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KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

From a different perspective. ALL of this hassle would be avoidable if the studios would finally relent and build a worldwide platform that permits legal/paid and low cost distribution of content. Let's say 10 cents per flick and 5 cents per series plus minus. The Interface has already been built for them = Popcorn Time. I would happily pay for a service like that. Actually I'm still paying for Netflix but need to use a complex shell script as those fuckers made it impossible to access abroad, even with a commercial VPN. So I'm forced to actually SSH into a remote U.S. server and on a special port and use that as my proxy. It works but it's sluggish at times, plus the sound is crap (Netflix sucks on computers), plus the content is antiquated. Result: I rarely watch it.

Meanwhile I keep using Popcorn Time as it still works better than anything else out there. It's easy and it just works. the industry just doesn't get it. Instead of squeezing a few million people for several dollars (for an old release) they should accept a few cents from billions of people.

Those assholes in the entertainment industry continue to fight a war that they cannot win. People will always find a way - it's simply an arms race. One outlet falls and another one pops up.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

To paraphrase Trent Reznor :

"You cannot expect people to pay for content they can acquire for free."

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

To bad, I was wondering too.

And yes I agree with redpillage. Music and Movie industry did miss the opportunity of the internet. Its just so convenient and people are willing to pay for some service. I'm also to old to watch a movie in bad quality just to see it direct. I prefer to wait and watch in HD. I remember when music industry did cry about people record songs from the radio! Then they did push CD burners for everyone the make fool the artist but then did scream about everyone rip CDs and DvDs. And still they make billions. Also the internet did provide new artist.

Many stuff I like to watch or read I just get illegal, because everything else is not convenient. There are just a few smart people in the industry, the others try to sue everyone.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

The industry is still fucking itself in the ass even today with the insistence of having DRM on everything...

DRM is such a HUGE technical hurdle and my main reason for pirating, DRM kills cross-platform compatibility. Apple did away with DRM and it hasn't caused their iTunes sales to suffer.

I never left usenet, it's the source for all those torrents anyway.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

There's still 1337, rarbg, tpb, et, and more. The only real reason I went to kat was for the comments to see if what I was getting worked (games, software, etc.) I could usually tell from the filenames if things were fake or not, like who seriously uses .mov for a movie these days?

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

A lot of the industry seems to think that 90s revenue from DVDs and CDs is the norm and anything that doesn't live up to that is "stealing" from them.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

I'm trying to understand why Hollywood and the music industry wants their content / product to maintain an appreciating value in perpetuity.
That's why they are always looking for a gimmick like blu-ray that allows them to re-release old content whilst charging today's prices for it.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

I can go to Walmart and buy a new $5 dvd movie quicker than getting most downloads. They should sue Walmart for their lost profits.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Quote: (07-21-2016 02:02 PM)rpg Wrote:  

I can go to Walmart and buy a new $5 dvd movie quicker than getting most downloads. They should sue Walmart for their lost profits.

The fact that the 10- to 30-year-old DVDs that Walmart sells for $5 are considered a "deal" is just an example of how fucked up the industry's pricing is.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

I'd be more upset if there were actually movies or music being produced worth the space on my hard drive to torrent.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

That explains my problems yesterday. Well, I mostly just torrent TV shows and there are specific sites for that.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Quote: (07-21-2016 12:01 PM)redpillage Wrote:  

From a different perspective. ALL of this hassle would be avoidable if the studios would finally relent and build a worldwide platform that permits legal/paid and low cost distribution of content. Let's say 10 cents per flick and 5 cents per series plus minus. The Interface has already been built for them = Popcorn Time. I would happily pay for a service like that. Actually I'm still paying for Netflix but need to use a complex shell script as those fuckers made it impossible to access abroad, even with a commercial VPN. So I'm forced to actually SSH into a remote U.S. server and on a special port and use that as my proxy. It works but it's sluggish at times, plus the sound is crap (Netflix sucks on computers), plus the content is antiquated. Result: I rarely watch it.

Meanwhile I keep using Popcorn Time as it still works better than anything else out there. It's easy and it just works. the industry just doesn't get it. Instead of squeezing a few million people for several dollars (for an old release) they should accept a few cents from billions of people.

Those assholes in the entertainment industry continue to fight a war that they cannot win. People will always find a way - it's simply an arms race. One outlet falls and another one pops up.

The reason why many films are region locked is very simple: pretty much all the films outside of the big studios (Universal, Disney, WB, Fox, Columbia, Paramount) are financed by pre-selling territories.

"Hey, we have a script for an action film. James Wan is directing, Liam Neeson is starring along with Maggie Grace and Morgan Freeman. It's set in Mars."

"We'll give you $500 000 for theatrical and VOD rights in Spain."

"We'll give you $250 000 for TV rights in Japan."

You raise the budget by pre-selling the film to all these territories, then you go to the bank and say "we have deals worth of 20 million" and they'll loan you that amount of money. Then you go make the film, deliver the film to the distributors, they pay you what they promised, you pay back the bank.

If and when Netflix and others get rid of these regional restrictions, the whole financing model collapses and then it's bye bye independent films. Well, not all of them, there are always guys willing to suck some oligarch's cock or max out their credit cards to make their films. Then you have low-budget films in Europe that are made mostly for the local audiences and they get their funding for the national film foundation and national broadcasting company. Anyway, it would/will further centralize the film industry - more Fembusters and Jamal Bond, less films that might have some value.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Quote: (07-21-2016 03:11 PM)Dan Woolf Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 12:01 PM)redpillage Wrote:  

From a different perspective. ALL of this hassle would be avoidable if the studios would finally relent and build a worldwide platform that permits legal/paid and low cost distribution of content. Let's say 10 cents per flick and 5 cents per series plus minus. The Interface has already been built for them = Popcorn Time. I would happily pay for a service like that. Actually I'm still paying for Netflix but need to use a complex shell script as those fuckers made it impossible to access abroad, even with a commercial VPN. So I'm forced to actually SSH into a remote U.S. server and on a special port and use that as my proxy. It works but it's sluggish at times, plus the sound is crap (Netflix sucks on computers), plus the content is antiquated. Result: I rarely watch it.

Meanwhile I keep using Popcorn Time as it still works better than anything else out there. It's easy and it just works. the industry just doesn't get it. Instead of squeezing a few million people for several dollars (for an old release) they should accept a few cents from billions of people.

Those assholes in the entertainment industry continue to fight a war that they cannot win. People will always find a way - it's simply an arms race. One outlet falls and another one pops up.

The reason why many films are region locked is very simple: pretty much all the films outside of the big studios (Universal, Disney, WB, Fox, Columbia, Paramount) are financed by pre-selling territories.

"Hey, we have a script for an action film. James Wan is directing, Liam Neeson is starring along with Maggie Grace and Morgan Freeman. It's set in Mars."

"We'll give you $500 000 for theatrical and VOD rights in Spain."

"We'll give you $250 000 for TV rights in Japan."

You raise the budget by pre-selling the film to all these territories, then you go to the bank and say "we have deals worth of 20 million" and they'll loan you that amount of money. Then you go make the film, deliver the film to the distributors, they pay you what they promised, you pay back the bank.

If and when Netflix and others get rid of these regional restrictions, the whole financing model collapses and then it's bye bye independent films. Well, not all of them, there are always guys willing to suck some oligarch's cock or max out their credit cards to make their films. Then you have low-budget films in Europe that are made mostly for the local audiences and they get their funding for the national film foundation and national broadcasting company. Anyway, it would/will further centralize the film industry - more Fembusters and Jamal Bond, less films that might have some value.

You make good points here but I counter this with.... (drumrolls) crowdsourcing! A lot of good movies could get made this way, especially if the people funding it are actually part of the revenue model. I think there's a possible business opportunity there, even for big Hollywood productions.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Yes, just because the current method of funding films is going to eventually disappear does not mean that centralization and shit is going to take over.

Centralization and shit is what you have now.

People with a burning need to tell good stories are going to find ways to do so, and audiences are going to find them. Like they always have.

It won't be easy to make a film. It's not supposed to be easy, and it never was.

Being somewhat in the industry I can say that, yes, in the last 40 years pre-sales were a viable way of drumming up funding. But it does not follow they are the only way, nor that they were the guarantee of quality.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Does anyone here use the fileshare sites? Uploaded, Rapidgator, etc. I go to (with adblock, their ads are malicious) daily.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Filmmaking moved to HBO that's the short of it. All the great and innovative content is on streaming these days. You compare Breaking Bad, Sopranos, The Wire, Silicon Valley, GOT, Dark Mirror, to Spiderman X, Superman X, Marvel X, except for a few anomalies movies are simply not that good anymore, they're stuffed full of SJW content too. It's a dying model anyway with VR around the corner.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

They changed their domain to

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Well, what are the alternatives? Anyone have a good tip for music?

I can recommend soulseek as a good way to get underground music.

Metaltracker is good for metal.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

You can stream tv and movies on primewire dot ag

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Quote: (07-21-2016 12:32 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

To paraphrase Trent Reznor :

"You cannot expect people to pay for content they can acquire for free."

Didn't he make an assload of money releasing an album for free, and accepting voluntary donations?

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Quote: (07-21-2016 01:40 PM)TooFineAPoint Wrote:  

A lot of the industry seems to think that 90s revenue from DVDs and CDs is the norm and anything that doesn't live up to that is "stealing" from them.

Yep. Aside from the late 70's, 80's & early 90's.
Music didn't generate such grand profits.
Times change. Adapt or die.
Anyone want to buy these hand made horse-shoes...?

Quote: (07-21-2016 03:08 PM)MikeS Wrote:  

That explains my problems yesterday. Well, I mostly just torrent TV shows and there are specific sites for that.


Quote: (07-21-2016 08:52 PM)Skull_Leader Wrote:  

Didn't he make an assload of money releasing an album for free, and accepting voluntary donations?

Probably. At least he was willing to try a different venture. Similar to Radiohead.
Instead of continually attempting to cram a square peg into a round hole.

Another point.
If I download a TV show from America not readily shown abroad.
That studio was never going to get any money / revenue out of me anyway.
So it's a moot point for them to complain about lost revenue.
Plus, that so many bands & music studios don't have their entire catalog readily available on official YouTube channels (to at least generate some profit), is ridiculous.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Quote: (07-21-2016 07:15 PM)Stickman Wrote:  

They changed their domain to
Thanks..I was about to ask what the best torrent site is since they left...

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Quote: (07-21-2016 05:26 PM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Does anyone here use the fileshare sites? Uploaded, Rapidgator, etc. I go to (with adblock, their ads are malicious) daily.

They're all a pain in the ass to deal with. They also lack much of the content the torrenting sits have. Mostly though, the Premium Account system deters me entirely, torrenting has proven to be much simpler.

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

Mega is good, but I don't think there's a real way to search it, you have to go from links.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

KickAss Torrents [] Taken Down by FBI

You can always just type "watch film title" into google and free streaming sites will usually show upon the first page. This seems like the safest way to watch films online.

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