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Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-30-2014 05:09 PM)Travesty444 Wrote:  

I want to say this is a great quote for those of us who don't quite know large success yet.

I have said this for years to friends and others when I tell them plans or how much effort it takes to really succeed at anything.

The word to describe it really is obsession or all consuming. If you want to make amazing progress quickly at anything and be successful it needs to be your sole focus at that point in your life. I hear this repeatedly from successful people and people that are not successful look at you like you are sick in the head when you explain what it really takes to out-do everyone else. The amount of hours, the nights, the weekends, the time management, trying to squeeze out a social life on top of all that.

You need to sacrifice and persevere over long periods of time.

Yeah, I couldn't say whether that type of obsession is good or bad. I guess it is what it is.

When I get a particular vision, for a program, in my head, I have to create it otherwise I don't stop thinking about it. Most times it comes from trying to use other programs that just don't meet my specific needs.

For a long time, I had a problem turning work off. I guess I still do, in a way, but force myself to workout, to go out for walks with the dog, or make sure to visit with friends and family.

You do need balance to be happy.

I still think people can accomplish great stuff without having to be obsessed. Like you said, the obsession portion allows you to work through the long hours that are typically needed. Maybe the obsession is leaving the country to live in a foreign land.

Try and use any type of motivation to make your goals a reality. We can trick ourselves. For instance, I made myself believe I wouldn't be able to go out and get a job. Honestly, I don't know whether that was true or not. There was a good chance I could walk out and get a 6 figure job. But thinking that way helped motivate me to do what I needed to do and it worked.

The good part is people like me make terrible husbands. haha I was briefly married and divorced her partly because she was getting more and more demanding of my time. I am not good in relationships, especially when the time comes when they want more from me. Not a bad thing to upgrade every few months or years, eh? hah

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I read the entire thread and given the dates I'm a little disappointed the data sheets have not dropped.

I'm a natural skeptic, especially when it comes to things on the interweb. After reading everything I'm still a little skeptic but I think the OPs story is plausible.

It sounds like he made the 500k buy buying ads and converting that paid traffic. His numbers are similar to what other people in the IM space report, especially if he was willing to spend not tens or hundreds but thousands on paid traffic. He was vague but I'm guessing that whatever he was selling (we'd all like to know) stopped converting but he was still paying for traffic.

A lot of people are asking why did he stop IM if he was so successful. I'm only guessing but I would imagine it's because he did not have the stomach for buying $10k+ in ads and having no conversions. I read an article by I think shoemoney where he talked about himself or someone else making high 6 figures but having an obscene ad spend per month in the 10s of thousands. I can't really comment on why he didn't pivot into something else IM related and would love for him to explain more about that. It's possible that IM is not really something he liked and by sheer luck he stumbled onto something that made him a boat load of cash quickly.

The money he made sounds like a lot but if he pumped a lot of money into buying traffic for a high converting product that paid him well then it is possible although apparently not sustainable.

For the real estate, it sounds like he had the cash to buy some of the properties and got a mortgage for the rest. Given the amount of cash he says he's put in my guess is that he has met some connections in the real estate business. It's my understanding that a good broker can still work magic, especially if you have a large sum of liquid capital behind you. He also mentioned his property manager putting him onto to deals and I can vouch for property managers doing that.

So why is it that most of us would fail at or not be able to get started in real estate? The short answer is funding. We're pretty much past the days where most people can take out several mortgages in hopes of flipping or renting which means making down payments. If someone knows a way to get started in real estate without having to risk too much of your own money then I'd love to see a datasheet or would even buy you a drink or several if we met in person.

Some of his success at real estate probably also comes from being diversified. With several units he can afford for some to not be occupied. He also has leverage to negotiate with his property manager to keep them on the ball. Even though his success might be hard to replicate I think a data sheet that at least shares the lessons he's learned could help.

I've never worked in the oil fields but from everything I've read and the people I've met, 200k seems high unless it's one of the few jobs where he is essentially paid for working hours that's he's not actually on site. I could be wrong but I think he said 200k is the potential so he's probably making half that now. That does seems possible. It's also possible that he has a job that pays 50k for 3 month jobs so if he worked all year it would be 200k. Since we don't exactly know what he does let's reserve a bit of judgement.

As to how he could walk up with no experience and get it, I can believe that. Based on people I've met in real life who worked in the oil business, it's more about who you know and who likes you than anything else. The one driller I've met was a country guy who got the job because his brother, who has a masters in some type of engineering, got him the job. A guy I know who made ~40k in I think 4 months in Alaska got the job because someone he knew from his hometown worked there. That guy does something in I think North Dakota for haliburton now and he got that job because someone from the Alaska job was heading down and had a connection.

When I met the driller I mentioned above I told him that I might apply for some jobs online and he laughed in my face. He told me that my best shot is to just show up and try or go with him the next day to meet his brother. It sounds like the OP showed up and pounded the pavement. The OP also had savings and place to stay so he didn't have to jump at the first job and could probably be a bit selective.

Although it sounds like bull because it's a lot of money and success in a short period of time, parts of it are probably true. Like many of you I'm looking forward to a datasheet, but for anyone who takes the time to read with an open mind the OP and other members have already shared some good info on this thread.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Everything you said is basically accurate. I am actually transitioning into making an ecommerce site and arbitraging products on amazon from alibaba, so I'm not entirely out of IM and I did enjoy it. What I was doing was not sustainable, and you are correct about the adspend. The money was made from offers in many niches: insurance, diet, ecig, skin, credit, etc.

Excuse the lack of a datasheet for now...I am fighting to keep my job with the price of oil at $46/bbl. All I do is work and sleep. Literally.

Even if I lose it, I'm still fine thanks to being financially independent from real estate. I dropped a little more knowledge on the rental real estate thread in here as well for anyone interested. Didn't have time for a full datasheet.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

You have time to reply within a few hours to your thread, but not make a datasheet. Huh?

Originally saw potential in this thread but it looks like it was all just for attention. What a troll.

Its been over a month since this thread started. I'm sure it would have taken less than a few hrs to have created a datasheet. Don't say you are going to do something unless you are ACTUALLY going to do it.

Quote:Killface Wrote:

Data sheet is coming boys. Patience. It's a doozy.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Maybe work 14 hour night shifts in freezing weather doing manual labor in the oilfields during massive layoffs while running an Internet and real estate business remotely, then tell me how much free time you have to make datasheets?

There is a bit more information in the rental real estate thread and people are free to ask specific questions.

I would suggest putting down the xbox controller, putting pants on, and finishing your bowl of Cheetos for starters.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (02-01-2015 05:07 AM)DumbfromBirth Wrote:  

Its been over a month since this thread started. I'm sure it would have taken less than a few hrs to have created a datasheet. Don't say you are going to do something unless you are ACTUALLY going to do it.

If killface has done and is doing as claimed, he is basically a superman.
If you were a superman, would you be spending your time writing an anonymous datasheet on a niche internet forum, or your superman stuff?
We already have 3 points of 'legitimacy confirmation', stop being impatient and wait.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I guess we will never get those data sheets.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Meh, I doubt he was ever going to deliver them anyway.

I suspect part of the reason is "why tell guys how to compete with you", which is fair enough if he's in on some niche, but then don't tease and promise if you aren't going to deliver.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Some people here suggesting 150k-300k passive income don't realize how long it will take working even a highly paid job i.e. Investment banker / Doctor with a very high savings rate to acquire the wealth required to generate that level of passive income. It's ideal but unrealistic unless you want to leave your job at 50.

I think ideally you have a nice passive income base + work online. That would allow you a ton of freedom and is a more realistic outcome.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Most of these passive incomes people speak about seem anything but.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

"Passive" seems more like a side effect of work you actually WANT to do. Roosh wanted to work with masculinity and banging girls. He had to work hard to monitize that and still, I'm sure, works very hard to put that stuff together. But he also has money from ROK coming in with relatively little work on his part. I think the passive income idea is based on freedom from hours spent in a brick and mortar business, not sitting around being lazy and watching the money roll in.

If you enjoy what you do, you aren't "working" but you're still putting in a ton of time on something. While he might not have to work a lot on ROK, it seems like he's still very involved.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Passive to me means going to bed and waking up richer than when I fell asleep.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever would that be accomplished?

One idea: convince people you know how to do that and have them pay you to tell them how haha.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Well yeah, it all is ultimately getting paid for something you have already done the work for; just spread out over a long time.

I guess the only true passive income is from inherited wealth; a huge stock portfolio or trust fund.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Or interest from a large sum of well-managed capital.

Edit: Never mind you already mentioned that...

Anyway, that's my point. Unless you've got that, this discussion is pointless. Therefore! (Pause for effect) High-ROI schemes on a realistic level are out there, you just have to find a niche and exploit it. Thus my focus on finding something you're interested in that will allow you to really enjoy the work and be successful at it.

Just gotta find out what that is...

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (06-22-2015 11:53 AM)h3ltrsk3ltr Wrote:  

Or interest from a large sum of well-managed capital.

Edit: Never mind you already mentioned that...

As long as you didn't have any input in its acquisition, yeah.

For the purposes of this debate though I think we have to say that passive income is something that you will continue to be paid for long after the work is done.

Like royalties on a song or book or whatever.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Yeah any schmuck can write a book, right? Still working on mine, it's kind of stagnated unfortunately.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (06-22-2015 12:05 PM)h3ltrsk3ltr Wrote:  

Yeah any schmuck can write a book, right?

It was an example, not a slight [Image: huh.gif]

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I didn't take it as a slight, just agreeing with you!

A book is a great idea and I'm actually working on one. It's just difficult with the hours I work.

My bad, I probably could have worded that better.

My point was that, in terms of passive income, writing a book is a great place to start because all it takes is time and a little money. That's not to say it's easy but if you have experience and interest in an area, you can write a book about it, do a companion website, and get income from it.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Yeah, I read it as you suggesting I thought it was an option for every man out there [Image: biggrin.gif]

No worries.

I am pretty much the best at what I do in my country; elite level at my line of work. The way I work things now is that I teach people how to succeed in my industry but at the same time sell them either a franchise or a long term consultancy package. It's pretty hands off; maybe 4-6 hours per week and I often don't hear from clients for 6 months at a time with their money still rolling in.

This thread opened my eyes to writing a blog and creating a series of ebooks within my field to scoop up the smaller fish who don't have the money or ability to make the money to pay me long term.

I just don't know how to go about it; I really want to pay someone to set it all up for me.

Any ideas how I might go about that?

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Checkout badnet. It's from victor pride's site and a killer option for someone in your position. I'd post a link but I'm not sure if I'm supposed to. Let me know if you have difficulty finding it.

I'd also be very interested in hearing more about what you do if you'd care to share.

Per Ardua Ad Astra | "I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubblegum"

Cobra and I did some awesome podcasts with awesome fellow members.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Thankyou. That's exactly the kind of service I'm looking for.

The fact that it's so cheap makes me nervous though...(there's a business lesson for those who think competing on price is the only way to go haha).

Happy to discuss my business via pm.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Really the only guys who are going to have 3 million + saved to generate a 100k+ passive income are going to be 50+ guys or an unusually successful business owner or those with a large inheritance. There are the exceptionally rare exceptions being those with music royalties, acting royalties, pro athletes etc. It's a different ball game if you are aiming for that at 65 as opposed to 35. Sure the odd finance guy, law guy or dental guy will have enough by 40. But for every one that does you can bet there are 100+ who don't.

The MrMoneyMoustache and some other financial bloggers have done well for themselves. They save / have invested around $1 million by 35ish. Then they run a website blogging about it getting additional income. Perhaps between capital gains / dividends they have $40,000 / year they spend. If you then have a job in say Colombia teaching english perhaps you can make $20,000 more. All of a sudden you can make nearly $60k in Colombia with very little tax. That's a good and more viable strategy. But simply hoping to save million(s) is going to leave you 50+. Your libido will be dropping by then, your looks and your desires in life will be changing.

Probably just smarter to save up a reasonable amount of investments that is achievable by your mid 30's and then work where you wish to live or do a trip like Neil Skywalker did then work where you want to live.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

So these blogs.

Do they actually generate any income themselves? If so, how?

I'd see it all as a pipeline to consultancy. Obviously a few cheap Ebooks would pay a little.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I have 0 knowledge about the income these blogs generate or how it works but from what I've read some of these guys are making more from their blogs than their original nest egg.

Some fast math tells me that if I somehow get 10% returns...if you start making money at 25 you'd have to invest about $96,000 / year to get past 3 million at 40. The longer you wait the more your yearly investment would need to be. If you only had a 10 year window to get to 3 million you'd need to invest a cool $15,000 / month ($180,000 / year). This is all exceptionally improbable. This is why rich people by and large are very old as it takes a long time to take advantage of compounding.

This is quite literally why you hear about many pro athletes going broke / not having that much post playing career. Take an NFL player who makes 500k/ year and is in the league 4 years. He makes maybe 1.2 million net after taxes total. He probably spends 100k / year minimum. He now has 800k. He buys a house for say 400k. Now he has 400k to invest. Maybe he gets 15k a year in dividends from that. Joe the football player unfortunately then has to go find other employment.

If you want to live abroad, do the 6 on 6 off like some of our members do or find employment abroad or save a reasonable nest egg + work location independent.

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