, which brings it down to $500 billion." (IT'S JUST $500 BILLION GUYS!)

And so on.

I must admit, I was looking to see something along the lines of what Scott Adams said, a clear and unambiguous rejection of identity politics and a reframe as Democrats not giving a shit about their victim groups. He hit many of the right notes content wise, it seems to have worked...some, but how much? I think he could have done better on a bigger strategic scale, but it seems to have worked...some.

Check this out, it hints just how many Democrats (of course the audience was probably pre-screened):

His teleprompter delivery still needs big work though. I honestly think that's the biggest obstacle. The content was good (for the most part) and the message is one that has wide appeal...but it's just so many people just hate his delivery, and non-verbal communication is what matters. It causes big time cognitive dissonance. If Trump spoke like his kids this thing would be definitively over.

But also the Frank Luntz focus group hints that the RNC trashed the hag, and if her support drops while Trump's stays steady, he wins, so that matters too.

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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Good stuff guys, keep the post-speech analytics coming. Very good news!

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I think Trump's kid, Barron, is a bit odd. He looks like he'll grow up to be an American Psycho type of guy.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The highest-rated Trump line in Frank Luntz's focus group is a negative line: "I know that corruption has reached a level like never before"
99% with Repubs.
81% with Dems.
This among other signs indicates that the 'focus' on negativity is the right strategy (of course there is also a quantitative limit to it, but this speech didn't cross it). The media, analysts, journalists can moan about it all they want but it works. They're acting as if the crisis isn't real, but that won't work. The people know.

What Trump inspires in his audiences is a fierce demand for change, a revolutionary energy, not depression and despair.

[Image: NbxlvT6.png]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Scott Adams published his opinion:


Trump gave his nomination acceptance speech last night. I grade it an A-. It wasn’t a speech for the ages, but it was presidential enough. As convention speeches go, it was solid.

As I have already blogged, all Trump needs to do is NOT act like a crazy racist for the next few months and he will win bigly. This speech introduced no new outrages, and voters are starting to get used to the old ones. So on a strategic level, it was a strong performance. If Trump does more of this, and adds no new outrages, he’ll glide to a comfortable victory.

Persuasion-wise, Trump’s family was the big story of the convention. People seem to love them in the same way the public loved the Kennedys. And notice how Donald Jr. and Eric both have the speaking cadence of John and Jack Kennedy. Notice also how Melania reminds you of Jackie Kennedy – quiet, smart, and classy. These are coincidences, but your irrational brain doesn’t care. It sees a new batch of Kennedys and wants to see more of them. That’s powerful election magic for a nation that only pretends to care about policies.

A week ago you compared ugly Donald Trump with ugly Hillary Clinton and declared them a visual tie. That matters because our visual “brain” generally wins against whatever part of the brain is pretending to be logical that day. But once we got a look at the entire Trump family, acting as a group, our visual brains started seeing them as a package deal. And when you compare the entire Trump family’s visual appeal to the entire Clinton family’s visual imagery it’s a massacre.

Would you prefer seeing Bill and Hillary Clinton decompose in front of your eyes for eight years, or watch the Trump family develop their dynasty? Entertainment-wise, that’s no contest. And people usually vote for entertainment over policy. They just don’t realize it. That’s the biggest news from the convention, and you won’t see it in any headline.

I watched Trump’s entire 90-minute speech and don’t remember any of the boring policy statements. No one cares about that stuff. But on the persuasion dimension, I recall the following impressions.

1. Trump made a credible case that he is the better protector of the LGBTQ community because he takes a harder line against Muslim immigration. Even the fact-checkers will ignore that claim. It’s too true to check. And it makes whatever-the-hell Clinton says about protecting LGBTQ citizens look disingenuous.

2. Trump’s best unscripted moment came when he humbly acknowledged that he probably didn’t deserve the support of evangelicals. That was persuasion genius. Nothing will make religious people love you harder than admitting you are not worthy of their affection. Boom. That’s a ten-out-of-ten on the persuasion scale, and you probably thought it was just an unscripted aside. They’re locked in now.

3. Trump made multiple references to inclusiveness. But the best, in terms of persuasion, was his twist on Clinton’s “I’m with her” slogan. Trump says “I’m with you.” That’s good idea-judo. He acknowledges the truth of the other side’s slogan then makes it look ridiculous.

4. I expected more from Trump in terms of dispelling Clinton’s accusations of racism. Instead of producing some quotable speech moments on the topic he wove lots of visual evidence into the entire convention. For example…

My favorite moment of the convention was the other night when a prominent Muslim leader in a business suit gave the benediction. He asked the assembled Republicans to pray to God, and you could almost hear the crowd wondering if they would be praying to the right God in this situation. But they played along.

As things stand now, Trump is on a glide path to the presidency. Something new would have to happen to stop him.

If you pray to the right God, you probably already know about my book.

I've seen many people cite the LGBTQ moment as a reason for switching to Trump, so Scott is correct here.

Libertas's concern over teleprompter skill and loud voice was inspired by TLOZ, not Scott Adams (he never even mentioned those factors), so don't expect comment on that from Adams.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Wow, what a speech! I knew he would come out swinging, but damn, that was one of the most stinging rebukes of the status quo I've seen in mainstream politics. This is the speech he needed to give. No tempering, no pivoting, no pandering. A shiv straight into the heart of the establishment.

I was watching it in the hotel bar in a small town in northern Idaho, MAGA hat perched proudly on my head. The sheer amount of energy and optimism at the convention had me practically dancing in my chair. The conclusion with the fireworks and balloons was like the Super Bowl, the World Series, and the 4th of July rolled into an epic denoument of freedom and pride. The attitude amongst the regulars there was one of skeptical optimism, and respect for having the balls to call a spade a spade.

Remember where you were gents, this is the 1980 of our generation.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I don't agree with Scott Adams that Trump needs to be worried about accusations of racism and try to dispel them. That would break the frame of his message that the time for political correctness is over. Trump needs to give precisely zero fucks about accusations of racism, and he's doing that beautifully. Trump is alt-right now.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 08:48 AM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

I think Trump's kid, Barron, is a bit odd. He looks like he'll grow up to be an American Psycho type of guy.

Or the Kim Jong Un of America.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Interesting RealClearPolitics morning after headlines all over the place - Bi Polar either totally Pro Trump or Terrified of Trump:

Friday, July 22
Trump to Disaffected Americans: I Am Your Voice Cannon & Goodin, RealClearPolitics
In Cleveland, Republicans' "Come to Trump Moment" Byron York, DC Examiner
The Carnival in Cleveland Eugene Robinson, Washington Post
Five Ways Trump's Convention Was a Success Jonathan Easley, The Hill
Trump and the Unknowable Moment Peggy Noonan, Wall Street Journal
Donald Trump's Un-American Acceptance Speech Franklin Foer, Slate
Why Trump Is Winning Over Ohio's Blue-Collar Democrats Jeff Greenfield, Politico
In Cleveland, a Two-Part Rebellion Charles Krauthammer, New York Daily News
Cruz Is Finished; Trump-Pence Are Just Beginning Larry Kudlow, Investor's Biz Daily
It's Official: Clinton Is Running Against Vladimir Putin Jeffrey Goldberg, The Atlantic
Anti-Trump Hysteria on NATO Paul Saunders, The National Interest
After Trump's Speech, Hillary & Her Party Should Be Scared Doug Schoen, FOX News
An Unhinged Republican Convention & the Nation's Greatest Test Joe Klein, Time
Peter Thiel a Game Changer in Republican Politics Roger L. Simon, PJ Media
Trump-Kasich Feud Has GOP Worried About Ohio Caitlin Huey-Burns, RealClearPolitics
How "Political Correctness" Went From Punch Line to Panic Amanda Hess, NYT Mag
The Closing of the American Mind Charles Koch, Wall Street Journal
RNC Day 4 : Donald Trump | Ivanka Trump | Peter Thiel | Pastor Mark Burns

Trump Faced His Biggest Challenge Yet--and He Nailed It New York Post
Donald Trump: The Candidate of the Apocalypse Washington Post
Old Order Fades and the Minions of the Media Can't Figure It Out Washington Times

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The libs are all, don't give into fear. The tea party was all about fear. Trump is running on fear.

Trump looks like he could win then it's all...

Omg I'm so scared! I never been so scared! Nazi Germany coming!! Literally Hitler! Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:33 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 08:48 AM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

I think Trump's kid, Barron, is a bit odd. He looks like he'll grow up to be an American Psycho type of guy.

Or the Kim Jong Un of America.

Why do you seem so interested in the idea that the Trumps will produce a horrible politician (Tiffany = Jeb, Barron = Kim Jong Un)? [Image: lol.gif]

That said, that kid doesn't have the childlike gleam in his eyes that children his age should have. Sometimes it even seems dead.
[Image: fFyhvEo.jpg]

Even his smiling pictures seems rather 'flaccid'. I hope he doesn't have autism. Even without that, he is almost certainly not a high energy kid. I'm putting hope in Ivanka's children now.

Barron can't help but yawn during the RNC:
Since he's a kid, not being interested in all this politics talk is understandable.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I love the fear so much. I love to read how liberals are scurred.

They think their r-selected, run away impulse, appeal to emotion has any influence on shitlords like us. In reality, when yet another jew or liberal posts 'I am so scared guise' my exact mental response is this:

[Image: 9c982e67d786961a6ca42b67a93fa885.jpg]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 08:16 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Scott Adams gave it an A- on his periscope. We shall see what he has to say.

This morning the usual "fact checkers" went into full swing with the usual "fact checking."

"Trump is correct when he says that crime has risen in the past two years - BUT IT DOESN'T NECESSARILY INDICATE A TREND!" (As if anyone gives a shit about the definition of "trend" in criminology. Recall, definition is the absolute lowest form of persuasion, even lower than reason.)

"Trump said our trade deficit is $800 billion, but this doesn't take into account the export of services, which brings it down to $500 billion." (IT'S JUST $500 BILLION GUYS!)

And so on.

I must admit, I was looking to see something along the lines of what Scott Adams said, a clear and unambiguous rejection of identity politics and a reframe as Democrats not giving a shit about their victim groups. He hit many of the right notes content wise, it seems to have worked...some, but how much? I think he could have done better on a bigger strategic scale, but it seems to have worked...some.

Check this out, it hints just how many Democrats (of course the audience was probably pre-screened):

His teleprompter delivery still needs big work though. I honestly think that's the biggest obstacle. The content was good (for the most part) and the message is one that has wide appeal...but it's just so many people just hate his delivery, and non-verbal communication is what matters. It causes big time cognitive dissonance. If Trump spoke like his kids this thing would be definitively over.

But also the Frank Luntz focus group hints that the RNC trashed the hag, and if her support drops while Trump's stays steady, he wins, so that matters too.

I think you (and I) will just have to accept that sub 100 IQ people need other assurances than we do, they're much more suspectible to 'niceness' since they base most of their life decisions on hivemind morality - due to lack of IQ for logic.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I am pretty sure that Barron is autistic, which is one of the reasons that Trump is not a huge fan of the crazy vaccine movement with all of those ridiculous cocktails they dose you.

You don't get there till you get there

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:47 AM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:33 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 08:48 AM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

I think Trump's kid, Barron, is a bit odd. He looks like he'll grow up to be an American Psycho type of guy.

Or the Kim Jong Un of America.

Why do you seem so interested in the idea that the Trumps will produce a horrible politician (Tiffany = Jeb, Barron = Kim Jong Un)? [Image: lol.gif]

That said, that kid doesn't have the childlike gleam in his eyes that children his age should have. Sometimes it even seems dead.
[Image: fFyhvEo.jpg]

Even his smiling pictures seems rather 'flaccid'. I hope he doesn't have autism. Even without that, he is almost certainly not a high energy kid. I'm putting hope in Ivanka's children now.

Barron can't help but yawn during the RNC:
Since he's a kid, not being interested in all this politics talk is understandable.

its more just pointing out the possible trump duds. Ivanka, Eric and Don jr. are all super stars. Tiffany is going to be a Jeb or Ted Kennedy famous only for her selling notches to RVF members for a bottle of bourbon or pills.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:46 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

The libs are all, don't give into fear. The tea party was all about fear. Trump is running on fear.

Trump looks like he could win then it's all...

Omg I'm so scared! I never been so scared! Nazi Germany coming!! Literally Hitler! Be afraid! Be very afraid!

[Image: attachment.jpg32745]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 10:30 AM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

I am pretty sure that Barron is autistic, which is one of the reasons that Trump is not a huge fan of the crazy vaccine movement with all of those ridiculous cocktails they dose you.

Is that a joke or did you actually read that somewhere?

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 10:55 AM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 10:30 AM)Slim Shady Wrote:  

I am pretty sure that Barron is autistic, which is one of the reasons that Trump is not a huge fan of the crazy vaccine movement with all of those ridiculous cocktails they dose you.

Is that a joke or did you actually read that somewhere?
I have also read that but I don't know where.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The kid could be autistic. The incidence has been going up for a while now. It happens.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 10:32 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Tiffany is going to be a Jeb or Ted Kennedy famous only for her selling notches to RVF members for a bottle of bourbon or pills.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-22-2016 09:47 AM)Liberty Sea Wrote:  

Even his smiling pictures seems rather 'flaccid'. I hope he doesn't have autism. Even without that, he is almost certainly not a high energy kid.

Quote: (07-22-2016 11:00 AM)chicane Wrote:  

The kid could be autistic. The incidence has been going up for a while now. It happens.

Wait, just a random thought but did Trump speak from personal experience when he talk about vaccine and autism. He doesn't seem to be the type that just suddenly take a position on such things. He and Melania worked hard to alter Barron's vaccine schedule. The kid has a blank stare, rarely go outside and these signs were picked up by many people.

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