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Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I studied in Spain for a semester, so hopefully I can add something.

Spanish girls care huge about their friends and their friends' opinion of them. This being said, you better make sure her friends like you for you to get with their friend.

Social circles are very strong here and hard to crack and get into as an outsider, but generally they are friendly and like meeting foreigners.

The English is pretty consistently terrible throughout the country, although the English is improving in the younger generations. Spanish is pretty much a must for higher quality.

Barcelona and Madrid offer a lot in terms of game and lifestyle. The beautiful local girls, ERASMUS, Latinas visiting and/or studying in Spain, great nightlife, food, social life. Opportunity to travel very cheaply throughout Spain and Europe through hub airports.

The Spanish way of life is a good one, I believe. Eating, drinking, and partying seems to be the way of life there. So many national holidays and parties where the locals and foreigners alike party harder than anywhere else I have seen before.

If one establishes a good social circle in Barcelona or Madrid, learns Spanish, and learns the ins and outs of said city, Spain can be great. Options from girls all over the world, good culture, great nightlife, good weather, good food, and a very safe country minus petty pickpockets.

One can certainly have worse options.

I had an incredible time there and I would return at the drop of a hat if the opportunity would arise.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Anyone had any success in getting English teaching jobs in Spain, particularly Barcelona? Seems like a decent place to set up for a while, rather than holiday, if you can generate some income.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

To me, Spanish women are some of the best in the world. They are hot, put themselves together well, are feminine and generally easy going. Yet at the same time, they are modern and often very sophisticated. My Spanish women is a middle manager at a mid sized company, but when she's with me, she 100% takes care of her man. Because I live in the USA I really appreciate that she actually acts like a woman 100% of the time.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I am probably the man with most Spanish notches on this forum (you can challenge me to that of course) and that came after living for 7 years there (5 in Madrid, 2 in Barcelona) and putting lots of work on it. So obviously this thread got my attention, with its click-baitish title lol...Is Spain the poosy paradise of Western Europe? yes and no. For me it personally was, but that's only because I don't do well with anglo-saxon girls and, to my disappointment, French girls (i spent 3 months in France and only banged one French girl, I find them cold, boring, strange and mega unfriendly). For me though that's a fair trade off because to begin with I find Spanish girls to be one of the most atractive in the world and definitelly the best looking in Western Europe, I've always had asoft spot for their look. I guess I have specialised in Spanish girls and generally mediterranean ones so over 7 years I managed to collect quite a decent amount of notches but that didn't come easy...and that's why Spain isn't a poosy paradise at all. Spain isn't Latin America at all, it's Western Europe after all- high unemployment or not it's still one of the countries with highest standard of living in the world, and it's the most touristic country in the world, in other words you are not that special...yet if you persistent, live and work there for some time, and most importantly speak good Spanish (which I do) then you can find your niche and get lucky.
I think VolandoVengoVolandoVoy (though becuase of his pic I just wanna call him Manu Chao) is the other expert on Spain here because from his post I gather has also spent some years living and working there and speaks fluent Spanish so I agree with his posts.
So what helped me was: living in the 2 largest cities, the smaller the cities more conservative the girls will be (though generally Spanish girls are conservative), speaking fluent Spanish, not bothering with night clubs, I actually hit the Internet hard, and used some websites which were a gem back in the day but don't really exist anymore (I miss you tuenti, the defunct spanish facebook, and it wasn't a dating site)...That said, the only longer relationship I had (the one that I should have married I guess, but I was younger and I still wanted to enjoy life, but was definitely the best girl) I met her in a rock club, an Andalucian girl from Cordoba. 95% of the girls though were just short flings or ONS (and yes those do exist in Spain, as a matter of fact the times when they happened it was always initiated by the girls, you may find it blasphemic but I actually don't really like sex on first date or ONS that much, if a girl is cute I do wanna see her more times, however in general if they banged on first night then more often than not I ended up not seeing them again)...Spanish girls (like all girls) at the end of the day are looking for a relationship, the trick, however, is that they prefer to find boyfriends/husbands thru social circle and beta game..That's where Spanish guys get to shine and win because they are used to this long term low level playing-the-amigo-in-a-group-of-amigos-first plus they do have the cultural background, social circles, the pedigree (important for posh girls), the street slang and Spanish humor (sometimes very funny, sometimes not) that Spanish girls feel comfortable with.
Madrid is better than Barcelona. I get weird looks everywhere I go with this statement of mine, Barcelona for me is an overrated city. Catalan girls are a lot more like French, and therefore I enjoyed them less than the other Spanish girls, that said for year and a half I still managed to get a number of Catalan notches and even dated one for 3 months (though she was half Andalucian, maybe that helped lol), however in general Catalan people are closed and not very accepting of foreigners...Basques are even worse, I finally managed to get my Basque flag virtually in my last month in Spain (I had given up on the idea previously) and then funny enough I watched that 7 apellidos vascos movie with her haha (those who have lived in Spain in 2014 know what i'm talking about)..

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 03:35 PM)Giorgioo Wrote:  

They say that is super easy to socialize with them,you just need to say "hola que tal" to start a conversation with them and start flowing without any social awkwardness.

That's exactly what I've found with a Spanish 7 at work. I don't really know her but we always exchange greetings and we sometimes have banter conversations at the coffee machine.

With English women at work, they wouldn't even return a polite greeting as you walked by each other and their mouths seem permanently in the sour expression position.

With the Spanish woman, after meeting her at a work function and before I left it early, despite her being surrounded by orbiters, I said good bye with a bisou on both cheeks. That probably helped.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I'm just getting around listening to this now, but TropicalMBA's podcasts never disappoint.

Why Entrepreneurs are Flocking to Spain this Summer

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise


Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-23-2015 12:34 AM)swadeshi Wrote:  

I am probably the man with most Spanish notches on this forum (you can challenge me to that of course) and that came after living for 7 years there (5 in Madrid, 2 in Barcelona) and putting lots of work on it. So obviously this thread got my attention, with its click-baitish title lol...Is Spain the poosy paradise of Western Europe? yes and no. For me it personally was, but that's only because I don't do well with anglo-saxon girls and, to my disappointment, French girls (i spent 3 months in France and only banged one French girl, I find them cold, boring, strange and mega unfriendly). For me though that's a fair trade off because to begin with I find Spanish girls to be one of the most atractive in the world and definitelly the best looking in Western Europe, I've always had asoft spot for their look. I guess I have specialised in Spanish girls and generally mediterranean ones so over 7 years I managed to collect quite a decent amount of notches but that didn't come easy...and that's why Spain isn't a poosy paradise at all. Spain isn't Latin America at all, it's Western Europe after all- high unemployment or not it's still one of the countries with highest standard of living in the world, and it's the most touristic country in the world, in other words you are not that special...yet if you persistent, live and work there for some time, and most importantly speak good Spanish (which I do) then you can find your niche and get lucky.
I think VolandoVengoVolandoVoy (though becuase of his pic I just wanna call him Manu Chao) is the other expert on Spain here because from his post I gather has also spent some years living and working there and speaks fluent Spanish so I agree with his posts.
So what helped me was: living in the 2 largest cities, the smaller the cities more conservative the girls will be (though generally Spanish girls are conservative), speaking fluent Spanish, not bothering with night clubs, I actually hit the Internet hard, and used some websites which were a gem back in the day but don't really exist anymore (I miss you tuenti, the defunct spanish facebook, and it wasn't a dating site)...That said, the only longer relationship I had (the one that I should have married I guess, but I was younger and I still wanted to enjoy life, but was definitely the best girl) I met her in a rock club, an Andalucian girl from Cordoba. 95% of the girls though were just short flings or ONS (and yes those do exist in Spain, as a matter of fact the times when they happened it was always initiated by the girls, you may find it blasphemic but I actually don't really like sex on first date or ONS that much, if a girl is cute I do wanna see her more times, however in general if they banged on first night then more often than not I ended up not seeing them again)...Spanish girls (like all girls) at the end of the day are looking for a relationship, the trick, however, is that they prefer to find boyfriends/husbands thru social circle and beta game..That's where Spanish guys get to shine and win because they are used to this long term low level playing-the-amigo-in-a-group-of-amigos-first plus they do have the cultural background, social circles, the pedigree (important for posh girls), the street slang and Spanish humor (sometimes very funny, sometimes not) that Spanish girls feel comfortable with.
Madrid is better than Barcelona. I get weird looks everywhere I go with this statement of mine, Barcelona for me is an overrated city. Catalan girls are a lot more like French, and therefore I enjoyed them less than the other Spanish girls, that said for year and a half I still managed to get a number of Catalan notches and even dated one for 3 months (though she was half Andalucian, maybe that helped lol), however in general Catalan people are closed and not very accepting of foreigners...Basques are even worse, I finally managed to get my Basque flag virtually in my last month in Spain (I had given up on the idea previously) and then funny enough I watched that 7 apellidos vascos movie with her haha (those who have lived in Spain in 2014 know what i'm talking about)..

I see I wasnt the only one who fell hard for the charms of a Cordobesa. I did 4 years ago who I met when I was in high school. When I think of her, I always smile. I suppose it's the same with you no?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-23-2015 12:34 AM)swadeshi Wrote:  

I am probably the man with most Spanish notches on this forum (you can challenge me to that of course) and that came after living for 7 years there (5 in Madrid, 2 in Barcelona) and putting lots of work on it. So obviously this thread got my attention, with its click-baitish title lol...Is Spain the poosy paradise of Western Europe? yes and no. For me it personally was, but that's only because I don't do well with anglo-saxon girls and, to my disappointment, French girls (i spent 3 months in France and only banged one French girl, I find them cold, boring, strange and mega unfriendly). For me though that's a fair trade off because to begin with I find Spanish girls to be one of the most atractive in the world and definitelly the best looking in Western Europe, I've always had asoft spot for their look. I guess I have specialised in Spanish girls and generally mediterranean ones so over 7 years I managed to collect quite a decent amount of notches but that didn't come easy...and that's why Spain isn't a poosy paradise at all. Spain isn't Latin America at all, it's Western Europe after all- high unemployment or not it's still one of the countries with highest standard of living in the world, and it's the most touristic country in the world, in other words you are not that special...yet if you persistent, live and work there for some time, and most importantly speak good Spanish (which I do) then you can find your niche and get lucky.
I think VolandoVengoVolandoVoy (though becuase of his pic I just wanna call him Manu Chao) is the other expert on Spain here because from his post I gather has also spent some years living and working there and speaks fluent Spanish so I agree with his posts.
So what helped me was: living in the 2 largest cities, the smaller the cities more conservative the girls will be (though generally Spanish girls are conservative), speaking fluent Spanish, not bothering with night clubs, I actually hit the Internet hard, and used some websites which were a gem back in the day but don't really exist anymore (I miss you tuenti, the defunct spanish facebook, and it wasn't a dating site)...That said, the only longer relationship I had (the one that I should have married I guess, but I was younger and I still wanted to enjoy life, but was definitely the best girl) I met her in a rock club, an Andalucian girl from Cordoba. 95% of the girls though were just short flings or ONS (and yes those do exist in Spain, as a matter of fact the times when they happened it was always initiated by the girls, you may find it blasphemic but I actually don't really like sex on first date or ONS that much, if a girl is cute I do wanna see her more times, however in general if they banged on first night then more often than not I ended up not seeing them again)...Spanish girls (like all girls) at the end of the day are looking for a relationship, the trick, however, is that they prefer to find boyfriends/husbands thru social circle and beta game..That's where Spanish guys get to shine and win because they are used to this long term low level playing-the-amigo-in-a-group-of-amigos-first plus they do have the cultural background, social circles, the pedigree (important for posh girls), the street slang and Spanish humor (sometimes very funny, sometimes not) that Spanish girls feel comfortable with.
Madrid is better than Barcelona. I get weird looks everywhere I go with this statement of mine, Barcelona for me is an overrated city. Catalan girls are a lot more like French, and therefore I enjoyed them less than the other Spanish girls, that said for year and a half I still managed to get a number of Catalan notches and even dated one for 3 months (though she was half Andalucian, maybe that helped lol), however in general Catalan people are closed and not very accepting of foreigners...Basques are even worse, I finally managed to get my Basque flag virtually in my last month in Spain (I had given up on the idea previously) and then funny enough I watched that 7 apellidos vascos movie with her haha (those who have lived in Spain in 2014 know what i'm talking about)..

the question is..which country,nowadays in Europe can be considered a pushy paradise..and why?

If you read the book of Roosh about possy will realise that at the end the only thing that matters is that you go to a country with low overweight rate at young female population.

I've been living one year in Lithuania(what I thought it was a pushy paradise),to realise at the end that the only thing that matters is that you go to a country where there're not imbalances such as high overweight rates and so on.

You can see the example of Roosh v in Iasi..what it was supposedly to be a pushy paradise,at the end it was as hard as any other country.

I can take the example of hot lithuanian/russian girl versus hot spanish the end the result was the same

I will reply guys to the messages [Image: smile.gif]

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 03:46 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

FYI, don't visit Seville or Granada especially, and in general any interior Spanish city in July and August. The heat is miserable and half the population is gone.
I lived in Spain for over 5 years.
I like the women a lot, but I wouldn't call it a pussy paradise.
I think Spanish is very important - the Spaniards have some of the worst English skills out of all Europeans.
Even in Madrid or Barcelona, few who are not using English as an essential part of their job will speak English at any sort of decent level.
In Seville, where I spent the majority of my time, you will miss out on most things if your Spanish is not advanced. Really, unless your Spanish is at an advanced level, you won't really understand a damn thing, as they speak fast, cut off the endings of words, and use a lot of slang. English is not at all common there outside a small number of people involved in the tourism industry.
Sure, some people live in Seville with poor Spanish skills, but they pretty much only go out to the foreigner places on Calle Betis and the Irish pub.
what can be considered nowadays in Europa a pushy paradise? I think those countries with low overweight rate within young female population can be considered pushy paradise

Quote: (04-20-2015 03:59 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 10:15 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Giorgio, I am sure that in Madrid, a northern european looking dude, or a suave sophisticated mediterranean type like yourself , could do well. For the rest of us, I would go to Paris or New York, instead.
Have you ever thought if you're just making excuses?I see guys from all nationalities doing well here

I think the issue in Madrid is not so much race, but more about

1) Spanish Ability
2) Cold Weather Fashion Sense
3) How Much Time One is Spending in The City

All three are very co-dependent on one another.

The one thing I've never had however was #3 despite a hookup but with no actual lay.

The demographics there consist of:
A) many friendly female locals
B) Spanish women from other cities moving there for work/school
C) Same as B except from Latin America (Inclusive of Brazil)
D) Tourist gals
E) Erasmus chicks

Lot of options to choose from. Heck I'm an East Asian who's supposedly the worst type of guy to be in Spain, but got plenty of IOI & great convos in during my very limited stays in Madrid.
what do you mean with cold weather fashion sense?

Quote: (04-20-2015 04:13 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Nice report OP, can you guys comment on your monthly costs in Madrid or other second tier cities such as Valencia? I've been to Spain a couple of times but only briefly and I really like the country, I'm thinking of going back for a longer visit but am wondering what the costs of a studio apartment, meals, transport, etc will be, thanks.
the cost of a single room in the center must cost around 350-400. transport,70 euros metro/bus/cercanias monthly...and food,it depends on the person,in my case I eat a lot haha so its around 300 euros

For nightlife,one entrance to Kapital cost 17 euros with two drinks included

wathever you need to know let me know [Image: wink.gif]

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I will be answering more now that I have time [Image: smile.gif]

Quote: (04-20-2015 09:24 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 04:13 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Nice report OP, can you guys comment on your monthly costs in Madrid or other second tier cities such as Valencia? I've been to Spain a couple of times but only briefly and I really like the country, I'm thinking of going back for a longer visit but am wondering what the costs of a studio apartment, meals, transport, etc will be, thanks.

I lived in Spain for a while two years ago as an expat. To be brief, I loved the city. It is very vibrant, very international, weather is great, food is cheap, every day is a day to go out, people sitting outside all the time having a drink or some tapas.

Costwise: a decent room in a shared apartment: 400$, a solo apartment more like 500-600$ for cheaper options. Meals and drinks... cheap, dont worry about it. Transport, the metro is excellent and not to expensive compared to London, Paris, etc.

Womenwise, yes many good looking women, but also pretty strong competition. At that time I still didnt speak Spanish so not sure how it influenced my game, but the big international crowd and the endless parties make it a cool game city. I must say though that almost all success I had there ended up being with non-spanish girls and if it were spanish girls they were from outside of Madrid. Madrid and northern Spanish girls are not at all easy. Many of them have a princess complex, guys there are also very weak, all 'nice guys'.

If I ever get a good job offer there, Ill accept it for sure.
which is your field? now its kinda easy to get a job

Quote: (04-21-2015 03:23 AM)Aaron- Wrote:  

Poor economy.

Quote: (04-21-2015 05:11 AM)dreambig Wrote:  

Quote: (04-20-2015 09:42 PM)civpro Wrote:  

I don't understand, if Spain is a poosy paradise then why do young Spanish guys seem to be trying so hard to flee it?

This. Spanish guys must rank among the thirstiest worldwide. They are also terrible cockblockers. Why are they so keen to go abroad if they live in PP?

Quote: (04-21-2015 07:42 AM)viajero Wrote:  

Spanish eoconomy is taking off
Quote: (04-20-2015 05:33 AM)Giorgioo Wrote:  

If you come to Madrid,best day game spots:

-Parque del Retiro.

-Puerta del Sol





-New Garamond


If you have any questions about Madrid,just write them on the post

Can you break down night game a little more if you get a chance? What kind of spots are these? How do you compare night game in Madrid to Barcelona? Better/worse, harder/easier?

I think both day and night game are good either in Madrid or Barcelona.

Well,you can have more chances with day game in barcelona because there are lot of tourists over there.

the places I mentioned are the best and biggest clubs in Madrid, you can play the numbers game perfectly

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I recommend you to visit Spain in two events:

-San Fermines

In july,event full of tourists from all over the world and all around Spain, lot of pushy "I wanna have fun tonight".

-Feria de Málaga:

From 14-22 th of august:

I'll update more info.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

What?!? Pussy Paradise?? I don't agree lol. I went to Valencia last Februari, I have to say that the Spanish women are sexy as hell.

If you are an ass lover, then Spain is the place to be. But there is a downside as I have noticed. A lot of people in Valencia don't speak English. I went to do daygame everyday and I met like 3-4 English speaking people every 3 days -_-, and my Spanish wasn't so fluent at that time. In my opinion, Spain is only a good country for Picking up girls (local girls) if you know how to speak Spanish.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Has anyone any data about the Canary Islands - Tenerife and Le Gomera to be precise?

I am thinking about sailing there for a week which means I'd be looking for something to do during my second week?

How long does it take to acquire basic Spanish?

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-14-2015 11:11 PM)N°6 Wrote:  

Has anyone any data about the Canary Islands - Tenerife and Le Gomera to be precise?

I am thinking about sailing there for a week which means I'd be looking for something to do during my second week?

How long does it take to acquire basic Spanish?

It's hard to say, depends on how much you study, what languages you already speak, what you consider basic Spanish. I'd say a few weeks to be comfortable with really basic stuff and a few months to have decent, basic conversations.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I've been in Madrid for 5 days, it was a month ago, buiness trip. Didn't have much time to go to night clubs, but I went out to bars and restaurants.
Well, I only turn my head once during 5 days. Coming from Poland, it's a huge drop in terms of quality. Spanish girls dress better than polish ones, but in terms of global appearance, it's far from eastern europe countries girls.

I was on holidays in Spain when I was younger a couple of time, even during this moment I didn't find spanish girls that amazing. In terms of pussy paradise ... well, as said, they are quiet conservative and male/female ratio is pretty fair.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Ok here is my modest contribution.

I love Spain, I went there around 10 times, half these times it was Malaga but I also visited Barcelona which is an awesome city to visit but not for daygame (that was in 2008), Alicante, Madrid and Valencia.

The most beautiful women I saw were in Andalucia, gorgeous curvy brunette with long hair and dark eyes, the typical mediterranean beauty.

But that was far from being a pussy paradise, women are way too conservative and family oriented for that. You might be lucky with a tourist, including a spanish tourist as they have no problem with dating/fuking a stranger when they are far from home but good luck with the local girls, especially if your spanish is poor (mine was almost non existent [Image: smile.gif] ).

I think if you live there and speak the language it's a complete different story, spanish girls I know are super cool and easy going, they also have ONS but not with strangers.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Just not buying this thread. For me Spain is a pussydesert...yeah, you got Madrid (though I wasn't impressed at all), Barcelona, etc, but no need for me to ever return anytime soon.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I was in Madrid for 2 days amd online I did see alot of interest from young latin american imigrant girls. Maybe they are bored with Spanish guys and prefer a Latin or even American guy. Could be a niche pussy paradise.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I never considered spain because it's so typical to visit there, (and colombia is closer), but I might do well there.

I'm half irish, half spanish. My grandparents never taught my mom spanish and she is pretty light skinned, and my spanish is obviously not a native accent, but I definitely can be construed as a spanish looking person. I wonder if that would buy me more leeway with local girls, despite my shit spanish accent, maybe they would assume I wasn't a sex tourist at first impression.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:49 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Yes that is why im considering Madrid. Though I still think you would bang imore in Paris. Even when I didnt have game at 19, I picked up an Austrian and a Danish girl on the street, in Paris. It has a certain magic and allure and speaking French is gold.
Western European capitals, though more expensive, might be better than eastern european ones now, especially if you are fluent in the local language. They have girls coming from all over the world.

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-17-2015 05:41 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:49 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Yes that is why im considering Madrid. Though I still think you would bang imore in Paris. Even when I didnt have game at 19, I picked up an Austrian and a Danish girl on the street, in Paris. It has a certain magic and allure and speaking French is gold.
Western European capitals, though more expensive, might be better than eastern european ones now, especially if you are fluent in the local language. They have girls coming from all over the world.

Been thinking a lot about this and I think it might be true in some ways from what I'm reading and experiencing. I still think Ukraine and Russia are better (probably Serbia too) but lot to be said for places like Madrid, Barcelona and Paris in the Summer (over Prague, Warsaw, Riga, etc.) when all those tourists and foreign girls are there. IMO London is just to damn expensive vis-a-vis most other places to make it all that great on a cost basis.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Spain,definitely, the Western Pussy Paradise

Quote: (05-17-2015 06:06 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 05:41 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:49 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2015 04:22 AM)chochemonger1 Wrote:  

I wonder how much cheaper a well located apartment is in Madrid compared to Paris. I have a feeling, having a nice centrally located pad in either of those 2 citiies would be great for pulling.

Madrid is way cheaper than Paris, that's for sure. And having a central pad in those places is definitely golden, but you might as well be the bourgeoisie. A nice 20 square meter studio in central Paris easily go up to 1k euro/month.

Yes that is why im considering Madrid. Though I still think you would bang imore in Paris. Even when I didnt have game at 19, I picked up an Austrian and a Danish girl on the street, in Paris. It has a certain magic and allure and speaking French is gold.
Western European capitals, though more expensive, might be better than eastern european ones now, especially if you are fluent in the local language. They have girls coming from all over the world.

Been thinking a lot about this and I think it might be true in some ways from what I'm reading and experiencing. I still think Ukraine and Russia are better (probably Serbia too) but lot to be said for places like Madrid, Barcelona and Paris in the Summer (over Prague, Warsaw, Riga, etc.) when all those tourists and foreign girls are there. IMO London is just to damn expensive vis-a-vis most other places to make it all that great on a cost basis.
Yes, Akula we have to make a cost benefit analysis. Like Roosh talked about NewYork. For men over 35, I think Western European capitals is where it is at now in Europe. Probably the easiest way to get my japanese or from anywhere flag is to set myself up in Paris or Madrid, with a great pad. Brazilian or Latin girls on vacation is also a great benefit anywhere.

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