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Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

On the link below doesn't say it but a good number of these guys were killed and I saw the pictures of them dead on one of my whatsapp groups. The pictures were highly disturbing (I have deleted them from my phone but I can try get it again and pm one of you if you are interested in seeing it), their heads were removed and it was just a very uncomfortable thing to see it.

And guess what? As I was already predicting, this girl made things up. She had engaged in this act without being forced to do anything, when she found out that these guys were passing the video around, she decided to say that she was raped ( she is a 16 year old with a kid, yes slut). The favela guys when found that she was raped went after these guys and killed a good number of them.

According to nbcnews:

''Police said Friday that they have identified and are searching for four of the more than 30 men suspected in the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl.

The announcement came as acting President Michel Temer called an emergency meeting of the security ministers for each of Brazil's states. They will consider how to handle gender-related crimes, specifically as this case rocks Latin America's largest nation and highlights its endemic problem of violence against women.

"It's absurd that in the 21st century we have to live with barbarous crimes like this," Temer said in a statement. He promised to create a federal police force unit tasked with tackling crimes against women.

Police said Friday that they have identified and are searching for four of the more than 30 men suspected in the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl.

The announcement came as acting President Michel Temer called an emergency meeting of the security ministers for each of Brazil's states. They will consider how to handle gender-related crimes, specifically as this case rocks Latin America's largest nation and highlights its endemic problem of violence against women.

"It's absurd that in the 21st century we have to live with barbarous crimes like this," Temer said in a statement. He promised to create a federal police force unit tasked with tackling crimes against women.

The assault came to light after several men joked about the attack online, posting graphic photos and videos of the unconscious, naked teen on Twitter.

Police also asked for the public's help to track down the four men and identify the others. Local reports said more than 800 people had called a hotline that was set up to share information.

Authorities say the rape happened last Saturday while the girl was visiting her boyfriend in a shantytown on the west side of Rio de Janeiro.

At a news conference Friday, police said the girl reported being raped by 33 men and regaining consciousness the following day. Police said they had been unable to confirm exactly how many men may have taken part.

The girl's 19-year-old boyfriend was one of the men being sought, but police said they did not know whether he may have been one of the attackers. Police said the men were armed, though it wasn't clear if the weapons were used to intimidate the victim during the attack.

Brazil, a conservative, majority-Catholic nation of 200 million people, has long struggled to curb violence against women. A study by the Brazilian Center for Latin American Studies found that between 1980 and 2010, more than 92,000 women were killed in crimes related to gender, involving incidents from rape to domestic abuse''.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Every goddamn country and every whore of every color is getting in on this shit.
Be very, very careful gents.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 02:17 AM)cubanlinx Wrote:  

Every goddamn country and every whore of every color is getting in on this shit.
Be very, very careful gents.

I have friends who were incarcerated for false rape accusations. In a civilized world you are incarcerated, imagine fucking a favela girl and later she decides to tell her favela guys that you raped her and then you have those savages coming after you. I was thinking to go chill in Brazil this year but after seeing those pictures,I am like, fuck that.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

I would've thought that gangbanging a 16 yr old could only have ended positively. No guy deserves to be killed over an accusation, one apparently that is proven false makes it even worse but a little common sense please.

this girl should get the death penalty for the lives she took.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

I don't see any part of the news mentioning that this was a false accusation.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

I read she got drugged, could also not find false accusation. They even mention the boyfriend send those guys to teach her a lesson, because he suspect her of cheating.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 04:24 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't see any part of the news mentioning that this was a false accusation.

Once these things blow up in the media it doesn't matter about facts. The narrative must be maintained and the government must be seen to be 'doing the right thing'.

What disgusts me is that there will be no consequences for the girl who was willing to trade men's lives for her reputation.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

So I guess the lesson here is if you are going to be doing drugs with 16 year old girls until they pass out and running a 30 man train on them then you should probably not be filming it and posting to social media. Things might be misinterpreted by the public.

As for dudes getting beheaded, chalk it up to the game.

I imagine in most non-English speaking countries (because most English speaking countries are full of pussies) if you and 30 of your boys gangbang a 16 year old, even with consent, her male relatives are going to be coming for blood when they find out.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 04:35 AM)Speculation Wrote:  

Quote: (05-30-2016 04:24 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I don't see any part of the news mentioning that this was a false accusation.

Once these things blow up in the media it doesn't matter about facts. The narrative must be maintained and the government must be seen to be 'doing the right thing'.

What disgusts me is that there will be no consequences for the girl who was willing to trade men's lives for her reputation.

Yeah but where did she say it was made up?

L:219  F:29  V:9  A:6  3S:1

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Nbc doesn't say that it was made up. Look at this link (in portuguese), this link says it

According to this link, this girl was known for engaging in sex orgies in exchange for some drugs. She was a drug addicted and was willing to do anything for it. I think this time she regretted and decided to tell guys from the other side of favela that she was raped.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

I see - sadly I don't know Portuguese (wish I did) - I thought these favela crimes usually go unnoticed by middle class media in Brazil?

L:219  F:29  V:9  A:6  3S:1

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl


Once these things blow up in the media it doesn't matter about facts. The narrative must be maintained and the government must be seen to be 'doing the right thing'.

What disgusts me is that there will be no consequences for the girl who was willing to trade men's lives for her reputation.

So you're just assuming that this was a false accusation?

You have so much to offer this topic.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

It's more than obvious that this is false accusation.

1)Girl is a well known slut, she was involved in sex orgies several times.
2)She has different pictures holding guns
3) The guys that had sex with her are not street guys. The gangsters call them ''rapazes do asfalto'' (meaning that they don't live in favela or are middle class guys), these are not guys who are likely to rape.
4) She has a kid and she is only 16, her face and body language screams ''SLUT''

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Sluts can't be raped?
SJWs are springing guilt by association on guys all the time so why are you not rising above that level if you want to think of yourself as a better man?

Also Engatilhado is only the kind of site you'd lift your news from if you want to be part of the same echo chamber. It has the same journalistic qualities of Perez Hilton's blog.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

I guess this slut heard about that other slut from the 25 guy wolf pack.

That is the kind of justice that happens in third world countries. Those useless people just wanted a reason to end someone's life.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 07:14 AM)Vicious Wrote:  


Once these things blow up in the media it doesn't matter about facts. The narrative must be maintained and the government must be seen to be 'doing the right thing'.

What disgusts me is that there will be no consequences for the girl who was willing to trade men's lives for her reputation.

So you're just assuming that this was a false accusation?

You have so much to offer this topic.

And you have even less.

My statement is contingent the OP's inside information.

She has a history of engaging in prostitution. While this doesn't guarantee she was not raped it certainly leaves open the possibility.

If she did a false accusation then its horrible that men died.

Edit: Google translate from the link above -


Police starts working on the assumption that the 16 year old girl lied about being a victim of gang rape.

The suspects who testified said that the girl was not forced to have sex.
Audios others involved circulating on the internet, where they have the same version heard in the statements.

Other audio and comments from people who know the girl say that this kind of situation is common in the girl's life, which gained national prominence to declare rape victim.

According to new evidence, the girl took part in orgies in shanty towns long ago, in exchange for drugs.

According to those involved and acquaintances of the girl, her ecstasy abused (popularly called bullet). This drug leaves the user with an almost uncontrollable lust, among other things.

According to those involved, it would participate in an orgy with 5 traffickers. After the use of the drug she wanted more. 36 were men.
The girl ended up being bruised, but still on drugs, asked for more.

After the incident she had gone, when he missed his phone. He returned to the slum but not found. So, according to one of the suspects, she wanted to have sex again.
What happened after that back to the place of the alleged rape, until the time she was found, it is still unclear.

The problem for the girl is that videos and photos of the alleged orgy would have leaked, coming to the knowledge of his family.
So, according to those involved and acquaintances of the girl, she decided to tell who was raped, simply ashamed to face their families.

I'm not happy that a 16yo addict girl was trading drugs for sex with groups of men at a time. These men aren't innocent, but they don't deserve death and mutilation.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 07:35 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

Sluts can't be raped?
SJWs are springing guilt by association on guys all the time so why are you not rising above that level if you want to think of yourself as a better man?

One question, have you ever ran a train on any chick?

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

I prefer Business Class, not available on Amtrak.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 05:54 AM)Sandstorm Wrote:  

I see - sadly I don't know Portuguese (wish I did) - I thought these favela crimes usually go unnoticed by middle class media in Brazil?

Hit the translate button on top left for English translation.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

There are still a lot of things that are not clear in this case:

- Way too early to conclude that she is lying. Only evidence sited in the link above are a few facebook posts
- No hard evidence of 30+ guys. In the video you only see 2 and one of them makes a comment that 30 guys have already fucked her. She also mentioned 30+ armed guys when she woke up
- No blood on the mattress where she woke up
- In the video the guys are naked and fingering her while she is asleep / passed out which is classified as rape in Brazil
- No one reporting that any of the alleged rapists have been killed, appears to just be BS that gets circulated on whatsapp (this is possibly the strongest evidence that she is lying, traficantes don't tolerate rapists)

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 08:33 AM)champ Wrote:  

There are still a lot of things that are not clear in this case:

- Way too early to conclude that she is lying. Only evidence sited in the link above are a few facebook posts
- No hard evidence of 30+ guys. In the video you only see 2 and one of them makes a comment that 30 guys have already fucked her. She also mentioned 30+ armed guys when she woke up
- No blood on the mattress where she woke up
- In the video the guys are naked and fingering her while she is asleep / passed out which is classified as rape in Brazil
- No one reporting that any of the alleged rapists have been killed, appears to just be BS that gets circulated on whatsapp (this is possibly the strongest evidence that she is lying, traficantes don't tolerate rapists)

Did you see the pictures? Some of these guys were killed, it's not bullshit.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 02:17 AM)cubanlinx Wrote:  

Every goddamn country and every whore of every color is getting in on this shit.
Be very, very careful gents.

I partially blame the Toronto false accuser/s who tried to make life a living hell for several Brazilian athletes during the Pan-am games last year. The Toronto feminazi lifestyle became known in Brazil 1000X since then because the accused are famous in Brazil and the rest of South and Latin America.[Image: angry.gif]

The messed up thing is that Brazil's economy isn't doing so well, and the authorities in Brazil have to use all of their resources to deal with this matter because of the feminazis, while thousands of Brazilians who are victims of violent robberies and kidnappings are literally invisible to the mainstream media.

So in other words, people who are getting robbed violently and kidnapped in Brazil are not given any spotlight by feminazi groups at all, nor will the police be likely to take that much action to investigate or deal with those issues.

How many feminazi activists in San Paulo are from Canada and the US by the way? One should find out that, and see how globalist these feminazis really are!

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

This is what it's like in places where the state doesn't intervene, where everyday is a struggle and potentially death. The law is the biggest, hardest fucker and his boys.

Also, if this is a false accusation I wouldn't worry about the girl getting away scot-free. She won't.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Brazila as a nation has one of the highest per capita murder rates in the world. In raw numbers, it has the highest rate of murder in the world. Per capita it was 25 per 100,000 in 2012. In comparison, in the US it's less than 4 per 100,000. Brazil has 200 million people and over 50,000 were murdered in 2012. That is 4X the number of murders in the US and we have a population of 300 million. I like to bang Brazillian girls as much as the next guy, but that place has major problems. There's also the issue of this Zika virus. The globalist World Health Organization(WHO) is saying pregnant women should not attend the Olympics in Rio this summer, but of course their globalist cronies in the Olympic Committee are saying the games should carry on (and the WHO is in agreement.)

Whether she raped, a whore, or a whore who was raped...(shakes head and shrugs shoulders.) Whether the alleged criminals are favela trash or middle class guys...(shakes head and shrugs shoulders.) The place has massive social problems.

Brazil: More than 30 men involved in gang rape of 16 year old girl

Quote: (05-30-2016 01:57 PM)britchard Wrote:  

This is what it's like in places where the state doesn't intervene, where everyday is a struggle and potentially death. The law is the biggest, hardest fucker and his boys.

Also, if this is a false accusation I wouldn't worry about the girl getting away scot-free. She won't.

Times are VERY hard in Latin America and the Caribbean right now..People get robbed and attacked, but when they go to the police, the police officers are unable to deal with the crime.

This is why there is "street justice" in those countries because the police don't really do anything.

However, because this story reached the radar of privileged, feminazi groups in Canada and the US, the current Brazilian government, with its limited resources and poor economic conditions, were FORCED to dispatch police officers to investigate this incident while thousands of other people are deprived of safety from armed robbers, etc.

Yes, people will be pissed off if they find out the victim was lying through her teeth because the police were using their energy to cater to her story.

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