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Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

The first Muslim to be elected Mayor of a major western city has just happened:

What's on his resume?

He was a consultant to one of the 9/11 conspirators.
He referred to moderate Muslims as "uncle Toms"
He's been on platform with nasty radical Imams and defended them.

Not a good development if you ask me.

The clueless reporterette I was just watching on TV is saying pie in the sky things like: "he has a real opportunity here to bring people together"

Please. You give radicals like this an inch they will take all they can and then some. London is lost. England too.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

I always wanted to travel to London. That's definitely been removed from places I'm going to visit.

"I thought what I'd do was, I'd Make America Great Again!"

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Sad to see the UK go, I lived there for 7 years and despite all the things I disliked about it would have enjoyed staying. The Muslim invasion and welcoming of said invasion was my last straw. To see this invasion enter its next phase, it's heart breaking to say the least. We are truly handing over power of the country to the invaders willingly, through democracy.

What is next? My guess would be a Islamic/Muslim political party endorsed by Sadiq that eventually goes on to get seats in parliament, and even further down the line, the UK sees it's first Muslim Prime Minister. The Muslim population would not even have to out number the native population, they just have to out vote it, which is easy due to the low percent of the populous that actually votes.

It's depressing...

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

UK is a lost cause, has been for some time now.

It was only a matter of time.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

We can look forward to a lot more media whitewashing of murders and rapes going on in London.
It might make their mayor look bad otherwise.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Quote: (05-06-2016 01:35 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

UK is a lost cause, has been for some time now.

Yup, Western World is going to shit on a cultural level.

The Western Elite have chosen:
-Tolerance over social stability.
-Muticulturalism over social cohesion.
-Equal outcome over equal opportunity.
-LGBT values over family values.
-Anti-discrimination over personal liberty.
-Fascism over freedom.

I am definitely starting to ask myself why I should continue to live in the U.S.

There is money, but the direction the culture is going is crap.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Quote: (05-06-2016 01:49 PM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2016 01:35 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

UK is a lost cause, has been for some time now.

Yup, Western World is going to shit on a cultural level.

The Western Elite have chosen:
-Tolerance over social stability.
-Muticulturalism over social cohesion.
-Equal outcome over equal opportunity.
-LGBT values over family values.
-Anti-discrimination over personal liberty.
-Fascism over freedom.

I am definitely starting to ask myself why I should continue to live in the U.S.

There is money, but the direction the culture is going is crap.

At the very least you guys have Trump on the way, if he wins the presidency I do have faith that he will put things on the right path.

The UK doesn't have that saviour, UKIP is the closest thing but they aren't willing to take extreme enough measures, which basically ensures that if, by the time they have the power to do anything it will be too late.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Quote: (05-06-2016 01:35 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

UK is a lost cause, has been for some time now.

It was only a matter of time.

This is why we need President Trump.

When the people of Britain see what Trump can do for his nation, they will say "why can't we have that".

This result in London is bad, I agree, but allow me to describe what happened in the local government elections across the UK.

UKIP did very well. They gained 23 local government seats.

All the other parties had mediocre or bad results over all.

This is a good sign, it means many people are waking up to the new political paradigm of Nationalists vs Globalists.

[Image: Cet1GuKXIAUiLru.jpg]

OK, so nothing new in that image, but it is important to remember that there are people standing up to the values that some politicians are forcing upon people today.

To echo Gio in the Trump thread: if any of you Americans have British friends, talk to them about what is happening here, and ask them why they aren't voting UKIP or supporting PEGIDA. If they reply with "far-right" or the usual "UKIP supporters are knuckle draggers", then you have a lot of work to do.

The ruling elite want political apathy, political enthusiasm can stop them.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

In the face of the incoming Islamic extremism, you must be extreme. Trump took a very controversial position by suggesting a temporary Muslim ban, which is an entirely sane thing to do. He took a lot of heat for it, but he made the right calculation that most people silently agreed with him. Between the Orwellian anti-free-speech laws in the U.K., the massive pandering to Islamic barbarians and the near-universally panned and feminist inclined British women, I strongly encourage my English brethren to look into emigrating. Your country hates you, and without the protection of the 2nd Amendment, you will be at the hands of the Islamic mobs before long.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

What else they going to do, elect an English nobleman? England is basically the example I always use as "hero to zero". I'm surprised he isn't a tranny too.

In my dreams the Queen (Queen of Australia too), says "how about all you cuck faggots fuck off" and forcibly reverses 100 years of degeneration. Alas, it's just a dream.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Will make sure to not visit London while that terrorist sympathizer is in power.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England


We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

I wonder if this will have nay effect on Brexit
(oops still under 200 posts)

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England


To echo Gio in the Trump thread: if any of you Americans have British friends, talk to them about what is happening here, and ask them why they aren't voting UKIP or supporting PEGIDA. If they reply with "far-right" or the usual "UKIP supporters are knuckle draggers", then you have a lot of work to do.

The ruling elite want political apathy, political enthusiasm can stop them.

While the UKIP certainly did well in recent elections, that doesn't begin to tell the full story.

England, like most advanced countries, has its true political power centers in urban areas. London dominates the political scene not only for British politics, but for much of greater Europe.

Demographics are destiny. I strongly support every patriotic son of England who wants to fight this madness with every fiber of his being. Yes, continue to vote and inform friends. Be politically active. But also consider an exit plan. All countries face inevitable collapse given a long enough time horizon. An English passport is still a valuable ticket around the world, especially if you have marketable skills.

We have the Brexit item on the table to be decided very shortly. If the globalist E.U. types manage to keep England snagged in its fangs, I don't see much hope for the average white Englander.

To have a future, you must have children. Of those native sons of England, how many of you are actively dating a girl you're considering kids with, or getting married? What's the point of voting in elections if the demographic winter will fall upon you and your clan? If you, and your male friends aren't actively gaming English women who are sympathetic to Queen and Country, why not?

I challenge every British man who reads this to savor these words, and ponder what they really mean for him personally. Are you willing to find and game a patriotic woman? Are you willing to have a large family, a key weapon against a future Muslim-infused England? Are you ready to make those sacrifices?

Here, in the United States, many women are horrible choices for dating, let alone marriage. Even still, there remain pockets of good, patriotic women. Yes, there are women who love Trump because they know he is an alpha provider, the strong father figure we need in perilous times. I'm actively seeking out women who want more than anything to be wives and mothers. Women who reject feminist nonsense. I know it will be a huge challenge, but I love my country and refuse to MGTOW or be a player for life. There is more to life than sex, and I want a legacy with the right woman to leave for the future.

When I wake up in the morning and see images like this, it moves me:

[Image: trump-first-family.jpg]

Trump knows that there is no point in having a billion dollars if you have no legacy to leave behind. Men throughout the ages have known this simple fact of life. Every western man, especially those in critical stages of political developments like in England, need to internalize this message to ultimately succeed against the forces of evil who are already inside our walls.

This, is the great challenge of our time.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

I can't believe it. They actually did it.

If London actually voted for a Muslim mayor knowing full well what's happening in Europe, than Londoners deserve everything that's coming to them.

Fuck it. Europe is lost. America is probably fucked too, but at least we have Trump.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

The stuff Geert Wilders said about Rotterdam's Muslim mayor in his book....I can't begin to imagine how it's going to be in London if this guy is anywhere near as insane

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

80% of Londoners did not vote for him.

Dr. Johnson Was Wrong: For The First Time In 30 Years, I Desperately Want To Leave London

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

This whole thing is really odd.

Firstly, this guy is an islamist scumbag.

Secondly, the Conservatives (party of outgoing Mayor Boris Johnson) decided the best thing in the World to do was to nominate a guy called Goldsmith; a member of the elite and frankly 100% unelectable in this role. I knew it was crazy. Everyone I know knew it was crazy. They did it anyway.

Why? I just refuse to believe that nobody of influence stopped and said "Hang on a second chaps...we're going to get mullered with this guy".

My girlfriend said to me today: "We really need to move to the countryside soon...these muslims are going to make you explode soon". This after I'd sat in a traffic jam (smoking a Churchill natch) and counted 20 cars in a row driven by muslims on the other side.

I've just had enough.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Quote: (05-06-2016 03:45 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

This whole thing is really odd.

Firstly, this guy is an islamist scumbag.

Secondly, the Conservatives (party of outgoing Mayor Boris Johnson) decided the best thing in the World to do was to nominate a guy called Goldsmith; a member of the elite and frankly 100% unelectable in this role. I knew it was crazy. Everyone I know knew it was crazy. They did it anyway.

Why? I just refuse to believe that nobody of influence stopped and said "Hang on a second chaps...we're going to get mullered with this guy".

My girlfriend said to me today: "We really need to move to the countryside soon...these muslims are going to make you explode soon". This after I'd sat in a traffic jam (smoking a Churchill natch) and counted 20 cars in a row driven by muslims on the other side.

I've just had enough.

Get the hell out of Dodge buddy. Staying in London is inviting Ground Zero violence against you and everyone else that you love. It sounds like your girlfriend has a pretty level head. Are you considering marrying her and having children? If not, why not?

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

London 1000 B.C. - 2016

[Image: Lg7ejRK.jpg]

[Image: CN-VgFiXAAUroeJ.jpg]

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Quote: (05-06-2016 03:50 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Quote: (05-06-2016 03:45 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

This whole thing is really odd.

Firstly, this guy is an islamist scumbag.

Secondly, the Conservatives (party of outgoing Mayor Boris Johnson) decided the best thing in the World to do was to nominate a guy called Goldsmith; a member of the elite and frankly 100% unelectable in this role. I knew it was crazy. Everyone I know knew it was crazy. They did it anyway.

Why? I just refuse to believe that nobody of influence stopped and said "Hang on a second chaps...we're going to get mullered with this guy".

My girlfriend said to me today: "We really need to move to the countryside soon...these muslims are going to make you explode soon". This after I'd sat in a traffic jam (smoking a Churchill natch) and counted 20 cars in a row driven by muslims on the other side.

I've just had enough.

Get the hell out of Dodge buddy. Staying in London is inviting Ground Zero violence against you and everyone else that you love. It sounds like your girlfriend has a pretty level head. Are you considering marrying her and having children? If not, why not?

Unluckily for me I don't live in London. Unlucky because I love somewhere worse, with even more of the little bearded cockroaches.

I'll be off to the shires in a couple of years, when business is even better, to live the English dream; a few hundred acres, an open fire and a pair of matching Range Rovers. Until then, gotta just keep my head down.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Quote: (05-06-2016 03:53 PM)Daddy Chains Wrote:  

London R.I.P.

[Image: Lg7ejRK.jpg]

That's fake, right?

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Well from what I have seen on the net, the guy has connections with Islamists. Extremely bad decision to elect him.

I think a lot more conservative and moderate muslims exist in London, that would have been a better choice if they wanted that bad to elect a muslim man.

Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England


Muslim Sadiq Khan becomes Mayor of London, England

Quote: (05-06-2016 03:56 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

That's fake, right?

Yes it is. But despite that is echoes how many people feel.

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