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How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-06-2011 08:52 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (12-06-2011 08:14 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Grades measure obedience more than intelligence. Even in the hard sciences.

"Do assignments X, Y, and Z, and in the format I tell you!"

Following orders isn't a mark of high intelligence.

Recognizing the advantages of good grades (good luck getting in at Google, Facebook, Twitter, and other start-ups with shitty grades) is a mark of high IQ.

Not doing work because, well, "Fuck it I'm 19, so how dare some professor tell me anything!" is petulant, and insufferable to any guy who has done shit with his life.

I could get a job at those places probably and I have shitty grades. It's more about your skills, a portfolio of delivered work, and how well you interview test on your algorithms & multithreading class material, and whatever else your actually being hired for.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

For those of you who think grades are the "be all, end all" way to determine a person's professional/personal success read Daniel Goleman's book, "Emotional Intelligence."

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Grades are totally irrelevant. I didn't even show up half the time in high school. Too busy making money and fucking college girls.

I look at it as this: if you have something else you're doing, some other worthy use of your time and effort, your grades should not matter. Game is a worthy use of it (we call business-gamers "salesmen"), as is working hard and investing. I spend about 3 hours a day browsing the internet, trying to find ways to make money, start a business, etc. If I get shit grades, but leave school and find my calling in life, maintaining a lifestyle which pleases me and will do so until I grow old and die, without harming the lives of others around me (like pushing crack on schoolkids, or selling fat bitches flip-flops), I'm doing ok.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Very true Anon-A-Moose. But is the information that you receive via surfing the internet usually a better alternative than consulting with a PHD who can answer any questions you have in-person? Furthermore, are the two mutually exclusive? I don't think so. I know plenty of people who did well in school while pursuing their interests by leveraging the resources that schools had available by participating in clubs that were relevant to their business/career aspirations.

How do you put down stupid bitches in class?

Quote: (12-03-2011 07:16 AM)Andreas Wrote:  

There are some girls in my school who act like spoiled princesses

Stop whining. Take some "real" classes in math and science. There won't be many women, and those women will be serious and smart. I never experienced politically correct bullshit in a math, science, or economics class.

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