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Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-17-2015 05:41 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:49 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Yes that is why im considering Madrid. Though I still think you would bang imore in Paris. Even when I didnt have game at 19, I picked up an Austrian and a Danish girl on the street, in Paris. It has a certain magic and allure and speaking French is gold.
Western European capitals, though more expensive, might be better than eastern european ones now, especially if you are fluent in the local language. They have girls coming from all over the world.

Paris is golden for day game, many girls travel solo and are already half seduced by the beauty of the city. Meeting a charming man here is for them the cherry on the cake.
Having a nice apartment is indeed a huge plus which alone can brings you lot of pussy, but a furnished 50 m2 in a nice area in Paris can cost 1700-2000euros/months.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I have a great big furnished 3 bedroom very near the center of warsaw for 1400 dollars.....but i think it is the only place in the world were it doesnt make a difference.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-17-2015 08:34 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 05:41 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:49 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Yes that is why im considering Madrid. Though I still think you would bang imore in Paris. Even when I didnt have game at 19, I picked up an Austrian and a Danish girl on the street, in Paris. It has a certain magic and allure and speaking French is gold.
Western European capitals, though more expensive, might be better than eastern european ones now, especially if you are fluent in the local language. They have girls coming from all over the world.

Paris is golden for day game, many girls travel solo and are already half seduced by the beauty of the city. Meeting a charming man here is for them the cherry on the cake.
Having a nice apartment is indeed a huge plus which alone can brings you lot of pussy, but a furnished 50 m2 in a nice area in Paris can cost 1700-2000euros/months.

I think it is between New York and Paris, where it is best to have a nice pad. Arguments could be made for Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, or even Moscow but they dont touch those 2 cities

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-17-2015 10:05 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 08:34 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 05:41 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:49 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Yes that is why im considering Madrid. Though I still think you would bang imore in Paris. Even when I didnt have game at 19, I picked up an Austrian and a Danish girl on the street, in Paris. It has a certain magic and allure and speaking French is gold.
Western European capitals, though more expensive, might be better than eastern european ones now, especially if you are fluent in the local language. They have girls coming from all over the world.

Paris is golden for day game, many girls travel solo and are already half seduced by the beauty of the city. Meeting a charming man here is for them the cherry on the cake.
Having a nice apartment is indeed a huge plus which alone can brings you lot of pussy, but a furnished 50 m2 in a nice area in Paris can cost 1700-2000euros/months.

I think it is between New York and Paris, where it is best to have a nice pad. Arguments could be made for Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, or even Moscow but they dont touch those 2 cities

I'm in Rio currently and I have to say I considered the possibility of buying an apartment here. Even though the market is going down, prices are still extremely high, slightly lower than Paris but still high. It's proybably more interesting to buy a nice studio well located and rent it 8-9 months a year, it would cover all the yearly charges of the apartment and the extra money would allow to spend 2-3 months per year there, same goes for Paris.

To go back to the initial topic, I think a nice apartment in andalucia, located next to the beach can be a goldmine during summertime.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-16-2015 01:15 PM)zuma Wrote:  

I've been in Madrid for 5 days, it was a month ago, buiness trip. Didn't have much time to go to night clubs, but I went out to bars and restaurants.
Well, I only turn my head once during 5 days. Coming from Poland, it's a huge drop in terms of quality. Spanish girls dress better than polish ones, but in terms of global appearance, it's far from eastern europe countries girls.

I was on holidays in Spain when I was younger a couple of time, even during this moment I didn't find spanish girls that amazing. In terms of pussy paradise ... well, as said, they are quiet conservative and male/female ratio is pretty fair.
I'm sure you didnt go to the right places of Madrid..did you do day game?

Quote: (05-16-2015 04:25 PM)Lino Wrote:  

Ok here is my modest contribution.

I love Spain, I went there around 10 times, half these times it was Malaga but I also visited Barcelona which is an awesome city to visit but not for daygame (that was in 2008), Alicante, Madrid and Valencia.

The most beautiful women I saw were in Andalucia, gorgeous curvy brunette with long hair and dark eyes, the typical mediterranean beauty.

But that was far from being a pussy paradise, women are way too conservative and family oriented for that. You might be lucky with a tourist, including a spanish tourist as they have no problem with dating/fuking a stranger when they are far from home but good luck with the local girls, especially if your spanish is poor (mine was almost non existent [Image: smile.gif] ).

I think if you live there and speak the language it's a complete different story, spanish girls I know are super cool and easy going, they also have ONS but not with strangers.

Quote: (05-16-2015 08:52 PM)phoenix101 Wrote:  

Just not buying this thread. For me Spain is a pussydesert...yeah, you got Madrid (though I wasn't impressed at all), Barcelona, etc, but no need for me to ever return anytime soon.
where did you go and when? how many approaches did you do during day and night? how are your looks? After that you will get an image of what you did wrong..
Quote: (05-17-2015 11:05 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 10:05 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 08:34 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 05:41 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:49 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Yes that is why im considering Madrid. Though I still think you would bang imore in Paris. Even when I didnt have game at 19, I picked up an Austrian and a Danish girl on the street, in Paris. It has a certain magic and allure and speaking French is gold.
Western European capitals, though more expensive, might be better than eastern european ones now, especially if you are fluent in the local language. They have girls coming from all over the world.

Paris is golden for day game, many girls travel solo and are already half seduced by the beauty of the city. Meeting a charming man here is for them the cherry on the cake.
Having a nice apartment is indeed a huge plus which alone can brings you lot of pussy, but a furnished 50 m2 in a nice area in Paris can cost 1700-2000euros/months.

I think it is between New York and Paris, where it is best to have a nice pad. Arguments could be made for Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, or even Moscow but they dont touch those 2 cities

I'm in Rio currently and I have to say I considered the possibility of buying an apartment here. Even though the market is going down, prices are still extremely high, slightly lower than Paris but still high. It's proybably more interesting to buy a nice studio well located and rent it 8-9 months a year, it would cover all the yearly charges of the apartment and the extra money would allow to spend 2-3 months per year there, same goes for Paris.

To go back to the initial topic, I think a nice apartment in andalucia, located next to the beach can be a goldmine during summertime.

it woud be great,any city in the coast would be wonderful

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Picture taken yesterday in Plaza de España of Sevilla during the swear of allegiance to the Spanish flag. Can't help but feel patriotic all of a sudden [Image: banana.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg26378]   

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise


Now everyone wants that Spanish flag..

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Great thread. Here is my two cents on Spanish women:

I think Spanish girls are the easiest in terms of falling in love. Simple games like the cube always make them hook really hard as well. If you can put yourself out there they will reciprocate. Don't mistake this with being a feelings guy. They like men. As said before I think Spanish girls just want a connection and to feel like they are in love. I miss the passion compared to EE women.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I think a Spanish girl likes me at work. She doesn't feign the IOIs nor is she aloof like Englishwomen. Really easy to banter and chat with despite English not being her first language.

A few months ago, I kissed her on both cheeks when I left a work function. This seems to have done me no harm.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-19-2015 12:53 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

I think a Spanish girl likes me at work. She doesn't feign the IOIs nor is she aloof like Englishwomen. Really easy to banter and chat with despite English not being her first language.

A few months ago, I kissed her on both cheeks when I left a work function. This seems to have done me no harm.

Im starting to reevalue spanish women. They were always friendlier and more open than Argentinian ones. Though hard to prefer them over Colombian or even Mexican women.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Could someone make a comparison between Spanish and Italian girls ?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-19-2015 06:36 PM)KoreanDude Wrote:  

Could someone make a comparison between Spanish and Italian girls ?

I'm italian and have extensively lived (and womanized) in Spain, so I can answer your question. There's no competition: spanish girls beat italians on several fields.
Spanish are easier to approach, more prone to intoduce you in their social circle, more friendly and party-goer, flirtatious - and sluts. A spanish girl who sleeps moderately around doesn't get any real bad reputation. An italian girl who does it, unless is a super-alpha or a tv/movie star, will be doomed with social stigma.
Spanish girls are warmer, have wider and more inviting smiles and having a bitch-shield is not considered a good thing by her peers. Italian mentality is different. There's a lot of social-circle game, status-game. This is due to the social-economy nature of the country: Italy is the nation of privilege, and showing off is the national sport. People in Spain, instead, are more equal, open-minded and not so obsessed with money and status. I make you an example: in Spain if you don't have money and live literally in the street (though not like a bum but like a free-soul gipsy), and have personality and game, you can get laid regularly, even with girls 20 years younger than you (I have first hand-reports about this.) And this is because in Spain there are a lot of people (and girls) who have street and gipsy-culture. Basically, unlike Italy where the stigma can be strong, you are not emarginated if you don't have money.
So simpathy, charme, being easygoing and friendly, loving "la fiesta" are the most important requisite to have succes with girls in Spain. Many spanish guys don't have a grain of game though. They think that complimenting is the key (I saw SO MANY spanish guys being turned down because of that). In this instance, italian guys have more game (they tease and neg more). Also, the typical spanish sexy macho you see in movies, is rather a product of particular enviroments (suburbs, small villages, ecc.) so you, a foreigner, will rarely cross your path with a guy like that. (Too) many Spanish guys, nowadays, are male feminists or white-knights.
Spanish girls love passion and romantic adventures. ONS is their dream, as long as it happens according to her desires. Italians love status-status-status. Being courted for days or weeks. Their dream is you taking her on a yacht weekend. However, and exactly for this reason, italian girls are famous for being extremely slutty when they travel or live abroad; in this case the social pressure of getting a guy with status is no more existent, and they can relax and go chasing (and be ravaged by) the hot, the alpha, the exotic, ecc.
While a spanish girl is often repulsed by a beta who thinks he has to wine and dine her in order to get sex, for an italian this is the norm; they often go on a LTR with betas who behave exactly that way. You will ask: where are the alpha italian guys who fuck all the girls? They exist but rather get the best girl and go on a LTR. If they end up getting married, later on they'll likely start a valtzer of cheating. Nevertheless, in enviroments like southern Italy where people are unemployed and poor, girls can eagerly accept to be one of the chick in the rotation of an alpha (which in this case may mean the son of a rich business-man mafia-connected)

Ok, I think I gave you enough informations for now, lol.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-20-2015 10:15 AM)Garzero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2015 06:36 PM)KoreanDude Wrote:  

Could someone make a comparison between Spanish and Italian girls ?

I'm italian and have extensively lived (and womanized) in Spain, so I can answer your question. There's no competition: spanish girls beat italians on several fields.
Spanish are easier to approach, more prone to intoduce you in their social circle, more friendly and party-goer, flirtatious - and sluts. A spanish girl who sleeps moderately around doesn't get any real bad reputation. An italian girl who does it, unless is a super-alpha or a tv/movie star, will be doomed with social stigma.
Spanish girls are warmer, have wider and more inviting smiles and having a bitch-shield is not considered a good thing by her peers. Italian mentality is different. There's a lot of social-circle game, status-game. This is due to the social-economy nature of the country: Italy is the nation of privilege, and showing off is the national sport. People in Spain, instead, are more equal, open-minded and not so obsessed with money and status. I make you an example: in Spain if you don't have money and live literally in the street (though not like a bum but like a free-soul gipsy), and have personality and game, you can get laid regularly, even with girls 20 years younger than you (I have first hand-report about this.) And this is because in Spain there are a lot of people (and girls) who have street and gipsy-culture. Basically, unlike Italy where the stigma can be strong, you are not emarginated if you don't have money.
So simpathy, charme, being easygoing and friendly, loving "la fiesta" are the most important requisite to have succes with girls in Spain. Many spanish guys don't have a grain of game though. They think that complimenting is the key (I saw SO MANY spanish guys being turned down because of that). In this instance, italian guys have more game (they tease and neg more).
Spanish girls love passion and romantic adventures. ONS is their dream, as long as it happens according to her desires. Italians love status-status-status. Being courted for days or weeks. Their dream is you taking her on a yacht weekend. However, and exactly for this reason, italian girls are famous for being extremely slutty when they travel or live abroad; in this case the social pressure of getting a guy with status is no more existent, and they can relax and go chasing (and be ravaged by) the hot, the alpha, the exotic, ecc.
While a spanish girl is often repulsed by a beta who thinks he has to wine and dine her in order to get sex, for an italian this is the norm; they often go on a LTR with betas who behave exactly that way. You will ask: where are the alpha italian guys who fuck all the girls? They exist but rather get the best girl and go on a LTR. If they end up getting married, later on they'll likely start a valtzer of cheating. Nevertheless, in enviroments like southern Italy where people are unemployed and poor, girls can eagerly accept to be one of the chick in the rotation of an alpha (which in this case may mean the son of a rich business-man mafia-connected)

Ok, I think I gave you enough informations for now, lol.
Classic Garzero. Great analysis. I dont know italian girls well, but your take on spanish ones is spot on.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-20-2015 10:15 AM)Garzero Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2015 06:36 PM)KoreanDude Wrote:  

Could someone make a comparison between Spanish and Italian girls ?

I'm italian and have extensively lived (and womanized) in Spain, so I can answer your question. There's no competition: spanish girls beat italians on several fields.
Spanish are easier to approach, more prone to intoduce you in their social circle, more friendly and party-goer, flirtatious - and sluts. A spanish girl who sleeps moderately around doesn't get any real bad reputation. An italian girl who does it, unless is a super-alpha or a tv/movie star, will be doomed with social stigma.
Spanish girls are warmer, have wider and more inviting smiles and having a bitch-shield is not considered a good thing by her peers. Italian mentality is different. There's a lot of social-circle game, status-game. This is due to the social-economy nature of the country: Italy is the nation of privilege, and showing off is the national sport. People in Spain, instead, are more equal, open-minded and not so obsessed with money and status. I make you an example: in Spain if you don't have money and live literally in the street (though not like a bum but like a free-soul gipsy), and have personality and game, you can get laid regularly, even with girls 20 years younger than you (I have first hand-reports about this.) And this is because in Spain there are a lot of people (and girls) who have street and gipsy-culture. Basically, unlike Italy where the stigma can be strong, you are not emarginated if you don't have money.
So simpathy, charme, being easygoing and friendly, loving "la fiesta" are the most important requisite to have succes with girls in Spain. Many spanish guys don't have a grain of game though. They think that complimenting is the key (I saw SO MANY spanish guys being turned down because of that). In this instance, italian guys have more game (they tease and neg more). Also, the typical spanish sexy macho you see in movies, is rather a product of particular enviroments (suburbs, small villages, ecc.) so you, a foreigner, will rarely cross your path with a guy like that. (Too) many Spanish guys, nowadays, are male feminists or white-knights.
Spanish girls love passion and romantic adventures. ONS is their dream, as long as it happens according to her desires. Italians love status-status-status. Being courted for days or weeks. Their dream is you taking her on a yacht weekend. However, and exactly for this reason, italian girls are famous for being extremely slutty when they travel or live abroad; in this case the social pressure of getting a guy with status is no more existent, and they can relax and go chasing (and be ravaged by) the hot, the alpha, the exotic, ecc.
While a spanish girl is often repulsed by a beta who thinks he has to wine and dine her in order to get sex, for an italian this is the norm; they often go on a LTR with betas who behave exactly that way. You will ask: where are the alpha italian guys who fuck all the girls? They exist but rather get the best girl and go on a LTR. If they end up getting married, later on they'll likely start a valtzer of cheating. Nevertheless, in enviroments like southern Italy where people are unemployed and poor, girls can eagerly accept to be one of the chick in the rotation of an alpha (which in this case may mean the son of a rich business-man mafia-connected)

Ok, I think I gave you enough informations for now, lol.

Awesome and clever answer.
I think spanish girls are among the coolest in Europe, I would probably be living there if it wasn't that tricky to find a well paid job.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Splendid post, Garzero !!!

I haven't caught some details, first, you wrote "Being courted for days or weeks. Their dream is you taking her on a yacht weekend.", second "they often go on a LTR with betas who behave exactly that way" whom did you mean in the first and the second cases Spanish or Italian girls ?

In your opinion, Spanish or Italian girls are more close to Romanian girls in terms of mentality ?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

i love how most people are saying that Spanish girls are hard to bang just ask any Portuguese guy and he will tell you that they are super slutty, just go to any summer festival in Portugal like SUDOESTE and you will meet tons of Spanish chicks fucking random guys in tents every night, and don´t say that it happens because they are abroad and don´t know anyone and what not because they all go to those festivals with their group of friends therefore they all see each other fucking random dudes and it doesn't stop them but as someone here once posted here Portugal is like the champions league so every other country may seem easy for us.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-20-2015 10:25 PM)player king of lisbon city Wrote:  

i love how most people are saying that Spanish girls are hard to bang just ask any Portuguese guy and he will tell you that they are super slutty, just go to any summer festival in Portugal like SUDOESTE and you will meet tons of Spanish chicks fucking random guys in tents every night, and don´t say that it happens because they are abroad and don´t know anyone and what not because they all go to those festivals with their group of friends therefore they all see each other fucking random dudes and it doesn't stop them but as someone here once posted here Portugal is like the champions league so every other country may seem easy for us.

If nothing else, I think this guy just posted the longest single sentence in RVF history. Beyond that, I'm at a loss.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Anyone here have experience with both Spain and Portugal? I'm planning on going to Portugal one of these days and hope I can get some mileage out of my Brazilian accent in Portuguese.
If you had to choose one of the two countries, which one would you recommend?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Great analysis, Garzero!

I would say the same thing about Spanish vs. Italian girls. Italian are more conservative and not as good looking, as what I have learned from living in Spain and traveling through Italy. But I do remember seeing some stunners in Italy. In fact, the hottest girl in our Erasmus group was from Italy.

One thing I don't understand is the hate on Spanish girls. For one, I have had one night stands with Spanish girls from the Spanish beaches, to my small flat in Spain. They do have ONS's and are not as tough as they are thought to be. Which comes to another point: there are complaints that Spanish women are difficult/more traditional, although many complain of the promiscuity of American women. What do you want? Traditional women, or sluts? You can have one or the other, but not both.

How I see it, Spain is the California of Europe. It's got great weather, geographic diversity, people from all over Europe and all over the world. Many people want to live there due to the great weather. If you don't score with the locals, look around. You've got Latinas, Scandinavian girls, Italians, chicks from EE, etc. You can do a lot worse...

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Most difficult nationalities for me:
1. Spain
2. Argentina
3. Mexico (I fully anticipate a "Mexico is the easiest place in the world" type response. Have at it).
There is no number 4 for me. This includes Italy, Black Americans, White Americans, Puerto Ricans, everybody. I rarely get any attitude or negatively at all from girls who aren't of one of the three nationalities I listed.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-21-2015 01:55 AM)AldoKelevra Wrote:  

What do you want? Traditional women, or sluts? You can have one or the other, but not both.

The central contradiction of RVF. But it's easy to comprehend really. Guys want girls to be easy to get for them and hard to get for everyone else. That's how the male mind works.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-21-2015 01:55 AM)AldoKelevra Wrote:  

Great analysis, Garzero!

I would say the same thing about Spanish vs. Italian girls. Italian are more conservative and not as good looking, as what I have learned from living in Spain and traveling through Italy. But I do remember seeing some stunners in Italy. In fact, the hottest girl in our Erasmus group was from Italy.

One thing I don't understand is the hate on Spanish girls. For one, I have had one night stands with Spanish girls from the Spanish beaches, to my small flat in Spain. They do have ONS's and are not as tough as they are thought to be. Which comes to another point: there are complaints that Spanish women are difficult/more traditional, although many complain of the promiscuity of American women. What do you want? Traditional women, or sluts? You can have one or the other, but not both.

How I see it, Spain is the California of Europe. It's got great weather, geographic diversity, people from all over Europe and all over the world. Many people want to live there due to the great weather. If you don't score with the locals, look around. You've got Latinas, Scandinavian girls, Italians, chicks from EE, etc. You can do a lot worse...

[Image: smile.gif], I don't think people here are saying that Spain is a fortress and that you achieved something great if you managed to get laid.

I had lays in Spain but in Malaga, having a ONS with a local chick if you are on vacation and don't speak spanish isn't the easiest thing.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-21-2015 02:07 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Most difficult nationalities for me:
1. Spain
2. Argentina
3. Mexico (I fully anticipate a "Mexico is the easiest place in the world" type response. Have at it).
There is no number 4 for me. This includes Italy, Black Americans, White Americans, Puerto Ricans, everybody. I rarely get any attitude or negatively at all from girls who aren't of one of the three nationalities I listed.

I think as a Latino, I dont get good reactions from most Spanish or Argentinian women. But it is definitely worse with Argentinian ones and in a metropolis like Madrid, women are more open minded and can be gamed in spanish, so I am sure I could do ok. Plus there are tons of European and Latinas, lurking around and it is cheaper than Paris. So Madrid might just be the place after Kiev, though I am not sure how it is in July.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-21-2015 03:03 AM)Lino Wrote:  

Quote: (05-21-2015 01:55 AM)AldoKelevra Wrote:  

Great analysis, Garzero!

I would say the same thing about Spanish vs. Italian girls. Italian are more conservative and not as good looking, as what I have learned from living in Spain and traveling through Italy. But I do remember seeing some stunners in Italy. In fact, the hottest girl in our Erasmus group was from Italy.

One thing I don't understand is the hate on Spanish girls. For one, I have had one night stands with Spanish girls from the Spanish beaches, to my small flat in Spain. They do have ONS's and are not as tough as they are thought to be. Which comes to another point: there are complaints that Spanish women are difficult/more traditional, although many complain of the promiscuity of American women. What do you want? Traditional women, or sluts? You can have one or the other, but not both.

How I see it, Spain is the California of Europe. It's got great weather, geographic diversity, people from all over Europe and all over the world. Many people want to live there due to the great weather. If you don't score with the locals, look around. You've got Latinas, Scandinavian girls, Italians, chicks from EE, etc. You can do a lot worse...

[Image: smile.gif], I don't think people here are saying that Spain is a fortress and that you achieved something great if you managed to get laid.

I had lays in Spain but in Malaga, having a ONS with a local chick if you are on vacation and don't speak spanish isn't the easiest thing.

Yes, I agree with you. In which case, you turn to the next girl that's there. Assuming you're in a Spanish city on the coast in summer, there will be tons of tourist and girls from all over Europe. If one doesn't make it with the locals through lack of Spanish/etc., there will be other girls to be had. And since they are not Spanish and on vacation, and on the Spanish coast partying, their morals will be much looser to say the least.

If not this, at least you have topless beaches [Image: icon_razz.gif]

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

that's what the average-normal girl looks like:

[Image: 4kz0hh.jpg]

[Image: 9h44fm.jpg]

[Image: 1564vbn.jpg]

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